Plague Dog [Bleach SI/AU]

"Oh you better have the best reason for waking me up Old Man Genocide,"
Gasorin being sassy with Yama was a treat. Hopefully he can mend bridges with Sosuke. That or the family shows why Gasorin doesn't like em.

Loved the Espadas. Charlotte was a cinnamon roll, and Findor with his ACME like Cue Cards was a riot. Hope to see more of the guys.

Also greatly enjoyed the repercussions of Gasorin's KFC Campaign. The stories about him must be legendary. At this point, since the Secret Police is now the not so secret police, kinda hope that both him and Kyoraku have secret societies dedicated on learning how to score. That are also in an eternal war of popularity.

Now, to hope that Gasorin doesn't end up as Well Done Gasorin on Old Man Genocide Sword Spit. The World can't survive the revival of the Kitchen God/Rotisserie King.

Awesome chapter! Can't wait for the next!
Gasorin Journal #15 New
Gasorin Journal #15


Translated from braille.


I think I'm starting to get on in years, I keep getting sharp pains in my feet like I stepped on something then a tingling sensation in my foot. Worst part is that normal kaido doesn't work on the injury -- I have to use Lake Division kaido to remove the damaged reishi.

Then twenty minutes later, I'll get another jab. Ugh.

Hopefully it's not something like prions, a misfolded protein somewhere causing consistent issues. I'll see about paying Lake Division a visit, get them to see it happen in real time.

I've spent the vast majority of my life with voices in my head, giving me advice or just pointing out things I'm missing. It's like having a stream chat in my brain. And now I'm on my own.

I'm second-guessing myself all the time, my confidence needs to be rebuilt. That's going to be annoying.

Reigais aren't difficult to make, but they're resource intensive. As in with my diminished reiryoku I can make one, count 'em, one reigai before I'm tapped. How do I know this?

I made one this evening. And holy shit I'm tired. There are three bedrooms in my house, I have the reigai resting in 'my' bed, and I'm going to sleep on a futon in the tatami room. My back isn't going to like me, but I'll get the sleep I need.

The upstairs bedrooms are currently occupied by my porcentajes. They don't bunk according to the group, oddly. Choe and Nirgge are in separate rooms because the other guys find them comfortable to sleep on in limited space. Nirgge is preferred for the guys who like softness, such as Charlotte and Abirama. The others prefer Choe, for his firm sleeping quality.

The lucky person to come back is Chiyo. I used Wind Division soul-speaking to host a rock-paper-scissors tournament between all the soul candies, and she won. Right now she's resting, adjusting to her new body, and putting her gikongan in a place where it will dissolve into the reigai over the next seventy-five years.

Ran'Tao has a book about injecting mod-souls into reigai or gigai, apparently she published it after the crisis with the Quncies started to cool down from her and Hikifune's efforts.

Ow! Foot thing happened again.

I'm doing all this to distract me from the Sosuke problem. I can't just forgive my sisters, or the rest of the family. Ma and Pa were basically the only people on my side, and had to be strong-armed into ignoring my existence. But my sisters?

I'd thought we had a good relationship. But they went with grandma's decision so quickly -- not even a reprimand needed like what Pa had to have.

Maybe they learned regret when they encountered Sosuke and realized I wasn't going to stop living for them. Maybe they were legitimately good aunts to Sosuke, and helped him out when he came here.

If they offer an apology, I'll accept it. But they have to offer it.

...No, I'm being proud. I'm putting my need to be right over what's good for Sosuke and the kids. But if I just blindly forgive them, what precedent am I setting for my cousins, nieces, and nephews? What kind of example am I setting for my son, and my grandchildren?

That being exiled from the family, being told 'my way or the die way' are acceptable?

This is their plan. They got their claws in Sosuke specifically so I would have to forgive them without them admitting fault. I know it.

...But Sosuke is too smart for that, he knows people and their motivations. He helped people leave Hell!

I'm thinking myself to death. I'm exhausted, I have a long day of recovering my reiryoku and helping Chiyo tomorrow, and I'm not getting anything productive done. Sleep time.
