Satoru is a coward and a bully at his core, he only tortures people weaker than him and for all their flaws BLANK will go up against people who can fight back. I don't think Ainz would be willing to risk Nazarick against an actual credible threat.
Oh, I have absolutely zero expectations of Satoru/Momonga actually doing anything to help us personally. He is, as you said, a coward and bully at heart.

That said, he's a cowardly bully who has a lot of experience as the underdog in the online world. He's a shitty leader, but it's still a fact that he and the guild had to contend with a great many people of high rank and skill trying to bring them down by any means and they still came out on top enough to build the rep they did. Even if the tactics themselves can't be translated to the situation, and they almost certainly can't be directly applied given the skill difference, his perspective should be enough for a new idea or two that might prove useful.

As for the possibility of meeting BLANK, can you seriously tell me they would have heard "Ainz Ooal Gown will never know defeat" or whatever Ainz's slogan was and not picked a fight with them on principle?
As for the possibility of meeting BLANK, can you seriously tell me they would have heard "Ainz Ooal Gown will never know defeat" or whatever Ainz's slogan was and not picked a fight with them on principle?

I'm so used to YGGDRASIL being its own quartered-off bubble in the quest that I didn't think of that and I will admit the image of BLANK crushing Nazarick makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside.
As good as BLANK is, I don't think even they could bullshit their way around the "hit you with every debuff in the game (even a few we made up) and then sic a horror movie psycho on you" floor.
Look, interacting with the Bone Daddy is as appealing for me as it is for you, but I feel raising the power of our Death Gun will come up at some point, and Shiroe is right about one thing: we have all the tools we need to spread our own legend. And I have a gut feeling this may be the key to obliterate GGO.

A gun capable of piercing through an until then unreachable veil. A gun that gives soundless shots and doesn´t take a tint of blood from it´s enemies, yet painful like nothing else. It cuts through karma, it breaks the darkness, it brings what is hidden to light.

Our Death Gun, our Real Deal, is the TRUTH. And that shall set they free.
Ugh, STRENGTH or a double rank up...
Relevance or time efficiency...


[X] Stay with... Subaru?
[X] Stay in the Hospital and Play

Huh. Have we been acting idol-like?
Idol in the sense that we're a well known and influential figure moreso than, well, musical Idols.

We did that kinda thing on a massive scale to end Alfheim, and we've been kinda sorta doing it in GGO on a smaller, interpersonal scale with the various friends whose problems we've been sticking our noses into and helping fix. We've gathering up quite the loyal group, y'know?

Edit: Of course there's also stuff like shilling MistCoin...
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Idol in the sense that we're a well known and influential figure moreso than, well, musical Idols.

We did that kinda thing on a massive scale to end Alfheim, and we've been kinda sorta doing it in GGO on a smaller, interpersonal scale with the various friends whose problems we've been sticking our noses into and helping fix. We've gathering up quite the loyal group, y'know?

Edit: Of course there's also stuff like shilling MistCoin...
Few people know that Kuro is Edge Punisher, right? Our brand is languishing smh.
[X] Stay with... Subaru?

As good as BLANK is, I don't think even they could bullshit their way around the "hit you with every debuff in the game (even a few we made up) and then sic a horror movie psycho on you" floor.
I mean, Blank's whole thing is that Sora cheats the human factor until the fight is winnable and Shiro then Skill Issue's it.

Sora would bring out some of the old retired players to fuck with his head.
[X] Stay in the Hospital and Play

Is it only me or does it feel like we've been neglecting Meimei a bit? (Sorry for all the edits btw, first time user)
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More seriously, is our air conditioning really at risk of being broken? It comes off as really cheap and unfair for it to be destroyed just after we fixed it because of a mechanic that we were told would just limit our time, not kick us back from a major milestone from something we have no control over.

I've had my fun, the AC is safe.

I'm so used to YGGDRASIL being its own quartered-off bubble in the quest that I didn't think of that and I will admit the image of BLANK crushing Nazarick makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside.

To reiterate YGGDRASIL in this fic is a horrible pay2win dead jank game not even connected to the SEED, and at its height, Ainz's guild was like, Rank 9. At this point in YGGDRASIL's lifecycle Ainz isn't a big fish in a small pond, he's a moderately sized fish flopping around in a dried-up pond.

Is it only me or does it feel like we've been neglecting Meimei a bit? (Sorry for all the edits btw, first time user)

The woes of time management, can't have it all!

As an aside I do find it really hard to insert a bunch of people into a scene at once (I have no idea why Slime Isekai loves meetings so much, meetings are fucking hard to write), so I don't include characters into scenes unless they have something to do in them. It is also why I'm deliberately limiting party members, cast bloat is much harder to manage in a narrative than it is in a game where characters can stick around for gameplay purposes well after their character arcs are complete.
I've had my fun, the AC is safe.

To reiterate YGGDRASIL in this fic is a horrible pay2win dead jank game not even connected to the SEED, and at its height, Ainz's guild was like, Rank 9. At this point in YGGDRASIL's lifecycle Ainz isn't a big fish in a small pond, he's a moderately sized fish flopping around in a dried-up pond.

The woes of time management, can't have it all!

As an aside I do find it really hard to insert a bunch of people into a scene at once (I have no idea why Slime Isekai loves meetings so much, meetings are fucking hard to write), so I don't include characters into scenes unless they have something to do in them. It is also why I'm deliberately limiting party members, cast bloat is much harder to manage in a narrative than it is in a game where characters can stick around for gameplay purposes well after their character arcs are complete.
It is how it is.

A bit off topic but thanks for making this. I had so much fun in reading this, ended up blitzing through.
Closing Vote, YGGDRASIL wins, working on update.

BTW, I would like to complain about worldbuilding.

So I'm trying to answer the question: where exactly is the hospital Hiyori is diving from now? And the answer was obviously the same one Kirito was diving from.

This is the hospital that is, conveniently, two streets away from where Shino lives according to the text of Phantom Bullet. And upon review of this text, I realize that Shino gives Kirito her actual address: Yushima District 4 in Bunkyo Ward.

And Kirito says he's diving from Ochanomizu District in Chiyoda Ward. Shino explicitly comments that it's only 2 streets away between Ochanomizu and Yushima but I'm looking at google maps and it's not, they're close but like 20 minutes apart.

There IS a hospital that's 2 streets away from Yushima District 4 and that's literally Tokyo University Hospital, which is two streets away, but then why did Kirito explicitly state he was driving from Ochanomizu???

And this gives me the horrifying realization that, technically, if I have Hiyori living next to Shino then Hiyori lives within spitting distance of TODAI FUCKING HOSPITAL which is attached to the campus of the University of Tokyo. That means Hiyori technically lives next to Ueno Park, The University of Tokyo, and a Flower Garden. Which completely shits all over my worldbuilding because there's no way Isei High School would be a crap school when it would be geographically right next to the University of Tokyo, and it also suggests Hiyori's rent must be insanely high considering she's competing with University of Tokyo students.

I know this doesn't really matter for the quest or anything but it just bugs me.

Also from rereading the section of Phantom Bullet— what the fuck is a needleless pressure injector? For Succinylcholine? Why? Who would make this? Succhinycholine as DG's poison of choice is an amazing decision— it's ubiquitous, heavily stocked in all hospitals, and works intramuscularly, albeit slowly, and would actually stop breathing as depicted. But it would never be stocked in a 'needleless pressure injector'. I cannot think of a single drug that you would administer via 'needleless pressure injection'.

I just can't help but feel like if Kyouji had just used regular-ass succhinylcholine in a regular-ass syringe with a regular-ass needle then he might've actually won the fight.

Sorry, anyways, if you're reading this, informal flash vote on what heteromorphic race Hiyori is spawning in as.

This thing. I saw it in a science article once. It replaces a single damaging needle with an array of needles too fine to draw blood, and as such leaves basically no discernible trace unless you both knew what to look for and discovered it early.

Huh, didn't know this was a thing. I'll have to give credit where it's due, for a story written in the early 2000s, I suppose it wouldn't be unreasonable to assume at the time that such a form of drug delivery could become widespread.

I still don't know why you'd put a paralytic in such a device, but now I'm just nitpicking.
We can probably chalk it up to 'the original author didn't think about it' considering he started writing SAO as a teenager?

Also, for heteromorphic race:

[X] Dullahan