In the few minutes we're in the Van, Jack and Jill have fallen asleep and my scared icon doesn't even start flashing. If it was just me, I'd try to push through it like I did when I was overcoming my fear of fire, or fear of the dark. However, now I have Jack and Jill to worry about.
As the van pulls to a halt, the woman lifts my hand and watches it shake, "You're terrified, you're actually terrified."
I shake my head, "J-just s-scared. C-can still f-function while s-scared."
L looks at me and slowly says, "Taylor, why are you scared?"
"S-she has a g-gun, and s-she threatened J-Jill with it."
L frowns, "What's a gun?"
The orange guy looks at L incredulously, "You don't know what a gun is?"
I shake my head, "S-she was b-born on t-that w-world."
The woman huffs and puts the gun away, "Labyrinth creates worlds, she doesn't go to them."
I shrug, "M-Maybe s-sometimes she c-copies them? I-I'm g-going to take a b-book out."
When the woman nods, it takes me a few minutes to open my inventory, and just as long to find the university history book I was forced to study. When it appears in my hand the orange guy and the woman both jump. Labyrinth, is still just out of it.
"What the hell is that!?"
I hand the book over, "A-a b-book."
The woman grumbles, "Not what I was talking about."
None the less, she opens the book and starts flicking through. As she does her eyes begin to narrow, "I don't know what game you're playing, but this is gibberish."
"S-Simlish actually. I-It's the language e-everyone s-speaks t-there. I-I taught L-L English s-so I w-wouldn't f-forget."
L stands up and sits next to me, "
It's ok, it's just fear it's not going to hurt you."
I give a shaky chuckle, "
Easy for you to say, you've never been scared to death."
The woman growls, "English only."
The orange guy, Newter! That's his name. Newter says, "M, lighten up, I believe them."
The woman throws her arms in the air, "Fine, welcome to the Palanquin, the only cape owned nightclub on the East Coast."
As the back door is opened by a man with transparent skin, I some how manage to gain an embarrassed emotion as I ask, "You'll need to remind me, what's a cape?"
The man shakes his head, "Where have you been for the last 20 years? Living under a rock?"
I duck my head into L's shoulder as my face burns. L takes pity on me and says, "We have, been living. In San Sequoia. I don't know, how long, a year is. Our, adult great-grandchildren, have, toddlers, if help."
The man with transparent skin looks at L skeptically, so she focuses for a couple of seconds before pulling out a pile of photos. As I spot the first photo my embarrassment upgrades to Very Embarrassed. L shows me no mercy as she picks up the first photo, "This is our first baby, Juan-Juan, I carried him. We lived in Glimmerbrook then."
As she picks up a photo of a pair of twins, one with green hair and the other with yellow hair I stumble over to Jack and Jill, and start waking them up. "These are Em and Em, and they were Taylor's…"
Jack, Jill, it's time to wake up. We're here and your mother's showing baby photos."
It's amazing how fast they can move when there's embarrassment on the line, not that I'm far behind them.
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A short while later I'm still waiting for L to finish showing the woman, who held a gun to me, baby photos. Meanwhile the transparent man, who's name is Gregor the Snail, and Newter have shown us upstairs to their private rooms.
At about the same time as Jill comes out of the bathroom in tears, Jack opens the fridge and calls, "
Mom, why doesn't the fridge let me buy food?"
When I see the damp patch on Jill's crotch I immediately cast scruberoo, as there's no reason she should be dirty on top of embarrassed. Now that she's clean, I walk over to her and pull her into a hug, "
What happened sweetie?"
Jill sobs, "
I sat down to pee, and my clothes didn't disappear."
I don't say anything for a few seconds as my brain processes that fact, then I remember my early days of being a Sim and panicking because I couldn't drop my jeans when I needed the loo. While I'm searching for something to say, Newter walks over and puts a comforting hand on Jill's shoulder.
"Don't worry, I remember needing to learn how to use the toilet too."
I pat Jill on the back before saying, "
This is Newter, he said that he remembers needing to learn how to use the toilet too. You've never needed to learn how to use the toilet without the system to help you. Give me a minute and I'll duplicate some potions of Emotional Stability, you're a teen now so you can drink them."
Jill gives me a wan smile as I let go and pull the original potion from my inventory. Placing it on the floor, I cast copypasta and put the original away. Then I look at it for a few seconds and cast it again, as I'm certain that we're all going to need plenty of these before we've readjusted to.
As Jill drinks the second potion, Newter asks, "What are those?"
I finish casting copypasta for the third time before I hand him one of the potions, "It's a potion, that removes… that stabilises… It fixes any temporary issues that are affecting someone's emotions and leaves them feeling slightly happy. It's contra indicated for pregnant women, because the fixing is rather permanent in that case."
Newter looks at the potion curiously, "What do you mean permanent?"
"It will remove their womb with the baby."
"And you can just make these?"
I tip my hand backwards and forwards, "Once we've got somewhere to put a cauldron we can start making them. At the moment I'm using a spell to duplicate them…"
I'm cut off by a scream from the kitchen, and all four of us run into the kitchen to see Jack clutching his hand while blood pours out. Lying on the bench are three of his fingers. Eyes wide, I grab the potion from Newter's hand and hold it up to Jack's mouth, "
Come on Jack, drink the potion, you know it will help."
As the liquid pours into his mouth, he convulsively swallows and the bleeding slows, and then stops as his fingers grow back. Jill looks shakes her head and walks back into the other room with her book while Newter and Gregor stare at the fingers, and then back at Jack, who has a happy smile on his face.
Gregor looks at me and says, "Contra indicated for pregnant women?"
I nod as I stare at the fingers still on the chopping board, "Yes."
L and the woman with the gun come running in, and L immediately walks over to inspect Jack. The woman looks around and says, "What happened? I heard screaming."
Gregor points to the fingers that are still on the chopping board, "The kid cut his fingers off," then he points at me, "then she gave him a potion that regrew them."
The woman is silent for a long time before she says, "What do you want?"
I finish casting my current copypasta spell and look at her, "What?"
"What do you want? For the tinkertech potion."
I look over at L, who shrugs and says, "
You wanted to find your dad."
I look back at the woman, "Um, your name would be a start, as I've been calling you the woman with the gun in my head."
The woman looks at me oddly, "Melanie."
I smile and take out my Simray as I nod, "Thanks Melanie. I guess I'd like to get hold of dad and let him know I'm alive. Get a job, buy a house where I can put some equipment, and get the kids into school so that they can socialize while they're growing up. I hadn't really thought much beyond getting away from that flipping world with my family."
L looks confused, "Taylor, will the…
potion… even work for them?"
I shrug as I continue in the specifications for a NanoCan , "Maybe, it's magic after all."
"Magic? You didn't teach me that word."
"Magic means
L nods, "Thank you. Would still be better to test first."
Jack whines, "
Mom, I'm starving."
I pull out my phone, select order food, and stare at the 'Service unavailable… Searching for Provider…' message for a moment, "Um, Melanie, is there anything for Jack to eat?"
Melanie snarks, "Don't you have magic to help with that?"
I nod, "I do, but it looks identical to the potions I've already been duplicating, and they're psychologically addictive."
"They're what? Never mind, Newter, call down to the kitchen and order some food."
I finish programming the Simray as I say, "They're psychologically addictive, as they fill all of your needs, bladder, hunger, hygiene, energy, social, and fun… You don't have those here, do you."
As Melanie is staring at me, I point my Simray at the trashcan and pull the trigger. The ray spits out a beam of light that scans the trashcan, before sending out a couple of circles of light and a whoop whoop noise. Then the trashcan turns into a sleek Nanocan.
As Melanie and Gregor stare at the new trashcan, I smoothly pick up the chopping board with the fingers and knife, and drop them into the trashcan.
As the trashcan lights up Melanie screeches, "What the hell Taylor!"
I shrug, "I needed to get rid of Jack's fingers before they started to smell, and I figured you'd probably appreciate having a trashcan that converts waste into fuel."
Melanie stares at me before turning around and marching back into the other room. There she grabs one of the duplicated bottles and swigs it down in one go. The she lets out a small laugh, "Heh, it really works."
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Melanie scowls at the little green and white trashcan drone that's just bumped into her chair before hovering around it and cleaning all the dust off her filing cabinet. Just another tinker device that the family produced out of nowhere.
Turning back to her computer, she looks back at the computer screen where she's researching Danny Hebert on one half of her screen and the rules on cross dimensional travel on the other.
"Right, Dockworkers association. It would be someone actually important wouldn't it. Why couldn't it have been some nobody they could pay to move to a nearby town?"
With practiced fingers, she quickly dials the Dockworkers contact number as she glances at the clock, 5pm on the Thursday before Christmas, most offices would be closed... On the third ring the phone is picked up, "Good evening, Dockworkers."
"Is Danny Hebert there?"
Melanie smiles, "I'm calling from the Palanquin, I have Taylor here."
"Is she alright?"
"She is, but she was caught up in a parahuman event on the boardwalk earlier."
Melanie nods thoughtfully as she hears the sound of a chair scraping back as Danny says, "I'll be there as soon as I can."
"No need to hurry, she's not going anywhere. Tell the bouncer that you're here to see Faultline and they'll direct you round to a side entrance."
As the phone hangs up, she sighs and looks at the other page, the one that threatens dire consequences if inter-dimensional travelers aren't reported immediately. With a sigh she picks up the phone and dials the Quebec City branch of the Guild.
Sometimes she wonders if it wouldn't be easier to actually be villains than legitimate mercenaries.
"This is The Guild, how can I help you?"
Melanie forces a smile, "Hello, this is Faultline, I'd like to report an incident with Labyrinth."
"One moment, I'm just passing you through to the relevant department."
A couple of minutes into the hold music, Elle aka Labyrinth pushes open the door to the office with a blue flask in her arms. "Hey Mel, this is good stuff."
"Parahuman affairs, good evening."
Melanie makes a shooing motion with her hand as she picks up the receiver again, "Good evening, this is Faultline, I'd like to report an inter-dimensional incident with Labyrinth."
"I'm sorry, did you say inter-dimensional?"
"I did."
"According to my computer, you're calling from Brockton Bay in Maine, USA."
"I am."
"Why are you calling Canada when you are miles away from the PRT ENE headquarters?"
Melanie swallows her first response of, 'Because the local PRT is run by a hardarse bitch with a hard on for parahumans.' Instead she says, "Because the PRT deals with domestic issues, and this is not a domestic issue. Additionally, Faultline's Crew is a registered mercenary company. We are registered in Canada despite residing in Brockton Bay."
In her head she adds, 'And I don't shit in my own backyard.'
"One moment, I'm speaking to my supervisor… When and where did this issue occur?"
"Around 4pm at the Boardwalk in Brockton Bay."
"I can see that there was a PRT incident report filed at around that time. Is there any reason why you didn't speak to the responding troops?"
"We came straight back to the Palanquin with the visitors as soon as I realized she'd had a moment. The PRT must have arrived after we left."
"There are visitors?"
"And a time traveler."
"I'm sorry, did you say time traveler?"
The line goes silent, and then the phone beeps once, and again 20 seconds later.
Pressing the speaker button, Melanie cradles her face in her hands as she says, "Why me?"