Path to Victory – A Severus Snape Story (Worm/HP)

I remember a couple of other alternate versions of a magical America. In both the continent is described as disunited.

In one story it was a patchwork of colonial era states formed from a bunch different backgrounds i.e. French, Spanish, Native Indian. The magical side never managed to unify the continent like the muggles did due to a variety of reasons.

In another story the continent was divided into several states embroiled in a cold war over slavery, some controlled by dark wizards. Essentially stuck in the 19th century, kind of similar to how Britain aesthetically appears to be.
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At times like these, I start to ponder how Lily would begin to react to all these sudden changes. Like stated earlier, she would be so conflicted that his potential was being repressed, and now she is stuck in the situation where she can't forgive him for his words (really? And you can forgive a constant bully?) but she can't forgive herself for abandoning him at that dark point.

I think the James/Lily relationship has been butterflied far, far away by this point. I mean, canon!Snape remained an emo douchebag while James became a productive member of society. If Snape wised up, he probably would have got her back.

Not to mention the plotbunny that Voldemort got another shard. Is the whole confronting the Entities going to come up in this?
I think the James/Lily relationship has been butterflied far, far away by this point. I mean, canon!Snape remained an emo douchebag while James became a productive member of society. If Snape wised up, he probably would have got her back.

The situation is probably a bit more complicated than that.
On James side he finally got his head out of his ass, took responsibility, and did the right thing in saving Sev from Remus. This has turned out to be the right things to do and his friend Remus is cured and the guy he has been picking on has gone on to do good things. He is even being punished for the wrong things he did, finally. There is a fair chance that he has been sitting in the tower reflecting on what he has done and growing the hell up. If so there is a chance regret has fast tracked his transformation into the good man he became. And Lilly has been there to see it, maybe even helping.

On Sev & Lily's side, lets face it the mudblood thing was not some big sudden thing. Lily is described as a good person by EVERYONE in this series, and the two of them were best friends for a decade. People like that don't go from best friends to not speaking without a lot of stuff happening, that scene was just the final straw in their relationship where things finally broke. Also the unfortunate fact is that Sev may have met Lily early enough and been close enough that the Westermarck effect may have permanently torpedoed any chance of a romantic relationship between the two. After all he only has asked how to make Lily like him again, not the path required to romantically love him. Poor Sev.
At times like these, I start to ponder how Lily would begin to react to all these sudden changes. Like stated earlier, she would be so conflicted that his potential was being repressed, and now she is stuck in the situation where she can't forgive him for his words (really? And you can forgive a constant bully?) but she can't forgive herself for abandoning him at that dark point.

I think the James/Lily relationship has been butterflied far, far away by this point. I mean, canon!Snape remained an emo douchebag while James became a productive member of society. If Snape wised up, he probably would have got her back.

Not to mention the plotbunny that Voldemort got another shard. Is the whole confronting the Entities going to come up in this?
Wait Voldemort got a shard? If this is true I so hope it's Tattletale's.
. After all he only has asked how to make Lily like him again, not the path required to romantically love him. Poor Sev.
Not actually true. Just getting her to be friends with him again was a 6k+ path. The 40k+ one was to "make her feel the same about him as he does about her".

...Which does raise the question of if that path meant how he feels now, or how they both feel at the end of it.
it wouldn't surprise me if some nasty rumours are flying about hogwards right now, I mean Severus Snape beating most of Slytherin in combat all by his lonesome? that's not possible right?! Nah he must have somehow blackmailed people to get that rumour going.
At least it wouldn't surprise me if the rest of the school saw it like that.
Isn't he the Lich who hid his soul in an egg or something?
Koschei is way more clever. His soul is hidden separate from his body inside a needle, which is in an egg, which is in a duck, which is in a hare, which is in an iron chest, which is buried under a green oak tree, which is on the island in the ocean. As long as his soul is safe, he cannot die. If the chest is dug up and opened, the hare will bolt away; if it is killed, the duck will emerge and try to fly off. I think in a fairy tale Baba Yaga was the one to supply the hero with artifacts to locate horcrux and neutralize its defences.
Isn't he the Lich who hid his soul in an egg or something?
As far as I know he's basically THE mythological lich. A powerful ancient sorcerer-king, capable of great feats of magic (favors transfiguration, turning people into various animals and objects, up to and including turning entire country to stone; is a raven animagus). His death is hidden at the end of a needle, which is hidden in an egg, which is hidden in a duck, which is hidden in a rabbit, which is hidden in a box, which is hanging on iron chains in a giant oak which grows either on some mystical mountain or on a faraway island (might be Azkaban).

He's an antagonist in slavic (Russian primarily folklore), sometimes depicted as Baba Yaga's enemy (who gives the protagonist information and/or resources, such as a magical flying horse, needed to slay him).

He's an archetypal Dark Lord, basically.
As far as I know he's basically THE mythological lich. A powerful ancient sorcerer-king, capable of great feats of magic (favors transfiguration, turning people into various animals and objects, up to and including turning entire country to stone; is a raven animagus). His death is hidden at the end of a needle, which is hidden in an egg, which is hidden in a duck, which is hidden in a rabbit, which is hidden in a box, which is hanging on iron chains in a giant oak which grows either on some mystical mountain or on a faraway island (might be Azkaban).

He's an antagonist in slavic (Russian primarily folklore), sometimes depicted as Baba Yaga's enemy (who gives the protagonist information and/or resources, such as a magical flying horse, needed to slay him).

He's an archetypal Dark Lord, basically.
Baba Yaga know how to find horcrux and how to destroy one. Might be important. Also faraway island is Buyan.
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Not to mention the plotbunny that Voldemort got another shard. Is the whole confronting the Entities going to come up in this?
Wait, what? I really hope he doesn't. In fact, I hope PtV remains an unexpalined OCP in the story, and no more worm elements are brought in.

On "Magic North Korea", I assume the author means a very restrictive, super-controlling government with lots of propaganda. This requires ability to control movement both in and out, which means that apparation would be a problem. I would say Australia or some island nation (which you can't apparate to or from) would be the most logical choice.
Chapter 1.25
Chapter 1.25

It turned out that Lucius had many questions. It took a while before he wrapped his mind around the situation but when he did he was working on full throttle. I had his complete attention.

"Severus...our mutual friend isn't exactly someone you can-."

I interrupted him, "Leave that to me. I'll be dealing with that."

Lucius frowned and stared at me for a good long while before he said, "What happened to you? You've changed, Severus. Perhaps not in a bad way but you've changed drastically."

My mind-voice ordered me to simply nod.

"Will you tell me?"

I matched his gaze with the same intensity and waited for a minute. I knew I shouldn't be doing this. Trying to game my only friend. To twist him to my purposes. I knew the alternative would be far more painful though. I couldn't risk stepping off this path. This one path that made sure nobody died for my selfish whims.

I couldn't let that happen.

When I finally saw him start to squirm I was told it was time to reply.

"I broke. Snapped. Went kaput in the head. Pick any of them. Then I came round again and found I had no more fucks to give."

I could tell he wanted to ask something but I continued, "Black tried to kill me at Hogwarts. Dumbledore wanted to laugh it off as a prank gone out of hand. I could have taken that, Lucius. I could have taken that no problem. There are plenty ways to get even with the bastard. What I couldn't take was him rewarding fucking Potter."

I felt my resentment and anger flaring back up again. Even just thinking about that moment made it all bubble back up again. Dumbledore's condescending expression would forever be etched in my mind.

That fucking half smile, half smirk, that danced around Black's lip was worse. If Potter had shown any indication beyond his own obvious horror at what had happened...Well, let's just say that Dumbledore's reflexes would the only thing between Black and a killing curse. I saw the pity in Lucius' gaze which snapped me back to the conversation.

"He tried to give out house points to Potter. He said I owed him a life-debt for the brave act of losing the nerve to kill me. And the old bastard said all of that with a fucking smile on his face."

Lucius tried to reach out of lay his hand on my arm but I pulled it back. I never was quite comfortable getting touched by people. I didn't care about anyone else doing that but Lucius means something to me. There's probably something deeply wrong with me. I wasn't unaware of that.

Thank god Lucius knew better than to push. Jesus Christ. He was a better friend than I deserved.

To cover the awkward moment I barreled through, "I lost it, Lucius. For a few moments I felt myself losing my grip on my sanity and I didn't care. I let it go and I saw everything. I saw gods fighting or fucking...I couldn't quite tell. Either way; the moment felt endless to me and when I gathered back the tattered remains of my psyche something more was there."

I fixated on the bridge of Lucius' nose when I continued, "And then I just knew I could see the future. As if some dam within me broke. I can see millions, billions, of different futures and I can pick whichever one I want."


I firmly ignored the jab of pain lancing straight through me. For a brief moment I had hoped the path would let me confide in Lucius. That I could have one person who I could share this with. The fact that it didn't let me was worrying enough without considering the possible reasons. I couldn't accept the notion that he was untrustworthy. Could he perhaps not be able to keep the information safe?

Would the Dark Lord, or any else really, be able to simply rip it out of his mind?

God, I hoped so.

I didn't dare to ask the mind-voice and instead just obeyed it's command of silence.I expected him to gawk and wonder. I expected him to speculate about my supposed gift's limitations. I didn't expect the sheer rage I witnessed flashing across his expression.

Lucius leaned forward and almost snarled, "We can disappear them, Severus. Just say the word and they're gone! Even Dumbledore if need be!"

I cleared my throat - I most certainly wasn't choking down a sob – and gave him a watery smile.

"It's already settled, my friend. I reached for a future where I accidentally stumbled on one of Dumbledore's secrets and blackmailed him. I've got it handled for now."

I could see him deflate back into his seat but I could tell he still held on to his anger.

He softly whispered, "That's not good enough, Severus."

"It'll have to be. We have greater concerns." I held my tongue for exactly three seconds and said, "Like the deranged friend we have whose going to spell the death of our generation, Lucius. I'm not going to let that happen. Not when there are so many bright futures possible."

Lucius took a moment to regain his composure, downed his drink in one big gulp, and nearly broke the glass when he slammed it back on the table. Perhaps he hadn't quite succeeded at banishing his rage.

"I need to know, Severus. Why didn't you tell me? Why didn't you come to me?"

I looked down at my own drink, emptied it out as well and said, "I don't know. I guess I wanted to deal with it my-."

He interrupted me this time, "You stubborn bastard! Do you really think that little of me?"

Oh, that was just unfair and now he was just twisting the dagger further around in my guts. Gods damned it. Is this really necessary? Do I really need to do this? If the path wasn't urging me on I would have broken on the spot and spilled everything.

I glared at him to show my displeasure but he wasn't having any of it. We were locked in a staring match until Lucius gave up.

He deflated completely with a deep sigh and bit out, "Don't do that again."

I just nodded sharply.

Lucius stared at me for a moment before asking, "Are you sure we can fight him off?"

"No doubt. There are a little over fourteen million scenario's where I can just walk up to him and beat him head on. A thousand fold more possible futures where we can arrange for him to perish and wither. I'm partial to the one where I rip out his magic, wipe his memories, and sell him to muggles."

Lucius gaped at me for a little while, snapped his fingers again, and ordered us some more drinks. While we sat in silence I queried the mind-voice for the path to that specific scenario. A little over a hundred thousand steps. I fiddled with it while we waited for our drinks and managed to whittle it down to just under seventy five thousand. I didn't activate the path but I did keep it floating in the background.

When our drinks arrived Lucius asked me, "Alright. Tell me the plan."

We spent the rest of the afternoon laying out our next steps. Lucius was to report to Undersecretary Bagnold in the morning and I gave him a few notes I'd prepared. Just a short profile on the women that included her psychological hot buttons, her pet issues she cared an unreasonable amount for, as well as a list of what she thought of her other employees. Anything that was relevant to integrating ourselves in her faction.

While Lucius was rather impressed with it all I had the sneaking suspicion he might not have needed it. I didn't have the time to wait for Lucius to acclimatize himself to her office though. He needed to hit the ground running so we could proceed as rapidly as possible. The over arching plan was simple. We'd squeeze Minister Minchum for every last drop of usefulness before turning him on Crouch. When those two powerful factions exhausted themselves we'd swoop in with Bagnold.

"I think I have it all. Out of curiosity, many different ways could this conversation have gone?"

It took everything I had to not flinch as I said, "Nothing but the truth would have worked. I could have gotten your cooperation but not..."

I trailed off and Lucius replied nodding, "But my heart wouldn't have been in it."

We both stood up and shook hands. Lucius went off to pay the bill and left afterward. I just collapsed back into my chair feeling like shite. This is what happens when I use the path irresponsibly. I felt like I'd erased Lucius' agency completely. I felt like I had chipped away him until only the version of him I needed remained.

I've always known I wasn't quite right. That I was willing to go too far for what I wanted. Lily thought so too. I just never thought I'd turn on my friend. Out of sheer pride and ego I caused all of this. I just had to impress a bunch of empty headed Slytherins. I just had to casually create something that was capable of tearing the world as we knew it apart.

And now I was sitting here feeling sorry for myself. Unacceptable. I tried my hardest to burn this very moment into my mind as a caution for what my rashness could cause me.

Never again.
Not actually true. Just getting her to be friends with him again was a 6k+ path. The 40k+ one was to "make her feel the same about him as he does about her".
...Which does raise the question of if that path meant how he feels now, or how they both feel at the end of it.
Ohh, good point. While I imagine the PtV is fairly friendly, trying to make a path based the the current feelings of a confused upset teenager seems...unwise.
Path to Lily being a emotionally isolated confused teen depending on me for emotional support.
This is why clear and direct commands are important!
I tried my hardest to burn this very moment into my mind as a caution for what my rashness could cause me.

Wait, I'm confused. Why is Severus feeling guilty?

Sure, the explanation the Path gave to Malfoy is a massive oversimplification, but it's not like it's an actual lie, is it? :-/

from my perspective, the Path explained itself to Malfoy pretty well, actually! :-/
Wait, I'm confused. Why is Severus feeling guilty?

Sure, the explanation the Path gave to Malfoy is a massive oversimplification, but it's not like it's an actual lie, is it? :-/

from my perspective, the Path explained itself to Malfoy pretty well, actually! :-/

He's upset he's using the Path on Lucius. Shit, he didn't even want to use it to get his abused mother out of a dangerous situation. Now he had to choose between continuing the Path that keeps zero casualties for related to his panacea or using the Path on Lucius.

He's pissed at himself for chose countless of potential casualties over his only friend. Let him feel bad for a while will ya ;)
"Oh, if I think I forgot to mention it. Squibs? Well, Ambrosia will fix those people right up. Their lack of magic will no longer be a problem after a sip of my elixir."

Like, Squibs can perceive magic (like the dementors), but muggles can't. So they've got to have some juice in 'em, no?

Suddenly Severus became more of a miracleman than before.
"Oh, if I think I forgot to mention it. Squibs? Well, Ambrosia will fix those people right up. Their lack of magic will no longer be a problem after a sip of my elixir."

Like, Squibs can perceive magic (like the dementors), but muggles can't. So they've got to have some juice in 'em, no?

Suddenly Severus became more of a miracleman than before.

Ambrosia can't fix inborn disadavantages.
"Oh, if I think I forgot to mention it. Squibs? Well, Ambrosia will fix those people right up. Their lack of magic will no longer be a problem after a sip of my elixir."

Like, Squibs can perceive magic (like the dementors), but muggles can't. So they've got to have some juice in 'em, no?

Suddenly Severus became more of a miracleman than before.

Sadly it almost certainly can't fix Squibs magic since I'm pretty sure that is a birth defect:
As far as I'm aware there are a few limitations on the potion which I have incidentally named Ambrosia. Firstly while it does help extend ones life it is by no means an Elixir of Life. It will heal your ailments but there will come a point where the returns of downing a vial of it will start to diminish. Furthermore it can only heal ailments that are not inborn. It doesn't help with hereditary issues. Unfortunately it merely reverts your body to it's 'peak' health.
There has to be a 'villainous' North Korea expy magical nation right? Who'd do terrible things to Severus if they could. I'm considering Albania for this. Any thoughts?
You could always go the Jasper Fforde route and have Wales be your evil nation, just because it's so laughable :D

More serious possibility: Jersey (Nova Caesarea at the time of the Romans, Andium, Agna and Augia historically)

Pros: It's legally indepedant from the United Kingdom, but close enough to be involved politicially. Most people speak English. It's an island, so you'd imagine that it would be easier to maintain anti-apparition wards and other defenses. Total population is about 100,000, so it could support a decent population of witches and wizards. It's a site of ancient habitation, back to the paleolithic, and has strong local legends about witchcraft.

Cons: Modern Jersey doesn't really have a bad repuation in the UK or France. If it were magical North Korea, that would have to apply purely to magical Jersey, since muggles can come and go as they please. Would have to be given one of its ancient names to sound at all magical or threatening.

Jersey people are traditionally known as crapauds (toads) due to the particular fauna of Jersey that does not exist in the other Channel Islands, especially in Guernsey. According to a Guernsey legend, St Samson of Dol arrived in Jersey but encountered such a hostile reception in the then-pagan island that he proceeded on to Guernsey. The welcome being much warmer in Guernsey, he repaid the inhabitants of that island by sending all the snakes and toads from Guernsey to Jersey.


Belief in witchcraft was formerly strong in Jersey, and survived in country areas well into the 20th century. Witches were supposed to hold their sabbats on Fridays at Rocqueberg, the Witches' Rock, in St. Clement. Folklore preserves a belief that witches' stones on old houses were resting places for witches flying to their meetings.
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Ok, that makes a bit more sense. Out of curiosity, can he choose to skip a step in a Path and if so, does he know what happens if he does (increased number of steps, etc.)?

He only tried that with open ended Path's like the 'Better Wizard' one. He's hesitant in veering from his current path. He still hasnt exactly sat down and seriously tested it.
Hn so you need a magical north korea?

How about dun da dun dun! Magical North Korea! With the Ils being magic or the squib puppets of a pureblood line.
He still hasnt exactly sat down and seriously tested it

Severus Snape is an idiot.

On, he's under a tremendous amount of stress, fresh out of his trigger, in a blind daze due to what his power is doing, and all of his actions are completely believable.

But as an armchair general with 20/20 foresight I feel confident in saying he's an idiot.

(Seriously, not even "Path to have a rough idea of what this voice in my head is, what it's doing, how it's doing it, what its limitations are, if I can trust it, etc? Not even as an intellectual exercise to see how many steps it would take? Bleh. Perfectly believable, but argh!)