Harry Potter: Tenno - 4
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Harry Potter: Tenno – 4
Albus looks over his desk at his Deputy with some concern, "Are you sure you want to do this? We could send Hagrid.""No, I've been the main contact through the letters, and I want to see that he's ok with my own eyes. That and they might have an issue with time magic, and Hagrid wouldn't be able to deal with that."
"But how are you going to get there?"
"I spoke to Fawkes while you were out, and he agreed to take me."
"I can't persuade you to let another staff member go?"
"Apart from you Albus, I am the most experienced staff member, and most able to deal with any situation that might arise."
Slumping in his chair, Albus strokes his beard in a comforting gesture, "I'm not going to talk you out of this am I."
"No, I allowed you to leave him with those ghastly muggles and now he's who knows where. This time I'm not going to leave him to fend for himself."
Albus decides to keep quiet about the fact that Petunia never even saw the boy.
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Natah looks down at the most recent sentient that she's worked on since setting the capture bounty. A feeling of melancholy comes over her as she considers the irony that these Sentients can be made here, while those that are sapient like herself become sterile when they pass through the gap. Not only has it survived the experience, but there also seems to be a spark of something in it's movements. Harry comes in wearing one of his warframes, Banshee Prime if she's not mistaken, as he does, the sentient flinches at his presence. That's, unusual. She holds out a hand palm facing towards Harry, and he stops. After a few minutes of not dying, the Sentient starts looking for a way out, and failing that moves as far away from Harry as it can.
"Mum. What did you do?"
Natah thinks for a moment, "I think I've given it a soul."
"I hope you're not going to do this to yourself after only one success."
Natah laughs, "No Harry, I'm not going to perform an experimental procedure on myself that has currently killed 157 out of 158 sentients it has been tried on."
"Good, I don't want to lose you so soon after getting to know you."
"You won't. Now be ready to dodge, I'm going to turn it's weapons back on."
Harry's ready when it does immediately open fire, what he wasn't ready for is the fact it shot the floor in front of him. Even so, he jumps backwards and to one side, then watches in amazement as it doesn't immediately follow up on the first shots. "Mum."
"Yes Harry."
"Have you just turned a Sentient killing machine into a wild animal?"
"It seems that way."
"Right, just wanted to be sure. Anyway, you wanted me to give you a couple of hours warning before the teacher was due to arrive."
"Oh, yes, I need to set up the scanning equipment. Thank you Harry, could you give me a hand with it?"
"You know, Maroo seems to be doing really well as the face of the Tenno. She seems to have enough hardened explorer vibe to make people treat with her seriously."
"Told you."
"Yes you did. Though Ordis isn't doing so well communicating with the Tenno, I have to take over far too much."
"What about what's her face, the Dax that's moved in with Maroo. She's been around as long as Tenshin was."
"I'll approach her to see, how's the modifications to your railjack coming along?"
"We've had to get rid of the forward facing turret, so I'm missing my heaviest guns. But Cy wouldn't let me get rid of the bottom or rear placements. The entire cargo bay has been converted into a pod room, along with wall mounts for 6 warframes and my armoury. I've also got space for Whisker to live too."
"That's your kavat isn't it."
"It is. In deference to the fact I might be transporting human guests, I've also installed a few seats I recovered from an Orokin derelict. I'm also leaving Nidus behind, as I don't want to spread the infestation to a virgin system. I've also taken each of the frames I'm going to take to the helminth before taking them straight to the Railjack."
"Well done, I'd forgotten about that. Do you have a foundry?"
"Yep, fully stocked too, as well as a Mod workstation."
"Well, let's get those scanners set up."
"What are we going to do about the language thing."
"I've repaired your old pod and added the flash training matrix to it. It's slightly different for adults than children, but they'll have the basic knowledge they need to operate here. Apparently it wasn't too rare for people to marry down, so they had processes in place to elevate them."
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Minerva double checked that she had her travel trunk in her pocket along with her wand and old armour, though it was a little more snug than it used to be. Fawkes alights on her shoulder and Albus gives her a cheery wave before she's engulfed in flames. Then she's standing on a smooth stone floor in a cave that's open to the stars on one side with a blue green moon hanging full in the air. Off to one side is a human woman with a strange headdress looking at something and swearing in a foreign language. Looming over her is a Golem of unknown construction. The only indication she has that she's in the right place is the owl sitting on the Golems shoulder. The Golem says something, before shrugging and turning towards her, and then Harry comes out of it's chest. She'd recognise the Potter profile anywhere, and the eyes are pure Lily.
"Harry, I'm so glad to see you."
"Whorre, Pum whepo yeep slip wonk worr. Caxan ug kot dinke zo dew wholo." He opens the lid on some sort of casket with a seat inside it and indicates between her and the seat. Not recognising the language in any way, she walks over and sits in the chair. Harry then does something and she blacks out.
Minerva wakes up feeling rested and pain free for the first time in what seems like forever. Opening her eyes she can see the inside of her healing pod with the internal controls in front of her face. Outside the pod there are a couple of people talking. Her eyes widen when she realises that she didn't know all of this when she got into the pod. Quickly stabbing the release, she sits up as the lid opens.
"Mum, mum, Natah!"
"It's impossible, it can't be true, there was no void wake, only visible light and heat."
"Mum! It's clearly possible as it happened. Besides, she's awake."
Minerva looks over at the voices, to see the woman working on a dataslate while Harry is standing beside her trying to talk to her.
"I'm sorry to interrupt, but what happened?"
Harry looks over at her, "Sorry about my mum, but she can get like this when things don't make sense. She's sometimes worse than a Corpus Exec that's gotten wind of a possible profit-making opportunity."
"What, why does what you just said make sense?"
"The pod you were in ran you through a flash training program. It basically hijacks your dream state in order to integrate whatever it's supposed to teach you. You might dream about being different people for a few weeks, but that's just your brain cementing the information. Looking at the display it also fixed your eyesight, replaced your liver and kidneys, healed some arthritis in your left knee. Removed a proto-cancer in your overies and corrected the genetic defect that led to it. Oh, and removed all the heavy metals, primarily lead, that weren't supposed to be there. They're in the cup on the left-hand side. You've also been given the immunisations you need to live here without dying of something virulent."
"How long did this take?"
"Around 4 hours."
"Oh, no, we're going to miss the shops in Diagon Alley"
"Don't worry about time, we've calculated that we're running between 70 and 90 times faster than you are. That means that you've only been here for 2-3 minutes."
Minerva stops and stares at Harry for a moment, "Harry, I assumed that you were just large for your age. But how long have you been here?"
Harry shrugs, "Around 800 years give or take."
She sags back into the seat, "But, how?"
"I appeared on the Zariman 10-zero while it was stuck in the void. I was in a basket with a blanket and a letter. From what I've been told, it was stuck there for 6 months after I arrived. The void has left a permanent mark on all of the survivors of that time, and the rest is not something I feel comfortable sharing with you just yet, as I've only found out recently myself. Suffice to say that we are functionally immortal. Mum is also functionally immortal, but for a different reason. A side effect of that is that we stopped aging just before we hit true adulthood. Physically, I'm around 16."
"Today's supposed to be your 11th birthday, I was expecting you to be slightly older because of the time problems you were describing in your letters. But this is a bit more than I was expecting. Let me get out and unpack my trunk."
"Before you do that, why don't we move into the complex so that we don't need to worry about powering the atmospheric shields."
"Atmos…pher…ic shields." – She slowly turns to look at the blue green moon hanging in the sky – "That's Earth isn't it."
"It is."
"That means we're standing on the Moon."
"We call it Lua, but yes."
Shakily she points at the Earth, "That's the Earth."
"And we're standing on the Moon Lua."
"Now you sound like mum."
Natah finally walks over still scowling at her datapad, "Harry, I'm not that bad."
"Mum, you were literally just complaining about how something you just saw happen was impossible. Yes you are."
Deciding that the Deputy was in shock, Harry transfers back into his Banshee Prime and sweeps her up into a princess carry before starting to walk back into the compound with The Lotus. Minerva turns her head to study the Golem and realises that it has breasts and a defined waist.
"Harry, is your Golem female?"
"She's a warframe, and yes she is."
Minerva nods, that makes more sense than it being a golem, "Why are you using a female warframe?"
"She feels more comfortable today."
The Lotus looks up from her datapad, shakes her head slightly and Natah says, "Gender is somewhat optional for Tenno. Warframes are somewhat alive, though most of them don't have the ability to act on their own. They still have their own experiences, feelings, and opinions. When a Tenno has transferred into a warframe it's body becomes their body. What it feels they feel. Their arm is it's arm. In essence they provide the mind and motive force. Some of them were sapient before the Orokin turned them into warframes, and in the process driving them insane."
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