Would using astronomical data, and things like pulsars as beacons be any use? Sol's exact (spectral) details are known pretty well... But, that would require suitably skilled astronomers, and/or astronomical data, on-board when the skip leaves. That might be there, brought-up (by the engineers/scientists) to compare with the navigation systems of the ship?
And... I'm unsure how knowing the (rough?) location of the Sol System in the galaxy would translate into FTL navigation...
Might the ship wild-jump to a different galaxy???
"Canonically" in Legends Earth is in the
Fath Sector of the Outer Rim, AKA the Space Boonies.
Looking at this Picture from Legends we are closer to the Core of the Galaxy then in RL, with
Ord Cantrell being one of the only places of Note close to us.
This has screwed us somewhat as our closest neighbor is a Super Exclusive Resort preventing Exploration of the surrounding area and there are not a lot of good Hyperlanes branching off of the Entralla Route, the main Lane of that area, which leaves other Systems rather isolated.
Interestingly in Legends we are fairly close to Mygeeto, a major front in the Clone Wars and the Imperial Remnant. It's just that again Earth is in the Space Boonies and more importantly "Between Major Hyperspace Routes" so went undiscovered for a long time.
But in any case SW Tech being Analogue is likely due to Droids, as you need to physically interact with it to change things, with IPad Analogues shown in Legends and Canon being mostly Communication and Data Reading not capable of giving Commands.
Again this makes a lot of sense given the prevalence of Droids, and mirrors what we know of Nuclear Launch Codes in Real Life, using Older Outdated Tech to prevent Hacking. Only this is for everything as Droids are everywhere and thankfully not a lot of them are on the level of R2 who can hack pretty much everything due to being modified over the years by The Royalty of Naboo, a Jedi Mechanic/Engineer listed as one of the best in the Order, and the Rebel Alliance/Royal House of Alderaan specifically for the best possible performance and most importantly not receiving a Regularly Scheduled Memory Wipe, allowing R2 to develop a Unique and Highly Intelligent Personality.
Most Droids get Memory Wipes every few Months to prevent from Developing Fully Sapient Personalities that can cause "Problems" down the line, and this is the reason why B1's acted so "comedic" in the Clone Wars. Te CIS was simply to cheap to preform regular maintenance when most B1's were expected to be destroyed in battle and just pumped out more, so surviving ones developed Personalities and acted so "stupid and quirky" since they were literally overloading their Processors with more Data then they were made to operate with.
Lastly no matter what Tech and Knowledge Earth gets they are literally always going to be "small fish" in a Giant Ocean. They don't have the Industry or Materials to compete and it is laughable to think they do. This aint Stargate where most of the Galaxy's Inhabitants are kept in a Primitive State and the Gouald's numbers are limited.
The Star Wars Galaxy has had FTL and Energy Weapons/Shielding as well as AI since before Human Civilization formed Agriculture (12,000 Years Ago) with the Republic being close to 25,000 Years old at this point. That is true for both Legends and Disney Canon.
Given that the Rakaata and the other "Precursors" where running around before that (and yes Andor brought the Rakaata back into Disney Canon by mentioning them) FTL Capable Civilizations have been around for a very long time by Earth Standards.
Since Humans are "founding species" of the Republic in both versions the fact that someone took them offworld and "uplifted them" several millenia before Humans on Earth even developed Agriculture, Earth as "Humanity's Homeworld" means very little.
Hell SW Humans are freaking ancient in Legends, having driven the Taung off Coruscant somewhere around 200,000 BBY and by 90,000 BBY had already turned Coruscant into an Ecumenopolis that needed to have "new levels" built on top of the City Covering Planet just to make space.
One thing everyone underestimates is just how Old the SW Galactic Society is, and how little Earth brings to the table. Which is a perfect Old School Scifi Scenario of Earthers exploring "strange new worlds, many far more advanced then themselves and trying to understand Alien Cultures".