Pathfinder: The Search For Earth; Book One: First Contact [Ranma 1/2 x Star Wars]

Nabiki's not on the ship. She's back home in Nerima. This severely limits her possible involvement. Especially if the ship jumps out unexpectedly, like the title seems to imply.
As far as we currently know...

Nabiki is in the Tendo home, as the only child. Near adult. Previously, Akane has had to be rescued. Repeatedly. This time it's Kasumi as well. Who is looking after the house? We can doubt Nabiki will want to. Yes, this is a war-with-aliens situation, but are the other fiances, their associates, going to be put off by that? Questions may well be being asked that Nabiki can't answer, pressures put on her.

Could we see Nabiki getting on to the ship, one way or another? Because that's where the action is? And, maybe, because she doesn't want to be at home? And, on some level, isn't willing to trust Ranma and co. with the rescue of Kasumi, in addition to Akane?
Questions may well be being asked that Nabiki can't answer, pressures put on her.

Could we see Nabiki getting on to the ship, one way or another? Because that's where the action is? And, maybe, because she doesn't want to be at home? And, on some level, isn't willing to trust Ranma and co. with the rescue of Kasumi, in addition to Akane?
A) Nabiki can indeed answer the most pertinent questions. Those being "Where is Ranma?" and "What is he doing?" with the answers being "On the Ship" and "Rescuing the people took as slaves that includes both my sisters".

B) As for getting on that ship, I'm going to give that a hard nope. There are strictly limited spaces available on the transports and Nabiki is in no way, shape or form important or connected enough to get a spot. Even the Kuno family would likely be unable to secure a spot.
As for getting on that ship, I'm going to give that a hard nope. There are strictly limited spaces available on the transports and Nabiki is in no way, shape or form important or connected enough to get a spot. Even the Kuno family would likely be unable to secure a spot.
Nabiki is sneaky. There's all sorts of weird stuff they've run into over the years. Including dodgy bits of magic. She has likely got some hidden away, even low-grade stuff she's 'salvaged' from some messes. Getting shipped up there, in later deliveries of supplies, when discovered, claiming she's got 'really useful tools', and demo-ing them. That she really, really, wants to help, find/save her sisters.

Like I said, Nabiki is sneaky, and, could we claim this'd be in character for a Ranma story?
As for the Americans...

Most martial artists can't tank bullets before they get to be like fifty. At a minimum. Imagine how that works out in the gun-obsessed USA.
Ah, yes. Good old 'murica. Preventing an Infestation of Martial Artists one Bullet at a Time... Honestly, it makes freaking sense why they might not be used to it, simply because it takes either a hell of a lot of time, or a hecking extreme amount and level of training for a Martial Artist to get to the point that the gun, which is far easier to aquire and learn in the USA, becomes pointless. So why would people invest that time in anything more than the barest basics to help keep fit?
Why would you need a gun as a martial artist to learn to take a bullet in the ranma world?

There's plenty of explosions and high impact blows that can send you flying.

And by the transverse property of the law of if you can dodge a wrench you can dodge a ball, then they wouldn't need a gun.

Also as a American vet, yes we do have a gun problem... and it is ridiculous... but only 32 percent report to having a gun in the USA...

44 percent report living with a gun...


Ok, those numbers are probably twice that in actuality...

Because we do have a gun problem.
or a hecking extreme amount and level of training for a Martial Artist to get to the point that the gun, which is far easier to aquire and learn in the USA, becomes pointless
My impression (possibly wrong) was that the 'Breaking Point' technique was the one allowing the 'tanking' of bullets. Ranma is incredibly fast, and knowing an attack is coming can very likely avoid all but wide-area attacks, or if put in a position dodging would allow harm to someone/something he values. So, passive bullet resistance. But, not a technique training-method practically anyone would call sane...

There's probably better ways of training incredible toughness, but, would they be as quick, and include the 'see how to break stuff' capability? Maybe there's a technique that sets-off explosives, so guns explode? Dunno.

Gets interesting when you throw in energy weapons, ranged and blades, though... In theory is there a way to resist these, even make power-storage devices explode? Knowing Ranma's luck, figuring this out may become needed...

Personally, I'd be curious what a seriously experienced and somewhat flexibly-minded Jedi senior, like Yoda, would think on taking a really firm and careful look at Ranma and co...
seriously experienced and somewhat flexibly-minded Jedi senior, like Yoda, would think on taking a really firm and careful look at Ranma and co...
"Flexibly minded", that's not really a phrase I'd associate with Prequel trilogy Yoda. Once he's had his metaphorical nose rubbed in things with the death of the order, then maybe, but not before. I'm not sure where in the SW timeline we are but if we're early enough then I'd suggest Qui-Gon. Late enough and Yoda might be alright (not like there'd be many other options though).
"Flexibly minded", that's not really a phrase I'd associate with Prequel trilogy Yoda. Once he's had his metaphorical nose rubbed in things with the death of the order, then maybe, but not before. I'm not sure where in the SW timeline we are but if we're early enough then I'd suggest Qui-Gon. Late enough and Yoda might be alright (not like there'd be many other options though).
Could be others, not named in canon? Say, those who've left the Jedi (or Sith...) due to 'philosophical differences', or, because 'The Force needs me to be elsewhere'?
Really well written story so far. And interesting you threw Shepherd from Stargate into the mix. Is this going to be a multi xover? It's obviously before they discovered the base in Antarctica or built any space ships though. Make him into a Galactica style fighter ace maybe?

I'm wondering what angle you're taking with ranma and his locked curse though. Going for comedy angst and the force to eventually break it or stay locked and accept the curse trans? Personally hoping for the later, I never much cared for guy ranma.

Good story, looking forward to reading more.
Really well written story so far. And interesting you threw Shepherd from Stargate into the mix. Is this going to be a multi xover? It's obviously before they discovered the base in Antarctica or built any space ships though. Make him into a Galactica style fighter ace maybe?

I'm wondering what angle you're taking with ranma and his locked curse though. Going for comedy angst and the force to eventually break it or stay locked and accept the curse trans? Personally hoping for the later, I never much cared for guy ranma.

Good story, looking forward to reading more.

This author has a strong tendency to have male-to-female transformations be permanent, but with characters more being annoyed and maybe a little depressed at the change, rather than suffering from substantial levels of body dysmorphia. This is a minor downside to their works for me, but that's largely because I love transformation, in a great many forms. I'm also asexual, though, so find it refreshing that I don't have to dig through the boring sex scenes to get to the good stuff, the transformations, which for me includes believable character growth. Transformation doesn't have to be physical to interest me.

I've dug through so much soft core porn because humans turn anything into something sexual with even a tenth of an excuse, with sex changes being among the worst in that regard. Just because "sex" is in the descriptor doesn't mean you have to have so much of it! :p
Just because "sex" is in the descriptor doesn't mean you have to have so much of it! :p
Unfortunately most humans (primarily the males I will admit) have three main priorities in their mind, namely eating, sleeping and having sex. Note that this is mainly subconscious but is still pretty accurate with most other things we do mainly being in service of eating or having sex.
'll admit, I'm not one for inducing depression in my characters (or worse) very often. Especially when the story is otherwise fairly upbeat.

There are merits to both approaches, generating wildly different stories. You're definitely no Silently Watches when it comes to tormenting your characters.

One of the best Ranma fics I've ever read, Genma's Daughter, had gender dysphoria as a major thematic element. It made for a very compelling story. Frankly, by the end of canon, it seemed more like Ranma was only interested in a cure because he was supposed to be interested in a cure. It had become more of an annoyance. You tend to use Ranma from later in the series, which makes them being less bothered by being locked feel more natural than if he'd only just been cursed. The only time your story has felt a bit forced on the switch from male to female is The Best Kings Wear Skirts, which isn't bad, it just makes a little less sense than a Ranma who has had years of dealing with the curse to get used to it, including numerous times when only kind of locked, where it wasn't something magical preventing them from taking on their male form, such as the iron corset in the Chardin story, or just be marooned on an island with very limited ways to heat water, and a lot of it around to change them right back to female..
Ah ok, thanks for the clarification. And yeah, I don't much care to read about a lot of depression either. There's enough of that in RL, lol
I'll admit, I'm not one for inducing depression in my characters (or worse) very often. Especially when the story is otherwise fairly upbeat.
Also, 'Anything Goes MA' is very, very, flexible. By now, wouldn't Ranma have devised MA Positive Thinking (more likely something far better than that - Positive Existentialism?), and beaten any depression into total submission?

A Galaxy, not as far away as it might like to be, is going to find 'MA Galactic Adventuring' is something it needs to be concerned about? :)

It might be...
Book: Introduction to the New Existentialism
By: Colin Wilson

Edition 1st Edition
First Published 1966
eBook Published 3 May 2019
Pub. Location London
Imprint Routledge
DOI Introduction to the New Existentialism | Colin Wilson | Taylor & Franc
Pages 196
eBook ISBN 9780429057243
Subjects Humanities


Colin Wilson revitalised existentialism with a completely new approach to the philosophy. The six volumes of his 'Outsider' series created an existentialism that is not paralysed by its own nihilism. This book, first published in 1966, is a clear summary of the ideas of the 'Outsider' cycle, and also develops them to a new stage. Wilson's 'new existentialism' sees philosophy as an intellectual adventure that aims at a real command and control of human existence, and this book is its clearest exponent.

Also, 'peak experiences' may be relevant...
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I kind of hope we have a moment where Gralanna utters a long series of Shyriiwook about the state of the ship, causing D8 to give a scandalized gasp.

When Ranma asks for a translation, he simply says, "My apologies, Mistress Saotome, but my programming dictates that I cannot translate what Miss Gralanna said to someone as young as you."
Someone is selling mail-order power armor, after all.
I get the feeling someone really needed cash with that one...
I felt this 'search advert' needed sharing...
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(The search was "ranma mail-order power armor". BTW...)
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