Philosopher's Tinker (Worm)

[X] Plan: Deep Waters
[X][Greg] Follow him home.
----[X][Greg] Gather information. Scout the place, learn more about him, see where he lives and who would care if he came home with broken bones or never came home at all.
[X][Sophia] Keep investigating her.
[X][Tinkering] Make plans for an augment. You can only build one with your meager funds (if even that!) but this way you'll have a clear goal.
----[X][Augment] Clear Quartz: Can be used to charge up other power's expressions. Only works on select powers. Consumption varies. 1 Common, 2 Uncommon, 1 Rare.
Chat logs and other disgusting things
[X] Plan: Sneaky Breaky, Don't Stop Edition
-[X][Greg] Follow him home.
--[X][Greg] Gather information. Scout the place, learn more about him, see where he lives and who would care if he came home with broken bones or never came home at all.
-[X][Sophia] Keep investigating her.
-[X][Tinkering] Instead of an augment, maybe make an equipment? Anything from a mask, to a shield, to a switchblade, to a pair of boots is fair game. It probably would help using your core better.
--[X][Tinkering Write-in] a cloak or hoodie that grants invisibility be absorbing/refracting light; matches well with your focus (Coruscant) as it charges off the light it absorbs


Okay…this is embarrassing but I noticed a few problems with the Rank table in the Mechanics tab. I updated and improved it (hopefully). God…this is so embarrassing.


2010, November 13, Saturday.

I hesitate for a moment, a thousand and one thoughts going through my head. What I'm about to do will barely be a crime worth mentioning but…

It feels like a prelude to something. I don't know if it's good or bad but so long as mom gets better?

Well, this might be less about mom's well-being and more about revenge for her distinct lack of but who cares?

I follow him. I never did this before but just to be sure I kept a decent distance from him. There are no crowds where I could hide so that's unfortunate. Still, with how drunk he seems to be maybe I worry for nothing.

Indeed, even after an hour of following him, he doesn't even notice me. I sneer as I follow him from pub to pub, each worse than the last until he basically tries to walk into a shack. They deny him from anywhere, citing everything from harassment to unpaid tabs. Some places simply scare him off while others give him a few punches and shoves. I take particular delight when a tough woman with beer stains punches him in the face. Poetic justice, just not from me. Not yet.

After the fifteenth place to deny him, he gives up and staggers into a convenience store. I wait for him outside, entertaining myself by counting the dogs. Once he comes out holding a bottle of something I can smell from meters away I follow him. He takes the occasional swig from the bottle until his footsteps hit the ground by pure luck. Fortunately, he staggers inside a rundown apartment building instead of passing out in a ditch. Slipping inside is as easy as breathing –what with the locks broken off. He somehow manages to stumble up to the second floor and open his door. I only get a glimpse of the interior but its…empty. From my angle, I don't see any decoration beyond a couch and there are no voices calling out to him. What is more important, however, is that he doesn't call out a greeting.; he is used to no one being home. He probably lives alone with nothing but his misery he tries to drink away.

Even after I arrive home and calming down mom from disappearing before she could wake up I can't help but smile.


2010, November 14, Saturday.

I think to myself; why make an upgrade? The thought stills my hand and I suddenly become aware of the light sound my core makes. Why bother with an upgrade when I can barely use it? Why upgrade the ammunition if I have nothing advanced enough to fire it? Why bother buying the newest game on the market when I only have an Atari?

So instead of drawing up formulas, I draw a cape. Yes, yes, a cape wearing a cape. Funny. But I can't get the idea out of my head once I start drawing. While it's a meme that barely any parahumans wear capes that doesn't mean no one does. Just look at the Triumvirate; Eidolon and Alexandria wear capes. Hero will forever remain my favorite out of the four of them –may god rest his soul- but that doesn't mean I don't like the rest.

I went on a tangent. Anyway, the idea comes from nowhere and won't leave. Sometimes utility is better than sheer firepower. What better utility than invisibility? Even if it will be a bit…flawed due to insufficiency. God dammit, why can't a few thousand dollars drop into my lap?! It would solve so many of my problems.

The finished idea is pretty simple. A coat that comes down to my thighs with a metallic clasp at the front keeping it together. The clasp would function similarly to my bracelet; place in the core and use it as a battery. The tricky part would be wiring the cloth. Some extra thin wires…circled around the clasp and…sewn into the cloth? Can I do that? I have a feeling I can. Hell, with only a bit of buying this and that I can make it a few day tops.

The problem –as it is getting common- is with my core. It leads back to my core. Quite simply, I can't keep it up for long. At my current top capacity, I could hold it for…10 seconds? At total it would last 20 or so. That's honestly abysmal.

However, here comes the silver lining. The cloak wouldn't be an augment so it would not keep up the spot that will open in…

I glance at my core.

…eight hours. This means that I could supply the demand using a simpler upgrade. I begin drawing up the proper chemical formulas next to the cape's sketch. It wouldn't do much on its own, being a more passive augment, but if I combined its effects with the cape's ability to cast my core's light absorption properties over a humanoid figure…I could more than double the usage time. And that's in addition to the passive effect of greater light absorption meaning greater fuel gathering.

Now that I think about it, it's kind of like mana regeneration in games. A normally ruinously expensive ability suddenly becomes viable due to faster mana generation. Like in those godawful Game Cape fics that float around PHO. Just this time real.

I frown slightly. This kind of ruins my original idea of making a piece of equipment over an augment but it's not like I'm obligated to augment my core. The cape would work just fine- okay, kind of fine without it. Better think about it some more.


2010, November 15, Monday.

Despite my promise to myself to space out the work, here I am at the crack of dawn delivering the newspaper. But honestly, I couldn't help it. I started to switch over to this early rising-and-workout thing and I kinda like it. Climbing stairs have never been so easy!

…I definitely didn't forget that I didn't need to come in today.

So anyway, I'm cycling down a familiar route. My wrist is distinctly light with no bracelet on it. My core has yet to finish cooking in its little vat so I'm left without it. Honestly, it's a bit concerning how naked I feel without my core nearby but that just might be the route. Hard to feel safe in a bad part of the town with little to no lighting. Thank god for scarves.

I turn the corner and-


-swerve myself around the person. I barely manage to keep my wobbling bike upright and I stop. I look behind me, apology on my tongue, when the words catch in my throat at what- who is in front of me.

"Dude, you alright?"

"Huh- oh yeah. Shouldn't I be asking this?"

Clockblocker waves his hand, "I wasn't watching and you didn't actually hit me. No harm no foul."

I sigh in relief, "Thanks man. You out patrolling?"

He groans good-naturedly, "Yeah, just wrapping it up. Early patrols are the worst."

I smile behind my scarf, "And here I thought six thirty is the best time, hands down."

I can't see his face but I know he is grinning, "Stealing my timeless puns? How dare you?"

I chuckle and hold up a fist which he bumps. I look around and note the distinct lack of a teammate.

"Hey, aren't you guys supposed to buddy-buddy?"

"Yeah but Stalker didn't get that memo." I can hear the frustration in his voice.

"Stalker…Shadow Stalker right? Former vigilante?"

"Something time that," we snort, "but yeah. Joined a few months ago."

My eyes widen, "Months? I though she only joined this September."

"Eh…kind of? She joined in the summer but she was in a summer's camp."

"Oh yeah, they said something about that in her interview."

"Watch many Ward interviews?"

I grin, "Yeah I watch many of them." He groans when he realizes he missed a time pun, "but the best way yours, hands down. Watched it live and everything. That guy's face was incredible."

He chuckles, "Yeah, he was my handler. Was supposed to help me coach and make my schedules."

"Hey, I always wondered but what was your name supposed to be?"

His entire head rolled with –I presume- his eyes, "Don't even remember. Stopper or something as boring as that. And before you ask, if I was a girl I would be Timesnatch."

I burst out laughing, "Oh my god I never thought of that!"

Before he can reply a dark shape drops down next to us and an annoyed voice rings out, "What's taking so fucking long?"

"Not my fault you rushed away." Clockblocker's jovial voice turns annoyed.

She tch's and turns to me, "Stop fucking with my patrol" She rudely states.

Clockblocker steps in, "Not everything's about you Stalker. Give me a moment and we can continue."

Shadow Stalker tch's even harder which reverberates due to her mask and plays with her crossbow…for a moment before leaving in a mass of gaseous shadows.

I break the silence, "Is she always like that?"

Clockblocker sighs, "Yeah but it's cool. She's pretty good when she isn't speaking."

"Hey... that crossbow…she doesn't use live ammo, right?"

"Of course not," Clockblocker dismisses the idea, "she knows better."

Knows better to use lethal ammo or knows better to not get caught?

I sigh in relief with too-tense shoulders, "Alright man, good luck and everything. Bye!"

His farewell is lost to the wind as I rush away, a horrible feeling in my stomach. I have never met Shadow Stalker face-to-face and yet…

Dark clothes, bitchy attitude, teenager, girl, height/weight similar, hidden skin…and the most important: crossbow.

I don't like this.


2010, November 16, Tuesday.

I spend the most of school in a haze. Not even the more interesting classes can keep my attention. I only focus when I truly need to. Hell, I barely remember I'm in a different class than last hour.

The events of yesterday pass through my head on repeat. Doing my best to justify that my theory is wrong and that Sophia Hess is not a Ward- not a cape. Period.

After all, it's not like there is a lot of info on Shadow Stalker. Hiding all patches of skin is a routine thing, especially if a female cape wants to be taken seriously with all the sexists around. The dark clothes simply make sense both from an objective and a subjective standpoint; it works well with her power, personality, name, and past history. Yeah sure she might've been an underground cape but I did know about her for a while- even toyed with the idea that she is a Tinker. Not a lot of people might know but it is better not to risk it from the PRT's perspective. And really, PR is important to any organization and its absolutely pertinent for one tasked with defending civilians. Do you want to be saved by people that shoot first and ask questions never or do you want to be saved by the friendly colored ones? So from an objective standpoint Shadow Stalker's personality might be faked. Who knows, she very well could be the kindest person anyone knows. And that crossbow- well, a lot of capes use older weaponry and she is not the first Ward to use a crossbow, or even a bow. It's probably a very good ranged weapon and the power of bashing heads in can't be understated so it must work as a solid fallback weapon. Maybe I could make a crossbow too? Arrows of light might be cool…

Anyway, going back to my previous train of thought the crossbow is not only a decent choice but also makes sense from her cape persona. And really, after gallant Gallant, jokester Clockblocker, cutie pie Vista, naïve but kind Kid Win, stable Aegis and leader Triumph? Well, the PR department could use a bad-boy image. And it's not like it has never been done before like with…

Well, I mostly focused on Tinkers and they tended to be flashy so it's hard to make a bad-boy out of laser guns. I'm sure there must be a few examples.

There is no way Sophia Hess is Shadow Stalker?

So then why does Sophia Hess have crossbow arrows tipped with metal in her locker? Bundled in a dark cloth marred by thin lines and holes?

The curiosity is killing me.

I snort. A good thing then, that I'm not a cat. I can control myself.

I'm startled out of my thoughts at the sound of metal screeching over linoleum. I look in the sound's direction but I can only see a black blob lying on the ground with a metal tray an arm's distance away. And, just like me, around a hundred students stopped what they were doing to see what's up.

The black blob moves to stand up and its only then that I recognize it- her.

The girl Hess bullies. The one with a boyish name.

However, instead of Hess, Barnes seems to approach her. I'm in prime position to hear their conversation.

"Oh my god Taylor!" Barnes' high voice says to everyone in the vicinity, "I can't believe you are this clumsy!"

The girl, Taylor, gets up without a word. Completely ignoring Barnes' "helping" hand.

She seems to take offense, "What is it Taylor? Aren't friends supposed to help each other?"

I have to give it to Barnes, if I didn't know better I wouldn't hear the poison in her words. Sweet as they are. What a bitch.

I almost don't notice the other friend of Hess approach with a tray in hand and talking with another girl. The cute one, whatever is her name. it's almost like watching a car crash while knowing that one of them definitely intends to crash.

And just like that, Taylor is sent to the ground again. This time with kitchen sludge all over her hair. I wince, hair that long and that curly? Must be a pain to clean.

"O.M.G. Taylor!" The cutesy girl says in chipmunk-like voice, "I didn't see you there! Must you always wear grey? I can't tell if it's you or the floor!"

Rippling laughter startles me from my slowly mounting offense. I look around and see that the original few dozen students watching rose to too much to count.

And they are laughing. If I focus enough I can hear similar jeers whispered and sometimes shouted from the back.

Is this- is this what Taylor goes through every day? How had I not seen this before?

Taylor quickly gets up and rushes to the door to leave. The laughter rises with her steps. But the bad part? Hess is in the way.

I see it, the very moment they pass me. Hess' shoulder sways and Taylor runs into it. Hess is, course, immovable. This makes Taylor fall to the floor for the third time, this time with a smarting shoulder but it doesn't stop her. She just…runs.

And the worst?

From where I sit I can see Hess grinning like a bloodhound.


2010, November 17, Wednesday.

Work wasn't particularly interesting today. Unlike yesterday, I decided to go in if only to take my mind off…that. I already got used to waking early and honestly? I have no intention of stopping. Keeping a schedule is better. Plus I have some time to take care of mom before school.

So anyway, I still can't stop thinking. It's the last class of the day and I barely noticed. Every moment I'm close to Hess I keep an eye on her, as if she suddenly goes "shadow, on!" and take off into the distance.

I smirk slightly, imagining her striking a pose like those old Japanese cartoons. I think it was called…Super Sentai? It shares a similar name with that Japanese group Masamune was a part of pre-Dragon joining The Guild.

I pause in my daydream, immediately taken by another where my name –Flamel?- is added to their roster. God, what a wet dream it'd be to stand next to them. Dragon, Masamune, Narwhal, and so many past and present members. God, if only.

But probably no. Not only is the Guild made up of adults but they only rarely recruit and always from heroes. I'm also fairly sure there is some kind of understanding that they only recruit from official hero teams.

A shape moves in my peripheral and I barely lock my joints so I don't flinch. I hear a sudden commotion from outside and I watch as everyone –even Hess and her hangers-on- rush to the door. The first one out –Johnson- just manages to stop herself using the doorframe.

"IT'S A FIGHT!" She shouts with unholy glee and immediately rushes out. The class –teenagers starved for anything stimulating after the last class of the day math- quickly follows her. I watch as they leave with Hess and her clique at the forefront. I'm just about to follow –because anything distracting is good- when I kick something. I look down curiously and I notice a phone innocently on the ground.

I blink because I recognize that phone. Barnes'.

Suddenly, an idea comes unbidden into my mind. I move before I can dismiss it and I'm left holding a pink back phone –the latest in the line I note.

My first thought is not to give this back to her but I can confirm Hess is not a Ward.

My second is, Barnes is a bitch.

Those two give me a decent justification to steal the phone. But unmasking a Ward is no laughing matter. And if she isn't? Then I just stole Emma "my father will hear about this!" Barnes' phone. But…

Am I ready to deal with the consequences if I choose right? Or wrong? Hess being a Ward is a scary prospect for many reasons. From the PRT's possible corruption or incompetence to Sophia Hess being a Ward. Sometimes choosing wrong is better than not choosing at all but is this one of those times?

Am I ready to change my thinking?

I turn it off –why doesn't it have a lock screen?- slip it into my pullover's inside pocket, pick up my backpack, and go to watch the fight. I feel a horrible churning in my gut but it's not because of guilt but nerves. Barnes is not only rich but a bitch too, if she has enough money to flaunt it then she has enough to replace it. While mingling between the others I open the phone. I'm not sure how people can track phones but I'm fairly sure it needs to be powered for that. Taking out the battery will make sure that doesn't happen.

I need to know.

I still feel jittery when I arrive home. The phone in my pocket almost burns my skin. I run to my room, barely greeting mom, and lay out my gains on my desk. I can't use the phone itself; it hard to do that unpowered but if I power it up it'll get tracked. I don't fancy my chances against Barnes' lawyer daddy. I can't think of a proper way to work my way around it using my power either...

…actually, I don't really need to, right? I can just…find her password. Just a little charge…supplied by my core. Yeah I can do that.

It takes around an hour of balancing the proper power output and keeping the wires proper but I manage it. I plug the phone into my PC and open PHO. The good thing about it is that everybody uses it for one reason or another. I manage to fake my way into her account- slide into her DMs if you will.

Despite my nervousness I can't keep my grin off my face. This is fun!

However, when I click to open her message history, I pause. Do I…do I really want to do this? Either I confirm that Hess is a cape by unmasking her or… I don't and the potential lawsuit daddy Barnes saddles me with will be for nothing. No secrets can be kept perfectly. My finger hovers in the air and my mind wars with itself.

Am I curious enough?

Is that even a question?

And I so I open it. There are more than a few chats and chat groups cluttering her account. I idly note the large amount of cape research – as surprising amount of VS threads I've seen as well. Shit, I commented on a few of these. Small world.

I click on the ones only holding two-three people. I can't imagine Hess active in a bigger group chat. While they use nicknames there are only two of them in the chat and after some digging I find a pretty obvious one where one is called 'Survivor' and the other is called 'Hunter'. I almost roll my eyes, is this the famed NatGeo mentality of Hess? I parse through the chat until I find something other than shit talk. Despite the timeframe they chat a lot.

Are you going hunting?

Me, yesterday 20:56


Piggy chucked carrot-top on me

Hunter, yesterday 20:57

Sucks. Mess him up for me will you?

Me, yesterday 20:57

Don't need to ask

Hunter, yesterday 20:59

…There is no evidence that-

-Oh fucking hell, Hess is Stalker! Dear god they fucking let someone like her into the Wards?!

I take a deep breath and then a few more. Okay, anger won't solve anything. Why did they let Hess into the Wards? I know that Shadow Stalker was a vigilante and now that I know who she is I can't believe she joined them willingly. So if not willingly…then she must've been caught doing something she shouldn't have. Going by her personality I guess it wasn't just some broken bones. Honestly, from murder to brutalizing a cop I can imagine her doing anything once she gets revved up far enough. So, if she was caught, then why isn't she locked up?

Simple, the same answer I debated on VS threads. The local Protectorate is severely undermanned in the cape department. The bigger gangs' total roster tops Protectorate twice over. Add in the small times, the few rouges, and whoever else and they definitely top Protectorate plus Wards. And that's just numbers, not like there are many counters to Hookwolf. Director Emily Piggot is an Elisburg survivor and this has been known for a few years. Made her position pretty shaky at the time but she came out pretty well out of it. But anyway, she was PRT. Soldier. I can imagine her choosing pragmatism over justice.

But how far? Is murder acceptable? Torture? Abuse? Rape? What else?

But…if Hess got lucky and didn't get caught for something as bad as that…

Well, Shadow Stalker was an effective enough vigilante.

But my talk with Clockblocker came to the forefront. I can't imagine a Ward using a noticeably lethal weapon –beside Tinkers- so Shadow Stalker having softer ammo makes sense.

So then why does she have live ammo in her locker?

Sophia "I'll punch your throat in" Hess is bullheaded enough to keep her old arrows. And apparently dumb enough to keep them in a public space.

…Hm. Didn't Clock say something about a summer camp?

I scroll back the logs until I find a series of conversations somewhere at the beginning of summer. In it they talk about her "new job" and some paper-thin cover to Hess' cape status. From her description, it sounds like a boot camp.

What if there is some kind of 'play ball and we'll do that too' Ward status that Hess fell into? It makes sense, capes are not the most stable of people, and reforming child criminals are always a big thing for USA for a good reason. Why not add child villains under that umbrella? Of course, that would mean that they are under tighter leash. They most likely 'defanged' Hess and she must be smarting for it. And I can't imagine an accidental murder via specifically illegal ammo is going to fly with the PRT. And Armsmaster is a stickler for rules.

So…there is a decent chance Hess broke her house arrest. And that knowledge lies with me and she is none the wiser.

Now, what else is here?

Despite my giddiness it quickly breaks. Reading through these logs are a strange mix of hate-talk, hypothetical crime planning, and teenage angst mixed in with thinly veiled crimes. I don't have evidence these crimes actually happened but I don't think solo patrols are allowed for Wards much less Hess. Especially if they are as bloody as described. And then there is their talks of school. Everything from deriding everyone to making actual, fucking, plans to systematically abuse Taylor- whose family name I found out is Hebert. Some of these logs make me wonder if they are actual psychopaths. One of them in particular catches my eye. Barely a week old.

Hey, you know those lockers?

Me, November 10, 15:32


Hunter, November, 15:40

Taylor would fit in them.

Me, November 10, 15:41

I'm listening

Hunter, November, 15:41

It makes me wonder If she actually fit in them or if the plan to force her into it. I know those fucking lockers and I can barely fit my arms into them. Throw that girl in and I'll wonder if she can even breathe. I know that teenagers are bastards but-

Ah, who am I kidding? They would.

They talk daily about it, sometimes for hours. They plan on how to lure her in, how to keep the teachers from noticing and what to enhance the experience. From dead animal parts to throwing in a speaker and playing something deafening to actually stuffing the louvers to prevent her from breathing. And then they top it with some of the most vile, disgusting ideas I have ever read. I mean, who'd steal from a morgue?!

I have half a mind to just…give this to the police. I already saved images of the chats on my PC. I wish I had a pendrive for added security.

But…well. They deserve punishment for sure. But who'd rote it out?

Publish this? It probably wouldn't qualify for unmasking but people were killed for less. Go to the police? Corrupt to hell and back. Go to PRT? And explain how I came to know their Ward's identity? A gang? Yeah no. Blackmail? It's debatable if I could pull it off... but Barnes' money would be nice. Or I can always just sit on this info…but honestly? It feels wrong to do that.


[][Tinkering] Start with the cape. You can make do with the limited time. 1 Common, 2 Uncommon

[][Tinkering] Start with the augment. More fuel can't hurt and laying the groundwork is important. (Fuchsite: When passively using the core halves the fuel usage. 3 Common, 2 Uncommon (will consume all materials and money.))

[][Greg's Last Days] Catch him at home alone and "talk" with him using "advanced language". For the uninitiated, break his kneecaps.

[][Greg's Last Days] Break into his home and rob him blind. No need to dirty your hands.

[][Greg's Last Days] Wait until you have completed your projects.

[][Greg's Last Days] Catch him at home alone and "talk" with him using "advanced language". For the uninitiated; break his kneecaps. AS A CAPE.

[][Greg's Last Days] Break into his home and rob him blind. No need to dirty your hands. AS A CAPE.

----[][Greg's Last Days] Write in, do you have other ideas? More complete plans are better.

[][Phone] What do you want to do with this?

[][To-do] Do you guys have anything you want to do in addition to the votes? Spend time with mom, rob a bank, research, or whatever? I probably should've included this in earlier votes…




Work days: [2/4]

Core Stats:

-Name: Coruscant

-Fuel: 36,5%

-Rank: 2

-Flaws: 2 (inefficiency, Capacity)

-Augments: -

-Megaproject: -

-Power Perk: -

-Materials needed to upgrade: 2 Common, 2 Uncommon (~350$ not counting extra materials.)


-Star Shooter: When the wrist snaps down Coruscant releases a small hardlight blast. Fires every few seconds. Coruscant is placed inside a holder on the top.


-Materials: 3 Common.

-Money: 300$ (+~400 every Sunday.)

Last edited:
[X] Plan: Phone=Mats, chores, tinker and (justified) crime
-[X][Phone] What do you want to do with this?
--[X] first record/transfer everything on Emma's phone onto your computer for later evidence plus any info on Sophia
--[X] then use the phone as materials to Tinker
-[X][To-do] hang out with mom, take out the trash (read recycle for materials), do your job, charge your Coruscant, start excersising cause cape work is physically exhausting, actually pay attention to school , be on the look out for discarded items no one will see you take or care about.
--[X]study how solar panel gather energy, actually having an idea how sunlight can be converted into energy should make tinkering easier
--[X] more research on how light works, studying the human eye and how it interprets light so our invisibility is better, etc.
-[X] [Tinkering] if the phone gives enough material, create both, but focus on the cape
--[X][Tinkering] Start with the cape. You can make do with the limited time. 1 Common, 2 Uncommon
--[X][Tinkering] Start with the augment. More fuel can't hurt and laying the groundwork is important. (Fuchsite: When passively using the core halves the fuel usage. 3 Common, 2 Uncommon (will consume all materials and money.))
-[X][Greg's Last Days] Write in, do you have other ideas? More complete plans are better.
--[X] mask, hoodie, gloves, cleaned shoes, leave no evidence
--[X] Wait until you have completed your projects (specifically the cape)
--[X] don't forget to bring a weapon, your not stupid enough to forget that, stashooter for range, a blade to cut up the body,and blunt object for blunt force
---[X] first break his kneecaps and knock him out (don't get caught on camera)
---[X] steal anything valuable (don't get caught on camera)
---[X] . . . can the human body be used to tinker? that's a lot of calcium . . . and he deserves it as well . . . that knife is good for something, got to drain the blood and clean the body
Last edited:
[X] Plan: Phone=Mats, chores, tinker and (justified) crime
Advancements, cores, and the question of wetness.
[X] Plan: Phone=Mats, chores, tinker and (justified) crime
-[X][Phone] What do you want to do with this?
--[X] first record/transfer everything on Emma's phone onto your computer for later evidence plus any info on Sophia
--[X] then use the phone as materials to Tinker
-[X][To-do] hang out with mom, take out the trash (read recycle for materials), do your job, charge your Coruscant, start excersising cause cape work is physically exhausting, actually pay attention to school , be on the look out for discarded items no one will see you take or care about.
--[X]study how solar panel gather energy, actually having an idea how sunlight can be converted into energy should make tinkering easier
--[X] more research on how light works, studying the human eye and how it interprets light so our invisibility is better, etc.
-[X] [Tinkering] if the phone gives enough material, create both, but focus on the cape
--[X][Tinkering] Start with the cape. You can make do with the limited time. 1 Common, 2 Uncommon
--[X][Tinkering] Start with the augment. More fuel can't hurt and laying the groundwork is important. (Fuchsite: When passively using the core halves the fuel usage. 3 Common, 2 Uncommon (will consume all materials and money.))
-[X][Greg's Last Days] Write in, do you have other ideas? More complete plans are better.
--[X] mask, hoodie, gloves, cleaned shoes, leave no evidence
--[X] Wait until you have completed your projects (specifically the cape)
--[X] don't forget to bring a weapon, your not stupid enough to forget that, stashooter for range, a blade to cut up the body,and blunt object for blunt force
---[X] first break his kneecaps and knock him out (don't get caught on camera)
---[X] steal anything valuable (don't get caught on camera)
---[X] . . . can the human body be used to tinker? that's a lot of calcium . . . and he deserves it as well . . . that knife is good for something, got to drain the blood and clean the body


2010, November 17, Wednesday.

In the end, I decided to simply not do anything. None of the options seem good for one reason or another. Before disconnecting, however, I give the phone a bit more charge. I go through her files, search history, and passwords. Apparently, she doesn't have the best memory and wrote down her usernames and passwords for easy picking. Credit where it is due, she hid it pretty well. Once that's done I make a separate file and copy everything about Hess on it. I make sure to make a few more copies and hide them in a few weird places. Sure, it might not hold up against a proper attack but it will pass a cursory glance several times over.

When I'm done I stretch out with a few delightful cracks and sigh. I rub my eyes to clear to sleepiness out. I glance at the pink phone and I have a sudden idea. I can't –and won't- give the phone back to her but I can't use it as it is for fear of getting tracked. But I do need materials…

So I sit at the foot of my bed and lay out my equipment. Heh. I pry off the screen protector and get to work.

My luck is turning it seems. My hands are as steady as a surgeon's as I take apart the phone bit by bit. I use a little flip knife I found to scrape off the valuable metals, electronics, and silicates. When I'm finished an hour later I have a small box filled with scraps.

My mind is already full of ideas on what to do with this. I can almost smell fabric and wiring. God, if this goes on not only will I be able to do both my cape and augment but also upgrade my core. Those damned flaws are annoying. What kind of Tinker has tech full of flaws?


I shudder. I don't want to be Leet when I grow up.

When I finish an hour or so later I stretch again. It's getting pretty late so maybe I should…

Wait, is that the TV?

Mom's home!

I pack away my tinkering stuff and peek out. There, sitting sideways on the sofa, is mom watching House M.D. She notices me and smiles at me with not a hint of drunkenness.

"Hey Arty." She smoothly says.

I smile at her brightly, "Hey mom! What's up?" I plop down next to her, careful of her feet. She talks about her day –free of any assault thankfully- and I listen. The conversation floats between us easily, easier since months. I don't know what happened but she is drinking less and less. Perhaps, just perhaps, things are getting better.


2010, November 18, Thursday.

To say this morning sucked is an understatement . The throbbing bruise taking the place of my leg speaks for itself. Still, I slog through the day. The only highlights are the interesting classes. I avoid Hess and her clique but I can't avoid hearing about Barnes' rapid and loud whining about her lost phone. Of course, Hess is on a warpath, completely convinced someone stole Barnes' phone. She is right, of course, but that's not the point. Guess she'd take any reason to vent her anger. I got a bit worried for a second about Hess blaming Hebert but apart from the usual bullying taking a new turn nothing happened.

God, I can't wait to deal with her. Hopefully in a prolonged and hurtful way.

I sit down in my chair and boot up my PC. I had this idea somewhen noon about researching how my power works. Not from a parahuman point of view but from a scientific. I mean, tinkertech is unexplainable by modern science but some basics cross over. Specifically, I search up how solar panels work.

I blink out of the haze a few hours later, feeling like I just woke up. My mind is chock full of new information. Connections that I instinctively knew made somewhat more sense. The movement of light, light waves, speed relative and disproportional to heaviness, and absorptive properties of materials not existing but either theorized or disproven. It feels like putting a name to an emotion which you felt your entire life.

I shake my head to clear it. I let loose a satisfied sigh before searching up the next term. The human eye's interpretation of light.

The research this time is more lucid. I can focus better since the information overload is not as large and I expected a fugue. The human eye, however, is fascinating just in this factor. This doesn't quite overlap with my core as much as solar panels but I still manage to put a proper name to things I just knew. I do get a bit distracted sometimes. Color Theory is absolutely bonkers and insane only something true can be.

However, I'm already teeming with inspiration and I need to do something. So I go through my clothes until I find something vaguely decently cape-shaped and lay out my tinkering stuff. Halloween capes for the win! I focus on the clasp, making it similar to my bracelet in that it will use my core as a battery. Once that's finished I begin the long and boring task of sewing extra thin wires into the cape and connecting them to the clasp.

It's around an hour later that mom calls me for dinner. I go down to eat with her and do my best not to glance at her bottle. Soon enough I finish washing the dishes and she lays down to watch some House. Apparently, it's a triple episode special and she doesn't want to miss out.

I go back to my room and examine the cape. It came along pretty nicely, only around half left to complete it. It will be pretty boring though and I can already feel my eye jockeying. I still feel restless though. I still need to prepare for my cape life and doing nothing doesn't help that.

Although…maybe I should start exercising? I don't think I will ever be a close combat cape- and even if my core forced me to then I would have an advantage. So learning martial arts don't sound too important and my stamina and legs are already getting better due to so much cycling. So…ironically core workout would work the best for me. That's probably a good choice from what I know.

So I look up a few simple core exercises and start up. I do it for around thirty minutes before I have to call it quits and I can already barely feel my stomach. I go and take a bath.

But even after an hour of tossing around in my bed I can't sleep. So I fiddle around with my notebook for a bit and draw up some more plans for my augment.


2010, November 19, Friday.

I wake up at the usual ungodly hour of 5 AM. However today I don't go to work for a change. Torturing my poor stomach with sit ups instead. I take a shower and when I leave I stop before the mirror. I play with my hair, noting how long it is now. Perhaps I could hide it- or even better dye it for my cape persona? And…well, I plan to visit that drunkard roach soon and hair is a shred of easy evidence. Perhaps I should buy something to avoid giving the cops an easy win.

I try my best to focus through the day. Even with Hess ramping up the beatings –from what I heard after Gym- she still hasn't looked at me once. None of her bitch group did either so I'm fairly confident no one saw me. I do admit that hearing Barnes talking about how she will "definitely get the newest phone" and "daddy thinks I deserve it 'cause of my good grades" and "mom is such a bitch though" is more than a little annoying.

Eventually, chemistry sneaks up on me to my delight. While most of the class barely listen to the teacher's droning –because it's really that boring- I flip through the ratty book loaned out by the library and devour the things relevant to me. Not a lot unfortunately but something is something. When the bells end the class I'm the last to leave and I practically leave with my teacher. However, I notice he didn't lock the door when he left the chemistry storage room.

School ends with nothing noteworthy. On the way home I go take a longer route to buy some things that I will need for my meeting. I find a surgical mask easily enough and I buy them cheap. I stare longingly at a pair of nice gloves but decide against buying it. Tinkering is more important and I have a pair of old gloves to hide my fingerprints. It will probably cut off my circulation with how small they are though.

Mom is not back when I arrive so I simply do what I do best. Tinker.

A few hours later and I'm staring at the mirror with nothing looking back at me. I move my hand and while I can feel it moving I can't see it. I wave my hand as fast as I can but there is barely a distortion. The kind you can't see without searching for it.

I turn it off and watch myself appear in a blink. Like spots coming into view, I'm left looking at a hooded figure in the mirror. My grin could split my face in half.


2010, November 20, Saturday.

I wake up early as is usual. I yawn as I get out of my bed and make my way to my business. As I brush my teeth I idly think about today's plans and smile. Today will be a day of accomplishments. First, work to finish my quota. Second, come back home after buying some materials and plop my core into the solution to make that little augment.

I pause in my brushing as a thought hits me. Don't most tinkers name their equipment? From Hero's Light Engines that powered most of his creations to String Theory's infamous F-Drive. Isn't it time that I name the holy grail of my tinkertech?

…Coruscant; meaning glittering or sparkling. Guess reading Star Wars in a library with a dictionary in reach was useful for something. Heh, guess my bracelet is Star Shooter then? A bit pretentious but cute.

I chuckle on my way out of the bathroom and dress up in warm clothes. The weather is getting colder by the week and I would rather not get frozen solid.

In no time at all I'm on my way from the agency and making my way downtown. I glance around the subtle Empire signs. Not quite swastikas but the residents here like eights a lot huh? Does that qualify as Arithomania?

Nothing particularly interesting happens. I see –and deliver to- the occasional bald guy. One of the more memorable ones cosplayed as a Viking a bit too much. But I have to give it to him, his beard was magnificent.

Anyway, where was I? Oh right, today's plans. I finish my augment and then take mom out for something nice. I've been thinking and I hadn't been giving her much attention due to my projects. And she has been getting better so I think it is time to give her a little reward. That might sound a bit too Pavlovian but everyone needs a bit of encouragement.

I smile into the wind and pick up the pace. I holler a bit, uncaring of who might curse me to death. Today will be a great day!

Once I'm finished with my errands I stop by a DIY store. It will be a bit expensive at 200-ish dollars but it'll a worthy investment. I browse the aisles for the glue with the proper composition for what I want. I don't want the glue itself, but a few chemicals found inside it. Well, inside the more expensive glues…and I need to buy a big one because the elements are only found in traces. God damn it, why couldn't have gotten something easier to upgrade? Like, I don't know, a seed?

I let my imagination run wild at that idea. I still can't build another core but that doesn't mean I can't fantasize. A seed…made of something rarer. Like an old redwood's first seed or…something more biological? No, wait, that sounds a bit too much like a bad idea. Okay then…something irregular? Like a proper gem; ruby or diamond. Heh, I guess I could grow money on trees? But no…the seed would grow minions. Small and probably weak but customizable. Not a lot but…four or five? I could upgrade it anyway. Place the seed in a seed bed and let it grow. Slow and steady.

Huh, isn't there that wet Tinker in Boston? Blasto? I'm fairly sure he makes plant minions that work for him. And drugs I think? I'm not sure if what he makes is tinkertech or tinker delivered. Maybe just tinker manufactured?

Absentmindedly, I reach for a pool of wire.

I wonder what I could do with one of his minions…

I snap out of my daydream when I touch someone else's hand. I snap my attention to it and follow it to a teenager a bit taller than me. He has brown hair and brown eyes that glint yellow in the light. He looks as surprised as me before flashing me a nice smile.

"Hey, didn't mean to steal your wires."

I flush, "Ah, no! I wandered here and I guess my hand just reached for it. Only meant to buy some glue besides these." I show him my Basket of Random Things. He looks bemused.

"You do know that the glues are on the other side, right?"


He chuckles and holds out a hand, "Well, nice to meet a fellow airhead. Chris."

I shook it with a smile, "Artemis. Here to make something cool?"

"You can say that. So you don't need the wire?"

I shake my head before pausing, "Only if you help with glue."

He smiles and we shake to the deal. We walk over to the glue corner and talk.

"Wait, so your teacher is an ass. Even in Arcadia?"

"Honest? It's not that he is an ass," He crouches down to look at a super-sized glue, "it's just that he…doesn't really get me? Or just people in general."

"A jerk then. I can't believe you have to deal with that even in Arcadia."

He hums, "Not that either. He just doesn't get how people can't work like him. I swear he doesn't have a social life beside his…girlfriend?"

I read the label of another bottle before discarding it, "Why's that a question? Oh, is she a mistress?" I stage whisper at him.

"Nah. It's just that I don't think they know they are like that. Or at least not my teacher but she is pretty smart so I guess? But then again, she is the kindest girl I know and she still crushes on him."

I hum, "Sounds like a disaster waiting to happen."

"I hope not. She is pretty cool."

Soon enough we find The Glue and head to the cashier. I help him pay since he seems to struggle with it.


He looks surprised, "Huh, you know? I mean, people usually know Dyslexia but not this."

I shrug, "I read a lot of amateur works and they have a surprisingly big vocabulary. How do you explain it then?"

"Dyslexia but numbers works every time."

I snort and give him a look that he just smiles at. I load up my stuff into my bike's basket but before I can hop on he stops me.

"Hey, wanna switch numbers?"

I pause since I don't remember the last time asked me that before smiling, "Sure!"

A few minutes later we part ways with one more number in our contacts. I smile the whole way home even when I unlock the door.

"Mom! I'm…home."

And the smell of alcohol hits me.




2010, November 21, Sunday.

I wake up early as usual with anticipation in my gut and a low seething in my blood. Today is the day. Or perhaps night. Depends on when the trash gets home.

So I get up from my bed with nary sound. I don't want to wake up mom this early. I finish my business, quickly shaving the little stubble I have just in case. I walk back to my room and sit down at the foot of my bed. I bring out the little plastic box I appropriated for my Coruscant's growth. I smile when I see there is not a drop of liquid still in it and that the crystal grew slightly. More notably, the white of Coruscant took on a slight purple tint. I run my fingers through the rough of it and hum in tandem with the energy inside it. I didn't neglect charging it in the last few days and it shows- well, not exactly. Nothing on the outside changes but I can feel the energy inside it. It's as full as it can be.

I place the crystal in my bracelet. I put on the seemingly normal cape and pick up my duffel bag. It's one of the old ones, back from the time we went on vacations. I make my out of the house silently and thank all that is holy that mom is still in her room. I don't think she'll wake up soon but better be safe.

In no time at all I'm out on the dark streets. Illuminated only by the fading yellow of the streetlamps I'm not much of a sight even if others were out and awake. My gloves and scarf are nothing of note and neither is my duffel bag that I carry as if I'm going to the gym. I hide my face in my scarf and with it the surgical mask on my face. It's not much of a cape regalia but it doesn't need to be. I'll only be a cape if I need to be today.

I don't take the bike, less of a chance to be connected. Even if there are thousands of other bikes like this. No need to be sloppy.

Heavy in my inside pockets are the knife and the hammer I picked up. Both of them old gifts only collecting dust on the shelves. Mom won't notice. Of course, I cleaned them both up even if they weren't used in years.

I pass by the newspaper agency or whatever it's called and I make a note to come here for my paycheck later.

I arrive at Greg's place within an hour. The apartment's front door is unlocked and I slip into the building. I walk up to his door and only then realize I made a mistake. His doors are locked.

So I either get in another way or I wait for him to get up.

I go outside and quickly find his windows, yellow from age. So he is a smoker too. One addiction or another matters not, huh? So long as it destroys him everything is welcome.

The windows aren't open either but there is a tree under it. Never would've guessed the hours spent tree climbing in elementary will be useful for robbing a person blind.

I climb to the top with only a bit of difficulty. Guess my arms are a bit too noodly for this. My breath doesn't fog my face but the insides of my mask are getting a tad too hot. I tentatively reach to the window, finding purchase on the glass. I try to move it and I almost give up after a few minutes but it moves. Another minute spent opening stuck window and I'm inside.

The apartment is not as empty as I thought. There is lay-z-boy with more stains than clean fabric, a surprisingly decent TV and a few more things I can't be bothered with.

I creep around the house, careful of my steps. I find the bathroom and the toilet first in separate rooms. Then I find an old attic, full of beer bottles and cobwebs. There is only one room left.

I open it slowly, and I find myself staring at a messy bed. I slip inside, keeping low to the ground and closing the door behind me. No escape. In one hand a knife for the scare factor and the other priming Star Shooter.

I stand next to the bed like I'm a bad horror movie and I rip away the blankets to find-



I pat around the bed but I don't find him. What the fuck? Did- did he move out? Oh my god I swear if he chose this day to die of alcohol poisoning or bar fight or getting run over or whatever else I will find a core to resurrect him.

I sigh aloud now that the chances of discovery is minimal. God dammit this is the punishment I get for not stalking him.

…that sounds pretty bad.

Point is, where is he? Did- did he actually die? Move out? Get kidnapped by Lung?!

I take a few deep breaths. Occam's razor dictates that he is just drunk out of his mind and forgot to come home. The only nurse to that is waiting since I won't go on a goose chase to find all bars in a hundred kilometer radius. I walk back to the dusty living room dejectedly. I debate sitting down and watching some TV until he gets home but I'm not safe enough to leave behind evidence. The last thing I need is some crackhead genius figuring out who I am by the size of my ass like some bad Cinderella rendition.

…Wait a minute. That's a good idea! Not the Cinderella movie but the TV.

I do need some materials. And what is this place if not a treasure trove? So I cast my eyes around the flat in search of something interesting. I find a TV, a dingy computer, and some surprisingly good stereos. Unfortunately I don't have time to take apart all of them so I dismantle.

[][Dismantle] The TV.

[][Dismantle] The computer

[][Dismantle] The stereos.

With that done, and an hour or two spent, I look around the house some more. I might not be able to take the bigger things but I sure can pocket a few smaller but equally important –and possibly expensive- stuff. I eye the medicine cabinet and the attic. I'm reasonably certain I can find a few things there. Or I can always just look for something…hidden. An addict is an addict. They chase happiness or escape and the solution is usually the same; poison.

[][Steal] What do you steal? Write in 3 small –easy to carry and hide- items. You can assume you can find anything that you could find in a common house.

I leave the room not a moment too soon as I hear the telltale signs of someone fiddling with the locks, trying to get in. I move just fast enough to leave his line of sight. I crouch around the corner as I hear him stumble in. He fiddles with the keys some more and grumbles out so many obscenities a sailor would blush. Or Skidmark. Either/or.

Either way I can feel his footsteps through my gloved finger on the ground. The buzzing of blood in my ears get stronger. I watch in slow motion as he turns the corner, not even glancing at me.

I move.

Did you know, that the crack a long whip makes is the sound of the sound barrier shattering? So much kinetic force stored and multiplied into the small end of a whip. That's kind of the thing that happens to professional boxers minus the sonic boom.

So when I, a no way professional fighter, used the floor as a jumping pad to launch an angular uppercut on this pussy's jaw to rattle his brain box he fell like a doll with its strings cut.

As I look at the form of a fallen man, sprawled on the ground due to my punch I can only think of one thing. Before even the idea that I killed him.

Holy shit.

Elation. I smile down at him and pant like I just ran a marathon. I did that. And despite the warring feelings of I don't need more than my fists and tinkertech is still cooler I move to secure him. I press a finger to his neck and I can still feel his heartbeat through my gloves. I work quickly since I know knocking people out don't last long unless its brain damage so I stuff a towel into his mouth and zip lock his thumbs together.

And now I'm left staring at him. I have…no idea what I should do. Honestly, I expected a proper fight where I had the chance to hurt him in a…justified environment. I don't know what to do like this.


I gulp as a though comes into my mind with all the subtlety of Behemoth.

…I can see so many uses to his body. The brain, the eyes, the lungs, the bone, the bone marrow, the blood, the liver, the- the- everything.

I gulp and it's definitely drier than before.

Am I…am I willing to do this? Am I willing to kill him? To take him apart like a toy? To bio tinker- to even chance being declared for a wet Tinker? Yeah sure there is no reason to suspect a cape or even a Tinker but-

-But core it would net me. Far better than any other I saw and daydreamed about. Far more potential. But if there is even a chance of this being connected to then I lose all chances of making friends with the heroes. No Ward, no Protectorate. I would be be a pariah even with the villains and no rouge would associate with me. But…

Being a wet Tinker comes with possibilities. If I could apply me lesser Tinkering for other works then I could be a very prominent player. Probably. I'm not entirely sure about cape politics.

Of course, this would only come to pass if they found out I bio tinkered. I know a few of those core ideas can be hidden. And it's not like I have to keep the core forever. Even now, I can feel Coruscant's warmth and realize how fragile it is. Nothing lasts forever and change is constant. But it's still no at the discard point, even if I think I could force it. Nothing good would come from it though.

But, but, but. The possibilities are endless before.

(Remember the core table and how the materials affect the rank.)

[][Greg] Just break his kneecaps. No need to cloud your vengeance.

[][Greg] Kill him simply. Another breaking and entering. Nothing out of the ordinary.

[][Greg] Kill and harvest.

----[] Harvest his brain. (Hint: Frost, slowness, constant awareness, misery)

----[] Harvest his blood. (Hint: Toxin, helplessness, adrenaline, escape)

----[] Harvest his heart(Hint: Steam, scars, fury )

----[] Harvest his bone marrow (Hint: Inhuman, gluttony, survival, )

----[] Harvest his liver (Hint: Stimulation, trade-offs, gluttony)

[][Disposal] How do you dispose of him? Or you just simply don't? Write in.



So! I think you guys noticed how I change the formatting and votes sometimes. I do this because this is my first quest and I wanted to try a lot of things for my future quests; what works and what doesn't. Anyway, the point is, I recently read an excellent quest that used several things I want to try.

The first –and probably only one that gets into this quest- is the action system. I'm going to give you guys 6 actions per day that you can spend however you want. This is pretty experimental on my part so expect changes and don't be afraid to give me feedback.


You have 6 Actions. Unless stated otherwise all actions cost 1. If you don't choose a singular decision vote then I'll assume you don't want to spend action on it.

How long do you spend sleeping?

[][Sleeping] No Action (High chance of getting Tired. If you don't choose a time to rest your body will)

[][Sleeping] One Action (medium chance to gain Tired)

[][Sleeping] Two Actions (No chance to gain Tired and medium chance to lose Tired)

How long do you spend at school?

[][School] No Actions (Medium chance to be noticed, rises each time this action is taken)
[][School] One Action (Small chance to be noticed, rises each time this action is taken)
[][School] Two Actions (No chance to be noticed, reduces chance to be noticed from skipping)

[][Wander] Wander the streets of Brockton. (Random encounter)

[][Wander] Look for trouble. (Random hostile encounter

[][Wander] Gather resources. (Chances of getting caught depending on materials, place, and planning.)

[][Wander] Call up Chris. Hang out.

[][Work] Go to work. [0/4]

[][Storage] Investigate the chemistry room.

[][Research] Research something. Write in.

[][Tinker] Start an augment.

[][Tinker] Start an equipment.

[][Tinker] Upgrade your core

[To-do] Anything else you want to do? GM reserves right to veto.




Work days: [0/4]

Core Stats:

-Name: Coruscant

-Fuel: 50%

-Rank: 2

-Flaws: 2 (inefficiency, Capacity)


Fuchsite: When passively using the core halves the fuel usage.

-Megaproject: -

-Power Perk: -

-Materials needed to upgrade: 2 Common, 2 Uncommon (~350$ not counting extra materials.)


-Star Shooter: When the wrist snaps down Coruscant releases a small hardlight blast. Fires every few seconds. Coruscant is placed inside a holder on the top. 1% fuel per shot. (Active)

Aether: a robe with a hood that can encompass the entire body and clasped at the front. Grants invisibility when powered by Coruscant. 5% fuel per second. (Passive)



-Money: 100$ (+~400 every Sunday.)
The first –and probably only one that gets into this quest- is the action system. I'm going to give you guys 6 actions per day that you can spend however you want. This is pretty experimental on my part so expect changes and don't be afraid to give me feedback.
How long do you spend at school?

[][School] No Actions (Medium chance to be noticed, rises each time this action is taken)
[][School] One Action (Small chance to be noticed, rises each time this action is taken)
[][School] Two Actions (No chance to be noticed, reduces chance to be noticed from skipping)
[][Work] Go to work. [0/4]

don't we wake up before school at 5 am and do our job, then show up to school? like why add this action if it occurs when we take the go to school action?
don't we wake up before school at 5 am and do our job, then show up to school? like why add this action if it occurs when we take the go to school action?

Variability. Doing work costs actions and so does going to school. Also, we wake up at 5 am anyway. But going to school and working doesn't mean the same thing. You can go to work and then laze around or skip work and go to school
[X] Plan: Clean it Up & the Action Economy is a Menace
-[X][Greg] Kill and harvest.
--[X] Harvest his brain. (Hint: Frost, slowness, constant awareness, misery)
--[X] Harvest his blood. (Hint: Toxin, helplessness, adrenaline, escape)
--[X] Harvest his heart(Hint: Steam, scars, fury )
--[X] Harvest his bone marrow (Hint: Inhuman, gluttony, survival, )
--[X] Harvest his liver (Hint: Stimulation, trade-offs, gluttony)
-[X][Disposal] How do you dispose of him? Or you just simply don't? Write in.
--[X] pick him clean, everything will be put to use, the rest can be shoved in the trash or flushed down the toilet
-[X][Dismantle] write in: you just killed him so unless someone comes in, you can get everything; if you can't why dismantle in his room? you can fit the computer in the duffle bag and carry the stereos out in the open like you own them, so the only thing you need to break down is the TV to make it easier to bring home.
-[X][Steal] write in: you just killed him so unless someone comes in, you have time to get as much you can fit in your duffle bag; the order you should gather is Exotic to Common. Priority item is a gun or other weapon, this is Brockton Bay, if you can find it yippie! if not gather the rarer stuff. make sure its something you can explain why you have it.
-[X][Sleeping] One Action (medium chance to gain Tired)
-[X][Work] Go to work. [0/4] (1 Action)
-[X][School] One Action (Small chance to be noticed, rises each time this action is taken)
--[X] so other than some important classes you can take a nap, maybe cut on any extracurricular stuff or sit in the back.
-[X][Storage] Investigate the chemistry room.
-[X][To-do] Anything else you want to do? GM reserves right to veto.
--[X] buy a small cooler/ice box so you can preserve your organs you just got
-[X][Tinker] Start an equipment.
--[X] use the neurons in the brain to create some circuitry behind a helmet that can improve your reaction/thinking speed (IIRC theirs some scientists who are trying to make "brain chips" IRL so shards should be able to do something) (constant awareness) a literal thinking cap, amazing
Last edited:
This is pretty experimental on my part so expect changes and don't be afraid to give me feedback.

The more effort needed to vote, the less votes you'll get. Accessibility is a virtue.

Looking through the post to find vote options is awkward. Could you put them all in one place?

Also, why the x4 spaces between paragraphs?

How does research work? Is there an idea list or a special buff?

I would be be a pariah even with the villains and no rouge would associate with me. But…


Common mistake.

[X] Plan: Loot and run
-[X][Greg] Just break his kneecaps. No need to cloud your vengeance.
-[X][Dismantle] The computer.
-[X][Steal] Wedding Ring (or any jewelry)
-[X][Steal] Cell Phones (for dismantling)
-[X][Steal] Credit and Debit Cards (max out the withdrawal limit asap!)
-[X][Sleeping] One Action (medium chance to gain Tired)
-[X][School] Two Actions (No chance to be noticed, reduces chance to be noticed from skipping)
-[X][Work] Go to work. [0/4] (1 Action)
-[X][Storage] Investigate the chemistry room. (1 Action)
-[X][Tinker] Upgrade your core (1 Action)
Stay in school and avoid Chris so we don't look suspicious. Get max loot. Do not commit cold murder the first chance we get. Upgrade core because level 3 and 4 are good break points.
[X] Plan: Loot and run

As much as I want to Arty to commit crimes against god, it isn't a good time for it.
Cosplying as a gang enforcer
X] Plan: Loot and run
-[X][Greg] Just break his kneecaps. No need to cloud your vengeance.
-[X][Dismantle] The computer.
-[X][Steal] Wedding Ring (or any jewelry)
-[X][Steal] Cell Phones (for dismantling)
-[X][Steal] Credit and Debit Cards (max out the withdrawal limit asap!)
-[X][Sleeping] One Action (medium chance to gain Tired)
-[X][School] Two Actions (No chance to be noticed, reduces chance to be noticed from skipping)
-[X][Work] Go to work. [0/4] (1 Action)
-[X][Storage] Investigate the chemistry room. (1 Action)
-[X][Tinker] Upgrade your core (1 Action)

Stay in school and avoid Chris so we don't look suspicious. Get max loot. Do not commit cold murder the first chance we get. Upgrade core because level 3 and 4 are good break points.


2010, November 21, Sunday.

While waiting for him I found his computer and, seeing no reason not to, I decided to dismantle it.

And honestly? I'm not sure what I was expecting but hitting the jackpot twice is not. I intellectually knew that rare metals are used in electronics, if barely, but this much? Maybe I'm getting the hang of this dismantling stuff thing. But then again, I did break one of them…

Eh, just let me be giddy about it. At least something went according to the plan…


I stand above Greg for a moment, mind a whirlwind of ideas and plans and contingencies. And then a thought comes to me.


Why should I chance my future for this? I'm not even finished with Coruscant- hell, barely started- and I'm already thinking of jumping ships? Letting this man dictate my future with his disgusting organs? Making me become the cape world's taboo just because he is available? What am I, a scavenger? No, I'm a dumbass for even thinking about throwing away my future –and maybe mom's- for a fun project.

God, this man makes me angry without even speaking.

I poke through his clothes, searching for a phone, before finding it. It's an old model and weary but still functions. I turn it off, unlike Barnes' phone I don't need the info on this phone so I'll just dismantle it later. I think for a moment before looking at his hands but I don't find any jewelry. However, on his neck I notice a silver chain dipping below his clothes. Fishing it out, I inspect the jewelry.

Small and many linked silver colored chains held together by a clasp, holding an equally silver basketball –I assume- jersey. On it the number 24 and half of a name is readable. I'm not sure who's though, I don't watch much sport and I don't care for the players beyond the big names. Whatever, I can just pawn it off.

I loot through his pockets for a few minutes, hoping for something like a credit card or debit or whatever else but I don't find anything other than dust. If he ever had one then he must've locked it after one too many drunk nights.

I sneer curls at my lips only tempered by the excitement in my stomach. Time for the dessert. First, I take a towel and tie it around his mouth nice and tight. Then, once its secured, I take out my hammer.

I stand above his knee, hammer in hand, and, well…

Ever swung something so hard it whistles?

"MHMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!" Greg woke up with a scream and a pulverized kneecap.

"Good morning!" I greet him cheerfully and his wide eyes focus on me. "I am very sorry to inform you but your karma's extended warranty has ended. Due to this unfortunate event your kneecap privileges has been revoked."

I raise the hammer and try not to think how I enjoy his terrified eyes following my movement. He babbles something through his gag but I don't care.

"MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!" His scream is louder this time, no doubt from the lead-up and his other broken knee. Damn, must hurt a lot.

"Thank you for your time but I fear I have more businesses to conclude." I stand up and leave him to his agony. I dust off my palms and leave the same way I came.

I walk a bit further than I usually do, somewhere into the nice parts of the town where I would have to worry if I wasn't pasty white. I quickly find a decent but not too good pawnshop. Mask secured and my hood pulled over I walk inside, only a second too late to realize I look like trouble. Fortunately, the guy –built like a lumberjack- doesn't pull a gun on me. I quickly pawn off the jewelry for a measly 10 dollars. I don't know what I expected but this is so little I feel embarrassed to sell it in such a nice shop.

As I walk homeward slowly and relaxed I slowly lose my stuff. The hammer is thrown into the bay, the mask with it. I stuff the jacket into my duffel bag –which wasn't seen by Greg- along with my gloves. It's a tad bit chilly like this but my loosened scarf helps. On the way home I stop by work and pick up my cash. I'm grateful to the general apathy of my workplace as no one giving me a glance helps my flipping stomach.

I arrive home, still jittery and a tad clammy, and sprawl out on the couch. I'm slightly disgruntled, how is it that I was calm during the actual crime but the jitters hit me now? Shitty human design.

I think about doing some work on my tinker stuff, especially with my incredible haul, but I don't really feel like it. When was the last day I just relaxed? Long before…that. Certainly not after my Trigger. Maybe I can make this a family day? Some movie binging sounds cool and I don't want to chance going out after today.

I shift a bit and feel my pocket's contents digging into my skin. I sigh but get up and make my way to my room. Putting away my new materials makes me grin but I still don't want to do anything strenuous today. However, it does make me remember about the phone I found. Perhaps Lady Luck will help me again?

I sit at the foot of my bed, laying out a few of my tools, and get to work.

Fiddling through the old electronics is a familiar nothing by now. That doesn't mean my hand doesn't accidentally scratch up some wires into uselessness. The loot is around as useful as I thought but hey, at least I got some things.

Mom soon wakes up with a hangover and we spend the day relaxing.


2010, November 22, Monday.

I wake up extra early and extra groggy. I stumble out of bed, do my morning routine, and mourn my sleep. Alas, Tinkers don't sleep.

Can I make myself sleepless?

The thought makes me pause mid teeth wash. I'm fairly sure there is a specific word for capes like that meaning that there are enough capes to be named. I resume my washing, mind whirling. My current core doesn't lend itself to bio tinkering easily and certainly not for something as rare and delicate as brains. But if I could research a bit…

I absentmindedly resume my routine.

Now that I'm calm I can analyze yesterday properly and I came to the conclusion that it wasn't revenge or a hidden desire to shoot myself in the foot that led me to almost kill him. No, it was simply the materials. And if a little curiosity about bio tinkering made itself known, well, I won't tell.

I know that I'm closer to a method tinker –as it's called in the forums- than a specialty tinker; I'm ruled more by how I make than what I make. Just like Armsmaster, String Theory or, hell, Leet. Minimizing, big-ass guns, and faulty everything. I, however, focus on materials more than others. So when I came into contact with something expensive and rare and taboo I got a bit overloaded.

So yeah, I need materials. Fortunately, I have more than enough for the next update. Thus the reason why I'm awake at, like, 4:45 AM. God, I really should upgrade myself.

Is it a bad thing that I'm not disturbed at self-surgery? I guess I'm more nervous about the risks.

Anyway, I sit by the foot of my bed, my trusty container full of boiling water. I put in the needed materials and watch copper dissolve in hot water. Don't ask how.

Half an hour later I plop my Coruscant in the middle of the foggy liquid and hide it under my bed. Now it just needs to cook for around… 8 hours. I, however, need to start my route in 10 minutes.

When I arrive at the agency I'm panting for breath and sweat gathers uncomfortably on my body. I rush in, greet whoever is in at this hour, and pick up my pack.

After an hour biking I drop the last newspaper at the last house's front step. I walk back to my ride and hop on. I can't wait to shower. I pass by the large apartments from the inside, the playground's sidewalk that they encase. On the other end of the street I see a bunch of people pointing at the building's side . I'm confused but I decide to go that way since it's not much of a detour. By the time I arrive even more people are there, some simply watching, some pointing their phones at the building, and some even hurriedly talking on their phone. By this point my eyebrows are nearing my hairline.

Are they playing porn or what?

I look at the building and promptly feel my jaw drop.

Think this but one of the swans are white.

It's a large mural, taking up the whole side from inch to inch. The details are beautiful, from the colorings to the lily pads. I can almost see the water move so clearly that for a moment I actually think it moves. The swan on the right side is a riot of colors, almost like a dawn break while the left one is jarringly white in a position that is utterly familiar.

The Simurgh Tattoo.

The art depicting support for Simurgh victims, originally made by a movement after Lausanne was quarantined. Since then it has become the de facto symbol for supporting victims without being at the Ground Zero. If I'm correct every attack has a different bird for the survivors to tattoo but swan remained the most well-known symbol.

It's beautiful. It doesn't fit Brockton Bay at all but…yeah, I don't mind it. For a moment I think about asking one of the gawkers if it was always here but I stop myself before making a fool of myself. The fact that there is a crowd means it wasn't here until now. A whole ass mural made under a night, huh?

Perhaps the people calling the PRT are in the right here. Much as I would like to stay here and see what'll happen I don't want to be late for school or skip my shower.

So I cycle home and wish luck the cape(?) that made it.

I arrive just in time for the school bell to ring. I sit at the back of the class and let the teacher's droning wash over me.

I spend the next few hours catching up on some sleep. I don't make it obvious, of course, but when I have class with Mr. G he is cool enough to let the subtle people sleep.

It's on the way to the cafeteria that I remember last Friday. Suddenly, the chemistry storage becomes the most delectable idea I had all day. Much as I want to I can't run there right now, not enough time and the teacher might be there. So I settle down in a corner of the cafeteria, one where people can't see me but I can see them. There is no Taylor here today, not even at the line or anywhere else. Most bottom feeders part for her like the black sea in fear of attracting Hess and her bitches. Well, probably Barnes really. Hess will beat you up –and possibly kill you as it seems- but Barnes will attack where it hurts. Bitch.

I spend lunch looking for any signs of Chris' brown hair –of which there are many- but then I realize something that makes me facepalm.

He doesn't even go here.

I chuckle to myself for a bit. But can you really blame me? I really expected Arcadia kids to be those rich assholes I read about. Sure, maybe not all of them but enough. And yet I find Chris with the nice smile and effortless ease to carry a conversation with socially awkward me. Guess he really likes DIY stuff.

Must be nice, going to Arcadia.

God, I can't even imagine it. No gang stuff, no apathetic faculty, no bullying, no Sophia fucking Hess. It can't be all that hard either, if Chris can stay with his dyscalculia then it can't be all that horror. If only I could…mom would stop worrying about my future.

I huff. Even if I had the smarts for the place it's not like I can just join. There must be hundreds of others, better situated and smarter, vying for a place. I either need to be absurdly lucky with one of the Wards joining and the expected transfers to muddy their identity or I need connections. Connections that a poor kid with an alcoholic single mother doesn't have.

But the PRT does. And I'm not just a poor kid either, am I?

The thought stays with me for longer than I want. I'm debating it even while walking home. Would it be worth it? Going to the PRT is equal to selling my soul. They would know too much about me for me to back off. But… well, I'm soon going to be short on resources, especially if I want to do more than some party tricks. But would it be so wrong, to join the good guys? Oh, I'm not one of those PHO geniuses who say everything is the fault of the government but I don't worship the ground they walk on either. The government is nothing but a necessity to control the worst of humanity. It's simply human nature that the worst of them gravitate to power.

Anyway, would a stable job with a small chance of getting killed be such a bad thing? Mom would approve.

…Maybe they have a decent addiction help or whatever it's called. If I could negotiate to stuff mom in…

Although saying I have an in would a bit much. I snort at the mental image of walking up to Armsmaster and going "Hey~ dude, I have totes legit info on one of your kids being a violent bully and planning to stuff a whole ass human into a locker half her size. Also, need a replacement?". Yeah, that'd go splendidly.

Anyway, the last bell of the day just rang so it's time for my second…third…fourth? Probably the third crime in two weeks. Cool. Maybe I shouldn't commit crimes after debating whether or not I want to join the Wards.

The wing that houses the chemistry room is deserted; no surprise there, this room is the farthest from anything important. I fiddle with the handle and, after a heart-stopping screech, open the door. The room looks about how I expected; old textbooks, glass cabinets full of stuff, and desks with papers. I spent a few moments looking around and familiarizing myself with the room.

And it seems like my luck holds out. I find a pretty nice centrifuge. Surprisingly new for something found in Winslow but I won't complain. I can feel my mind race with hazy ideas about what this can be, far different from the sharp details Greg's organs elicited. Although I guess it's because centrifuges are not very creative. I eye it for a moment more and, well, stealing is not such a bad thing after breaking a man's kneecaps.

But then again… there is a big difference between cosplaying as a random gang's crazy enforcer and stealing a centrifuge from Winslow. I'm not sure what's better, being thought of as a particularly lost drug dealer or being found out I'm a Tinker. On one hand I don't want to be embarrassed, on the other…

Okay, there is no contest between which is worse. Question is; is stealing this worth it? I mean, unlike with the organs I can use this even if I don't turn it into a new core. But I do have a feeling I'm getting closer to ditching Coruscant with every upgrade, sad as that is. I'll probably still keep it. I'm sentimental like that.


Walking home is a relaxing affair compared to yesterday's jitteriness. It's downright idyllic if I wanted to be poetic. When I arrive mom isn't home but I don't mind it. She is at work so she isn't getting drunk.

However, I do run to my room to check on Coruscant. The solution is much less by now and Coruscant is bigger along with being smoother and clearer. It still has…around 30 minutes of cook time so I decide to take the horse by the reins and do my homework.


[][Flaw] Fix inefficiency (Fuel charges are no longer halved).

[][Flaw] Fix capacity (Fuel capacity is no longer halved).

[][Steal] Steal the centrifuge. You pervert you~

[][Steal] No stealing…for now at least.

You have 6 Actions. Unless stated otherwise all actions cost 1. If you don't choose a singular decision vote then I'll assume you don't want to spend action on it.

How long do you spend sleeping?

[][Sleeping] No Action (High chance of getting Tired. If you don't choose a time to rest your body will)

[][Sleeping] One Action (medium chance to gain Tired)

[][Sleeping] Two Actions (No chance to gain Tired and medium chance to lose Tired)

How long do you spend at school?

[][School] No Actions (Medium chance to be noticed, rises each time this action is taken)
[][School] One Action (Small chance to be noticed, rises each time this action is taken)
[][School] Two Actions (No chance to be noticed, reduces chance to be noticed from skipping)

[][Wander] Wander the streets of Brockton. (Random encounter)

[][Wander] Look for trouble. (Random hostile encounter)

[][Wander] Gather resources. (Chances of getting caught depending on materials, place, and planning.)

[][Socialize] Call up Chris. Hang out.

[][Socialize] Hang out with mom.

[][Socialize] Hang out with someone. Write in.

[][Work] Go to work. [1/4]

[][Research] Research something. Write in. (Researching real world events gives more information on certain things. Researching tinkertech will give you ideas about possible augments or equipment. If researching possible cores this will give you a better idea of what kind it can be (e.g. its element, possible modus operandi, possible road maps, etc.))

[][Tinker] Start an augment. Any ideas?

[][Tinker] Start an equipment. Any ideas?

[][Tinker] Upgrade your core

[To-do] Anything else you want to do? GM reserves right to veto.




Work days: [1/4]

Core Stats:

-Name: Coruscant

-Fuel: 50%

-Rank: 3

-Flaws: 2 (inefficiency?, Capacity?)


Fuchsite: When passively using the core halves the fuel usage.

-Megaproject: -

-Power Perk: -

-Materials needed to upgrade: 3 Common, 4 Uncommon (~550$ not counting extra materials.)


-Star Shooter: When the wrist snaps down Coruscant releases a small hardlight blast. Fires every few seconds. Coruscant is placed inside a holder on the top. 1% fuel per shot. (Active)

Aether: a robe with a hood that can encompass the entire body and clasped at the front. Grants invisibility when powered by Coruscant. 5% fuel per second. (Passive)


-Materials: 6 Common, 1 Uncommon, 2 Rare.

-Money: 510$ (+~400 every Sunday.)

Debuff: -
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[X] Plan: its kinda weird how hardlight uses more energy than shooting an actual laser . . . lets shoot lasers
-[X][Flaw] Fix capacity (Fuel capacity is no longer halved).
-[X][Steal] before walking out, look if theirs any security cameras, if theirs none, steal the centrifuge. if their are cameras then don't steal, no need to get caught
-[X][Sleeping] One Action (medium chance to gain Tired)
[X][School] Two Actions (No chance to be noticed, reduces chance to be noticed from skipping)
[X][Wander] Gather resources. (Chances of getting caught depending on materials, place, and planning.)
--[X] look at your trash, those glass bottles count as silicates (should have common and uncommon materials)
--[X] go around asking if someone is throwing something out, buy it off the for cheap
-[X][Work] Go to work. [1/4]
-[X][Research] Research something. Write in. (Researching real world events gives more information on certain things. Researching tinkertech will give you ideas about possible augments or equipment. If researching possible cores this will give you a better idea of what kind it can be (e.g. its element, possible modus operandi, possible road maps, etc.))
--[X] the physics of Hardlight (2010s so should be in the time frame of worm canon or at least in earth Aleph, wiki said the experents occured so their should be something online about this)
-[X][Tinker] Start an augment. Any ideas?
--[X] if the star shooter is making light solid then it's making it colder and move slower? what is a was of (Heat) energy and slowing down our projectiles, have a mode that shuts of this cooling effect to make hardlight so you can have light speed lasers that can burn things; the hardlight can be the non lethal (and energy inefficient) option while the laser is the lethal option.
---[X] Out-of-Character, realistically our weapon is super inefficient, has slower projectile (lasers move at light speed), less lethal, and it intentionally lowers the heat/energy to make it solid. having it fire actual lasers would be cheaper in energy cost, so firing it would waste lest than 1% per shot. of course we removed the overheating flaw of our core as well, which means that burning ourself with a laser is already solved.
---[X] also isn't it weird how making light colder made the core overheat, unless it was siphoning that heat to the core which caused to over heat. if the overheating problem is it retaining the heat while only projecting the photons, then were does the heat go after we got the overheating flaw removed? thermal energy is energy, why aren't we using it? is this the energy inefficacy flaw?
---[X] maybe by getting rid of all the flaws on the core we can have actual power. got to get that core to rank 4

an idea i had, need @Dauntless22 to confirm material cost

[][Tinker] Start an equipment. Any ideas?
--[] E=Mc^2 right? if you can make something to convert the fuel your Coruscant to be able harvest from sunlight into some material, then can't you print supplies for you to thinker with? like sure its gonna be slow and give you little, but a passive income of tinkering materials would be nice. (either this counts as system requiring only uncommon or counts as Extreme-Precision needing Exotic)

[X] Plan: Strange learnings and cool lasers
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It is probably best not to steal the centrifuge and instead to make due and improvise with a drill or rotary tool and a cylindrical container we can get mounted with some partitions to help slot in a load.

No need to draw attention if we don't have to and the whole point of the centrifuge is simply to spin a balanced load sufficiently fast and long enough to separate out components of a sample in layers.

Since we researched optics and solar panels perhaps we should research the related light emitting diodes, crystal geology and lattices, or chemistry.

If we are interested in hardlight plasma physics and plasma in general might be a good place to look for inspiration.

If we want to use energy harvested to produce materials then considering how much energy is required to produce even a small amount of mass, our best approach is probably to harvest elements from food waste and similar scraps or to take atmospheric nitrogen and try making nitrogen oxide before turning that into nitrous acid and using some ozone injection to further process that into nitric acid.
Such a process would present some wear and tear and maintenance hell without even needing any tinker magic.

Calcium from shells and eggs might be useful.

And of course since we are a philosophers stone tinker there is always the piss poor approach of trying to get phosphorus from urine. Yes that's a real thing and is as ridiculous as it sounds:

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[X] Plan: its kinda weird how hardlight uses more energy than shooting an actual laser . . . lets shoot lasers
--[] if the star shooter is making light solid then it's making it colder and move slower? what is a was of (Heat) energy and slowing down our projectiles, have a mode that shuts of this cooling effect to make hardlight so you can have light speed lasers that can burn things; the hardlight can be the non lethal (and energy inefficient) option while the laser is the lethal option.
---[] Out-of-Character, realistically our weapon is super inefficient, has slower projectile (lasers move at light speed), less lethal, and it intentionally lowers the heat/energy to make it solid. having it fire actual lasers would be cheaper in energy cost, so firing it would waste lest than 1% per shot. of course we removed the overheating flaw of our core as well, which means that burning ourself with a laser is already solved.
---[] also isn't it weird how making light colder made the core overheat, unless it was siphoning that heat to the core which caused to over heat. if the overheating problem is it retaining the heat while only projecting the photons, then were does the heat go after we got the overheating flaw removed? thermal energy is energy, why aren't we using it? is this the energy inefficacy flaw?
You made some mistakes here, light does not have a true temperature though the polarization, magnitude, frequency, entanglement, and overall distribution can be controlled.
Light only moves slower when moving through a material such as water, glass, or even a gas.
Lowering either magnitude or frequency of light and thus in a way energy will not make light solid and would if anything bring light farther from being solid without actually changing the speed though you can exchange energy for mass in your calculations by shining light through a substrate where the speed of light is slower than in vacuum.
Your best bet is probably to project a controllable substrate such as a cold plasma for light to be shone through.
It is not weird that something that devotes energy to modifying optical behaviours and properties in addition to producing light would require more energy than plain focused light.
Due to the riskiness and probably unnecessary theft of the centrifuge and the especially low quality technobabble I do not like this plan.

Even your own source matches my words more than it matches yours: Solid light - Wikipedia
"The MIT-Harvard Center for Ultracold Atoms conducted experiments in the 2010s. Single photons were fired from weak lasers into a dense cloud of rubidium cooled to near absolute zero. The speed of light in the cloud was about 100,000 times slower than in a vacuum. Within the cloud, photons lost energy and gained mass. The conditions allowed photons to attract and bind to other photons, and exit the cloud as molecules. Reportedly, photon pairs were observed in 2013, and triplets in 2018.[4][5]"

I am going to start putting together a plan of my own now.

[] Plan: Strange learnings and cool lasers
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You made some mistakes here, light does not have a true temperature though the polarization, magnitude, frequency, entanglement, and overall distribution can be controlled.
so what your saying is there was no experiment by the MIT-Harvard Center for Ultracold Atoms that subjected light/photons to absolute zero temperatures where the photons started to slow down and clump together and gain mass?

damn i don't understand science speak
Even your own source matches my words more than it matches yours: Solid light - Wikipedia
damn i can't read
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