Perhaps a journey

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Scraped from here.

Now this isn't me abandoning my previous quest. I still have plenty of...
Scraped from here.

Now this isn't me abandoning my previous quest. I still have plenty of energy for that one. It's mostly me spectacularly bored. Also to be honest, this is a bit of curiosity. It's me wondering if the setting done in A Necromancer is You has enough interest to do something more with it. If you are interested feel free to vote. Please put it in [x] Vote format, and edit if you change it so I can check easy. It's also very helpfull if you copy paste votes you want to second. This is going to be a bit more character driven than the other work, and a lot more setting specific.

So let's start.

Your name is Oma, a fairy. You are approximately ten inches tall. Average size for your people. You have short dark hair, and are dressed in a sleek set of spider-silk clothing. You are slender, and lovely, and have a very enchanting pair of burgundy eyes. You have a large pair of butterfly wings on your back that glitter with dark reds and blacks, and a good half dozen small spears dipped in a nasty paralytic poison that you use for defense.

Your main profession is hunter. It's your job to hunt and bring down various animals that might threaten the cities, or provide interesting objects. Most fairies prefer fruits and berries to eat, but they don't mind the occasional bit of meat should you manage to bring some back. You current best kill is a Shadow Panther that decided a city looked like a buffet. It learned quite quickly that it was a bad idea. Until it died, then it was just tasty. It's almost sad that the invisibility that it was capable of was tied to the panther, and not the fur.

Perhaps a journey Start / Your profession / Big People! / Black Comedy / I see Dead people / Shiny! / Trouble~ / To Bed! / Frogicide / Armor / Silver Hair! / Tommorow, tomorrow / Interview / Hunter, not history major / You are tasty / Shinies hunty / Hunting Cats / Loot / Reward / Dream / Cage / Perhaps a journey / To Begin / Nom nom / Understandings / Food / Sneaky / Bit o pain / Bit o poison / Red / Dolls / More Dolls / Pearl / End Dreamer hunt / Explore! / Occupation: None / Paint it / Okay! / Continue / One assignment / A net / A mom / The Barrel / Jail / Chocolate / Another job / Hunty / Stalking / Reports / Training / Sleep bomb / Keeping / Trading / jobs/ Audience / Garden / New Arc /Bloody House / Fairie meeting / Jailbird / Explain. / Asprin needed / Smooth things out / Calm before / The storm / Storm/ Bulwark / Arrows/ Light / Strike / Hit / End

Human (Male/Female) - You know this
[] Resident of the Kingdoms of Shale. (Quiet area, not much happens)
[] Resident of Hub (Largest city, everything happens)
[] OMG, why are you from Earth?!

Orcan (Male/Female) - Cross between Human and Killer Whale. Amphibious, immensely strong, low endurance
[] Resident of the Shadow Swamps (Dangerous, scary area where monsters are common, and life is short for the unwary)
[] Resident of Golden Shores (Major trade area, half swamp, half port)
[] Resident of Hub (Largest city, everything happens)

Hound-Person (Male/Female) - Short people, human like. Have a large affinity for canines.
[] Resident of Seven Shields (Clannish area. Fortified. Safe, but paranoid of danger)
[] Resident of Hub (Largest city, everything happens)

Fairy (Female) - Tiny winged women, virtually unknown outside their home
[] Resident of the Twisted Jungles (Dangerous, horrible place that no one wants to go to.)

Winged (Male/Female) - Dangerous people, capable of flight. Small people as well. Arms are also wings, two fingers are lengthened to give appropriate wingspan, the other three are used for standard manipulations.
[] Resident of the Black Mountains (Borders Kingdoms of Shale, surprising amount of trade)
[] Resident of Hub (Largest city, everything happens)

Horse Lord (Male/Female) - Massive people, nomadic. Dangerous, and isolated. Males are fighters, females are shamans.
[] Resident of Endless Plains

Name: Oma
Race: Fairy

Charming Gaze: Should you meet another creatures eyes, you can cause them to become confused and non-hostile for a moment.
Speedy Flight (top): Slow attacks cannot hit you, combined with your small size, you are a near impossible target to hit
Disease + Poison immunity: You are immune to both these effects so long as they are in relatively small doses
Regeneration: Fairies are almost all magic. If the blow doesn't kill, they will eventually recover so long as the injury isn't aggravated.

Go for the eyes!: You can pinpoint weaknesses on most anything, and can direct your attacks there with devastating efficiency.

Darting Strikes: You are one of the fastest of fairies, especially when attacking. You can move in and out without issue.

Poison Knowledge (Moderate): You know some more exotic poisons that your people favor. How to get them, and how to use them.
Paralysis Venom - Used in spears. Almost universal in who it effects. Must contact bloodstream.​
Nausea Powder - Used in 'Horns' that when blown blow a cloud of dust. Effects humanoids when inhaled.​
Bleeding Venom - Possible to coat your blade with it. Prevents blood from clotting for a time.​
Numbing Venom - Deadens the nerves the area you hit it with. Can be used with spear and swords. Skin contact based.​
Small Unit Tactics: A typical hunting party is around six or more Fairies. You know how to work with a group of them, and can direct them if you are the leader

Death From Above: You know how to use the terrain to your advantage. Flight makes for some very fun angles of attack

Tracking: You can find near anything in the jungle if you wish it. Should you leave the jungle, you can take the time to retrain yourself to continue to gain this bonus in other areas.

Movement (High)(Aware): You are currently using this concept to allow you to speed and dodge beyond what is physically possible.

Focus (Moderate) (Aware): You currently use this to let your sword cut things cleaner than what is normal.

Disperse(High) (Aware): You can take some surprising amounts of damage

Ricochet (Improved): By using the surrounding terrain, or focusing and using movement you can adjust the direction of your flight without loosing speed.

Ooh Shiny: Bright and shiny objects will distract you, and you have a weakness for them.
Hates Frogs: Will kill on sight

4 sets of Spidersilk clothing
22 Poison Spears, Paralytic
2 Horns of Nausea Powder
Fairy Great-sword - This sword is as big as you, and it's very sharp. It's your prized possession. Enchanted with journeyman level focus enchant. It can pierce through anything but metal at this point easily.
Fairy Plate-mail - Extremely well made armor. Form fitting, and durable. Comes with helmet. Enchanted with journeyman level disperse enchant. Not breakable unless something massive hits you.
155 Gold Pieces
2 Silver Pieces
1 Glass Bottle
Wasp Venom - Enough for 24 more spears
Maintenance Kit
Dew Collector
Automated Writing Pen
Human (Male) - You know this
[] Resident of the Kingdoms of Shale. (Quiet area, not much happens)
[] Resident of Hub (Largest city, everything happens)
[] OMG, why are you from Earth?!
edit: Oops:oops:

vote changed later on.
I am thinking about Fairy.

Could we get some more information about them? Everybody else are more or less known and in case of Orcan even known somewhat in depth... While these aside from "Navi, Zelda, Fairy in dat bottle" are unknown.
[X] OMG, why are you from Earth?!

Hmm, kinda interested in shaping our character this time.

Is it wrong I'm hoping to turn this guy into a soldier/weapon user to contrast the Mage scenario?
I'm also kind of hoping to find Alia's sister that tore through Triad's clothes.
Prospalz said:
I am thinking about Fairy.

Could we get some more information about them? Everybody else are more or less known and in case of Orcan even known somewhat in depth... While these aside from "Navi, Zelda, Fairy in dat bottle" are unknown.
Fairies border the Seven Shields. You wouldn't encounter them in the Necromancer thread, because they really don't leave it. Hound-People know of them. Picture small, annoying, flighty, women with attention deficts. :)

Of course this isn't the whole story about them. It's just the first impression
Winged (Female) - Dangerous people, capable of flight. Small people as well. Arms are also wings, two fingers are lengthened to give appropriate wingspan, the other three are used for standard manipulations.

[x] Resident of Hub (Largest city, everything happens)
Fairy (Female) - Tiny winged women, virtually unknown outside their home
[X] Resident of the Twisted Jungles (Dangerous, horrible place that no one wants to go to.)

Because Fairies have such Potential in story options.

Plus, being the first of her kind to go exploring the world means we have the potential to learn more about Lost Stars world from the perspective of one of its least I own inhabitants.
Fairy (Female) - Tiny winged women, virtually unknown outside their home
[X] Resident of the Twisted Jungles (Dangerous, horrible place that no one wants to go to.)

Because Fair Folk are awesome.
Noone else wants to be a physical powerhouse so that we aren't spending all of our time learning magic and researching concepts and such again?
Guys, Fae can be so broken its not even funny, and Lost Star already hinted at Fae being more than they seem.

Please, lets go with the Nature Spirit for a character.
Well, I do want to be a physical power house. But the Orcan and Hound person options didn't really quirk my interests.
Honda Tadakatsu said:
Can we be a champion or half dragon?
Champion would be an option. Right now I want a race. If you chose Hound-Person -> Resident of Seven Shields I would give you the option. Kinda trying to keep them low right now so you don't have overwhelming choices.
Lost Star, a question. How physically strong are Fairies? Are they like strong for there size, or strong like an ant?

What I mean is, does there strength scale with their size, or are they ridiculously strong and capable of doing things like beings ten times their size?
Why are so many people voting for us to be some random schmuck from Earth? I mean seriously 'Modern Human gets Transported to Fantasy Land' is just so... cliche.
Darik29 said:
Lost Star, a question. How physically strong are Fairies? Are they like strong for there size, or strong like an ant?

What I mean is, does there strength scale with their size, or are they ridiculously strong and capable of doing things like beings ten times their size?
They are stronger than their size would suggest, but they aren't super strong. They are about a foot tall, and can pick up a watermellon if they wanted to, and fly with it.

Also added Horse Lords as a race to pick if you like. :)
Undead-Spaceman said:
Why are so many people voting for us to be some random schmuck from Earth? I mean seriously 'Modern Human gets Transported to Fantasy Land' is just so... cliche.
Eh, Lost Star is good enough to make it work.

As for my reason i wanted a true outsider perspective on the Universe because i find it very interesting.
Fairy (Female) - Tiny winged women, virtually unknown outside their home
[X] Resident of the Twisted Jungles (Dangerous, horrible place that no one wants to go to.)
Vizzi, if you want a true outsiders view, but one that Isn't from earth, try the Fae. If we become the first Fae to go wandering the world, we can learn about this world from the perspective of a native who has learned, literally, Nothing about the world. We could explore the world as an individual who is native, yet not actually aware of the rest of the world.

Plus, it prevents an Earth OC insert. Something I find rather annoying and distasteful, in all honesty.