That which you define yourself by: [X] Yourself
That which you rebel against: [X] Everything
"…Get up! You're going to be late for school!" A voice cuts through the air, reaching your ears in spite of closing off your room to the outside world. You blink, bleary-eyed, and let the plain nature of it sink in. You paused, finding yourself at odds for the moment.
For someone dissatisfied with the world around him, why didn't you start by redecorating the place you slept in? It wasn't as if you couldn't do it…But for some strange reason, you had never really appreciated the irony of your lack of effort in leaving your own mark upon your personal world.
You slept, read, lived in this space…And yet none of it spoke about you. But! This was definitely the start of a new day! And you'd go about adding some personality to your room…when you got the chance later.
"GET UP!" A shrill voice, pierces through the walls in order to drill itself deep within your ears and you wince, stumbling forward to tear open the door.
"I'M UP! I'M UP!"
Your lips twitch into a grimace, "What the hell…?!"
The grimace morphs into a scowl, and you slam the door shut in a futile act of petulant resistance. Who was she, anyway, to pull that kind of trick on you!
[] Your Mother
[] Your Older Sister
[] Your Aunt
Bah, you didn't have time to deal with moping around! Swiftly, you marched in to the bathroom, mentally cursing the law for forcing you to put up with that woman's antics. A swift brushing of teeth and haphazard washing ritual later, you're getting ready to head for school.
[] You dress conservatively, the better to fit in at school.
[] You dress rebelliously, to better announce yourself to the world.
[] You dress in your school uniform, to better show your loyalty to your educational institution.
[] Write-In
You have some time before you need to start walking to make it to school on time. You weren't in any clubs, so you didn't need to arrive before first period. On the other hand, it doesn't sound like Breakfast was made for you. But if you leave sooner, there's a chance you can grab a nice quick meal from the cafeteria once you arrive on campus.
Your stomach growls, and you realize that you don't have time to sit still and wait for someone else to make breakfast. Besides, you never detected the scent of food being made, so it was a safe bet to head for school.
[] You head straight for school.
[] On second thought…
[] Try hitting up your neighbor for some grub.
Omake Rewards:
As of right now, I'm only bringing this up so that way you guys can start formulating ideas for later use, but essentially, putting together an Omake can net you a single reward benefit from the following list:
Adopting an Original Character into the setting proper
A Professor Ember Tip
Commissioning an Omake of your choice from me
[REDACTED] to assist with your [REDACTED]
An Act of God
Now, of these five (along with certain other situational benefits that I may come up with later), they each come with specific rules at this time. Regarding the adoption of OC's, that is something that is going to be an option based primarily on how much I like the character, as well as whether or not it fills a currently unoccupied niche in the setting. Make no mistake, Path to Power's got room for an extraordinarily large number of characters, and it sometimes is a bit difficult coming up with someone new and original to fill every potential opening. So feel free to go wild with what you know of the setting at any time, and write up a story of someone else living in your characters world!
At this time, if you have something in mind, you can try and come up with Omakes regarding the Main Characters family. I've got a number of templates in mind depending on how this vote goes, but CharGen is still ongoing, so you guys can most certainly give the main character an adorable little sister, or a bratty younger brother who seeks to undermine you at any turn.
Go wild!
As far as Professor Ember goes…You'll be meeting him soon. But he is always willing and able to give advice to his precious students. It may not always be the advice you want, but it will always be true, in it's own way.
Third is commissioning an Omake from me. Naturally, this includes things such as other characters Points of View, potential large scale infodumping on a subject you were not aware of before via convenient narrative device. That sort of thing. And I assure you, that both this route and asking the Professor are options you'll get a good deal of mileage out of.
The fourth option is, for now, a secret. But once the time come, I'll include it's explanation in a threadmark.
The Fifth and Final option is the Act of God. Those of you who are familiar with Salt Quest over on SV will already know how it works, but basically, you the player may roll a 1d20 and then link it to me immediately. After that, you may inform me of one specific action you want to happen to the individual who's number was rolled. This is restricted by a DC determined at the time by the QM, against which the player must roll a 1d100 to see if they succeed or not. Naturally, an action happening to someone has a lower DC than someone attempting to use the dice to induce an individual to act against their very nature.
For the moment, those are your five options, everyone! So, looking forward to the discussions that will hopefully come to be in the future! Ah, but remember…just because something isn't available right now, that will not always prove to be the case! Be sure to check in with me whenever sometimes comes to mind to see if the Reward options have changed!