Plague Dog [Bleach SI/AU]

Oh my god. Gasorin could use the memories of memes to turn Komamura into a JoJo. His bankai is already just a really large Stand.
You, and your ideas, are exactly the sort of reason Thunder Division does not share their awesome techniques. You are a danger to society.

How skilled is Gasorin at that spirit ribbon ability or recognizing spiritual pressures apart well enough to determine who they belong to? Because the ability to know whether or not your boss or family is heading towards you? Seems helpful.
You, and your ideas, are exactly the sort of reason Thunder Division does not share their awesome techniques. You are a danger to society.

How skilled is Gasorin at that spirit ribbon ability or recognizing spiritual pressures apart well enough to determine who they belong to? Because the ability to know whether or not your boss or family is heading towards you? Seems helpful.
Reiraku, the spirit ribbon ability he's pretty good at -- just not at doing so fast. Minato was way better at sensing reiatsu, and she's been giving him tips. So if they use reiatsu to close the gap quickly, he can perceive them faster than if they walk like normal people.
Chapter 6
Chapter Six: Overreach


Ryuu Inaba

Central Forty-Six liked to portray itself as above corruption. They isolated themselves from the world, and thus its influence. But Ryuu knew better. They were forty wise men and six judges – all from the Seireitei. They were old-money thinkers. And he just had to play it like he agreed with their old-money thoughts, and he could pull them around by their noses.

He couldn't be too obvious about it – he had to be subtle. So, on the day Gasorin escaped the executioner's block, Ryuu opted to testify to Central Forty-Six about why their case was canceled.

And he told them the truth. That the fox had been offered a position affiliated with the Kuchiki family specifically to escape their justice, because there was nothing they could do to the Kuchikis. Or to any nobles.

What cemented the eventual feedback loop was a comment he'd made to end his testimony with.

"I suppose they consider your authority to stop at the first districts of Rukongai."

Then, he just had to sit back and wait.

Every day, Ginrei Kuchiki was summoned to Central Forty-Six to demand their bruised egos be assuaged – by letting them have their blood. Every day, Ginrei Kuchiki denied them full stop, end of discussion.

Central Forty-Six would get angrier, and angrier, until something gave way. Ryuu was sure of it.

He spent a week in a good mood because of it. Until his Lieutenant made him snap out of it.

Ryuu was in his quarters, filling his pipe, when there was a knock at his door. "No one's home, come back another time," Ryuu answered the knock and lit his pipe with a kido.

"Captain Inaba, I have news about Inuzuri," Shohei said through the door.

He moved his pipe from one side of his mouth to the other while he pondered the worth of listening. Ultimately, he decided news about Inuzuri needed to be heard. In moments, he had stood and pulled open the sliding door. "Come in, and talk fast."

Ryuu stepped aside and let Shohei enter, then closed the door behind the rich man. Their Captain-Lieutenant relationship had somewhat soured over Ryuu's recent crusade. Fine with him, it would give Ryuu an excuse to have him kicked out of Squad Three and replaced.

"Captain," Shohei bowed to him and sat down.
Ryuu remained standing, his mood sour.

From within his shihakusho Shohei retrieved a folded map and other documents. "It appears the oil field in southern Inuzuri are gone." He handed the documents to Ryuu.

Once he had them, Ryuu opened the map first, then the documents. The map showed Inuzuri district, but with the southern half no longer blotched out in solid red hazard colors. It had changed to striped red on yellow.

The documents listed the changes Inuzuri had gone through. The oil was gone, and exposed acid-corroded stone underneath. At the deepest points, Inuzuri had lost close to a dozen meters in elevation, with thirty centimeters being the smallest loss.

"Reishi composition of the ground's still toxic," Ryuu observed with an arched eyebrow. "So inhabiting that region's still not viable."

"The men have some ideas on that front." Shohei was excited when he talked about it, his face and voice both brightened. "The crew working on the Academy has found that ground sekkiseki seems to provide a barrier for the toxifying effects."

Sure enough, there was a document from the Academy cleanup crew that indicated such. However, Ryuu's keen eye saw that they had procured all the sekkiseki unsuitable for the Seireitei wall or other uses for the Academy project.

"Sekkiseki is expensive, and it looks like it'll be a while before we can get any to even test its effectiveness." Ryuu blew smoke all over the documents. "And that's assuming we're allowed to take sekkiseki that far out into Rukongai."

Shohei hadn't seemed to seriously think on that idea. His face lost its excitement, replaced with confusion. Poor, poor rich boy.

"Sekkiseki repels reiryoku, which means it is great for building things that need to survive shinigami combat. Such as walls." Ryuu narrowed his eyes. "Or armor. Or weapons."

Dawning realization hit Shohei. Sprinkle sekkiseki into conventional metal, and you would have a weapon that could cut through barriers, kido, zanpakutou effects, and so on.

"Not even going into how difficult it is to find – so.... If that's the only option, we can't count on it being implemented." Ryuu folded the map and the documents, then handed them back to Shohei. "Appreciate the thought, and keeping me informed. But what I take from this is southern Inuzuri is just as deadly, but not obvious about it like before."

"I… I didn't think of it like that, Captain." Shohei held the documents in his hands, then pinched the bridge of his nose. "I'll instruct the men to erect barriers to keep people out."

"That's fine, I'll sign off on that." Ryuu looked down at Shohei with an impassive gaze. "Send someone to secure the samples of the oil too, would ya? We need at least one to test your idea – see if it even works."

"Of course, sir." Shohei stood and left, without having to be told.

A good thing too, because Ryuu's patience was at its end. As soon as the door closed, and Ryuu heard Shohei's footsteps depart, he bit down on his pipe.

"Wanting to get rid of evidence that your new pet's a talking plague, Kuchiki?" He growled as he returned to his table. "Not on my watch."

As he sat, alone, he remembered his days in Inuzuri. Forests that were gone. Friends that had long since reincarnated. The lonely house his father had built, along with the gooseberry bushes his mother had planted.

All gone.

But, if Ryuu had a say, not unavenged.


"Sekkiseki is apparently a mineral, but there are no quaries of it. I wonder if that's what Mountain Division's digging up all the time."


Sojun Kuchiki

He woke with a splitting headache to light hitting him in the face. Sojun turned away from the light, then recalled – his room ought to have screens to keep the light out. He opened his eyes and saw a modest room.

Sojun, heir of the Kuchiki clan, found himself in most certainly not his manor chambers, in a stranger's futon. As soon as he shifted out of his comfortable sleeping position, he also realized he was starkers under the covers.

His face was a mask of pure disinterest, while his mind was filled with a cacophony of overlapping screams. Sojun could hear his zanpakutou laughing at his plight.

There were no clothes on the floor anywhere. Two closets stood on either side of an alcove with a writing desk. There were two sliding doors, but one of them has sunlight shining behind it – thus it led outside.

Sojun briefly considered making a run for the outside then flash stepping away to the manor. Yet as soon as he sat up he threw himself back to the futon with the blankets wrapped tight around him.

Wherever he was, it was cold.

He shakily held a hand out of the blankets and muttered a kido spell. "Hado number three, Nokoribi." Sojun maintained expert control of the hadow as it took effect. A glittering coat of red embers formed across his skin – instantly providing warmth as he crawled out of the covers. He navigated around the room with his hands providing cover for his bits.

Nokoribi would normally create a fiery aura around the wearer, which could catch onto flammable objects to start fires. Legend had it that the hado was based off a technique that Head Captain Yamamoto had used in the past, but Sojun had no idea if it was true.

He was more focused with finding something to wear. He inspected both closets, and found a hint to his whereabouts in that time. The closet closest to the outside of the home had several shihakusho components – black kosode, hakama, white shitagi, all hung up from a rod. In the chest of drawers below there were folded headdresses of low-ranking Kido Corps members.

Noise from below made Sojun jump. He stood, frozen, as he waited for any sign the homeowner would approach soon. Sojun reflected on how foolish he felt, naked in an unfamiliar place. If Father heard about this, he would be so disappointed.

"Oh aye," his zanpakutou whispered to him with a merry chortle. "That's what ye should be thinkin' of, streaker, what daddy thinks o'ye."

"Shut up," Sojun whispered back. When it was clear he wouldn't be interrupted soon, Sojun moved to the next closet. He found there odd clothes – familiar, but odd. Several kosode in various patterns, a happi coat and short trousers. But in the chest of drawers he spotted several odd garments – not the pure white fundoshi Sojun had expected. They were broader, had thin bands, and were brightly patterned.

As he checked, he suddenly realized why the clothes seemed familiar. He glanced at one of the kosode, and could easily imagine a white fox wearing it. These were Gasorin's clothes.

He had been naked in Gasorin's bed. But why? Why would he be… why would… why….

Sojun connected the pieces and froze in place, holding a koi patterned mokko fundoshi in his hands. His brain slowed down as he realized why he would have been naked in Gasorin's bed.

His zanpakutou began to chuckle. Then he chortled. Then he laughed harder until Sojun's mind was full of his cackling laughter.

At the worst possible time, the sliding door facing deeper into the house opened, and Gasorin Egawa stepped in. He only had on a pair of odd trousers, gathered at the ankles with a string threaded into the waist as an internal belt. Gasorin glanced at Sojun, glanced down, then at the item in Sojun's hands

"Good morning, Sir Kuchiki," Gasorin said and covered his eyes with one hand. "I was going to wake you, and tell you breakfast is ready." Without looking, Gasorin went to the bed and gathered up the futon and blanket. He opened the sliding door to the balcony, and put the bedding away in another closet. He came back with a larger shihakusho topped with a Lieutenant badge and Sojun's sword.

"Your clothes from last night, Sir," Gasorin said and laid them on the chest of drawers in front of Sojun.

Sojun himself hadn't moved except to follow Gasorin's movement with his head.

"If you like the koi patterned ones, you can have them. To remember last night by. I can always make more, don't fret." With his eyes still covered, the fox backed out of his room and closed the sliding door.

Sojun's zanpakutou had somehow found the strength to laugh even harder at Sojun's predicament.

He dressed, his face redder than a cherry. After he was done, he left the room and went downstairs. The dining room was at the base of the stairs. The only furniture low table with four cushions, with three cups of tea, bowls of congee and a variety of side dishes in bowls arranged around the center of the table.

Seated at the table was his father, Ginrei, and his host, Gasorin.

The fox perked his ears up when he saw Sojun come down the stairs. "I'll go get dressed properly, Lord Kuchiki," he said and went upstairs around Sojun. "Please, feel free to eat."

Sojun didn't move. Father didn't look his way.

"Gasorin went to the trouble to sneak into our kitchens, and prepare this," Ginrei said with heavy tiredness in his voice. "We can't waste food, it's expensive these days."

Stiff, like a clay statue brought to life, Sojun moved to sit next to his father. His stomach gurgled at the smell of the congee toppings. The salted duck eggs called out to him. But he made no move to eat, just as his father made no move to look at him.

"Gasorin showed me the midori bottle, and made it clear you were both equally drunk." Ginrei didn't have Sojun's reservations, and began to add toppings to his congee. Mostly meat floss, and pickled cucumber. He still didn't look at Sojun.

"Father, please forgive me." Sojun said. He fully expected his father to launch into a lecture about how his reckless behavior cast a pall on the Kuchiki name.

But Ginrei didn't. He simply started to eat. "Sojun… I have asked a lot of you, following me into the Court Guard Squads." He nudged the bowl of duck eggs closer to Sojun's side of the table. "And I will have to ask more of you – to marry below your station, for the sake of the clan."

Father wasn't angry? He wasn't upset beyond all reason – and masked it below weariness?

"If you find some small comforts exploring before we can find you a bride – I won't stand in your way. As I didn't stand in Asami's way." Ginrei looked at him, with sorrow in his eyes. "But please… don't allow your explorations to blossom into anything more than that."

Since he'd woken up, Sojun had taken blow after blow to his expectations. He almost felt numb to the shocks. Numb, at the situation and how accepting Father was, Sojun added two duck eggs to his congee.

"I won't fritter my time away cultivating a harem like Uncle, if that's what worries you," Sojun attempted to diffuse the seriousness of Father's stare with humor.

If Father found it funny, he didn't let it show. He turned his head, and went back to eating. "Hrm. When you are Lord of the clan, you're free to reverse my abolishment of the concubine position. But not before." That was as close to non-sardonic humor as Ginrei Kuchiki likely would ever get.

"Understood, Father."

"It's good that you approve of him getting some practice, Lord Kuchiki," Gasorin said as he came back down the stairs, in the same trousers as before plus a kosode. He must have allowed them some time to talk alone, given how quick such dressing must have been. Gasorin sat at the table and started to add toppings to his congee.

Sojun was both glad he couldn't remember the previous night, but also wistful for it. His first time with a man, and he couldn't remember it at all. As he ate, he imagined how it could have been.

"What makes you say that?" Father arched his brow.

"To keep it fit for the table, let's just say I no longer find it surprising how it took Sir Sojun five hundred years to have a child." Gasorin shook his head sadly. "Its an issue that can only be resolved with practice."

Slow as a glacier, Ginrei turned to look at his son -- disappointed.

Red as heated metal, Sojun looked down at his food and no longer tried to imagine how it went.


"Do I want Byakuya to exist? Yes. Do I think Byakuya having older siblings to run the clan when Ginrei retires would be for the best? Also yes. Do I think Sojun's wife spent five hundred years lying back and thinking of England? Triple yes."


Ginrei Kuchiki

For the umpteenth time, Ginrei made his way to the compound of Central Forty-Six.

It was a fairly nondescript building from the outside. A hexagonal courtyard with gates on each wall that contained a circular wall around an artificial lake. There was only one bridge across, directly across from the western courtyard gate. At the center of the lake was a pillar-like building, shorter than either the outside walls, where stairs and elevators downward were contained.

The majority of the compound was underground – where Earth Division of the Kido Corps attended Central Forty-Six.

He had been summoned so often, he had walked through the entrance process before he realized he wasn't alone. Captains Kyoraku and Ukitake were mere steps behind him.

The two were like brothers – and like brothers, they had developed into opposites. Jushiro Ukitake, Captain of Squad Thirteen, had no ornamentation as part of his uniform. The only noteworthy thing about him was his long white hair, and his pallor. He was a humble, kindly man – who would have made a loving father if his life had gone differently.

Captain Shunsui Kyoraku of Squad Eight was quite outside the norm with his ornamentation. He had a scruffy look, a straw hat on his head, and a kimono thrown over the back of his Captain's haori.

"Ah, he's noticed us at last," Captain Kyoraku commented and tilted his hat back. "Good morning, Ginrei."

"Good morning Captain Kyoraku, Captain Ukitake." Ginrei bowed his head to them for a moment. They were all the second Captains for their divisions, but Kyoraku and Ukitake had been Captains longer than Ginrei. He was both their senior, and their junior.

"And to you, Captain Kuchiki." Captain Ukitake bowed back. "You've been here so much lately, we'll defer to you on how to comport ourselves."

"Uh, yeah. Lead the way." Captain Kyoraku was less respectful, he didn't bow, but he didn't seem to mind Ginrei being the leader of their group.

Ginrei held back the urge to sigh. He led the way to the elevators, and saw other captains in one that descended as they arrived. Something was afoot. "Central Forty-Six dislikes when others speak. Even them asking a question does not shield you from criticism for speaking at all."

They were forty wise men and six judges, all kept sequestered from the world deep underground. Some of them had not seen sunlight in decades. Their sanity was always a touchy subject.

"So, we should just say as little as possible?" Captain Kyoraku smiled. "I can manage that."

"If so, then this should be a relatively painless event for you." Ginrei pulled the lever on the elevator's wall. The grates closed, and the three of them descended.

At the bottom, they stepped out into a cavernous hall illuminated with sparse blue light. In the distance, Ginrei could make out ten other figures with white coats – the other Captains, he presumed.

His sword spirit whispered to him of danger. Ginrei readied himself in case something terrible happened, as they left the elevator.

The assembly hall of Central Forty-Six was a hexagonal building in the corner of the cavern. Yellow ropes with many golden spell tags connected the walls to the building.

There was no door to the assembly hall – just an empty doorway through which nothing was visible. The three Captains passed through and walked toward a shaft of light at the center of the hall.

All around them, arranged in tiered seats, were the members of Central Forty-Six, all hidden behind veils with their number listed in lieu of names. Being denied names likely wasn't good for their sanity either.

In the light at the center of the hall were the other Captains, and Head Captain Yamamoto. Together they seemed a motley crew.

Toga Shihoin, of Squad Two – dark skinned, pale haired, with Hung Gar rings on his arms, legs, and massive hoop earrings. Ryuu Inaba of Squad Three, even darker than Toga in skin, with long locks of hair and a smoking pipe in his mouth. Captain Inaba seemed quite pleased with himself.

Squad Four's Captain, Nishant Koizumi, stood proud with his prominent mustache, beard, and bejeweled turban. Captain Hashim Tainguchi of Squad Five gently swayed in place, as old as Ginrei and Yamamoto, but with a youthful smile and a metal cane in hand.

Hanuel Pan, Squad Seven's Captain, a supremely serious woman with her dark hair styled into a complicated braid and metal armor worn over her shihakusho, stood with arms crossed and her eyes narrowed. Nearby, Squad Nine's Captain Cahaya Kobayashi flipped through a small book with her eyes hidden behind thick glasses. The two were opposites of each other, tall to short, brawn to brain, serious to comical.

The current Kenpachi, and Captain of Squad Eleven, Yash Maki constantly shifted on his feet. He wore hollow masks like trophies, strung through the eyeholes for his belt, or fashioned into rings. The one-eyed redhead seemed eager to move. And lastly Takuto Tsunayashiro, tall, smiling, plain-looking but somehow malicious all the same, was Captain of Squad Twelve.

Head Captain Yamamoto stamped his walking stick on the floor with an echoing noise once the three of them had joined the group. "Central Forty-Six, all thirteen Captains are here per your request. You may begin, at your leisure."

Ginrei felt his sense of unease grow.

"Thank you Head Captain," one of the six judges announced with a tone of concealed temper. Behind his veil, the judge steepled his fingers. "It has come to our attention that certain groups in the Seireitei believe themselves above the rulings of this body."

All around them, the wise men and judges of Central Forty-Six muttered their distaste of the idea.

"This assembly is charged by the Soul King to uphold the law of the Seireitei. Both in the making, and interpretation of such laws. So, you'll understand why when people say they are outside our authority – we find it difficult to bear."

Ginrei felt other Captains around him shift uneasily. He knew they glanced his way, and that many of the faces behind the veils had hateful looks toward him.

"So, we wanted to pass down a new law for the Court Guard Squads to enforce." The judge unsteepled his fingers and stood, still behind his veil. "From this day forth, there is no region of the Soul Society beyond Central Forty-Six's reach. We will enforce the law upon the noble families and commoners alike. We will compel Shin'o Academy to answer to us, for the first time in its history."

A second judge stood as the first sat down. "Furthermore," he said with a more breathy voice. "We are concerned with the intermingling of the Seireitei and the Rukongai. From this day forward, marriages between Seireitei residents and Rukongai residents are forbidden. All such marriages in existence will be annulled."

A third judge stood as the second sat. "And lastly, from this day forward – no one from the Seireitei may adopt Rukongai residents into their household as retainers, or their family as relatives. All such unions in effect will be abolished."

The third judge sat down.

No one said anything. Captain Inaba puffed on his pipe, visibly happy.

Ginrei processed what was likely to happen – the proclamations seemed to target him and other struggling noble clans. But, he had to wonder could Central Forty-Six even do such a thing?

Yamamoto gave voice to Ginrei's doubts. "I saw no messengers descend from the Royal Palace. Has the Soul King granted you this extra authority?"

The first judge replied. "We give ourselves this extra authority. The rulings of Central Forty-Six are absolute."

"Perhaps they have been previously." The elderly Head Captain shook his head, his great beard swayed with the motion. "But not in this case. Power is not given to this body to expand its authority further than the Soul King permits."

Slowly, as if he couldn't believe what he'd heard, the judge stood. "Head Captain Yamamoto, you are ordered to enforce these additional rulings – or face lawful punishment, perhaps even the death penalty."

"Your lack of authority on these matters means that any punishment you submit would be unlawful." Head Captain Yamamoto gestured with his hand. "Captains of the Court Guard Squads, we're leaving. These orders are not to be enforced, they are illegal."

Ginrei sighed in relief as an uproar from Central Forty-Six's members began. Without a care, the Head Captain started to leave – and most of the Captains followed him.

Most, but not all.

Ginrei looked over his shoulder, and saw the Captains of Squads Three, Four, Five, Eleven, and Twelve remained behind as the others left.

He got the feeling that four hundred years of peace would soon come to an end.


Ya know. If they had just wanted to extend their authority to the nobles – that might have been acceptable. But the moment they wanted Shin'o Academy under their thumb too, Yamamoto went maximum overnope.

Y'all might wonder why Yama's not stabbing every baby Central Forty-Six believes unlawful right now, but right now he's closer to being the bandit king of Soul Society than the calcified mess of Ichigo's time.

Also, hey! Suddenly civil war!
Ah, well, that would explain why there's a war. All the tension and power issues are still present even if Koga doesn't actually kick off a civil war over daddy issues (though, I'll be honest, even for the original I never got how that really worked considering Koga's position). This time it's just setting up to be 'that time the C46 overreached, and power-hungry Nobles backed up their delusions'.

Side note, and plus points if it could happen in front of Yamamoto (who probably still wants to bbq Inaba, then would probably paddle Gasorin for having the cheek to taunt his superiors like that)...if Gasorin could do a little psychoanalysis on the captain.

It's definitely easier from the reader-pov, but the clues are all there too if Gasorin just asks around a little (though, that might be the biggest hurdle considering the guilt he harbors over both incidents). Personally...I don't think Inaba gives a shit about Inuzuri. First is just how fake the 'damage' is. The Outer Rukongai has always been a massive dump, especially the last two districts. To the point that they're basically half-deserted and have nearly no infrastructure at the best of times. Losing half the space means literally nothing when there's barely enough people there to fill a tenth of the space...and there's certainly nothing actually valuable lost, because there's no value to begin with in the shitty overgrown edges of a slum.

But forget that, people and souls are allowed to not be strictly rational. If Ryuu Inaba truly cared about his home-district...where was the support his position as Captain could leverage? The resources and supplies his pay could fund? The protection and services his men could provide? Captains have responsibilities and limits to their powers yes, but they aren't that limited, especially when the G13 hasn't calcified as much, and doubly especially for something as trivial as providing the bare minimum to a district that has no powerful souls to attract Hollows or touchy Clans to play politics with.

Instead, it seems like Inuzuri was treated like every other Outer Rukongai district (ie, nearly abandoned and totally dilapidated) right up until something big happened to Ryuu Inaba's hometown.

And then, after the toxin spill? What aid did Ryuu provide? What relief supplies, or transport to more 'liveable' districts? Nothing. All he cared about was Gasorin and the toxic oil on his district.

I think it's abundantly clear that Ryuu's problem, whether he realizes it or not, has nothing to do with the people of Inuzuri (that he literally just pointed out are all long since a completely different generation then the one he grew up in), or even really the land itself. His personal pride (such as it is) is what was attacked. Taking vengeance on the one that wounded 'him', fixing the scar on what he considers 'his' (neglected and ignored as it otherwise was), paying back the slight. That is what Ryuu Inaba cares about. And in that regard? He is no different at all from the Nobles and their petty egos that he has derided so much, or even used. Inaba himself is led around by the nose by his ego. A nice bit of irony.
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"If you find some small comforts exploring before we can find you a bride – I won't stand in your way. As I didn't stand in Asami's way." Ginrei looked at him, with sorrow in his eyes. "But please… don't allow your explorations to blossom into anything more than that."

Since he'd woken up, Sojun had taken blow after blow to his expectations. He almost felt numb to the shocks. Numb, at the situation and how accepting Father was, Sojun added two duck eggs to his congee.

"I won't fritter my time away cultivating a harem like Uncle, if that's what worries you," Sojun attempted to diffuse the seriousness of Father's stare with humor.

If Father found it funny, he didn't let it show. He turned his head, and went back to eating. "Hrm. When you are Lord of the clan, you're free to reverse my abolishment of the concubine position. But not before." That was as close to non-sardonic humor as Ginrei Kuchiki likely would ever get.
Ginrei is a surprisingly supportive father figure, whose real concern is trying to thread the needle of the happiness of his children and the survival of their House. Not an enviable position needing to be the one to set the barriers of conduct but he is doing it rather well for everything happening. Though I must assume that Gasorin's ability to contribute to the Kuchiki's artisanal revival and the fact that he is an up-and-coming member of the Kido Corps also has something to do with why he's allowed to live on top of Ginrei wanting a reminder of the C46's lack of authority over his family.

Also, I am now laughing at the idea that Sojun's wife sending Gasorin gift baskets ever year on her kid's birthdays as a "Thank You" present.

Ginrei processed what was likely to happen – the proclamations seemed to target him and other struggling noble clans. But, he had to wonder could Central Forty-Six even do such a thing?

Yamamoto gave voice to Ginrei's doubts. "I saw no messengers descend from the Royal Palace. Has the Soul King granted you this extra authority?"

The first judge replied. "We give ourselves this extra authority. The rulings of Central Forty-Six are absolute."

"Perhaps they have been previously." The elderly Head Captain shook his head, his great beard swayed with the motion. "But not in this case. Power is not given to this body to expand its authority further than the Soul King permits."

Slowly, as if he couldn't believe what he'd heard, the judge stood. "Head Captain Yamamoto, you are ordered to enforce these additional rulings – or face lawful punishment, perhaps even the death penalty."

"Your lack of authority on these matters means that any punishment you submit would be unlawful." Head Captain Yamamoto gestured with his hand. "Captains of the Court Guard Squads, we're leaving. These orders are not to be enforced, they are illegal."
Yamamoto reminding the C46 that he was the one who founded the Gotei 13 and the entirety of modern Soul Society rests on his founding actions. The man would have been elevated to the Royal Guard centuries ago for his contributions if he wasn't needed to wrangle the Gotei and the attending Captains and to act as a living counter-weight of spiritual pressure to keep Hell closed.

I'm curious, in this Seireitei is the C46 older than the Gotei 13 or were they kinda of nebulously formed around the same time once Yamamoto decided to execute his "Law & Order" scheme.

But yeah, C46 has the continuing problem of being legally incapable of being in touch with the outside world and to receive any updates requires their requesting it from other sources such as Inaba. Testing Yamamoto on his control over the Shin'o Academy such a relatively short time after it was damaged by the actions of the person Yamamoto knows also provoked the C46 into action? It's tossing fresh fuel onto a fire that was dying out.

I'm amused by those choosing to remain behind as well. The 3rd and 5th Divisions tend to be the most general-purpose divisions, decent all arounders by reputation and the 5th's Captaincy is just cursed to hell and back. 4th Division though is a bit of a surprise but given the need for logistics and the structure of the descriptions he's proud but not a noble so perhaps a friend of Inaba?

11th Division isn't surprising, eager for a fight and probably pissed about nobles always getting their way. Combined with him wearing Hollow Masks as trophies either in full or carved is also a sign of a guy probably a couple screws looser than most so easier to persuade to assist with the "Changing of the Colours" as it were.

12th is also one that could have easily gone either way, but the potential offer of being handed some Noble secrets and heirlooms for study is very much in keeping with the 12th's way of doing things. Heck, the Captain that ended up elevated to Royal Guard status was quoted,
Kirio Hikifune said:
"To control food is to control life itself, you see! I create my dishes to foster life, and I create the ingredients from my own body."
So they've been about messing with life and controlling it enough that no one bats an eye when someone professes to to control life itself using their own body as the tool to do so, which fills me with a bit of worry about what is actually involved with Gikon but also makes me thing that Gasorin will be her favorite person to... collect ingredients from since he's so full of plentiful minds!

Super pumped for where things are heading!
(though, I'll be honest, even for the original I never got how that really worked considering Koga's position)
Koga didn't start the war, he just turned his side into the victors largely on his own. Folks were afraid of his power, cause it's only useful against other shinigami (or arrancar).

Inaba himself is led around by the nose by his ego. A nice bit of irony.
Inaba, after Gasorin makes that point: Nice speech. Say goodbye to your legs.

Also, I am now laughing at the idea that Sojun's wife sending Gasorin gift baskets ever year on her kid's birthdays as a "Thank You" present.
Gasorin, probably: Awesome, this one's got lots of chocolates!

I'm curious, in this Seireitei is the C46 older than the Gotei 13 or were they kinda of nebulously formed around the same time once Yamamoto decided to execute his "Law & Order" scheme.
Soul Society is quite literally a million years old. Cause that's when the Soul King got chopped up. A contiguous government for that long has to be insane.

It's tossing fresh fuel onto a fire that was dying out.
C46 really, aggressively doesn't like being told 'no', even if they ask a yes/no question.
Gasorin Journal #6
Gasorin's Journal #6


Translated from braille.


Ginrei came by after I got home from Jokaishou Dai Gui. Central Forty-Six threw down the gauntlet, and there has been a split in the CGS as a result. Five of the thirteen Captains are on the side of Central Forty-Six, but as the news broke -- sixty percent of the total CGS seated and unseated forces have joined them as well.

So the enemy has about fifteen hundred forces from the Court Guard Squads in their camp. It's unknown what side the Kido Corps is going to take -- but the onmitsukidou have already declared for Central Forty-Six.

Apparently the Squad Two Captain faced an assassination attempt when he went back to his home. Ginrei is putting him up at the manor as a guest until the civil war is over.

I made clear -- if the Corps goes for Central Forty-Six too, I will resign and serve with him however he sees fit. But I also made clear that I worried about 'my boy' and his mother lost in the Rukongai in the middle of a war.

Ginrei actually looked surprised by that. He didn't seem to parse that the war would spill out past the Seireitei into the wider Soul Society before I mentioned it. Noble clans would sometimes go to war, but fought amongst themselves without the military or unaffiliated people being involved. I don't think he quite understood that it would be different this time, until I brought up Aizen.

I've gotten a promise from him that some of the Kuchiki ninjas will actively look for Sosuke, even before the next census.

He asked my advice -- I told him that they needed to control as many of the gates in and out of the Seireitei as possible to keep the enemy from getting access to the Rukongai. Inaba would have too easy a time selling the conflict as 'nobility vs commoners'. And without the Academy they'd need to actively seek out and train shinigami candidates from both sides of the wall.

I also pointedly hint-hinted about the Beastmen clans out in the wilderness, who might be willing to help if they were guaranteed some rights and better living conditions.

Worst case, the elders say no.

Best case, Sajin never needs to hide his face when he becomes a shinigami.

Ginrei seems to suspect I know the future -- he noticed I wasn't surprised how long it takes Sojun to make Byakuya, and other things I shouldn't know. But I told him I'm not an oracle -- just well informed. He's going to arrange a meeting with Yamamoto about what I know.

Really hope he doesn't develop a fatalistic streak. Those are so annoying to break.

Five of the thirteen Captains are on the side of Central Forty-Six, but as the news broke -- sixty percent of the total CGS seated and unseated forces have joined them as well.

So the enemy has about fifteen hundred forces from the Court Guard Squads in their camp. It's unknown what side the Kido Corps is going to take -- but the onmitsukidou have already declared for Central Forty-Six.

Apparently the Squad Two Captain faced an assassination attempt when he went back to his home. Ginrei is putting him up at the manor as a guest until the civil war is over.
Oh man, the C46 managed to snag the veritable Praetorian Guard of the Noble Houses. I suppose bribery, black ops, and betrayal still go well together. Probably what makes it such a classic.

It is however telling that's as I was thinking about my comment last night, it's the "lower end of the totem pole" of power and authority that are being exploited by the C46.

The most individual powerful captains and officers and divisions, either spiritually or politically, are the ones that weren't brought onboard by the C46 which makes me think this whole civil war was always intended to happen eventually in order to help lower the amount t of resistance the C46 would have to further empowering themselves after what was probably a kick in the head when Yamamoto showing up and declaring himself King of F***-You Mountain and a loss of relative prestige and authority.

Empower those stymied by the current system and use their anger to force your changes through before they realize all they've done is loosen the collar that had always been around their necks but make the leash a lot shorter.

Really solid writing here as to what prompted the war, I am so ready for shenanigans.

I made clear -- if the Corps goes for Central Forty-Six too, I will resign and serve with him however he sees fit. But I also made clear that I worried about 'my boy' and his mother lost in the Rukongai in the middle of a war.
The Kido Corps will not appreciate what Gasorin leaving would mean for their reinvigorating the reactors, saying nothing of what would happen in Gasorin having the option, though I imagine not nearly the sadism, to let the reactor in enemy territory go a little prompt-critical.

He asked my advice -- I told him that they needed to control as many of the gates in and out of the Seireitei as possible to keep the enemy from getting access to the Rukongai. Inaba would have too easy a time selling the conflict as 'nobility vs commoners'. And without the Academy they'd need to actively seek out and train shinigami candidates from both sides of the wall.
The benefit of the central districts is they're built as a military installation, and with the Gates being so difficult to open for those of low spiritual pressure and the only people able to bypass the need for the Gates being the Nobility either via artifacts or just having been around since before the walls were dropped this would do wonders for hamstringing the C46 forces ability to move around and recruit.

Plus combining this with the whole, "We're going on a recruitment drive and Yamamoto is always willing to overlook a lot in exchange for your loyalty and service." Because there are going to be promotions and vacancies aplenty after this war is over.

I also pointedly hint-hinted about the Beastmen clans out in the wilderness, who might be willing to help if they were guaranteed some rights and better living conditions.

Worst case, the elders say no.

Best case, Sajin never needs to hide his face when he becomes a shinigami.
Flip the script on Inaba, haha. Make him out to be the enemy of the downtrodden Beastfolk and potentially even let them in to fill the missing artisan rolls the Kuchiki need in exchange for protection and housing rather than money. Oh it's such a good move.

But I told him I'm not an oracle -- just well informed. He's going to arrange a meeting with Yamamoto about what I know.
Yamamoto of anyone is aware of the time shenanigans possible given how the Dangai is basically a Time Soup dimension. I wouldn't be surprised if he was like, "Don't tell me too much, because I hate having to file paperwork for events that either haven't happened yet or only potentially might happen… again."
So! It might finally come up. Is it more practical to steal and hide a strong soul reaper's weapon than to kill them? Could we see an arms race regarding tracking and obscuration techniques? Will we get confirmation that kido corps big-shots are stronger when using their zanpakuto to ground themselves while using advanced kido?

And most importantly: what will happen to the fashion industry?? Clothing that can obscure weapons will grow more popular.
And most importantly: what will happen to the fashion industry?? Clothing that can obscure weapons will grow more popular.
Gasorin, probably: My zanpakutou was a tanto before it was cool.

Will we get confirmation that kido corps big-shots are stronger when using their zanpakuto to ground themselves while using advanced kido?
Is... this some fandom thing I'm not deep enough to get? I mean, the zanpakutou is basically an externalized piece of the soul -- so it should bolster kido.
So! It might finally come up. Is it more practical to steal and hide a strong soul reaper's weapon than to kill them?
That's tricky, because the weapons can't always be parted from their owners for very long. Look at Rukia -- she lost her zanpakutou when she empowered Ichigo, but got it back when her powers recovered. Also Aaronniero got Nejibana from omf nomming Kaien's soul, without the physical blade ever going to Hueco Mundo prior.
i think there are some Kido that are channeled through Zanpakuto? so its possible?
It's probably based on a bit of poor terminology from the manga, there are "Kido-Type" Zanpakuto but all that refers to is literally a Zanpakuto whose abilities focus around a special unique power rather than putting all their power into direct combat.

To quote from the wiki:
Power-Type Zanpakutō
(Are typically designed for various forms of armed melee combat rather than Kidō-based abilities.)

Kidō-Type Zanpakutō
(Are designed around a special ability rather than close-range combat potential.)

Elemental Sub-Type
A large amount of the Zanpakutō are classified by elements, generally utilizing their respective elements as forms of attack. Elemental Zanpakutō are all Kidō-sub-type which have an element based.

Kido-Type is basically the catchall term for most swords. Heck, we never even learn anything about the swords of the only Kido Commander and Vice Commander we see in the series.
It's probably based on a bit of poor terminology from the manga, there are "Kido-Type" Zanpakuto but all that refers to is literally a Zanpakuto whose abilities focus around a special unique power rather than putting all their power into direct combat.

To quote from the wiki:

Kido-Type is basically the catchall term for most swords. Heck, we never even learn anything about the swords of the only Kido Commander and Vice Commander we see in the series.
i mean more, Tsuzuri Raiden, Zangerin, Gaki Rekkou, Hyōga Seiran, Kongōbaku, and Tenran....
I had thought you were referring to the necessity for existence of swords whose ability is specifically boosting kido, not commenting on the existence of kido that can also be used with a sword or other weapon.

Kido that can enhance an object would of course work on a Zanpakuto, I was commenting about how we don't know of any canon evidence about required zanpakuto abilities to become Kido Commander.
Important Things to Remember 1
Important Things to Remember 1: Remember to Trick AND Treat

  • Six hundred years before the events of Bleach, the story begins.
  • Chiyo Fukuzawa, a Kido Corpsman, is assigned to act as the residential doctor for South Rukongai District 79: Inuzuri.
    • She dislikes this, because feet disgust her and most of the injuries she treats are foot-related.
  • A fox beastman comes to Inuzuri to sell footwear.
    • He is Gasorin Egawa, the Chairly character of the story.
    • Specifically, he is an arctic fox, with a feathery soft voice.
    • He is mistaken for a hollow by the residents of Inuzuri, but saved from a lynch mob by Chiyo.
  • The fox tells Chiyo he is selling footwear to pay for a better chance of him and his friends making it through the Shinigami Academy.
    • The proper name is Shin'o Academy.
  • Chiyo is appreciative of his efforts, as it means fewer injured feet for her to treat.
  • Inuzuri is raided by neighboring districts, as the presence of footwear indicates that Inuzuri has suddenly become rich.
  • Gasorin asks around as to what a shinigami would do in the situation.
    • The answer is 'retrieve the stolen goods, beat up people who won't give it back'.
    • He obliges, demonstrating a poisonous claw attack using reiatsu.
  • Meanwhile Chiyo calls up the shinigami assigned to Inuzuri's protection and makes her do her job.
  • Enter Thi Ahmed, seventh seat of Squad Nine.
    • She is hella swole.
    • She is shamed by Gasorin into being more active in Inuzuri.
  • A mark on Gasorin's back marks him as a spiritual hazard.
    • A potentially deadly object or person specifically to souls or spiritual environments.
  • Thi asks Chiyo to help her train Gasorin and his friends, to avoid Chiyo reporting the spiritual hazard.
    • Because Thi would get in trouble for ignoring her district previously.
  • Enter Tsubame Hayashi and Minato Yuki, Gasorin's friends and housemates.
    • Tsubame is a tanuki, who has been farming the food their friend group eats.
    • Minato is a reindeer, who looks after their home and reminds them to be civilized.
  • Gasorin starts a running gag by arranging for Thi to see him undressed and make a fool of herself.
  • The three of them are trained in some shinigami techniques by Thi and Chiyo.
    • Nothing bad could happen from this.
  • Terrible things happen from this as Gasorin's reiatsu is discovered to be far too strong for him to control right away, and also actively toxic.
  • Chiyo, Tsubame, Minato, and Thi are all killed by Gasorin's toxic reiatsu, and southern Inuzuri is rendered uninhabitable as a field of oily reishi forms.
    • This is what happens when you trust foxes.
  • Ryuu Inaba, Captain of Squad Three, orders his squad to attempt to clean up the oil field and find out who is responsible.
    • He was originally born in Inuzuri.
    • Ryuu doesn't like nobility or rich people, and only tolerates his Lieutenant Shohei Kasumioji who is both.
  • The prevailing theory for a while is that a hollow is responsible, but Gasorin repeatedly claims responsibility.
    • This is discounted because foxes can't be trusted.
  • Ryuu has suspicions, however, after he steals Gasorin's journal.
    • Something about hearing the voices of the people he killed in his head.
    • Being able to let them control his body was implied.
    • Kirio Hikifune was mentioned as being time displaced, that's weird.
    • And something about gikon, whatever that is.
  • He opts to try and recreate the circumstances of Inuzuri in a situation where, if successful, Gasorin would face expedited execution.
    • He orders a spirit limiter put on Gasorin to restrict his reiryoku to twenty percent.
  • Six years pass.
    • Gasorin is easily in the top five sluts that have ever attended the academy.
    • He also sets up a black market selling items he makes, mostly clothes, shoes, and home goods.
    • Ryuichi better watch his back, NO ONE SELLS A FOX OUT AND GETS TO KEEP BOTH LEGS.
      • Gasorin's not bitter or anything.
      • No totally. He feels completely normal about being double crossed.
        • Ignore the hacksaw, that's unrelated.
  • During that time, Gasorin found a new friend in Ichirou Honda.
    • He's a clowny guy, likes to entertain and not so much to kill.
      • Not a horror clown, an unironic clown. An entertainer.
  • At the graduation ceremony, many nobles are in attendance.
    • Some want to poach Gasorin for their personal forces before the military branches get a shot.
    • Others want to axe him a question for sleeping with their kids and/or retainers.
  • Ryuu orders the spirit limiter on Gasorin removed when its his turn.
  • Gasorin's zanpakutou is Osenmaru.
    • He is a poison type zanpakutou, and he is loved.
    • You should give him a hug right now.
    • Ignore that he's made of oil, he loves hugs.
      • He also devours and toxifies reishi, but that's unrelated.
      • Don't be shy, hug 'em.
  • Osenmaru's shikai power weaponizes the deadly toxic effect of Gasorin's reiatsu.
    • Its only known special attack right now is 'Shoki'.
      • This releases a toxic cloud which coats all reishi surfaces in oil, including the inside of people's lungs.
      • Eventually all victims are broken down into more oil.
  • Ryuu's plan goes well, and it seems Gasorin will be executed as a threat to Soul Society.
  • Enter Ginrei Kuchiki, head of the Kuchiki clan.
    • He is Captain of Squad Six, because his family needs an income.
    • The Kuchiki fortunes have been spent by Ginrei's siblings and extended family, to the point where they cannot afford to pay their taxes.
    • Desperate, and seeing opportunity, he consults with Head Captain Yamamoto.
  • Yamamoto, founder of the Academy, dislikes that Ryuu's plan has rendered the grounds toxic and uninhabitable for a while.
    • He supports Ginrei in making Gasorin a retainer of the Kuchiki clan, thus immune to all legal consequences of his actions.
  • Ryuu is vexed by this.
    • Perturbed, some would say.
      • Maybe even upset, but that's a stretch.
  • Koga Kuchiki, fearing that the adorable fox will steal his in-laws and wife's attention, behaves like a reasonable person and breaks into Gasorin's assigned home to confront him.
    • As you do.
  • He makes a fool of himself in front of Gasorin, his wife, and his father in law.
    • Asami Kuchiki, his wife, knows what kind of goofball she married and isn't too upset.
  • Koga is revealed to have been married to Asami so his fortune could help prop up the Kuchiki family.
    • Koga's family were formerly nobles, and have made their wealth from operating high-end restaurants in the Rukongai first districts.
    • His presence in the CGS is seemingly his genuine desire, while Ginrei and Sojun Kuchiki both joined for them phat stacks of kan in pay.
    • Sojun Kuchiki is Koga's brother in law, Asami's twin brother.
  • Gasorin is expected to provide economic aid for the Kuchiki family, and does so by training their crafters to make his products.
    • He has multiple catalogues, which are popular.
      • Many orders are expected.
  • Due to the power of his poison-type zanpakutou, Gasorin cannot safely enter the Court Guard Squads or Onmitsukidou.
    • He joins the Kido Corps, specifically Thunder Division.
      • Because they know how to pull Quincy shit, and that stuff's cool.
  • The Kido Corps is heavily compartimentalized and secretive.
    • Because there are things worse than hollows which they have to deal with.
  • Using reishi deconstruction/reconstruction, Gasorin is able to reproduce missing parts to bring Soul Society's reactors back to full capacity.
    • Mr.HammondIThinkWe'reBackInBusiness.jpg
    • Sojun Kuchiki celebrating with melon liquer and ending up sleeping with Gasorin velociraptor jumpscare.
  • Ginrei assures Sojun that he is supportive of Sojun exploring himself to find some happiness.
    • But he also stresses Sojun shouldn't catch feelings, as he needs to marry for the good of the clan.
  • Sojun Kuchiki is revealed to be a bad bed partner due to inexperience.
    • For everyone's benefit, this is likely to be fixed.
    • Likely Byakuya will have a couple older siblings, making things better for everyone.
  • Central Forty-Six attempts to expand their authority to the nobility and Academy, and bar Seireitei and Rukongai residents from intermarrying or adopting.
    • This is generally considered a bad decision, and makes Yamamoto quite upset.
  • A civil war over who has the right of it is likely to start.
  • Gasorin has alleged to Ginrei that he is Sosuke Aizen's biological father, and would like Ginrei's help to find his son.
    • It's a lie, he's a fox.
    • Foxes lie.
      • No one should be surprised by this.
        • But they always are.

The current Captains of the Court Guard Squads are as follows:

  1. Genryusai Shigekuni Yamamoto.
    1. Lieutenant Chojiro Sasakibe.
  2. Toga Shihoin.
    1. Lieutenant unknown.
  3. Ryuu Inaba.
    1. Lieutenant Shohei Kasumioji.
  4. Nishant Koizumi.
    1. Lieutenant unknown.
  5. Hashim Tainguichi.
    1. Lieutenant unknown.
  6. Ginrei Kuchiki.
    1. Lieutenant Sojun Kuchiki.
  7. Hanuel Pan.
    1. Lieutenant unknown.
  8. Shunsui Kyoraku.
    1. Lieutenant Nao Nakashima.
  9. Cahaya Kobayashi.
    1. Lieutenant Mandeep Mizushima.
  10. Position vacant.
    1. Lieutenant unknown.
  11. Kenpachi Yash Maki.
    1. Lieutenant unknown.
  12. Takuto Tsunayashiro.
    1. Lieutenant unknown.
  13. Jushiro Ukitake.
    1. Lieutenant unknown.
Kido Commander: Yuuna Sasaki.
Vice Kido Commnder: Yua Shiba.

Onmitsukido Commander-in-Chief: Unknown.
She's on sabbatical. She's retired from the eleventh, but hasn't quite gotten to the point where she's ready to take over the fourth. Gotta sort out her feelings, and work on that bedside manner, ya know?
"And what do we say when we have a patient with a broken bone?"
Unohana: "Did you at least learn something?"
  • Central Forty-Six attempts to expand their authority to the nobility and Academy, and bar Seireitei and Rukongai residents from intermarrying or adopting.
    • This is generally considered a bad decision, and makes Yamamoto quite upset.
  • A civil war over who has the right of it is likely to start.
  • Gasorin has alleged to Ginrei that he is Sosuke Aizen's biological father, and would like Ginrei's help to find his son.

The Central 46 is about to become the Charred and Split 92. 93, etc.
Chapter 7
Chapter Seven: Coat turning.


Shohei Kasumioji

Shohei knew anytime Captain Inaba returned to the barracks with a smile, something terrible was going to happen.

"Someone bring me nails and a hammer," he ordered as soon as he was through the door, before he even acknowledged the officer's greetings. "Everyone else? Get your swords – we're goin' huntin'."

He went and obeyed. On the way too and from their workstations, every Squad member he passed had questions for him.

"Lieutenant, what's going on?" "Lieutenant, sir, is there a menos in Soul Society?" "Lieutenant, my shift was supposed to be over, what do I do?" "Lieutenant, what about second breakfast?"

Shohei didn't have any answers for them. All he could say was "The Captain will explain it all, don't worry."

When he returned with his zanpakutou he saw the Captain nail two pieces of paper to the barracks doors. All two hundred members of the Squad were gathered outside.

"Alright you lot, we're at war." Captain Inaba sounded proud of that, as he turned and gestured with the hammer. "Central Forty-Six put out some new laws, and some of the other Captains decided they knew better than to listen. So, we're gonna kill 'em."

Shohei got close, as did many officers, to read the papers on the doors. More than half the Captains were on the list of traitors – and the entire Kuchiki clan was listed as traitorous. He couldn't believe it when he saw the Head Captain on the list of traitors – it seemed impossible.

If he was on the enemy side, they would lose no matter what.

"You might be asking who we're huntin'." Captain Inaba smiled wide and rested the hammer on his shoulder. "The answer is – we're huntin' recruits out in Rukongai. We're gonna hold the White Road Gate, some of you will go out and find everyone with reiryoku. Then, you bring 'em to Squad Five's barracks."

Shohei felt creeping dread spread out from his stomach the more he listened. What? And the most important part was this: The fuck? Captain Inaba wanted them to kidnap people from the Rukongai? After dropping the 'we're at war' anvil on their heads?

He wasn't the only one to find the whole situation uncomfortable. The fifth seat of the Squad stepped forward and spoke up.

"Um, Captain, you can't seriously expect to fight the Head Captain and win, yeah?"

"Course not, so we won't fight him." Captain Inaba kept his smile wide. "We make it untenable for him to continue defiance, much more efficient. Now – you lot have your orders. Get to it."

They were all suddenly burdened with terrible weight, like heavy stones had been dropped on their shoulders. Captain Inaba's reiatsu, released just enough to remind them of the strength disparity.

"Or else. Yeah?"

As soon as Captain Inaba reigned in his reiatsu, the men bolted off for the gate.

Only Shohei remained, at a loss for how to parse the situation. He looked at the grinning Captain, in search of answers, but only saw grim satisfaction in the man's face.

"Best get goin'." Captain Inaba shifted his haori enough that the hilt of his zanpakutou stood out. "We got a gate to hold, yeah?"

"...Yes, sir," Shohei said, after a pause, and vanished in a flash step.

He could feel Captain Inaba just behind him as he stepped quickly across the Seireitei. The White Road gate was the western gate of the Seireitei, and closest to the barracks of Squads Three, Four, and Five. Close was a subjective term, as the Seireitei was forty-seven thousand square kilometers.

He had a lot to think about as the distant wall of the Seireitei drew nearer to him. The great gate, flush with the wall, loomed as they approached. Tiger statues lined the boulevard in between the trees and businesses.

And two forces of shinigami stood across from each other. Squad Three, being fully brought to bear, outnumbered them significantly. From the reiatsu amongst them, he could tell there was a Lieutenant in their midst.

Shohei stopped flash stepping to land on the roof of a pagoda near his squadmates. Captain Inaba followed him, and appeared at his side.

"Captain, Lieutenant," one of the seated officers near them bowed and relayed news. "A group of Squad Thirteen members led by their Lieutenant bar our way to the gate."

"Alright, nice." Captain Inaba rested his hand on the seated officer's shoulder. "Why aren't you lot, you know, engaging them?"

The seated officer floundered, and looked to Shohei for rescue.

Shohei couldn't even remember her name. He felt ashamed of himself in that moment, enough to speak out for effectively a stranger. "Perhaps they just didn't want you to miss the start, Captain?"

"Oh, that makes sense." Captain Inaba nodded, then leaned in close to the seated officer. "But, young lady? We aren't Squad Eleven. This is war – not a brawl. I need to know you lot will follow orders even when I'm not looking. Don't do it again."

"Yes, Captain," she answered. "Won't happen again."

"Sweet." Captain Inaba stood up and turned to Shohei. "I sense Lieutenant Abe down there. Why don't you go and bring me her head." He puffed his pipe once. "Now."

Shohei's shame deepened as he nodded his head. "Ryuichi, Shino, please act as messengers between the Captain and I," he told two unseated Squad members as he passed by. He walked down to the edge of the pagoda's roof and took a deep breath. "Begin the attack!"

He shouted it with all the force he could muster, and drew his zanpakutou as he flash stepped away.


"Well, this all went pear shaped quickly."


Ginrei Kuchiki

Ginrei had a lot to do that day. With civil war, he needed to ensure his clan and his Squad were ready to weather the storm.

The first thing on his list of things to do was to visit his guest and fellow Captain, Toga.

He approached the guest quarters, and knocked gently upon one of the doors.

"Come in," the gruff voice of Toga called.

Toga was seated on a mat when Ginrei entered – dressed partially in his shihakusho, with his hakama off. A spindle of black thread lay on the floor next to him.

Ginrei didn't arch his eyebrow at the sight. He'd had to mend his own hakama more than once, tailors were some of the first craftspeople the clan had lost. He knelt on a mat near Toga, his face dour.

"The Head Captain will arrive soon, do you wish to be in the meeting?"

"That depends," Toga answered. "If my barracks is secure."

"Lieutenant I has secured the premises, per my scouts. However the Onmitsukido are heavily active in the area." Ginrei braced himself for the next sentence he had to speak. "She suspects she'll have to order a retreat soon."

"Tsk." Toga scoffed and clapped his hand to his forehead. The Hung Gar rings on his arm rattled from the force. "Knew letting them build a damn prison near our barracks was going to bite me. I knew it."

"Perhaps." Ginrei nodded. "But we had no way of knowing exactly when or how. Where would you have your Squad go?"

Toga went back to stitching up his hakama with a scowl. "Hmm. Tell them to go to the Black Ridge Gate." He moved his arm enough for Ginrei to see the heavy bandages under his shitagi. Some of the white fabric had been stained red already. "We can muster at whatever headquarters the Head Captain sets, then move to reinforce the gates as they come under attack."

Ginrei met his peer's eyes. He could see strength there – but also frailty. "For what it's worth, I'm sorry." He looked away. "Rikku -- "

"Don't speak that traitor's name in front of me," Toga growled with his teeth clenched. He focused on his hakama, acted as if Ginrei wasn't there.

"...She shouldn't have been so ready to kill you," Ginrei finished his sentence, without reprisal for his peer speaking ill of his elder. Ginrei couldn't imagine how Sojun would act if Ginrei had been so ready to kill him.

From the description of events Toga had given him, after he'd come to Ginrei's doorstep with his guts hanging out, Rikku hadn't even hesitated. Ginrei had struggled to reconcile the loving mother he remembered at noble functions with the brutal would-be kinslayer Toga had encountered.

"It's fine. I'll pay her back." Toga's gruff voice was weak. Yet his hands didn't shake, nor did his stitching suffer. "I'll… be at the meeting with the Head Captain, if I get this fixed in time."

"Alright." Ginrei bowed, and didn't care to see if Toga reciprocated before he stood to leave.

From the guests quarters he went, toward the main building. On the way, he happened to feel a brush of wind on his face. He turned his head in the direction of the wind, and saw a white building attached to the manor complex he hadn't visited in a while.

The altarhouse.

Every noble family in Soul Society had enough ancestors that entire buildings were filled with the butsudan shrines. Some of the more modern clans had built singular family shrines where the most recently departed had their pictures displayed – but older ancestors would only be generally worshipped.

The Kuchikis were more traditionalist. Every ancestor had their own butsudan, and it was placed in the altarhouse. Not practical, Ginrei found, but respectful.

He diverted course to visit the altarhouse. The building had no windows, and only one door, so he had to use kido to light his way. Lavender carpetting stretched around the building's walls and between the rows of butsudan.

His feet moved automatically, until he found himself in front of his wife's butsudan. He opened the cabinet doors, and knelt down in front of her image.

She had been specific, she wanted her picture to be of her in her prime, and it twisted Ginrei's heart to see her again. Her dusty pink hair, done up in two pigtails; the eyepatch over her left eye; the Captain's haori she was so proud of.

"Furoufushi, would you have cut down our children so quickly?" He didn't like that he had to ponder on that. "Would you have cut me down?"

His only answer was silence.

"...Asami's marriage is happy," he told his wife's shrine when he could bear the silence no more. "Sojun is experimenting before marriage – and it's good that he is. Apparently, our boy is not… proficient."

The stark white light of the kido reflected off the gold tsuba of Furoufushi's zanpakutou, on the shelf below her portrait.

"Squad Six is doing well, I have made sure of it. Sojun and Koga have started training bankai. With luck, one of them will qualify to lead Squad Ten, and the other can take over for me in Squad Six when this war is done."

Ginrei stayed there for a few minutes more. He looked at his wife's picture, taken likely mere days before they met, and wished he could go back to that time. When his mother was head of the clan, when he was just a nobleman who documented history to pass the time.

But those days were gone. He had taken on Furoufushi's coat, and the responsibilities therein. Ginrei bowed to his wife's picture, and closed the cabinet doors. He felt much older on the way out than he'd been on the way in.


"I can't really comment on family killing family, since I spent the first couple months I was technically alive swimming around eating my siblings."


Cahaya Kobayashi

When she'd become Captain of Squad Nine, it was widely assumed Cahaya would do away with the tradition of going sleeveless. Her arms were like noodles, they said.

But she proved them wrong – the sun was out, her guns were out. And so it was for her entire Squad. The only sleeves she would accept were long gloves during cleanup on the presses.

Cahaya had assigned her Squad to information gathering for the war. They were the stealthiest part of the Court Guard Squads – necessary in their role as journalists and investigators. In her mind, they were the only hope of countering the Onmitsukido. Her journalists versus their assassins.

It would be glorious, no matter who won.

With the latest intel on the enemy's activities under her arm, and a pornographic novel in her hand, she made her way to the Kuchiki manor to meet with the Head Captain and some of the other leaders of their faction.

She'd have to formally introduce two of them, as they were from the Kido Corps.

Kyoraku, Ukitake, and Pan would all be absent, they had gone to reinforce the garrison at the White Road Gate. Squad Ten's Lieutenant hadn't even been informed that there was a civil war yet – which made them a potential ally that needed to be courted.

"Move, out of my way, I'm busy, sorry can't talk – reading porn," Cahaya dismissed the Kuchiki servants that tried to stop her on politeness grounds without so much as a glance away from her novel.

She was a Captain, she didn't need her eyes to navigate.

In her wake she left confused and affronted servants, as she followed her senses to the reiryoku of her fellow Captains.

Cahaya opened the sliding door with her foot, stepped in, then used the same foot to close it with her novel still in her hand. "Morning, morning, how you all doing, how you all getting along – I'm great, I'm fine, where's the food?"

The room was large, decorated with suits of armor along the far walls that belonged to ancient Kuchiki lords, while the Captains and others attending the meeting sat on cushions. Cahaya sat down on an unoccupied one and dropped the intelligence papers on the floor in one neat stack.

Immediately her hand went grabbing for snacks – she took a handful of rice crackers and stuffed them in her mouth before anyone else articulated a response.

She looked up from her novel after she'd gotten to a good stopping spot – right before the foreplay got started. Yamamoto and his Lieutenant Chojiro Sasakibe were seated furthest from her, with Ginrei, his Lieutenant, and his Third Seat across from her. Toga was alone, and annoyed that Cahaya had stolen some of his crackers.

There were others in the room too – a weirdo beastman in a Kido Corps uniform, and some grandfatherly old man with glasses and tanned skin.

"It's the evening, Captain Kobayashi," Ginrei corrected her gently.

"Yeah fine, whatever, time is meaningless unless there's a deadline." Cahaya stole another of Toga's crackers.

Yamamoto lifted his head slightly higher. "Have you any news about the Kido Corps, Captain Kobayashi?"

She glanced at the door, and didn't see her guests arrive yet. Slow girls. Ugh. "Bad news and good news, bad news first." Cahaya shoved her stolen cracker in her mouth. "Kido Commander's on the enemy's side. Most of the Corps' leadership too."

Sasakibe was always easier to read than Yamamoto, for one he usually had his eyes open. For two, he didn't have enough facial hair to obscure his expressions. For three, he moisturized enough that wrinkles didn't occupy ninety-one percent of his face. And Sasakibe's face showed pained frustration.

"Good news, most of their rank and file came over to our's. We have one Kido Chief, and the Vice Kido Commander on our side – they were supposed to be here, but they're late."

"Time is meaningless unless there's a deadline," the beastman in the Kido Corps uniform quipped.

Cahaya stole another of Toga's crackers and threw it at the beastman. "Mind your place, grown-ups are talking." She shoved the stack of papers toward Yamamoto. "Excact figures in here."

Yamamoto picked up the intelligence papers, and skimmed them. He sighed. "I had hoped we would have more of the Kido Corps leadership on our side – but some junior officers and two leaders will have to suffice." He passed the papers to the beastman. "Tell me, do you know these names?"

The beastman glanced at them, then nodded. "That's the Kido Chief of the Thunder Division – my division."

"Good. Can you tell me what aspect of Kido they specialize in?"

"I can, but I probably shouldn't." The beastman shrugged. "Vice Kido Commander Shiba said something about things worse than hollows which grow stronger the more they know about us."

"Hmm, I see." Yamamoto glanced at Cahaya. "Kido Chief Yoshioka and Vice Kido Commander Shib are in your care, then?"

Cahaya nodded. "I have them filling up space in my Squad's barracks while my troops are out there being useful." She glanced at the beastman. "All offense meant."

"None taken," the beastman replied.

Cahaya stole the same cracker she had thrown at the fox which had somehow gotten back to Toga from Toga, and threw it again.

"Why's he here?" Cahaya asked the men in the room. "We're in this situation because of him."

"Same reason my Third Seat is here," Ginrei replied. "They provide us tactical advantages." He glanced at them. "They both have hazardous powers which we can use to balance the scales."

"Especially when Koga gets his bankai," the beastman quipped again. "From what I remember, he was so effective that your own allies sabotaged your war effort to negate him as a threat."

Every set of non-beastman eyebrows in the room rose dangerously high. Koga's had the added effect of looking angry.

"...Which brings me to another reason for Gasorin to be here." Ginrei gestured to him once he'd recovered. "I suspect Gasorin might have knowledge of the future."

Cahaya adjusted her glasses. "Or he's insane. That's also a possibility." She looked at the nobleman amongst them. "And you?"

"I'm here representing the Kasumioji clan and their retainers," he said as he bowed. "Gyokaku Kumoi. You may know my son, Shohei."

"Oh right, the guy who is most likely being kicked to death right now by Captain Ukitake for mauling Squad Thirteen's Lieutenant." She nodded. "Glad to have you with us."

Kumoi's mouth twitched. "It is my belief that Shohei will come around to our side sooner rather than later. As soon as he hears the clan has taken the Head Captain's side."

"...Yeah, let's go with that." Cahaya cracked open her pornographic novel again, she had grown bored of talking with the men. "So we've got the Black Ridge gate locked down, but the White Road gate is being contested." She looked over the top of her book at the men. "Fiercely contested. The Red Hollow gate's not been touched, and the Blue Stream Gate is currently held by the Onmitsukido."

"Could everyone who believes Red Hollow gate's being used as an obvious trap raise your hand?" Gasorin, the beastman, asked the question and raised his hand.

Cahaya found herself with her hand up in seconds, as did Toga, Sasakibe, the Kuchikis and the Head-Captain.

"Red Hollow gate is directly between the barracks of Squad Eleven and Twelve," Yamamoto explained to the one man with his hand down, Kumoi. "It's utterly implausible for them to ignore it, and both Captain Tsunayashiro and Maki are known users of ambush tactics."

"Ah, I see." Kumoi nodded and pinched his chin between his thumb and pointer finger. "Those who use ambush tactics are vulnerable to the same, if I recall my military strategy correctly."

"So I'll have my Squad investigate the area around the gate," Cahaya said and focused again on her novel. "They'll – ooh – they'll get as much information about the ambush as they – oh my – they can."

"Is there any point in asking you not to read pornography in a strategic meeting such as this?" Yamamoto asked her with a twitch in his eyebrow.

"No – hoo – none, whatsoever. Oh my, feathers." She paused her reading long enough to glance at the beastman again. "What's the oracle suggest we do?"

"Not an oracle, that job's boring." Gasorin held up a finger, then pointed it at Koga. "Get him his bankai asap, it's the most effective way to deal with their numbers advantage."

All eyes went to Koga, Cahaya's with a quizzical look. "What's his bankai do that makes it so important."

Gasorin looked at Koga. "With your permission, Sir?" Once Koga nodded, uncertain, Gasorin turned back to them to explain. "Forcibly manifests the sword spirits of other shinigami's zanpakutou, exploits even minor points of disharmony between the two to make them loyal to Koga, while also effectively locking the victims out of their shikai and bankai at the same time."

Cahaya's book slipped from her fingers.

Toga froze in the midst of eating a rice cracker.

Kumoi's glasses slid down his nose, almost off his face entirely.

Ginrei's hands clenched so hard his knuckles popped.

Both Lieutenants openly gaped at Koga.

Koga looked down at his zanpakutou with awe and a barely-noticeable bit of pride.

Only Gasorin and Yamamoto seemed unphazed.

"The only ways I know to counter it is to already know what the effect does and brace against it, or defeat your own zanpakutou without shikai or bankai," the beastman explained.

Yamamoto clapped his hands together, pleased. "If that's the case, then I must agree with young Gasorin's suggestion. Accelerated bankai training for young Koga."

There was the sound of approaching footsteps which were followed by the sliding door opening. Yua Shiba and Fen Yoshioka stood in the door, frazzled.

"My apologies for being late, we had injured Corpsmen and not… enough… healers?" Yua began to explain their tardiness before she seriously looked at the room. "Did we miss something important?"



Cahaya Kobayashi: Captain of Squad Nine. One of the biggest lechers in the Soul Society. A well-regarded editor of the Seireitei Bulletin, and the designer of the Squad Nine code of journalistic ethics. While she's not as swole as some of her Squad members, she is a master of hakuda's redirection styles.
Toga Shihoin: Captain of Squad Two. A master in all forms of unarmed combat, he only uses his zanpakutou when absolutely necessary. The youngest son of Chikka Shihoin, the first Squad Two Captain, and the only one to enter the Court Guard Squads. Has rapidly developed mommy issues due to recent unpleasantness.


Hey Koga, I know it's rich coming from me – but your powers are bullshit!

By the way, no, that's not a typo. The Squad Two Lieutenant is Kim I.
There is so much wonderful action and subtext going on here and I am so ready for it.

Shohei knew anytime Captain Inaba returned to the barracks with a smile, something terrible was going to happen.

"Someone bring me nails and a hammer," he ordered as soon as he was through the door, before he even acknowledged the officer's greetings. "Everyone else? Get your swords – we're goin' huntin'."

He went and obeyed. On the way too and from their workstations, every Squad member he passed had questions for him.

"Lieutenant, what's going on?" "Lieutenant, sir, is there a menos in Soul Society?" "Lieutenant, my shift was supposed to be over, what do I do?" "Lieutenant, what about second breakfast?"

Shohei didn't have any answers for them. All he could say was "The Captain will explain it all, don't worry."
This does a really fun little bit of showing how Shohei is the actual head of the Division here in terms of leadership. Inaba has neglected all the parts involved in building morale or loyalty which given what's coming on later in this chapter if it works will be a wonderful turn around for Inaba and an absolute Coup for the Head Captain's Faction. (They need a cool name and so does the rebellion, at least for the history books. Something for Cahaya to work on.)

"You might be asking who we're huntin'." Captain Inaba smiled wide and rested the hammer on his shoulder. "The answer is – we're huntin' recruits out in Rukongai. We're gonna hold the White Road Gate, some of you will go out and find everyone with reiryoku. Then, you bring 'em to Squad Five's barracks."

Shohei felt creeping dread spread out from his stomach the more he listened. What? And the most important part was this: The fuck? Captain Inaba wanted them to kidnap people from the Rukongai? After dropping the 'we're at war' anvil on their heads?

He wasn't the only one to find the whole situation uncomfortable. The fifth seat of the Squad stepped forward and spoke up.
Inaba is still a bandit lord at heart, recruited and trained by the same people that founded the Gotei but lacking the desire each of them had for something more than just being a thug ruling by force of arm and sword. Inaba has his hammer, and all his problems are just nails.

They were all suddenly burdened with terrible weight, like heavy stones had been dropped on their shoulders. Captain Inaba's reiatsu, released just enough to remind them of the strength disparity.

"Or else. Yeah?"

As soon as Captain Inaba reigned in his reiatsu, the men bolted off for the gate.

Only Shohei remained, at a loss for how to parse the situation. He looked at the grinning Captain, in search of answers, but only saw grim satisfaction in the man's face.

"Best get goin'." Captain Inaba shifted his haori enough that the hilt of his zanpakutou stood out. "We got a gate to hold, yeah?"
Oh yeah, this Civil War is why I imagine Yamamoto eventually decides to start really focussing on the whole "civilized and traditional" aspects of the Gotei at least for the next few centuries to stomp out the culture that Inaba embodies and thrives on. It's useful at times, but that's what Squad 11 is for.

Ginrei met his peer's eyes. He could see strength there – but also frailty. "For what it's worth, I'm sorry." He looked away. "Rikku -- "

"Don't speak that traitor's name in front of me," Toga growled with his teeth clenched. He focused on his hakama, acted as if Ginrei wasn't there.

"...She shouldn't have been so ready to kill you," Ginrei finished his sentence, without reprisal for his peer speaking ill of his elder. Ginrei couldn't imagine how Sojun would act if Ginrei had been so ready to kill him.

From the description of events Toga had given him, after he'd come to Ginrei's doorstep with his guts hanging out, Rikku hadn't even hesitated. Ginrei had struggled to reconcile the loving mother he remembered at noble functions with the brutal would-be kinslayer Toga had encountered.
Oh boy, Kinslaying without any hesitation? I'm curious what game is being played here but I'm thinking that Shihoin are playing both sides here to ensure that they have a guarenteed way of surviving this whole mess. False flags and Wounded Gazelle Gambits are absolutely the bread and butter of the people that run the 2nd Division.

His feet moved automatically, until he found himself in front of his wife's butsudan. He opened the cabinet doors, and knelt down in front of her image.

She had been specific, she wanted her picture to be of her in her prime, and it twisted Ginrei's heart to see her again. Her dusty pink hair, done up in two pigtails; the eyepatch over her left eye; the Captain's haori she was so proud of.

"Furoufushi, would you have cut down our children so quickly?" He didn't like that he had to ponder on that. "Would you have cut me down?"
I'm fucking sorry, Ginrei married the woman that helped bounced the first Quincy Empire like a super-ball and helped found the Gotei via sheer force of will? No wonder Ginrei is so pissed at his family for squandering their good fortune and forcing him to have to take up his own wife's haori to deal with it. Also damn Byakuya, those senbonzakura has a lot of extra gravitas to it now too. Same color as Nana's hair and all that.

"...Asami's marriage is happy," he told his wife's shrine when he could bear the silence no more. "Sojun is experimenting before marriage – and it's good that he is. Apparently, our boy is not… proficient."
Sojun getting a pat on the head for working to improve his technique, which makes him want to die because his dad is proud of him for things he'd rather not have ever happen. I am cackling right now at the irony.

"I can't really comment on family killing family, since I spent the first couple months I was technically alive swimming around eating my siblings."
Sometimes (often) I forget that Gasorin is part shark.

Cahaya had assigned her Squad to information gathering for the war. They were the stealthiest part of the Court Guard Squads – necessary in their role as journalists and investigators. In her mind, they were the only hope of countering the Onmitsukido. Her journalists versus their assassins.

It would be glorious, no matter who won.

With the latest intel on the enemy's activities under her arm, and a pornographic novel in her hand, she made her way to the Kuchiki manor to meet with the Head Captain and some of the other leaders of their faction.
There are reasons that the CIA and FBI despise journalists, and it's because Journalists tend to be far better at getting people to tell them secrets than State-Sponsored violence is.

Cahaya opened the sliding door with her foot, stepped in, then used the same foot to close it with her novel still in her hand. "Morning, morning, how you all doing, how you all getting along – I'm great, I'm fine, where's the food?"
Straight in and to the point, because fuck it we're all busy and there's a war going on.

Side note, Cahaya is fantastic and I almost imagine she's like a female version of J. Jonah Jameson.

Yamamoto picked up the intelligence papers, and skimmed them. He sighed. "I had hoped we would have more of the Kido Corps leadership on our side – but some junior officers and two leaders will have to suffice." He passed the papers to the beastman. "Tell me, do you know these names?"

The beastman glanced at them, then nodded. "That's the Kido Chief of the Thunder Division – my division."

"Good. Can you tell me what aspect of Kido they specialize in?"
Oh boy, the fact that you can potentially reduce power to the C46 is hilarious.

"I can, but I probably shouldn't." The beastman shrugged. "Vice Kido Commander Shiba said something about things worse than hollows which grow stronger the more they know about us."

"Hmm, I see." Yamamoto glanced at Cahaya. "Kido Chief Yoshioka and Vice Kido Commander Shib are in your care, then?"
I'm curious is this is a reference to the Shadow World that the Quincy are hiding in or something else that my Bleach-knowledge doesn't have?

"I'm here representing the Kasumioji clan and their retainers," he said as he bowed. "Gyokaku Kumoi. You may know my son, Shohei."

"Oh right, the guy who is most likely being kicked to death right now by Captain Ukitake for mauling Squad Thirteen's Lieutenant." She nodded. "Glad to have you with us."

Kumoi's mouth twitched. "It is my belief that Shohei will come around to our side sooner rather than later. As soon as he hears the clan has taken the Head Captain's side."
The comments by just "mauling" at least means that they didn't kill the lieutenant.

And as I mentioned at the start of this post, Shohei is the key to flipping the entire Squad against Inaba. If they can pull it off it'll crush the C46's side of the civil war.

"Could everyone who believes Red Hollow gate's being used as an obvious trap raise your hand?" Gasorin, the beastman, asked the question and raised his hand.

Cahaya found herself with her hand up in seconds, as did Toga, Sasakibe, the Kuchikis and the Head-Captain.
I smiled so hard at the fact that even the Head Captain raised his hand at this. Also liking that Gasorin is at least being allowed to be marginally involved in things rather than kept as an intel source off to the side.

Gasorin looked at Koga. "With your permission, Sir?" Once Koga nodded, uncertain, Gasorin turned back to them to explain. "Forcibly manifests the sword spirits of other shinigami's zanpakutou, exploits even minor points of disharmony between the two to make them loyal to Koga, while also effectively locking the victims out of their shikai and bankai at the same time."
Gasorin is one of the only people likely capable of being relatively immune to Muramasa's ability, and the only potential I think for Osenmaru to actually fall is because Osenmaru will want to always be at Gasorin's side rather than being kept away from Gasorin even when Gasorin is in danger.

Another phenomenal update and I am just so fucking excited about what the Civil War is building up to with Koga potentially getting his Bankai and hoisting all the enemies by their own zanpakuto shaped petards.
Inaba has neglected all the parts involved in building morale or loyalty which given what's coming on later in this chapter if it works will be a wonderful turn around for Inaba and an absolute Coup for the Head Captain's Faction.
And if you remember his introduction, before this mess Ryuu was trying to push the general philosophy of the Squad toward being artsy. He neglected the leadership in favor of vibes, then let his toxic vibes take over.
I'm fucking sorry, Ginrei married the woman that helped bounced the first Quincy Empire like a super-ball and helped found the Gotei via sheer force of will?
Yeah, he's only the second Squad Six Captain to ever exist.
Sometimes (often) I forget that Gasorin is part shark.
He doesn't show his teeth often, but if he did it'd be a more persistent reminder. Serrations, and all.

The comments by just "mauling" at least means that they didn't kill the lieutenant.
Ryuu wanted her head, Shohei didn't hear he wanted her head removed from her body.

Another phenomenal update and I am just so fucking excited about what the Civil War is building up to with Koga potentially getting his Bankai and hoisting all the enemies by their own zanpakuto shaped petards.
I hope it lives up to your hype!
Ryūjin Jakka in the back of Yamamoto's mind: Oh fuck yes, I can burn people to death in person.
Ryujin Jakka: Please ask me to kill for you.
Yamamoto: No.