July 10th, Strength 8, Empress 9
- Location
- SV's Only Complete Persona Quest
- Pronouns
- She/Her
[X] Be honest. "Maybe I should've tried to reach out to Melissa, to see more where she was hurting..."
[X] Invite Kikuko along for your nature walk.
[X] Poi, an ancient Hawaiian porridge made from taro (kalo locally) and breadfruit. [+Etiquette]
After getting up the next morning, you thought to have a little look around this hotel suite first, now that you weren't utterly jetlagged and were bright and ready for... the funeral, since you and the other Aces seemed to have the whole floor basically to yourselves.
Uh yeah, you could tell from the bar and the gambling table that this suite wasn't exactly designed with high schoolers in mind. Given that nobody was looking, you did try taking a swig from one of the bottles there, only to have to immediately spit it back out, wondering despite the label what the hell you just tried to drink.
There were also more portraits at looked 19th century at the earliest, marble busts of some composers or artists or other, whoever originally owned them didn't appear to feel any need to label them, and to compliment them a sizable grand piano... that was roped off with a 'do not touch' sign hung around it, a quick glance over and the yellowed keys and strained strings showing its age.
You also got to see there was a rooftop pool, which would be tempting if not for the other people you were with here. As you were in such a rush that Saturday morning that you'd forgotten to pack extra clothes, you found yourself having to settle for an outfit the Aces had already picked out for you. You shuddered knowing it was likely Azuma behind it, being too Western-looking for Kikuko, but the 19th century dress didn't look too bad on first glance.
Until you actually tried it on, and Jesus, Is there an in-built corset in this thing or something? The dress was so stiff and uncomfortable that you had to stand still and take multiple deep breaths simply to adjust to it, if even then.
"Do you like it?" of course Azuma's voice said from behind you, "This may be unflattering, but that dress was one of Tomomi's. But don't let that put you off, I can confirm the dress compliments you far more than it ever did my sister".
"Did she hate it as much as I do?" you whispered. At the same time, you figured there had to be some kind of tactical incentive behind giving you a hand-me-down to wear to a funeral, even if you weren't sure what it was.
While the suite kitchen was probably stacked enough for you or Shinsuke to cobble together breakfast yourselves, you instead chose the simpler option of heading down to check out the lobby buffet, at which you promptly got carried away adding just another croissant or cake slice to your plate along with pouring coffee after coffee. Then again, it wasn't like part of you felt especially guilty using up the All-Aces' budget.
[+1 to all Social Stats, Etiquette has reached Rank 4!]
However, even your own breakfast splurge was tame compared to the constant devouring of another in the room with you right then. "N-Nadezhda?" you called, peering over your shoulder.
"Huh? Oh, y-yeah, you're Harushka, aren't ya?" the Russian heiress's eyes widened, "Ooh, I remember you from the Far East Vacation and that Sports Carnival or whatever".
"Yeah, that's me," you mumbled, the sight of Melissa's crucifixion immediately lodging itself in your mind. "Er, I can already see how you're handling, ah, stuff, Nadezhda".
"Ah, you were Melissa's companion, weren't you?" Azuma, having shown up in the lobby, strode towards Nadezhda and told her, "Have you been informed that we have now appointed Nakamura Haruka our new Ace?"
"W-what?!" Nadezhda blurted out, spilling crumbs everywhere, "W-when? No, please, don't tell me you did it just after Melissa d-died?" her eyes began to well up.
"The day after," Azuma smiled and put simply, "Ace of Fools specifically, so do not fret, it's not as if we're simply handing down Melissa's title or such," he had to chuckle, "You see, Nadia was it? It's important for institutions to keep up appearances in times of hardship, I'm sure you as company heiress can understand".
You expected those words would do little to settle Nadezhda, and sure enough, she continued to stuff bacon and waffles into her mouth while she glared at you. "L-listen here you *gulp* little brat! You aren't even half the woman *munch* my girl Melissa was!" You then felt it best to back off as Nadezhda angrily ripped a sourdough roll with her teeth.
Once everyone was ready, you having found Kikuko trying to balance atop one of the marble statues in the lawns, it was time to head over to Forest Lawn Cemetery for the funeral. You spotted a whole crowd of businesspeople while there, and among them Melissa's stepmother Adriana and, at the other end of the crowds, a woman who closely resembled what you imagined Melissa would look like had she lived to be middle-aged. Feeling it would be too personal to ask, you assumed this was her birth mother who, despite having been divorced by her father the moment she got too old, wasn't that bad looking actually, in that middle-aged sort of way.
Speaking of which, you couldn't spot Patrick anywhere around, the funeral host soon confirming that he was currently occupied at a business meeting in Nevada. Er, on a Sunday? you had to think. Kikuko's father Iemitsu wasn't anywhere around either, though even if he wasn't aware, you still felt it would be poor form for a killer's father to attend their victim's funeral... even if the stabber herself was there.
One All-Ace parent you did spot was none other than Sakurai Rurina nee Benibara, currently kneeling down and crying by the burial pit, with you wondering if the people gathered here knew anything about her acting career beyond what they'd been briefly informed about beforehand. Given that Azuma wasn't even paying attention to his own mother, you figured it fell to you to go over and talk to her.
"Hey, um, you alright?" you tried to begin by asking.
"Huh? Ah, you'd be one of Tomomi's, Azuma's, and Melissa's friends, wouldn't you?" Rurina said as she looked up at you, drying her eyes with a handkerchief. "I, I suppose it's obvious I'm a lonely woman, but even I wasn't naïve enough to be blind the young Lilian's more, well, monetarily inclined motivations. Still, in the dark chambers of my later years, she was still something of a new light in my life, a change in routine. Now she is gone, I, I can't help but miss her..."
At the same time, Adriana was called up to the mic to deliver her eulogy for her stepdaughter, which she began with: "Ahem I... suppose in Melissa's eyes I was the evil stepmother, no matter how I treated her. Every time I tried to reach out to her, she kept pushing me away. I guess I can now see I was the wrong person at the wrong time in her life, given she has been taken from us, that I didn't have the strength to reach out to her. Melissa, I'm... so sorry I could never be the mother you deserved".
That Melissa's birth mother was up next made things all the more awkward. "My own memories of my daughter are somewhat biased, her father basically threw me out of her life too soon," she said, choosing not to mention her old husband by name, "She was always on her best behaviour around me, and I never saw the woman she grew to be without me. I've heard all sorts of things about her since, but whatever people say, to me she'll always be that sweet, sunny, and eager child who loved her mother most of all".
Then another mother was called to the podium, Sakurai Rurina. "I came quite late into the young Lilian's life, her being invited over to our manor by my son, her friend. Despite our countries and ages, we son found we had surprisingly more in common than would be assumed. If I may go off on a personal tangent, I feel the vibrant if hectic days of my prime have given way to stillness and darkness, up there in those solemn halls. Though she never told me do so directly, I feel Melissa has given me the inspiration to take a needed step forward in my life: that once my son Azuma graduates high school, I'll be getting a divorce" she then announced.
Those words caught Azuma completely off-guard, sending him stumbling back as Shinsuke had to catch him. Hearing 'Melissa' and 'divorce' in the same sentence also piqued Melissa's mother and stepmother's notice. You did feel this at least explained some of the push for Tomomi to get out of the house.
"To clarify, it is not my intent to shame my husband as of now, Sakurai Masamune. He has been a dear for as long as I've known him, it's just... I know there's a world going on beyond him, a world I have to see for myself. But to bring this back to why we are gathered here, um, thank you, Melissa Lilian," Rurina concluded.
Azuma being called to take the stage right after her hardly settled things down. It took him longer than normal to start speaking, though you could pick up on a scowl across his face, but he then said, in accomplished if a little stilted English, "At our school, Hanataba Academy, Melissa and I were part of an elite gathering of students known as the All-Aces. While not part of our original group, Melissa took the title to heart and carried it to the utmost. Anything that would dare taint this prestigious title, she would swiftly cut out of her life. Anyone who dared challenge her rank, she would confront without hesitation. While some would say otherwise," he quickly eyed Kikuko, "Melissa took full stock of our land across the ocean's hierarchical customs and structures, and that is why, in her last years, I feel honoured to have known her".
That eulogy almost reminded you of something Kikuko would say, except not really, given you couldn't imagine her saying much if anything positive about Melissa. Speaking of which, who else but her was called up next?
"I will do Melissa the courtesy of not sugarcoating my statement about her, for were our current positions flipped, I can tell she would do the same," Kikuko oh-so-promisingly started on, having no flowers convenient for her to eviscerate, "Do all of you gathered here know that I lost my virginity to Melissa? I suppose we were both in an impassioned mood that night, that our hatred of each other turned to not at all love, but certainly desire. I will give Melissa that, in her fleeting life, she seemed to find a contentment in her luxuries, in living up to her nation's image of what a girl should be, that has so far eluded me, but from my time with her I can tell she did envy me in return. Ultimately I must acknowledge that she is now free of me, whereas I, for the rest of my life, shall never be free of her".
Well, er, that was a speech, was your only reaction, though the fact that Kikuko needed an interpreter up there reassured you that maybe the worst of what she'd said had been filtered out.
You then tried to walk up to the podium yourself, only for Nadezhda to then push past you. Yet funnily enough, once she got up there in front of the crowd, she quickly froze up, before bursting into tears as she leapt off the stage to glomp onto Melissa's open coffin before it could be lowered, two security guards having to wrench her off it.
That freed you up for you to deliver your eulogy, as looking out over the crowds, you then said: "Maybe I should've tried to reach out to Melissa, to see more where she was hurting. Azuma mentioned us All-Aces before, and I feel like some impossible ideal has been pushed onto every one of us. Melissa's attitude was that she had to be number one, that her not having something was an insult to her, and that every other girl who wouldn't grovel before her was a threat," you twitched, fearing you might be getting too carried away here, "But like I'm one to talk, I bear some of that blame myself, don't I? Like, before she in person invited me into the All-Aces, that same impossible ideal was exactly who I thought she was. My entire world blinded me and everyone else to who Melissa truly was and all we should've asked her to be, just another high school student like me. Goodbye, Ace of Coins, and please, be at peace".
- Strength has Journeyed to Rank 9! -
And that was it, Melissa's coffin then being sealed and lowered into the earth. Back down off the podium, you could see Adriana having started a conversation with Melissa's actual mother, which from what you picked up seemed to be going surprisingly well. You guessed them both having to put up with the same shitty husband gave them a lot of common ground.
Meanwhile, Azuma had to confront his mother about her sudden news, "Mother, do you not realise what you've just said?" he exclaimed at her, "Well, it's obvious Melissa truly did make an impact on you. Have you no consideration for the dignity of our family's names, be it Sakurai or Benibara? Your little impulse talk of freedom could well see our reputations dragged into mud!"
Rurina was backed into a corner by her son's sudden fury, before she breathed deep, stood upright, and said, "Azuma, if you care so much now about our family, then tell me, is that any way to talk to your mother? Your own friend is dead, so you should now be aware that death can still strike even in youth. So when I die, I made up my mind that I want it to be in the sunlight of the world, not in the cold darkness of the manor".
The usually eloquent Azuma couldn't find any words to this, and just snarled and walked away. Then again, you felt, he has the Gameboard in his grasp now, so if anyone can afford to turn on their family, it's him.
While LA had several Japanese-dominated areas, it being the 'home of the California Roll' (which you still had no desire to try), the language barrier still being a thing meant your chance to explore this city of eighteen million, you vaguely remembered that was the number, was limited.
Still, you figured you had to get at least one thing here to bring bac to Reina, with you deciding on:
[ ] A glittering dress fresh off Rodeo Drive.
[ ] Some music equipment you were told had been preserved from the '60s.
[ ] A self-taken snapshot of the Hollywood sign.
[ ] Some vintage animation cels from Destiny Studios.
[ ] A dinosaur plush souvenir from a store around the La Brea Tar Pits.
[ ] A Malibu surfboard.
[ ] A skateboard and pads sold at Venice Beach.
[ ] Write-in.
Fortunately language was no barrier when it came to taking in the environment, as you started your trek into Griffith Park and surrounds. Given the... mood she was in back at the funeral, you thought to invite Kikuko along with you, though while she'd accepted she still had to question you about this.
"I still don't understand your reasoning. We are enemies now, Haruka, though not like we were ever on good terms. What is your intent inviting me along on your hike?" she had to ask, narrowing her eyes at you.
"Er, do I really have to have a reason?" you said back to her, "You like nature a lot, don't you? Meditating under waterfalls and stuff? Since I was already interested in a hike like this, especially to avoid the traffic and get some tranquility, I thought that hey, wouldn't this be right up your alley?" As you asked that, you had to notice how her hiking gear showed off her physique in a way her uniform and kimono didn't.
"You have something of a point, for I've only been here a day yet already I'm tired of this city," Kikuko then said, "Given how its modern comforts have left it to choke on its own smog, finding any last preserve of nature here is like an oasis. Its desperate attempts at recreating my homeland's culture have only rubbed salt in the wound".
"Um, aren't most of those attempts by our own people who migrated here?" you had to bring up, but Kikuko just shifted topic.
"My point was, what do you now seek to gain by inviting me out here?" Kikuko asked you, "Our Duel this Friday is happening regardless, so are you trying to convince me to hold back?"
You were about to reply, but then had to stop and reconsider, "Yeah, okay, I'll admit that's part of the reason. But specifically I'm trying to convince you not to kill anyone" Including yourself, "Like, beat me up sure, but does Hanataba, hell do we, need another death on our hands?"
"Hmm, shouldn't I be asking you that?" Kikuko glared at you.
"Hey, last I checked you dealt the final blow to Melissa," you blurted out, before reining yourself back in and saying, "Look, Kikuko, people don't always have ulterior motives when it comes to hanging out with others, beyond just liking their company. I mean, that's just part of being friends, y'know, like Dr. Maruki said you needed". You kept silent on the possibly hypocrisy of that statement, given the mechanics of how Social Links worked.
"And do you honestly consider me a friend?" Kikuko said back.
That- that did make you stop to question yourself. Like, given how she treated you, could you honestly say that?
[ ] "Yeah, I would. You're my friend, Kikuko." (Truth)
[ ] "Yeah, I would. You're my friend, Kikuko." (Lie)
[ ] "It's... complicated."
[ ] "Well, I picked you as my Ace back then for a reason."
[ ] "No, not really, I confess."
[ ] No, we're not. Just as you've decided. (Storyteller write-in)
[ ] Write-in.
Giving your answer, you then felt it didn't matter what you said, as Kikuko stayed silent at that regardless.
Heading further through a canyon, you then resolved to bring up to Kikuko, "Hey, look, I said before that, if you have to go after another, it should be Azuma, not me. Well, to add to that, um, I should tell you he did try to smear your name the other day. Er, you know about wakashudo, right?" you gulped and quivered, "It's just, he told me that's what you wanted to do to me, back when I was your Jack. J-just thought you had a right to know".
"He was right," Kikuko flat-out told you, "Wakashudo was a time-honoured tradition, so back when you were apprenticed under me, inducting to into it was always in the back of my mind, as part of my duties as your master. So when you were suddenly made a full Ace I, felt I had you taken from me. When speaking of Azuma, that is well within possibility".
Kikuko then looked straight at you and said, "I've seen the way you look at me, Haruka. Do not deny that you are, to whatever extent, attracted to me".
"Well, ah, y-yeah, like I mean you are considered probably the most attractive girl in school" you then said, before you composed yourself and asked her, "B-but this is just about you wanting to dominate me, isn't it? Hell, you could say that's the whole point of this Duel, you just wanna assure yourself you're the one on top, don't you?"
Kikuko sighed, "What does it matter now? You by technicality have become my equal, only a single year putting me over you," she could've collapse, before exclaiming to you, "Don't you see, my lineage and birthright was denied to me! No matter what I do, I'll never officially be head of the Maeda household, but... but I can be Universal Ruler, with every Shadow on the Gameboard, something my father has no power to take from me! So, is it clear to you now, how much this Duel matters to me?"
You muttered, "Yeah, loud and clear".
- The Empress has Journeyed to Rank 9! -
As twilight fell, your thoughts turned to the one person you wanted to see the moment you got back home next evening:
[ ] Reina.
[ ] Suzako.
[ ] Yuya.
[ ] Megumi.
[ ] Ryouko.
[ ] Hotaru.
[ ] Takako.
[ ] You don't even need to get home to talk to Na-Rae.
[ ] You don't even need to get home to talk to Koyomi.
[ ] The Morrigan.
- [ ] Write-in questions.
[ ] Write-in.
[X] Invite Kikuko along for your nature walk.
[X] Poi, an ancient Hawaiian porridge made from taro (kalo locally) and breadfruit. [+Etiquette]
Sunday, July 10th
After getting up the next morning, you thought to have a little look around this hotel suite first, now that you weren't utterly jetlagged and were bright and ready for... the funeral, since you and the other Aces seemed to have the whole floor basically to yourselves.
Uh yeah, you could tell from the bar and the gambling table that this suite wasn't exactly designed with high schoolers in mind. Given that nobody was looking, you did try taking a swig from one of the bottles there, only to have to immediately spit it back out, wondering despite the label what the hell you just tried to drink.
There were also more portraits at looked 19th century at the earliest, marble busts of some composers or artists or other, whoever originally owned them didn't appear to feel any need to label them, and to compliment them a sizable grand piano... that was roped off with a 'do not touch' sign hung around it, a quick glance over and the yellowed keys and strained strings showing its age.
You also got to see there was a rooftop pool, which would be tempting if not for the other people you were with here. As you were in such a rush that Saturday morning that you'd forgotten to pack extra clothes, you found yourself having to settle for an outfit the Aces had already picked out for you. You shuddered knowing it was likely Azuma behind it, being too Western-looking for Kikuko, but the 19th century dress didn't look too bad on first glance.
Until you actually tried it on, and Jesus, Is there an in-built corset in this thing or something? The dress was so stiff and uncomfortable that you had to stand still and take multiple deep breaths simply to adjust to it, if even then.
"Do you like it?" of course Azuma's voice said from behind you, "This may be unflattering, but that dress was one of Tomomi's. But don't let that put you off, I can confirm the dress compliments you far more than it ever did my sister".
"Did she hate it as much as I do?" you whispered. At the same time, you figured there had to be some kind of tactical incentive behind giving you a hand-me-down to wear to a funeral, even if you weren't sure what it was.
While the suite kitchen was probably stacked enough for you or Shinsuke to cobble together breakfast yourselves, you instead chose the simpler option of heading down to check out the lobby buffet, at which you promptly got carried away adding just another croissant or cake slice to your plate along with pouring coffee after coffee. Then again, it wasn't like part of you felt especially guilty using up the All-Aces' budget.
[+1 to all Social Stats, Etiquette has reached Rank 4!]
However, even your own breakfast splurge was tame compared to the constant devouring of another in the room with you right then. "N-Nadezhda?" you called, peering over your shoulder.
"Huh? Oh, y-yeah, you're Harushka, aren't ya?" the Russian heiress's eyes widened, "Ooh, I remember you from the Far East Vacation and that Sports Carnival or whatever".
"Yeah, that's me," you mumbled, the sight of Melissa's crucifixion immediately lodging itself in your mind. "Er, I can already see how you're handling, ah, stuff, Nadezhda".
"Ah, you were Melissa's companion, weren't you?" Azuma, having shown up in the lobby, strode towards Nadezhda and told her, "Have you been informed that we have now appointed Nakamura Haruka our new Ace?"
"W-what?!" Nadezhda blurted out, spilling crumbs everywhere, "W-when? No, please, don't tell me you did it just after Melissa d-died?" her eyes began to well up.
"The day after," Azuma smiled and put simply, "Ace of Fools specifically, so do not fret, it's not as if we're simply handing down Melissa's title or such," he had to chuckle, "You see, Nadia was it? It's important for institutions to keep up appearances in times of hardship, I'm sure you as company heiress can understand".
You expected those words would do little to settle Nadezhda, and sure enough, she continued to stuff bacon and waffles into her mouth while she glared at you. "L-listen here you *gulp* little brat! You aren't even half the woman *munch* my girl Melissa was!" You then felt it best to back off as Nadezhda angrily ripped a sourdough roll with her teeth.
Once everyone was ready, you having found Kikuko trying to balance atop one of the marble statues in the lawns, it was time to head over to Forest Lawn Cemetery for the funeral. You spotted a whole crowd of businesspeople while there, and among them Melissa's stepmother Adriana and, at the other end of the crowds, a woman who closely resembled what you imagined Melissa would look like had she lived to be middle-aged. Feeling it would be too personal to ask, you assumed this was her birth mother who, despite having been divorced by her father the moment she got too old, wasn't that bad looking actually, in that middle-aged sort of way.
Speaking of which, you couldn't spot Patrick anywhere around, the funeral host soon confirming that he was currently occupied at a business meeting in Nevada. Er, on a Sunday? you had to think. Kikuko's father Iemitsu wasn't anywhere around either, though even if he wasn't aware, you still felt it would be poor form for a killer's father to attend their victim's funeral... even if the stabber herself was there.
One All-Ace parent you did spot was none other than Sakurai Rurina nee Benibara, currently kneeling down and crying by the burial pit, with you wondering if the people gathered here knew anything about her acting career beyond what they'd been briefly informed about beforehand. Given that Azuma wasn't even paying attention to his own mother, you figured it fell to you to go over and talk to her.
"Hey, um, you alright?" you tried to begin by asking.
"Huh? Ah, you'd be one of Tomomi's, Azuma's, and Melissa's friends, wouldn't you?" Rurina said as she looked up at you, drying her eyes with a handkerchief. "I, I suppose it's obvious I'm a lonely woman, but even I wasn't naïve enough to be blind the young Lilian's more, well, monetarily inclined motivations. Still, in the dark chambers of my later years, she was still something of a new light in my life, a change in routine. Now she is gone, I, I can't help but miss her..."
At the same time, Adriana was called up to the mic to deliver her eulogy for her stepdaughter, which she began with: "Ahem I... suppose in Melissa's eyes I was the evil stepmother, no matter how I treated her. Every time I tried to reach out to her, she kept pushing me away. I guess I can now see I was the wrong person at the wrong time in her life, given she has been taken from us, that I didn't have the strength to reach out to her. Melissa, I'm... so sorry I could never be the mother you deserved".
That Melissa's birth mother was up next made things all the more awkward. "My own memories of my daughter are somewhat biased, her father basically threw me out of her life too soon," she said, choosing not to mention her old husband by name, "She was always on her best behaviour around me, and I never saw the woman she grew to be without me. I've heard all sorts of things about her since, but whatever people say, to me she'll always be that sweet, sunny, and eager child who loved her mother most of all".
Then another mother was called to the podium, Sakurai Rurina. "I came quite late into the young Lilian's life, her being invited over to our manor by my son, her friend. Despite our countries and ages, we son found we had surprisingly more in common than would be assumed. If I may go off on a personal tangent, I feel the vibrant if hectic days of my prime have given way to stillness and darkness, up there in those solemn halls. Though she never told me do so directly, I feel Melissa has given me the inspiration to take a needed step forward in my life: that once my son Azuma graduates high school, I'll be getting a divorce" she then announced.
Those words caught Azuma completely off-guard, sending him stumbling back as Shinsuke had to catch him. Hearing 'Melissa' and 'divorce' in the same sentence also piqued Melissa's mother and stepmother's notice. You did feel this at least explained some of the push for Tomomi to get out of the house.
"To clarify, it is not my intent to shame my husband as of now, Sakurai Masamune. He has been a dear for as long as I've known him, it's just... I know there's a world going on beyond him, a world I have to see for myself. But to bring this back to why we are gathered here, um, thank you, Melissa Lilian," Rurina concluded.
Azuma being called to take the stage right after her hardly settled things down. It took him longer than normal to start speaking, though you could pick up on a scowl across his face, but he then said, in accomplished if a little stilted English, "At our school, Hanataba Academy, Melissa and I were part of an elite gathering of students known as the All-Aces. While not part of our original group, Melissa took the title to heart and carried it to the utmost. Anything that would dare taint this prestigious title, she would swiftly cut out of her life. Anyone who dared challenge her rank, she would confront without hesitation. While some would say otherwise," he quickly eyed Kikuko, "Melissa took full stock of our land across the ocean's hierarchical customs and structures, and that is why, in her last years, I feel honoured to have known her".
That eulogy almost reminded you of something Kikuko would say, except not really, given you couldn't imagine her saying much if anything positive about Melissa. Speaking of which, who else but her was called up next?
"I will do Melissa the courtesy of not sugarcoating my statement about her, for were our current positions flipped, I can tell she would do the same," Kikuko oh-so-promisingly started on, having no flowers convenient for her to eviscerate, "Do all of you gathered here know that I lost my virginity to Melissa? I suppose we were both in an impassioned mood that night, that our hatred of each other turned to not at all love, but certainly desire. I will give Melissa that, in her fleeting life, she seemed to find a contentment in her luxuries, in living up to her nation's image of what a girl should be, that has so far eluded me, but from my time with her I can tell she did envy me in return. Ultimately I must acknowledge that she is now free of me, whereas I, for the rest of my life, shall never be free of her".
Well, er, that was a speech, was your only reaction, though the fact that Kikuko needed an interpreter up there reassured you that maybe the worst of what she'd said had been filtered out.
You then tried to walk up to the podium yourself, only for Nadezhda to then push past you. Yet funnily enough, once she got up there in front of the crowd, she quickly froze up, before bursting into tears as she leapt off the stage to glomp onto Melissa's open coffin before it could be lowered, two security guards having to wrench her off it.
That freed you up for you to deliver your eulogy, as looking out over the crowds, you then said: "Maybe I should've tried to reach out to Melissa, to see more where she was hurting. Azuma mentioned us All-Aces before, and I feel like some impossible ideal has been pushed onto every one of us. Melissa's attitude was that she had to be number one, that her not having something was an insult to her, and that every other girl who wouldn't grovel before her was a threat," you twitched, fearing you might be getting too carried away here, "But like I'm one to talk, I bear some of that blame myself, don't I? Like, before she in person invited me into the All-Aces, that same impossible ideal was exactly who I thought she was. My entire world blinded me and everyone else to who Melissa truly was and all we should've asked her to be, just another high school student like me. Goodbye, Ace of Coins, and please, be at peace".
- Strength has Journeyed to Rank 9! -
And that was it, Melissa's coffin then being sealed and lowered into the earth. Back down off the podium, you could see Adriana having started a conversation with Melissa's actual mother, which from what you picked up seemed to be going surprisingly well. You guessed them both having to put up with the same shitty husband gave them a lot of common ground.
Meanwhile, Azuma had to confront his mother about her sudden news, "Mother, do you not realise what you've just said?" he exclaimed at her, "Well, it's obvious Melissa truly did make an impact on you. Have you no consideration for the dignity of our family's names, be it Sakurai or Benibara? Your little impulse talk of freedom could well see our reputations dragged into mud!"
Rurina was backed into a corner by her son's sudden fury, before she breathed deep, stood upright, and said, "Azuma, if you care so much now about our family, then tell me, is that any way to talk to your mother? Your own friend is dead, so you should now be aware that death can still strike even in youth. So when I die, I made up my mind that I want it to be in the sunlight of the world, not in the cold darkness of the manor".
The usually eloquent Azuma couldn't find any words to this, and just snarled and walked away. Then again, you felt, he has the Gameboard in his grasp now, so if anyone can afford to turn on their family, it's him.
While LA had several Japanese-dominated areas, it being the 'home of the California Roll' (which you still had no desire to try), the language barrier still being a thing meant your chance to explore this city of eighteen million, you vaguely remembered that was the number, was limited.
Still, you figured you had to get at least one thing here to bring bac to Reina, with you deciding on:
[ ] A glittering dress fresh off Rodeo Drive.
[ ] Some music equipment you were told had been preserved from the '60s.
[ ] A self-taken snapshot of the Hollywood sign.
[ ] Some vintage animation cels from Destiny Studios.
[ ] A dinosaur plush souvenir from a store around the La Brea Tar Pits.
[ ] A Malibu surfboard.
[ ] A skateboard and pads sold at Venice Beach.
[ ] Write-in.
Fortunately language was no barrier when it came to taking in the environment, as you started your trek into Griffith Park and surrounds. Given the... mood she was in back at the funeral, you thought to invite Kikuko along with you, though while she'd accepted she still had to question you about this.
"I still don't understand your reasoning. We are enemies now, Haruka, though not like we were ever on good terms. What is your intent inviting me along on your hike?" she had to ask, narrowing her eyes at you.
"Er, do I really have to have a reason?" you said back to her, "You like nature a lot, don't you? Meditating under waterfalls and stuff? Since I was already interested in a hike like this, especially to avoid the traffic and get some tranquility, I thought that hey, wouldn't this be right up your alley?" As you asked that, you had to notice how her hiking gear showed off her physique in a way her uniform and kimono didn't.
"You have something of a point, for I've only been here a day yet already I'm tired of this city," Kikuko then said, "Given how its modern comforts have left it to choke on its own smog, finding any last preserve of nature here is like an oasis. Its desperate attempts at recreating my homeland's culture have only rubbed salt in the wound".
"Um, aren't most of those attempts by our own people who migrated here?" you had to bring up, but Kikuko just shifted topic.
"My point was, what do you now seek to gain by inviting me out here?" Kikuko asked you, "Our Duel this Friday is happening regardless, so are you trying to convince me to hold back?"
You were about to reply, but then had to stop and reconsider, "Yeah, okay, I'll admit that's part of the reason. But specifically I'm trying to convince you not to kill anyone" Including yourself, "Like, beat me up sure, but does Hanataba, hell do we, need another death on our hands?"
"Hmm, shouldn't I be asking you that?" Kikuko glared at you.
"Hey, last I checked you dealt the final blow to Melissa," you blurted out, before reining yourself back in and saying, "Look, Kikuko, people don't always have ulterior motives when it comes to hanging out with others, beyond just liking their company. I mean, that's just part of being friends, y'know, like Dr. Maruki said you needed". You kept silent on the possibly hypocrisy of that statement, given the mechanics of how Social Links worked.
"And do you honestly consider me a friend?" Kikuko said back.
That- that did make you stop to question yourself. Like, given how she treated you, could you honestly say that?
[ ] "Yeah, I would. You're my friend, Kikuko." (Truth)
[ ] "Yeah, I would. You're my friend, Kikuko." (Lie)
[ ] "It's... complicated."
[ ] "Well, I picked you as my Ace back then for a reason."
[ ] "No, not really, I confess."
[ ] No, we're not. Just as you've decided. (Storyteller write-in)
[ ] Write-in.
Giving your answer, you then felt it didn't matter what you said, as Kikuko stayed silent at that regardless.
Heading further through a canyon, you then resolved to bring up to Kikuko, "Hey, look, I said before that, if you have to go after another, it should be Azuma, not me. Well, to add to that, um, I should tell you he did try to smear your name the other day. Er, you know about wakashudo, right?" you gulped and quivered, "It's just, he told me that's what you wanted to do to me, back when I was your Jack. J-just thought you had a right to know".
"He was right," Kikuko flat-out told you, "Wakashudo was a time-honoured tradition, so back when you were apprenticed under me, inducting to into it was always in the back of my mind, as part of my duties as your master. So when you were suddenly made a full Ace I, felt I had you taken from me. When speaking of Azuma, that is well within possibility".
Kikuko then looked straight at you and said, "I've seen the way you look at me, Haruka. Do not deny that you are, to whatever extent, attracted to me".
"Well, ah, y-yeah, like I mean you are considered probably the most attractive girl in school" you then said, before you composed yourself and asked her, "B-but this is just about you wanting to dominate me, isn't it? Hell, you could say that's the whole point of this Duel, you just wanna assure yourself you're the one on top, don't you?"
Kikuko sighed, "What does it matter now? You by technicality have become my equal, only a single year putting me over you," she could've collapse, before exclaiming to you, "Don't you see, my lineage and birthright was denied to me! No matter what I do, I'll never officially be head of the Maeda household, but... but I can be Universal Ruler, with every Shadow on the Gameboard, something my father has no power to take from me! So, is it clear to you now, how much this Duel matters to me?"
You muttered, "Yeah, loud and clear".
- The Empress has Journeyed to Rank 9! -
As twilight fell, your thoughts turned to the one person you wanted to see the moment you got back home next evening:
[ ] Reina.
[ ] Suzako.
[ ] Yuya.
[ ] Megumi.
[ ] Ryouko.
[ ] Hotaru.
[ ] Takako.
[ ] You don't even need to get home to talk to Na-Rae.
[ ] You don't even need to get home to talk to Koyomi.
[ ] The Morrigan.
- [ ] Write-in questions.
[ ] Write-in.
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