[X] Plan Team Downtime

[X] Help First Officer Booker realise that the locals are holding out on you
[X] Plan Team Downtime
-[X] Azara & Kitty - be a hideously awkward third wheel
-[X] Cam & Ryan - make fun of two different kinds of nerds at once
-[X] Jay Tham - make your lives more complicated

[X] Help SRI Lieutenant Amani North access your mecha's scan data
[X] Love Gossip is Overrated
- [X] Nazaret Ohanian - talk about hometowns
- [X] Cam & Ryan - make fun of two different kinds of nerds at once
- [X] Jay Tham - make your lives more complicated

[X] Help First Officer Booker realise that the locals are holding out on you

Well, nothing exploded horribly, so that's a bonus. I also want to lean on the locals, remind them that their military abandoned them instead of fighting to save them like any nominally decent government should.

I would also like to clear some more air with Nazaret (he's the guy who...maybe not hates us but pretty damn close for being an ex-pirate) while I want to see where we go with Jay.

Too bad we can't interact with the new girl. Maybe our irreverent nonchalance would help her. Or maybe it wouldn't.
I would also like to clear some more air with Nazaret (he's the guy who...maybe not hates us but pretty damn close for being an ex-pirate) while I want to see where we go with Jay.
You're thinking of Ryan. Nazaret is the ship's comms officer, who also fills the role of mecha control in combat. They are friendly with Kana, and seem to recommend her books now and again.
[X] Plan Meddling Pirate
-[X] Cam & Ryan - make fun of two different kinds of nerds at once
-[X] Milo Owusu - somehow end up talking about his love life
-[X] Nazaret Ohanian - talk about hometowns

[X] Help First Officer Booker realise that the locals are holding out on you
[x] Help Chief Mechanic Yorke discover something about the QDIMX Carbon Steel
The mecha's worthy of the title drop. We should probably investigate that.

[x] Plan Team Downtime
Plan includes Jay, so is acceptable.
[x] Love Gossip is Overrated
- [X] Nazaret Ohanian - talk about hometowns
- [X] Cam & Ryan - make fun of two different kinds of nerds at once
- [X] Jay Tham - make your lives more complicated

I'll vote for anything with Jay in it, and I am not interested in Milo's lovelife, so...

[x] Help First Officer Booker realise that the locals are holding out on you
[X] Love Gossip is Overrated

Works for me.
As for North, I am fine with not trying to hard to mend bridges personally.
[X] Help First Officer Booker realise that the locals are holding out on you

This seems more up our ally then poking with the mechanics. Also, title drop.
[X] Plan Different Kinds Of Complicated
-[X] Cam & Ryan - make fun of two different kinds of nerds at once
-[X] Jay Tham - make your lives more complicated
-[X] Milo Owusu - somehow end up talking about his love life

[X] Help First Officer Booker realise that the locals are holding out on you
[X] Plan Different Kinds Of Complicated
-[X] Cam & Ryan - make fun of two different kinds of nerds at once
-[X] Jay Tham - make your lives more complicated
-[X] Milo Owusu - somehow end up talking about his love life

[X] Help First Officer Booker realise that the locals are holding out on you
[X] Plan Different Kinds Of Complicated
-[X] Cam & Ryan - make fun of two different kinds of nerds at once
-[X] Jay Tham - make your lives more complicated
-[X] Milo Owusu - somehow end up talking about his love life

[X] Help SRI Lieutenant Amani North access your mecha's scan data
[X] Help First Officer Booker realise that the locals are holding out on you
I'm still pushing for the "bit of a dirtbag" options.
[X] Plan Different Kinds Of Complicated

[X] Help Chief Mechanic Yorke discover something about the QDIMX Carbon Steel

We need to find cool stuff from the fancy Carbon Steel mech that we can steal for our own mech - Kana grabbed her while she had a gun, so we get first dibs, right?
[X] Help First Officer Booker realise that the locals are holding out on you

[X] Plan Different Kinds Of Complicated

We need those repairs. Our everything is banged up and working on pure spit and duct tape. We don't want out equipment to fail us when we need them the most, and we will need them. The Prototype probably has a tracking device of sorts and the empire will be gunning for us with extreme prejudice.
[X] Love Gossip is Overrated
- [X] Nazaret Ohanian - talk about hometowns
- [X] Cam & Ryan - make fun of two different kinds of nerds at once
- [X] Jay Tham - make your lives more complicated

[X] Help First Officer Booker realise that the locals are holding out on you
I would also like to clear some more air with Nazaret
Nazaret is the one who is actually both Anja Li and Rupert Mazlo from Petals of Titan who went back in time and reincarnated into a shared body. Mazlo has been quietly freaking out about how North and Owosu are hunting them down to ruing their career while Li is trying to put her old life behind her. Both of them are trying to acquire new friends/allies and are secretly crying themselves to sleep over the cool pirate lady not noticing them.[/crackpot]

[X] Love Gossip is Overrated
Nazaret and taking a stand against the evils of truth and love? This vote was made for me!

The scan data probably tells us about something important on the big fish that got away, so a strategic advantage that we can't really act upon, but will probably be important later on. We might also be able to trade the data for brownie points.
Roughing up the civilians will likely get us better patches for our mecha and a faster flight out of here. Or maybe not the latter, since they probably want us gone as soon as possible. So this would be more of an immediate goal, but it is not as though we have an abundance of docks willing to fix us up anywhere else.
Examining the prototype helps us prepare if they escape, grants bonus intelligence on the potential of the technology, and fives Princess God a combat bonus against its ilk. General upgrades option with a side of actually being our mission.

The important question, is which of the votes get us the enemy captain to pirate Princess at, because the snark/sass gods demand sacrifices.
[X] Help Chief Mechanic Yorke discover something about the QDIMX Carbon Steel
Because I am a shameless sellout and want to geek out over the shiny.
[X] Plan Different Kinds Of Complicated
-[X] Cam & Ryan - make fun of two different kinds of nerds at once
-[X] Jay Tham - make your lives more complicated
-[X] Milo Owusu - somehow end up talking about his love life

[X] Help First Officer Booker realise that the locals are holding out on you
We need those repairs. Our everything is banged up and working on pure spit and duct tape. We don't want out equipment to fail us when we need them the most, and we will need them. The Prototype probably has a tracking device of sorts and the empire will be gunning for us with extreme prejudice.
Ooh, that's a good point. I definitely hope that wins now; I really want us to be able to really play cat and mouse with whatever comes after us.
[X] Plan Different Kinds Of Complicated
-[X] Cam & Ryan - make fun of two different kinds of nerds at once
-[X] Jay Tham - make your lives more complicated
-[X] Milo Owusu - somehow end up talking about his love life

[X] Help First Officer Booker realise that the locals are holding out on you

I have no strong opinions on the social aspects. I was a bit tempted to work with North to rebuild a relationship, but...

We also need to rebuild the ship and mechs.
[X] Plan Different Kinds Of Complicated
-[X] Cam & Ryan - make fun of two different kinds of nerds at once
-[X] Jay Tham - make your lives more complicated
-[X] Milo Owusu - somehow end up talking about his love life

[X] Help First Officer Booker realise that the locals are holding out on you

Due to the winning plan, we need to rebuild our ships and mechs, so this makes sense far more than the others. I'm less sure on the social vote, but these three seem the most interesting to me personally.
[X] Love Gossip is Overrated
- [X] Nazaret Ohanian - talk about hometowns
- [X] Cam & Ryan - make fun of two different kinds of nerds at once
- [X] Jay Tham - make your lives more complicated

[X] Help First Officer Booker realise that the locals are holding out on you

Logistics or secret spy base. We a pirate, we know hidden staches.
[X] Love Gossip is Overrated
- [X] Nazaret Ohanian - talk about hometowns
- [X] Cam & Ryan - make fun of two different kinds of nerds at once
- [X] Jay Tham - make your lives more complicated

[X] Help SRI Lieutenant Amani North access your mecha's scan data

Switching votes
I'm going to call the vote here. This is the last time I'm going to use plan voting for a social vote like this, I think. Apologies for the amount of experimenting with format I've been doing there.
Adhoc vote count started by Gazetteer on Aug 12, 2020 at 1:07 AM, finished with 46 posts and 35 votes.
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