Perfectly Normal: A Slice of Life Sim

Inb4 the DC turns out to be 5 or 15.
Eh, the actual DC isn't that much further away from the stated DC.

It's the hidden modifiers that are gonna getcha. :D

EDIT: In general, the entire theme of this first month is going to be Silas learning some thing about being human and living in a society which makes things harder that he has to deal with. Some of those things have been guessed at already in this thread. Silas won't realize that they affect him until he tries something and gets whacked. It'll get worse before it gets better!

But it will get better.
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BEGINNING OF WEEK 2: April 24 -- April 30
"Aaaaand we're live. Hey everyone! Good evening! It's me, Minami."

"And me, Weitao. Welcome to News 39's Weitao Report: All the news you didn't know you missed."

"If you're just getting off work, take a load off! You deserve it!"

"And if you are about to enter a night shift, I commend you for your work ethic. But please take care not to fall victim to overwork."

"We've got a lovely program for you tonight, with plenty of stories to share! Some good, some bad, but it's hard not to be optimistic as the first week of classes comes to a close. Ohh, to see the kids relaxing on the weekends with smiles on their faces…"

"Indeed, Minami-san. And speaking of optimism, in international news, the Amberrish project to restore the 'United States' is progressing steadily. Diplomats recently reached a breakthrough regarding terms for freedom of movement and goods between the constituent states of the proposed union: Under the current agreement, which no faction has objected to thus far, interstate border controls will remain "fluid," with terms enforced by a federal, airborne police force accountable to the local authority."

"How interesting! This must be a big victory for the Sovereign Republics."

"Unfortunately, the process has not been without roadbumps. In fact, a recent altercation between Congressman Ramsey Welder of the Sovereign Republics and Representative Dorothy Dagney of the New England Reconstruction Authority nearly resulted in a violent confrontation. Security personnel had to restrain both statesmen to prevent a fistfight. Apparently the argument got rather heated."

"Goodness, Weitao-san! What were they fighting over, again?"

"Legal protections for trade unio—for, erm, mutual labor-organizing associative bodies, I believe."

"Well. As always, we at News 39 are hopeful for a resolution that makes all parties happy. Such matters need to be handled delicately, after all. And if things fall apart? I suppose it can't be helped..."

"In domestic news, MiiChat is abuzz with videos of the high-yield explosive demonstration at Fumawari Naval Station yesterday afternoon, where a six-and-a-half kiloton bomb was lowered into the ocean and detonated to an audience of thousands of onlookers."

"I was there, Weitao-san. It was such a big plume! You could feel the heat from the shore! It was… kind of unsettling, actually. Ahem. I'd prefer it if we kept having airshows, to be honest. Wingcraft demonstrations are pretty, and one doesn't have to worry about… dredging up old memories."

"Perhaps. And the demonstration certainly wasn't uncontroversial amongst City Councilors and military officials alike. In a press statement released just this afternoon, Councillor-General Chisaki Takahashi condemned the demonstration as a 'peacockish, metalheaded display of arrogant belligerence.' This comes after months of broiling tension between the Reform Bureaucrats and the leadership of the Self Defense Forces; tension that does not seem close to abating."

"Yes, well, the Reform Bureaucrats have always made their disdain for the SDF rather clear."

"Mhmm. The debate over the purpose of the Self Defense Forces continues, as it always has. But this isn't the politics channel—this is News 39! Whatever the political repercussions of this event, we cannot deny that what the Navy has done will mark a new era in Miyaoan naval tradition."

"Speaking of! The Miyao Merchant Marine has reported that traffic between the East and West has been at the highest it's ever been, bringing goods, tourists, migrants and more! Truly, the world has become so much smaller. So much more… international! You might have noticed the prices at your local supermarket trending downwards recently, and according to many municipal economists, this is no temporary dip! But to explain this better than I ever could, here's the chief economist of the Miyao Merchant Marine (Triple-M) association, Lee Makihisa. Makihisa-san?"
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So we got a bit of worldbuilding I wonder if the interlude was affected by choosing Big Sis Sera profission since it mentions the SDF.
It does not. The SDF exists, whether or not Sera-neesan was/is/had been a part of it. Tammy actually mentioned the event earlier that week. It's the one she was trying to get her classmates to get tickets from her for.
"Indeed, Minami-san. And speaking of optimism, in international news, the Amberrish project to restore the 'United States' is progressing steadily. Diplomats recently reached a breakthrough regarding terms for freedom of movement and goods between the constituent states of the proposed union: Under the current agreement, which no faction has objected to thus far, interstate border controls will remain "fluid," with terms enforced by a federal, airborne police force accountable to the local authority."
From what I remember about worldbuilding in the BuroQuest, there were some rather harsh disagreements between Ambernia on the East Coast, and some of the Western... entities? states? as to the nature of the US, to the point people avoided mentioning those states existed at all. Granted, it's been 50 or 70 years since then, so perhaps the tensions are old history by now. I wonder if all of them are participating in the talks, or if some are still intent on their independence.

Airborne police? Is the continent still wheat-infested with air travel being the predominant way to move across? They haven't come up with a solution since then?
"Perhaps. And the demonstration certainly wasn't uncontroversial amongst City Councilors and military officials alike. In a press statement released just this afternoon, Councillor-General Chisaki Takahashi condemned the demonstration as a 'peacockish, metalheaded display of arrogant belligerence.' This comes after months of broiling tension between the Reform Bureaucrats and the leadership of the Self Defense Forces; tension that does not seem close to abating.", with Big Sister being the "intelligence spook" for the military, which side of the City Council does it place her at? Is Madam Chisaki Takahashi among her friends or vocal opponents?

I would peg the Councillor as a pacifist in the opposition to SDF's increasing influence, but her title of the Councillor-General makes me confused as to what this debate is about. Is she one of the Reform Bureaucrats? Is she a military official? Both?

As an aside... the first three choices of BigSis' background would've given her friends -- or at least, contacts -- in secret services/foreign spies, city officials/military, or corporate world/mafia. Can't help noticing the dualistic nature of those. The "white hacker" choice doesn't mention anyone. Can you tell what it'd give us and/or be about? (unless it's SPOILERS)
Last edited:, with Big Sister being the "intelligence spook" for the military, which side of the City Council does it place her at? Is Madam Chisaki Takahashi among her friends or vocal opponents?
Eh. To the higher-level Council officials -- that is, the politicians -- Big Sis may as well be invisible, even though Miss Takahashi is technically her superior. Big Sis's main circle of friends will include some mid-level clerks, special investigators, a few senior detectives, the head of the Department of Cyberdefense and Cryptography... that sort of thing.

I would peg the Councillor as a pacifist in the opposition to SDF's increasing influence, but her title of the Councillor-General makes me confused as to what this debate is about. Is she one of the Reform Bureaucrats? Is she a military official? Both?
Think "Councilor-General" ala "Director-General." Miss Takahashi doesn't lead or have any direct control over the Self Defense Forces. Rather, she is the most powerful City Councillor because she leads the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications. She is also deeply unpopular, but due to the nature of Miyaoan politics, impossible to remove from her position.

She is a Reform Bureaucrat, yes. A pacifist? Ehhhh… pacifist implies she hates the military on principle. It's more complicated than that.

As an aside... the first three choices of BigSis' background would've given her friends -- or at least, contacts -- in secret services/foreign spies, city officials/military, or corporate world/mafia. Can't help noticing the dualistic nature of those. The "white hacker" choice doesn't mention anyone. Can you tell what it'd give us and/or be about?
Oh, so basically I would have given Big Sister her own ragtag crew of Persona-esque characters with stupid callsigns operating out of an arcade on the street level who work together to prevent and/or incite cybercrimes, depending on what helps the most people. An idealistic but kiiiinda wantonly criminal bunch. Big Sis would have served as their front man, a public-facing, reputable, inexplicably well-dressed arcade store manager.

Basically, she becomes anime Gus Fring.

Minami already made a casual appearance in this very quest, in Other People. She is likely to remain our window into the bigger world of the setting, because Silas won't be looking out of his any time soon.

It's probably another name on the news podcast that you should be finding familiar.
Hello hello! I have found my way back to the little fold I used to occupy in the previous Silas' mind. Happy to be back!
Week 2 | School Actions I: Trying to Help
Silas has gained a habit.
Attentive Listener - (1/6. On completion: ++Imagination, +Charisma. Silas will begin to take an interest in writing.)


Silas groaned, fumbling with the sheets of his futon as he tried to block out the sound of his alarm clock. Beep, beep, beep. It was intruding on his peace. He wanted it to go away. He cursed the sun for rising, cursed his futon for its shitty mattress, cursed his own self that got carried away last night and forgot to go to sleep at a good time…

His eyes felt droopy. He looked over to his digital clock, and saw that it was almost thirty minutes before he had to catch his train.

He buried his face in his pillow. He didn't want the day to start.

Bang bang bang. "Silas?" Bang bang bang. "Silas?! Are you in there?!"

In his delirium, something stirred in Silas's mind. That was strange. Why was Big Sis banging on the door? She… she didn't need to do that. She could just walk in, if she wanted to. She never needed to care about locks before, she was always there, right there…

"SILAS!" it was louder this time. "I'm coming in!"

Silas heard the door latch click, followed by footsteps. His eyes fluttered open. Big Sis—no, Sera-nee—was standing above him."Miku preserve me—Silas! It's almost six-thirty! Get up! Get up!!"

And then she reached down, grabbed him by the hand, and pulled. And he felt it.

"Come on, Silas. You need to take a shower. Did you prepare your uniform? Is it folded?" she walked him to the door to his bathroom and glanced at his school uniform. It was currently lying in a crumpled pile in the corner of the room. "Oh, goodness… go! Take your shower! I'll take care of it."

"Wha-?" Silas had so many questions. This… this didn't make sense. Something in this didn't make sense, but he wasn't sure what.

"No think! Just get in the tub!" She shooed him inside and closed the door to the bathroom. "Make it quick!"

Silas emerged from his bathroom several minutes later smelling like vanilla and lilac, wearing only a towel. As he stepped out, barefoot, he saw Sera-neesan furiously going over his blazer with an iron. "You didn't even wash this, Silas! I had to spray it with something so it wouldn't smell awful! Did you forget?!"


"Come over here! Come on, I'll help you get dressed! Hurry, hurry."

Underwear. Dress shirt. Dress pants. Tuck the shirt underneath. Belt. Fiddle with the shirt some more. Blazer on top. Unbuttoned. No, seriously, it's fine if it's unbuttoned. Tie. It took a lot of wrangling, but with Sera-neesan's help, Silas managed quickly enough. He checked the time. It was fifteen minutes till he had to catch his train.

"Alright. You look handsome, Silas." Sera-neesan smiled wearily, and handed him his schoolbag. "Come on… let's get to the train."

"C-Can't we slow down? My head is sp-splitting..."

"Slow? We can't go slow! We need to always keep moving, or—"

"It's only a sev-seven minute walk to the station!"

"So? There could be delays. The train could be late, or early. Really, Silas, you need to perk up."

"I'm just… I-I need a moment—"

"For what. For what?" Sera's face was turning red. "Why can't you just… listen! Listen and obey! It's not that hard!"

"I know it's n-not that hard!" Silas was shouting. His voice felt hoarse; unfamiliar. "You don't need t-to remind me! I know! I know, I know, I know!"

"Then why can't you do it? I'm trying… I'm just trying to help."

Sera glared at him, even as some of the color drained from her face. Her face… had color. "Argh. Fine. Leave whenever you feel ready. I… have to go. I already know I'm going to be late to start my day." She paused. " shouldn't be too, Silas."

She quickly collected her things, smoothed out her blazer, and fixed her tie. It was very methodological. As she turned to leave, she looked over her shoulder. "See you tonight, little brother," she said.

"...bye, nee-chan," Silas said, meekly.

Silas stood, alone, in his apartment for a minute or so. His head… his head was already hurting. When would the blaring stop? He wanted to fall back down and go to sleep.

He went on going regardless, though. At this point, inertia was sustaining him. But for how long?


chk-chk… chk-chk… chk-chk…

Dun-dun-dun-dun! This is a public travel advisory. Please note that service has been halted indefinitely for the following stations: Lin Memorial Annex.

We deeply apologize for the inconvenience. Please consult a station attendant if you require assistance plotting a route to your destination. Dun-dun-dun-dun!

chk-chk… chk-chk… chk-chk…


", it's cold in the ocean, right? And it's a lot colder the further down you go, right?"


"So what's the one thing a bomb makes when it explodes?"


"Well, that's a big one, but… underwater. We're underwater. Ignore the shrapnel part for now, Yoshi-kun."

"Well, no, we can't just ignore shrapnel. Even underwater, the bomb produces refuse. That's… half the point of a bomb, right? It's not always the impact that hurts, it's the stuff that comes flying out. You know. Volume expansion."

"Okay, well, fine. What other thing do you get from a bomb? Think physics."


"Bing-bing-bing! Energy! In other words, heat! So they send the signal to the charge, and the explosive heats up all the water around it. And what do we know about hot stuff?"

"...well… when water heats up, the atoms or whatever speed up, so it becomes less dense. If you have a lot of hot water all of a sudden, then I guess…?"

"Yeah! It wants to go in exactly one direction: Up! So we've got a bubble, sort of, of hot water and air picks up speed and travels to the surface of the water in less than a second, and when it reaches the top!"


"BOOM! And all that heat that was trapped in the water escapes into the air, and you feel it on your skin! That's Miyaoan engineering!"

Silas had watched, almost transfixed, as Aomori-san regaled her classmates about the airshow. He had almost forgotten about it. Now, he was starting to regret missing out. She had a thing for storytelling, he had noticed. There were even some students here he didn't recognize, forming a captive audience. He figured they must be from other classes.

At that moment, Class Rep Inoue appeared at the door. She clapped her fingers. "Alright, it's five minutes till first bell. We should all return to our seats. If this isn't your class, you should get going now."

"Aww, come on. Can't they stay a bit longer? They aren't being intrusive," Mikado retorted.

"The rules are rules."

"Lighten up, Aomori-san. It's Monday. We could use a little slack today. Evil Monday, Foul Monday..." He shrugged. "Besides, it's so early in the semester. You can be strict when we have midterms and exams to worry about."

"...alright." Inoue-san nodded. "After all, you wouldn't get me in trouble by being late for the bell, would you? I'd hate to have to start volunteering people for after-class cleaning duties. You know how Mona-sensei is."

"Ohh yeah," Aomori-san said. "You can always count on bitch-sensei and her bullshit appointments…"

"Please do not call her that, Aomori-san."

"It's true."

"We do not go around throwing insults just because they are true."

"We should!"

"Maybe. But not here, within the walls of Yamaha Senior High. While a member of the Student Council could be listening." Inoue-san sat down. "So anyway, you were telling us about the show?"

"Yeah, yeah. Aomori-san, tell her about the show from the beginning," Mikado smiled. "Maybe skip the boom, though. I doubt Inoue-san wants to hear about that."

Class started not soon after, but Silas couldn't help but think about the dynamic between the three people in his class: Mikado, Inoue, and Aomori. It was weird. They weren't quite friends, he didn't think. Maybe Aomori-san and Mikado-kun. But nonetheless, the three of them could reach a sort of… truce, with each other, despite their differences.

It was funny. He was used to a more hostile environment. He always thought that, when two people didn't like each other, that conflict became a blood feud that transcended chatrooms and forums. And time. Not so, here.

How did they do it? Silas's head was already swimming with… something… just trying to imagine it all. To be honest, it was starting to get worse, actually…

Silas spends the week trying to understand people better. What lesson does he internalize?
This may or may not affect the result of the next action (Talking to Ibara)

[] It's important to be forceful and headstrong, like Aomori-san. Say what you mean, and own it, and he'll never be misunderstood. (+Proud)
[] It's important to be curious and persuasive, like Mikado-kun. If everyone's on friendly terms, there's no need for conflict, right? (+Concilliatory)
[] It's important to be calm and intelligent, like Inoue-san. Be mindful, invoke respect, and he'll ensure he's always in the right. (+Shrewd)

Silas Yamigawa
Some kid from nowhere. Gray hair, skittish, and more than a little absentminded. Barely has two brain cells to rub together at any given time.


Four in the morning, but we're having such a lovely time~
Mad as a hatter with a dagger and a dollar sign~
Aristocrat, tip your hat and break your mother's heart
And when the sun comes up
You find a brand new god.

Charisma: 0 (Temp Charisma has been removed)
Smarts: 0
Imagination: +1
Physique: +1

Dysfunctional - Due to recent failures, Silas finds it difficult to focus on trying to improve himself. (-5 to all Smarts checks. Silas is incapable of taking actions that will allow him to increase Smarts. Requires external assistance to remove. Does not expire naturally.)

Daydreaming - Silas spends a lot of his waking hours imagining things: fantastical plots, military engagements, spaceships, tetris blocks, mahou shoujo… that sort of thing. (+Imagination)
Takes Walks - Silas likes to spend his free time pacing his neighborhood… just because. It helps calm his nerves. (+ Physique)
Attentive Listener - (1/6. On completion: ++Imagination, +Charisma. Silas will begin to take an interest in writing.)

Tabula Rasa - Silas is extremely maladjusted for a person of his age. He's gonna have trouble with… pretty much everything.
Stutterer - Silas punctuates his sentences with awkward mumblings and repetitions. (-1 to social checks)
Mercurial - Silas hates it when things don't go perfectly the first time around. It starts to bother him until it's the only thing he can think about… (Intensified, and usually counterproductive, consequences for experiencing some sort of personal failure.)


Big Sister - Silas's Big Sis and legal guardian. Her real name's Seraphine.
Silas no Mirai
Silas is having trouble… conceptualizing who his older sister is as a person, rather than as just his Big Sister. A fog settles in his mind whenever he tries to force himself to recall just these simple things. Perhaps he just needs a new perspective. Or an old one?
Objective 1: Gain Base Imagination +3. Base Imagination is increased by building positive habits, and not through Traits.
Reward: Big Sister becomes an interactable Character, more Objectives.
Character Database (Current)
  • Neighbors and shopkeepers.

    Eryk Nillis
    Eryk Nillis
    The 'Chief Horticulturist' of the Tenant's Association which owns and manages Silas's apartment tower. Gruff, but frank. He's Amberrish, probably.

    Silas knows almost nothing about this character.
    Miyuki Nillis
    Miyuki Nillis
    Eryk's niece. Somewhat cold. Works at the Greenhouse, probably.

    Silas knows almost nothing about this character.
  • Fellow Yamaha Senior High School students

    Yoshi Mikado ("Mikado-kun")
    Yoshi Mikado
    A student from Class 4-2. Self-conscious about his weight. Seems to be friendly and talkative. He runs some sort of computer club?

    Yoshi Mikado seems to be a bit of a Geek, but he's also Friendly. It might be easier to talk to him if Silas builds his Intelligence. Silas thinks it will be easier to get along with Mikado-kun than most.


    Seems to be on good terms with Ibara-kun?
    Kel Ibara("Ibara-kun")
    Kel Ibara
    A cool guy from Class 4-2. Likes cute things, is kind of aloof. He reminds Silas of a protagonist from an Eastern railroad drama.

    Kel Ibara seems to be a Creative person. Silas might be able to approach him more easily if he is able to reciprocate Ibara-kun's Imaginatinative way of looking at the world.


    Seems to be on good terms with Mikado-kun?
    Tammy Aomori ("Aomori-san")
    Tammy Aomori
    A loudmouthed student from 4-2 who won't stop talking about the military. Seems like a person with many passions.

    Tammy Aomori seems to have a very Argumentative personality. It will probably be rather hard to get on her level unless Silas learns to be more Charismatic.


    Seems to greatly dislike Inoue-san?
    Sara Inoue ("Inoue-san")
    Sara Inoue
    The resident Class Representative of Class 4-2. A relatively calm seeming person who seems to be a stickler for properness.

    Sara Inoue is very Studious, but she seems a bit Reserved. It will be easier to get along with her if Silas tries to be more conformist(?). Silas thinks it will be easier to get along with Inoue-san than most.


    Seems to be greatly disliked by Aomori-san?
  • Whom?
Hello! Sorry about the wait! Things got a little bit hectic for the semester, and I lost track of the time. This was a short one, but I hope you don't mind!

As always, if anything appears amiss and/or inconsistent, please let me know.
I don't think Silas can pull off the first one , so let's go with this one.
[X] It's important to be calm and intelligent, like Inoue-san. Be mindful, invoke respect, and he'll ensure he's always in the right. (+Shrewd)
My gut says the top one is correct, but there is no way in hell Silas is capable of even conceiving how to pull that off correctly...

[] It's important to be calm and intelligent, like Inoue-san. Be mindful, invoke respect, and he'll ensure he's always in the right. (+Shrewd)


Fine, I'll trust your interpretation,
[X] It's important to be forceful and headstrong, like Aomori-san. Say what you mean, and own it, and he'll never be misunderstood. (+Proud)
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[X] It's important to be calm and intelligent, like Inoue-san. Be mindful, invoke respect, and he'll ensure he's always in the right. (+Shrewd)
[X] It's important to be curious and persuasive, like Mikado-kun. If everyone's on friendly terms, there's no need for conflict, right? (+Concilliatory)
In his delirium, something stirred in Silas's mind. That was strange. Why was Big Sis banging on the door? She… she didn't need to do that. She could just walk in, if she wanted to. She never needed to care about locks before, she was always there, right there…

"SILAS!" it was louder this time. "I'm coming in!"

Silas heard the door latch click, followed by footsteps.
When you live with a Grandmaster of lockpicking.

Wait, what about phone locks?
"Why can't you just… listen! Listen and obey! It's not that hard!"
Indeed it isn't.
"Well, that's a big one, but… underwater. We're underwater. Ignore the shrapnel part for now, Yoshi-kun."

"Well, no, we can't just ignore shrapnel. Even underwater, the bomb produces refuse. That's… half the point of a bomb, right? It's not always the impact that hurts, it's the stuff that comes flying out. You know. Volume expansion."
If we are underwater when the bomb goes off, I have good and bad news for you. The good news is that you can safely ignore shrapnel; it doesn't spread very far in water. The shockwave, on the other hand, is among the main damaging factors of the UNDEX. Water is a perfect shock conductor due to its sheer mass/density and incompressibility.

If Aomori-san Tammy-chan described in detail what her favorite BOOM does to a squishy, squishy human caught up in the blast area, she'd have a lot less excited listeners. (and would probably attract Hana-chan)
"BOOM! And all that heat that was trapped in the water escapes into the air, and you feel it on your skin! That's Miyaoan engineering!"
I am sure there are better ways of winter heating.

I don't think Silas can pull off the first one
Cowards, I say! :mad: Silas as he is now can't pull off either of the three. We are picking a path for the Silas-that-will-be. And one should not put the limits on one's future.

[x] It's important to be forceful and headstrong, like Aomori-san. Say what you mean, and own it, and he'll never be misunderstood. (+Proud)
Per aspera ad astra! Forward to victory! #nerdpride
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[X] It's important to be calm and intelligent, like Inoue-san. Be mindful, invoke respect, and he'll ensure he's always in the right. (+Shrewd)

I liked the spying skill in previous quest. This looks like it could lead in that direction.
[x] It's important to be forceful and headstrong, like Aomori-san. Say what you mean, and own it, and he'll never be misunderstood. (+Proud)

I feel this will help more in the long run.
[X] It's important to be calm and intelligent, like Inoue-san. Be mindful, invoke respect, and he'll ensure he's always in the right. (+Shrewd)
I don't think Silas can pull off the first one , so let's go with this one.
Hmm... I don't like interfering with votes, but I'll just leave a small thought here:

Don't worry about if Silas can pull it off or not, 'cause he can! I wouldn't make it an option if I didn't have plans for how such an outlook on life can screw him over. I mean, contribute to his character development. :D

Wait, what about phone locks?
As if a person like Sera-nee wouldn't have her little brother's mobile phone passcode committed to memory. :V
Don't worry about if Silas can pull it off or not, 'cause he can! I wouldn't make it an option if I didn't have plans for how such an outlook on life can screw him over. I mean, contribute to his character development. :D
You and @Nevill convinced me, let's go for broke!

[X] It's important to be forceful and headstrong, like Aomori-san. Say what you mean, and own it, and he'll never be misunderstood. (+Proud)
[X] It's important to be calm and intelligent, like Inoue-san. Be mindful, invoke respect, and he'll ensure he's always in the right. (+Shrewd)
[X] It's important to be forceful and headstrong, like Aomori-san. Say what you mean, and own it, and he'll never be misunderstood. (+Proud)