Path to Victory – A Severus Snape Story (Worm/HP) like 4 chapters in and i hate this real the idea and the writing as usual, just fucking hate snape right now

Uh yeah. Tell me something I don't know.

In any case just finished the story. First to correct my last post by saying i was at chapter six and not 4, still hated him. Snape did grow on me and seemed less like a little shit in some chapters. Can't stand his treatment of Remus but then again he was in an antagonistic relationship with Remus and co for years. Really like how he's just bulldozing past everyone and everything although i wonder if the path will have any blindspots like it had in worm. Probably not.

Another amazing story rabby, i wish you knew the kage bunshin jutsu so you could work on all of them at the same time. Keep it up!
Actually, I think I figured it out. This is just another case of the author not knowing how she wanted it to be. Because either way you look at it, that would be a pretty huge plot hole. Either it does require cruel intentions (in which case, why did no one question it?), or it doesn't (in which case, why did he say that, and why was it proven true later on when Harry tried to cast one of the curses?).
When does anyone who isn't Bellatrix claim that it requires cruel intentions? Like (fake)Moody certainly never says it, and I can't think of anyone else who did.
Not too mention that most spells require practice so she might very well have been lying and the problem was just Harry having no idea how to properly cast the spell.
When does anyone who isn't Bellatrix claim that it requires cruel intentions? Like (fake)Moody certainly never says it, and I can't think of anyone else who did.

Fake moody claimed that even if everyone in harry Defense class pointed their wands and cast avada kedavra, all he would get is a nose bleed
Nope. We need an explanation for Moody doing that.
People might have assumed Moody just really hates spiders. Which to be fair lots of people in the WW do. They even thought for 50 years that the last student killed in Hogwarts was killed by a giant spider. There's a colony of giant spiders that want to eat people. Also spiders are just sort of universally hated by people.
People might have assumed Moody just really hates spiders. Which to be fair lots of people in the WW do. They even thought for 50 years that the last student killed in Hogwarts was killed by a giant spider. There's a colony of giant spiders that want to eat people. Also spiders are just sort of universally hated by people.
B-but, how can you hate spiders? They keep your house free of vermin!

And just look at this face!

Could you hate this face?
Uh yeah. Tell me something I don't know.

In any case just finished the story. First to correct my last post by saying i was at chapter six and not 4, still hated him. Snape did grow on me and seemed less like a little shit in some chapters. Can't stand his treatment of Remus but then again he was in an antagonistic relationship with Remus and co for years. Really like how he's just bulldozing past everyone and everything although i wonder if the path will have any blindspots like it had in worm. Probably not.

Another amazing story rabby, i wish you knew the kage bunshin jutsu so you could work on all of them at the same time. Keep it up!

I've always like Snape, props to him in canon for not snapping and turning Hogwarts into a abattoir, getting bullied for 7 years and the teachers smile about it? Some people like the marauders and think Snape should have accepted their treatment with a smile.
Well Homie don't play that.
I've always like Snape, props to him in canon for not snapping and turning Hogwarts into a abattoir, getting bullied for 7 years and the teachers smile about it? Some people like the marauders and think Snape should have accepted their treatment with a smile.
Well Homie don't play that.

Never said I didn't like canon Snape. I like him in canon but Snape is different in this story and mostly unlikable to me. Like I said I didn't like his treatment of Remus but it's quite understandable why he would be like that even though I think it's wrong. I'm probably biased though.

Homie can roll whatever way he wants but this beef was definitely not a one way street. It was sad how the marauders ganged up on one kid and it's definitely terrible that the teachers apparently didn't do shit. I can't rightly remember who started it and we never see what Snape did to the Marauders in retaliation or unprovoked alone or with his fellow Slytherins/friends such as Regulus etc.

Short version: I don't have all the facts but I work with what I do have. I think that both parties are in the wrong. At the end of the day though I blame the teachers / the system.
Aww. I caught up to the story. Now I have to wait for the next one. This story is pretty awesome. I wonder if there are some other shards in the world of HP somewhere?
Never said I didn't like canon Snape. I like him in canon but Snape is different in this story and mostly unlikable to me. Like I said I didn't like his treatment of Remus but it's quite understandable why he would be like that even though I think it's wrong. I'm probably biased though.
Strange. I despise the canon Snape. He was a jealous petty asshole who bullied the son of one of his school enemies, who had been orphaned at an early age and never even knew his parents, over events that had occurred over a decade earlier. He is about as unlikable as you can get and I thought JKR attempt at a last minute redemption was an utter failure.

This Snape is quite reasonable in comparison.
What does that have to do with anything? He performed the spells right in front of a bunch of students, what does mind reading have to do with it?
Sorry for not being specific. I was suggesting that occlumency could be used to allow wizards to cast unforgivables at people and animals that the caster didn't feel very strongly about in the first place.
Check out the wiki page on Occlumancy, specifically the parts about Draco Malfoy and how Rowling says he uses it to become a better Death Eater.
I would but it doesn't exist:
Rowling said:
...I think Draco would be very gifted in Occlumency, unlike Harry. Harry's problem with it was always that his emotions were too near the surface and that he is in some ways too damaged. But he's also very in touch with his feelings about what's happened to him. He's not repressed, he's quite honest about facing them, and he couldn't suppress them, he couldn't suppress these memories. But I thought of Draco as someone who is very capable of compartmentalising his life and his emotions, and always has done. So he's shut down his pity, enabling him to bully effectively. He's shut down compassion — how else would you become a Death Eater? So he suppresses virtually all of the good side of himself.

Where in that does it say anything relevant to my question of how occlumency would help with casting the unforgivable? Occlumency is about shutting away and compartmentalizing emotions, suppressing existing emotions not feeling new ones.