Food Poor
Resources Terrible
Essence Very Good
Defence Poor
Travel Poor
Organization Abysmal
Personal Prowess Good
Discontent: 0
Panic: 0
Comparative Ranks
Very Good
Very Fine
I've been thinking about our current situation a bit recently from the perspective of risk mitigation, since I think overall survival should be a top priority before we can really work towards advancement. (Kind of an obvious statement but it lays the groundwork I'm coming from here for everyone's convenience)
Food, Defence, and Travel are all sort of baseline with that baseline being pretty bad right now. One note I found important in the update was how rare water seems to be in this places, which makes it sort of the core important feature because from the purified/purifying water, and from which Goldsprings food descends. Without it, they just die.
Travel and Defence are intertwined, though since they're both in the same level I don't think Travel is pulling Defence down or penalizing it beyond the sort of general baseline of Not That Great. Given our really low Organization and better Personal Prowess, defense against raids is very much going to be on a per family basis with people who are in charge or otherwise powerful defending the place. Organization in general also means that retaliation and or actual aggressive action is also on a per family basis.
Low Resources means that what we do have to build with isn't the best and we have less of it, which impacts infrastructure that could assist with Food or Defense or Personal Prowess.
And High Essence means that what we do bind is more powerful and that we get more bang for buck with Patron Spirit and Beast Binding, but that people are also going to want our stuff. As is also kind of the case with Food.
To mitigate the risk of raids the two easiest things to do, that flow most naturally from having a low Organization and baseline Defense and Travel in my mind is increasing Personal Prowess and being neighborly. Having banquets and sharing amongst Goldsprings is likely extremely common as a communal survival strategy, basically people building social credit within the community that can be cashed in during hard times. This I think basically plays with the system we have and tries to ensure stability so that we have time for Goldsprings to grow, slowly.
Trying to change the system a bit, we could also try to increase Defence, but that's hampered by low Resources and bad Organization. We need both to increase Defence easily and significantly, and Organization in general would help mitigate risk from raids because we'd have more communal responses to it. So being more neighborly within Goldsprings and tying each other closer together, with more concrete ties, I think requires changing/advancing the system we have which makes it hard, really hard, but is beneficial.
Basically, a stop gap for the time being is trying to work towards better Personal Prowess, and being neighborly within Goldsprings. Having high Food would also make changing organization easier as people have more fungible plenty to spread around to cultivate good will.