I would also like to clear some more air with Nazaret
Nazaret is the one who is actually both Anja Li and Rupert Mazlo from Petals of Titan who went back in time and reincarnated into a shared body. Mazlo has been quietly freaking out about how North and Owosu are hunting them down to ruing their career while Li is trying to put her old life behind her. Both of them are trying to acquire new friends/allies and are secretly crying themselves to sleep over the cool pirate lady not noticing them.[/crackpot]
[X] Love Gossip is Overrated
Nazaret and taking a stand against the evils of
truth and love? This vote was made for me!
The scan data probably tells us about something important on the big fish that got away, so a strategic advantage that we can't really act upon, but will probably be important later on. We might also be able to trade the data for brownie points.
Roughing up the civilians will likely get us better patches for our mecha and a faster flight out of here. Or maybe not the latter, since they probably want us gone as soon as possible. So this would be more of an immediate goal, but it is not as though we have an abundance of docks willing to fix us up anywhere else.
Examining the prototype helps us prepare if they escape, grants bonus intelligence on the potential of the technology, and fives Princess God a combat bonus against its ilk. General upgrades option with a side of actually being our mission.
The important question, is which of the votes get us the enemy captain to pirate Princess at, because the snark/sass gods demand sacrifices.
[X] Help Chief Mechanic Yorke discover something about the QDIMX Carbon Steel
Because I am a shameless sellout and want to geek out over the shiny.