April 7th, Empress 1
- Location
- SV's Only Complete Persona Quest
- Pronouns
- She/Her
[x] "I don't see why I should have to decide when I'm only in high school"
[x] "Shouldn't we leave this up to a class vote?"
You found your way over to the Gymnasium for the Kendo Club. Or Tea Ceremony Club? You guessed the two were from similar enough disciplines to be combined into one, either that or Kikuko had just taken over both of them.
I mean, I really don't want to have to associate with the All-Aces any more than I already have to, you thought, but had to admit, still, guess I should be keeping an eye on them though, especially people like Kikuko who I really don't know anything about, other than what everyone else in school knows. Unlike Eitaro, at least she's in a club where beating up your classmates is what you're there for.
Opening the door to the gym, you then got worried you may've come a little late, as from the numerous shouts of battle and clunking of bokken against bokken, the club looked well underway.
"Oh, oh, Miss Nakamura is it?" you heard a girlish voice suddenly come up to you, at which you spun around to see a... maid approach you. She had purplish black hair in little drills to either side, wore her apron over a kimono, and like the rest of the room had a bokken sheathed at her hip.
"My apologies, must not have introduced myself," the maid's cheeriness turned to shock and she rapidly bowed, "I'm Yomogi Tsubasa, Jack of Grails, and I attend this school as maid to Mistress Kikuko. I knew you'd been appointed as a Jack, although Mistress was, ahem, terse as usual about you".
You had to laugh a little, "Sounds like her. And wow, huge flex on her part bringing a maid to school, although yeah, guess I should expect that sort of thing from the All-Aces," you replied.
With one last thud, you turned to see Kikuko standing atop a hill of her clubmates she'd struck down. Like it was nothing, she then walked over to you, making direct eye contact.
"Thank you Tsubasa, but I'll take things from here," she brushed off her maid and then intoned to you, "So Jack, have you given thought as to Alliances?"
Alliances? you could only think, wondering what Kikuko was even talking about, but afraid of her snapping back at you if you admitted this. "I- I just came here to check out the Kendo Club, that was all," you managed to say.
Kikuko just sighed but looked back all the other students gathered. "This is a conversation best had once the two of us are alone. Also, this is properly the Tea Ceremony club, but I organised kendo sparring sessions to strengthen people's appreciation for the art".
"So Jack, Haruka, you choose to audition for this Club?" Kikuko asked, before whipping out a blade that looked too metallic to be a bokken, pointing it right between your eyes and saying, "Think you have what it takes to challenge me?"
"N-no, of course not!" you shrieked, your forehead already caked in sweat.
Kikuko chortled "Good answer", as she then sheathed the blade "You at least seem to have a realistic assessment of your abilities. Still, if it's an audition you want..." she muttered as she pulled you into the centre of the Gym, taking a random bokken and throwing it your way, "We have time for one last fight. Yomogi, over here".
Her maid then came over to face you in the ring, unsheathing her own bokken, "Right Miss, ahem, your Ladyship," she stuttered.
Readying the blade you'd just been given, you burst out, "W-wait! Aren't we supposed to put protective gear on first?" But with the sudden beat of a taiko drum, the fight had already begun, as Tsubasa rushed at you ready to strike.
Not having a Persona around to empower you, and using a completely different weapon than before, you amazed yourself by not immediately getting knocked out. Instead, you reacted in a heartbeat to block Tsubasa's blade with your own, before pushing back against her and almost scraping her shoulder.
[+5 Resolve]
However, Tsubasa quickly proved she was Kikuko's maid for a reason, as she struck you in the side and sent you floundering to the floor. The victor was clear.
"As I expected," Kikuko snarled, looking down at you, "Perhaps try auditioning again once your Resolve has strengthened, or at least develop some blade Etiquette".
Huh, shows what you can get away with, being an All-Ace, you thought coldly, trying to pick yourself up, If I acted like you just did, Kikuko, I'd be expelled.
"Oh, M-Miss Nakamura, I'm so sorry! Here, let me help you up," Tsubasa the maid cried out, lifting you to your feet, "I must've misjudged my own strength, oh I'm so embarrassed".
"Feh, don't be," Kikuko sighed, "What Haruka here just went through is nothing. The Maeda lineage prides itself on far stricter training".
Wow, remind me never to meet your parents, you fumed from within. Your gaze softened as you looked at Tsubasa and said, "It's okay, my legs are fine now, I can stand just fine". The gazes of all the other students around on you though, not so fine.
The sun soon began to set, and at the very least you got to have green tea before Club activities ended, a tea that was certainly a stark difference from the more Western blends Colette had served you.
When it was just you, Kikuko and Tsubasa left in the Gym, the Ace of Grails turned to her maid and said, "This is a conversation I wish to have with Haruka in private. Tsubasa, have my ride home prepared".
"Aye aye, your ladyship," Tsubasa bowed before exiting the room.
With it just the two of you, Kikuko immediately glared and seethed, "You mean to tell me you're still ignorant about Alliances?"
Hey, I've only been here a week, y'know, you thought, but just said, "I take it they have something to do with the Persona Game?"
Kikuko laughed coldly, "They are the Persona Game". She sighed and went on to explain, "While matters may be cordial among us All-Aces for now, the Gameboard is arranged so that only one Empire may conquer it in its entirety. You would've heard the term 'Jack of Coins', 'Jack of Blades', 'Jack of Grails'? Well, it's about time you started thinking whose Jack you are".
- Seriously? I thought was joining the popular kids, not a fight club, you thought yet kept quiet, or a cult.
Her tea finished, Kikuko then stood up from kneeling position and began walking to the door. Before she left, you swiftly got up to ask her one last question.
"Wait, Kikuko, w-what can you tell me about Rokudo Rin?" you called out across the Gym. You would've asked about that 'Galactic Empire' thing but were worried Kikuko would just demand to know where you found out about it.
Kikuko only slightly turned her head, "Of what concern is she to you? She died before you even came to this school," she muttered.
"W-well, as a Jack, I figured I had an obligation to learn about the All-Aces' history," you told her.
A faint smile emerged on Kikuko's lips "Heh, I can at least respect that. I'm afraid though you'll have to ask Azuma for all the details, he was closest to her after all. She was certainly a moral person though, as befitting Student Council President, though appropriately rigid in her ethics. They ruled her death a suicide, although none of us can say for certain. Unsurprisingly, the Student Council descended into disgrace immediately following her death. That is all I believe a Jack needs to know," she told you, before making her exit.
Or you got all too carried away with your Persona Game, you thought, following Kikuko outside.
Upon exiting out onto the street, your eyes could've fallen out of their sockets in surprise. You expected Kikuko to be in a car or on a motorcycle or something, not on a friggin' horse! I mean, Popo's the only horse I know, and he'd probably be flattened if I tried to ride him, you thought, as Kikuko galloped away on her chestnut stallion, mare, whichever.
"I am thou... Thou art I
Thou anointest a new Knight to defend thy Crown
Thou shalt take the mantle of the Empress Arcana"
"Hey, 'Ruka, woah you look shaken," Megumi spoke up as you got back to your apartment, "Tough day at school, huh? Like, I never went to anywhere as fancy as Hanataba, but yeesh my high school years were Hell".
"What, someone threatened to slice your face open with a sword too?" you laughed, but not with much humour behind it.
"Hmm, yeah about. Metaphorically speaking anyway," Megumi replied, before changing the subject in a split-second, "Anyway, you been looking at part-time jobs? Sorry for pressuring you, but I seriously don't need that old leech breathing down my neck again about the rent".
"Yeah yeah, I've been meaning to find something, but it's not like jobs grow on trees," you groaned.
"They do if you're a gardener," Megumi chimed in.
"Urgh, besides, I've... had a lot of stuff on my mind lately," you muttered out, slumping down on the couch.
[ ] Talk some more with Megumi, they're a breath of fresh air after Kikuko, and you kinda need to vent.
[ ] Phone your parents, their work should be over now.
[ ] Get to bed early, it's been a long day.
[ ] There's always studying.
[ ] Surf the net, you might wanna hunt for part-time jobs.
- [ ] Sweet shop worker, guys think it's cute, mochi-pounding's good exercise you guess.
- [ ] Traditional Gaming (Board and Tabletop) shop assistant.
- [ ] Local Museum Guide.
- [ ] Record store assistant.
- [ ] Model? Well, you guess Reina could give you tips.
[ ] Head out on the town, see what's open this late.
- [ ] On your own.
- [ ] Ask Megumi to come with you.
[ ] Write-in.
[x] "Shouldn't we leave this up to a class vote?"
You found your way over to the Gymnasium for the Kendo Club. Or Tea Ceremony Club? You guessed the two were from similar enough disciplines to be combined into one, either that or Kikuko had just taken over both of them.
I mean, I really don't want to have to associate with the All-Aces any more than I already have to, you thought, but had to admit, still, guess I should be keeping an eye on them though, especially people like Kikuko who I really don't know anything about, other than what everyone else in school knows. Unlike Eitaro, at least she's in a club where beating up your classmates is what you're there for.
Opening the door to the gym, you then got worried you may've come a little late, as from the numerous shouts of battle and clunking of bokken against bokken, the club looked well underway.
"Oh, oh, Miss Nakamura is it?" you heard a girlish voice suddenly come up to you, at which you spun around to see a... maid approach you. She had purplish black hair in little drills to either side, wore her apron over a kimono, and like the rest of the room had a bokken sheathed at her hip.
"My apologies, must not have introduced myself," the maid's cheeriness turned to shock and she rapidly bowed, "I'm Yomogi Tsubasa, Jack of Grails, and I attend this school as maid to Mistress Kikuko. I knew you'd been appointed as a Jack, although Mistress was, ahem, terse as usual about you".
You had to laugh a little, "Sounds like her. And wow, huge flex on her part bringing a maid to school, although yeah, guess I should expect that sort of thing from the All-Aces," you replied.
With one last thud, you turned to see Kikuko standing atop a hill of her clubmates she'd struck down. Like it was nothing, she then walked over to you, making direct eye contact.
"Thank you Tsubasa, but I'll take things from here," she brushed off her maid and then intoned to you, "So Jack, have you given thought as to Alliances?"
Alliances? you could only think, wondering what Kikuko was even talking about, but afraid of her snapping back at you if you admitted this. "I- I just came here to check out the Kendo Club, that was all," you managed to say.
Kikuko just sighed but looked back all the other students gathered. "This is a conversation best had once the two of us are alone. Also, this is properly the Tea Ceremony club, but I organised kendo sparring sessions to strengthen people's appreciation for the art".
"So Jack, Haruka, you choose to audition for this Club?" Kikuko asked, before whipping out a blade that looked too metallic to be a bokken, pointing it right between your eyes and saying, "Think you have what it takes to challenge me?"
"N-no, of course not!" you shrieked, your forehead already caked in sweat.
Kikuko chortled "Good answer", as she then sheathed the blade "You at least seem to have a realistic assessment of your abilities. Still, if it's an audition you want..." she muttered as she pulled you into the centre of the Gym, taking a random bokken and throwing it your way, "We have time for one last fight. Yomogi, over here".
Her maid then came over to face you in the ring, unsheathing her own bokken, "Right Miss, ahem, your Ladyship," she stuttered.
Readying the blade you'd just been given, you burst out, "W-wait! Aren't we supposed to put protective gear on first?" But with the sudden beat of a taiko drum, the fight had already begun, as Tsubasa rushed at you ready to strike.
Not having a Persona around to empower you, and using a completely different weapon than before, you amazed yourself by not immediately getting knocked out. Instead, you reacted in a heartbeat to block Tsubasa's blade with your own, before pushing back against her and almost scraping her shoulder.
[+5 Resolve]
However, Tsubasa quickly proved she was Kikuko's maid for a reason, as she struck you in the side and sent you floundering to the floor. The victor was clear.
"As I expected," Kikuko snarled, looking down at you, "Perhaps try auditioning again once your Resolve has strengthened, or at least develop some blade Etiquette".
Huh, shows what you can get away with, being an All-Ace, you thought coldly, trying to pick yourself up, If I acted like you just did, Kikuko, I'd be expelled.
"Oh, M-Miss Nakamura, I'm so sorry! Here, let me help you up," Tsubasa the maid cried out, lifting you to your feet, "I must've misjudged my own strength, oh I'm so embarrassed".
"Feh, don't be," Kikuko sighed, "What Haruka here just went through is nothing. The Maeda lineage prides itself on far stricter training".
Wow, remind me never to meet your parents, you fumed from within. Your gaze softened as you looked at Tsubasa and said, "It's okay, my legs are fine now, I can stand just fine". The gazes of all the other students around on you though, not so fine.
The sun soon began to set, and at the very least you got to have green tea before Club activities ended, a tea that was certainly a stark difference from the more Western blends Colette had served you.
When it was just you, Kikuko and Tsubasa left in the Gym, the Ace of Grails turned to her maid and said, "This is a conversation I wish to have with Haruka in private. Tsubasa, have my ride home prepared".
"Aye aye, your ladyship," Tsubasa bowed before exiting the room.
With it just the two of you, Kikuko immediately glared and seethed, "You mean to tell me you're still ignorant about Alliances?"
Hey, I've only been here a week, y'know, you thought, but just said, "I take it they have something to do with the Persona Game?"
Kikuko laughed coldly, "They are the Persona Game". She sighed and went on to explain, "While matters may be cordial among us All-Aces for now, the Gameboard is arranged so that only one Empire may conquer it in its entirety. You would've heard the term 'Jack of Coins', 'Jack of Blades', 'Jack of Grails'? Well, it's about time you started thinking whose Jack you are".
- Seriously? I thought was joining the popular kids, not a fight club, you thought yet kept quiet, or a cult.
Her tea finished, Kikuko then stood up from kneeling position and began walking to the door. Before she left, you swiftly got up to ask her one last question.
"Wait, Kikuko, w-what can you tell me about Rokudo Rin?" you called out across the Gym. You would've asked about that 'Galactic Empire' thing but were worried Kikuko would just demand to know where you found out about it.
Kikuko only slightly turned her head, "Of what concern is she to you? She died before you even came to this school," she muttered.
"W-well, as a Jack, I figured I had an obligation to learn about the All-Aces' history," you told her.
A faint smile emerged on Kikuko's lips "Heh, I can at least respect that. I'm afraid though you'll have to ask Azuma for all the details, he was closest to her after all. She was certainly a moral person though, as befitting Student Council President, though appropriately rigid in her ethics. They ruled her death a suicide, although none of us can say for certain. Unsurprisingly, the Student Council descended into disgrace immediately following her death. That is all I believe a Jack needs to know," she told you, before making her exit.
Or you got all too carried away with your Persona Game, you thought, following Kikuko outside.
Upon exiting out onto the street, your eyes could've fallen out of their sockets in surprise. You expected Kikuko to be in a car or on a motorcycle or something, not on a friggin' horse! I mean, Popo's the only horse I know, and he'd probably be flattened if I tried to ride him, you thought, as Kikuko galloped away on her chestnut stallion, mare, whichever.
"I am thou... Thou art I
Thou anointest a new Knight to defend thy Crown
Thou shalt take the mantle of the Empress Arcana"
"Hey, 'Ruka, woah you look shaken," Megumi spoke up as you got back to your apartment, "Tough day at school, huh? Like, I never went to anywhere as fancy as Hanataba, but yeesh my high school years were Hell".
"What, someone threatened to slice your face open with a sword too?" you laughed, but not with much humour behind it.
"Hmm, yeah about. Metaphorically speaking anyway," Megumi replied, before changing the subject in a split-second, "Anyway, you been looking at part-time jobs? Sorry for pressuring you, but I seriously don't need that old leech breathing down my neck again about the rent".
"Yeah yeah, I've been meaning to find something, but it's not like jobs grow on trees," you groaned.
"They do if you're a gardener," Megumi chimed in.
"Urgh, besides, I've... had a lot of stuff on my mind lately," you muttered out, slumping down on the couch.
[ ] Talk some more with Megumi, they're a breath of fresh air after Kikuko, and you kinda need to vent.
[ ] Phone your parents, their work should be over now.
[ ] Get to bed early, it's been a long day.
[ ] There's always studying.
[ ] Surf the net, you might wanna hunt for part-time jobs.
- [ ] Sweet shop worker, guys think it's cute, mochi-pounding's good exercise you guess.
- [ ] Traditional Gaming (Board and Tabletop) shop assistant.
- [ ] Local Museum Guide.
- [ ] Record store assistant.
- [ ] Model? Well, you guess Reina could give you tips.
[ ] Head out on the town, see what's open this late.
- [ ] On your own.
- [ ] Ask Megumi to come with you.
[ ] Write-in.
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