Oh, this is rich. Had he somehow personally inspired the creation of the FSN franchise (in Andre's reality) just so he could troll Rin?

[X]I will pick up a secondary affinity to complement what I have

Money and magic we can get on our own. Picking up the affinity is trickier.
people do realize we could get a second and THIRD affinity among others if we had the fucking money to do shit to make our machines yes? :jackiechan::facepalm:
MINITURN: Technology fair END
"Wha, whut?" Said Rin once I made my choice. "I could have learned the Kaleidoscope simply like that?"

"Not quite", I answered her, "the basic existence synchronization process simply looks across the worlds and finds knowledge based on your affinity. So if you had somehow lucked out during this process you could have gained a Kaleidoscope affinity, but it could have been any kind of general knowledge or craft. Typically you try to get a wide range of skills first, then further refine it into a specialization, like how my Kaleidoscope affinity gave me knowledge of advanced math and physics even if not all of it was directly related to my affinity."

"That's correct. I already looked and Rin doesn't have an affinity for the Kaleidoscope, she's only a very talented person who managed to reverse engineer on her own the principles of the magic." At this Rin managed to recompose herself. "Honestly, I have no idea what kind of secondary affinity you might have. It's a gamble you're taking, one that I hope plays in your favor."

I shrugged. "I already have the Kaleidoscope, anything else that I gain is just gravy. Besides, if I really want it I can get any knowledge later. Probably much later, but still."

"That's what I wanted to hear, this sense of adventure, even if tainted by cold logic. Now, hold this gem and will it to activate."

I grabbed the gem, and once I did that I felt something gently tug at my head.

I willed it to activate and then-

Roll: 95, Critical! Bonus: 88

Pain, far more pain than I thought imaginable assaulted my head. I felt like someone took a jackhammer and started to pound directly into my brain, just as knowledge poured into my head. Once more I knew I would never forget this knowledge in my life, even as I started to forget other bits of my life, though for some reason I had an odd feeling of relief as those memories started to fade away.


I woke up to someone cleaning my face with a rag, and as I opened my eyes I saw Rin over me. "Hey", I greeted her, "that bad?"

"You started bleeding all over your head's orifices", she replied, "we had to heal you for a while to make sure nothing wrong would happen." She said before cleaning the last bit of blood, "there, done. How are you feeling."

"Like a cute girl just tended me", I said without shame and I was surprised I by it, though for the life of me I wasn't sure why. "A bit of headache, but that's probably because I'm parched. Can I get some water please?"

She handled me a cup of water, and I greedly drank it. "Thanks for the help", I turned to Zelretch, "that's a hell of a new field of expertize I got from you, I doubt I would have gotten something like that on my own, or at least it would have gone nearly as well."

"You're welcome", said Zelretch, "if you care to share with us, what kind of affinity you got?"

At this I got a wide grin on me. "Power Armor."

Rin looked thoughtful, "well, it sounds quite advanced, but not nearly as ground breaking as the kaleidoscope."

"Ah, but the thing is, the pinnacle of the technology, or at least of what I could make with a household budget once I fully master the technology is something that would make the Iron Man green with envy." I paused for a moment, "well, at least until he writers get wind of it and decide to wank him to hell and back again. Anyway, I have access to Infinite Stratos grade power armor."

Zelretch looked at me oddly, before chuckling and then letting out a full belly laugh. "Oh that's rich! You have no idea how many crazy feminists alternate realities of that generic harem series there are across the multiverse, having them get put down a notch would be a sight for the eyes."

"Am I... missing something?" Asked Rin confused.

"Basically I can make power armor that allows one to fight against heroic spirits. So long as their noble phantasms work as a blunt instrument, I give it good chances for the power armor users to win, specially since it's possible to further improve on the PA system. The only way I could get a much more loop sided affinity is if by some miracle I got an affinity for Commander Warfare."

"Those are a pain to deal with", nodded sagely Zelretch.

At this point Rin had run out of fucks to give so she only nodded. "I will take your word for it. So you got lucky?"


"Well, I suppose I already did what I came here for", said Zelretch before giving me a pin with a flat diamond like gem. It probably was a diamond, knowing him. "Once you're done playing around, use the pin to contact me. It's meant so that even if decades had passed on your end, it will be a couple of months at best on my own."

"I will give you a call once I got things sorted out here."

"Good, now we have to go", he said while extending his arm to me, "it was a pleasure to meet with you."

"Likewise", I said while shaking his hand.


Power Armor Development and Engineering Savant: A savant in the development and creation of all kinds of power armor, from armor meant to assist conventional soldiers in their tasks to fully integrated personal weapon systems. +3 Learning. +20 to rolls related to development and creation of power armor and their parts

Shy trait lost.

Envious trait lost.

====|> To Be Continued
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Power armor usually looks like hulking brute...
But should it?
In many things I did read there was everything including PA made of forcefields.
Not on house budget, but we probably can make powered exoskeleton with medical function that we can wear under clothes.
And really, the best things we get out of it are all that nice integrated stuff like AI or Medical. We just have to think like Worm tinker or Girl Genius "themed" Spark - in our case with power armor. And AI or advanced medtech will do wonders to our capability.
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Name: Andre Inami
Gender: Male
Age: 33
Profession: Stallholder, Student
Background: A washout of university, he managed to get a job and live his life quietly after having most of his dreams of childhood being shattered before his feet. Now after a chance meeting with his Alternate Self hope came to him once more.

Failed university twice, now he's considered a genius in physics, learning the subject with ease and surprising quickness. All of that came after meeting with his alternate self who is a genius in Multi-Dimensional Refraction Phenomenon, the Kaleidoscope.

Appearance: Average height and reasonably fit. Brown eyes, brown hair with some few white hair cut sort with a buzz cut. Light tan from spending time outdoors.

Martial 8 +1+1 =10 You could be considered trained but inexperienced in fighting
Diplomacy 9 +1 =10 You could have a job that deals with people on a regular basis
Stewardship 8 +1+2 =11 You're average with organization and management for a professional
Intrigue 8 +1 =9 You know the value of subtlety, but prefer to be direct instead
Learning 24 +7+1+3 =35 Your intellect will go down in history
Ideology 6 +1 =7 The spark of passion started to burn on your chest


Multi-Dimensional Physics and Engineering Genius: In regards to multi-dimensional physics and applied engineering you are the absolute master at it, and no human could hope to claim to be your superior in this discipline. +7 Learning, +40 to rolls related to multi-dimensional physics and it's applied engineering.

Power Armor Development and Engineering Savant: A savant in the development and creation of all kinds of power armor, from armor meant to assist conventional soldiers in their tasks to fully integrated personal weapon systems. +3 Learning. +20 to rolls related to development and creation of power armor and their parts.

Diligent: Whenever you start something, you tend to finish it. +1 All stats

Organized: You are an organized person, both in your endeavours and in your personal life. +2 Stewardship.

Amateur Fighter: You know are considered an amateur fighter, one that can fight in regional sanctioned tournaments. Try not to fight on the street! +1 Martial
Novice Fighter (2/3)

Studious (2/3)

Strong (2/3)



Basic Hypothesis: 100%
Basic Math: 100%
Basic Equations: 100%
Advanced Math: 100%
Advanced Equations: 100%
Topic - Higher Dimensional Energy Tap: 100%
Topic - Parallel Dimensional Energy Tap: 100%
Topic - Higher Dimensional Spatial Transportation: 100%
Topic - Parallel Dimensional Spatial Transportation: 100%
Miscellaneous Topics: 20%
Advanced Topic - Parallel Existence Synchronization: 100%
Advanced Topic - Self Contained Isolated Space: 100%
Miscellaneous Advanced Topics: 13%

Basic Programming: 0%
Basic Engineering: 0%
Basic Material Science: 0%
Basic Energy Source: 0%
Basic Movement: 0%
Basic Sensors: 0%
Advanced Programming: 0%
Advanced Engineering: 0%
Advanced Material Science: 0%
Advanced Energy Source: 0%
Advanced Weaponry: 0%
Advanced Movement: 0%
Advanced Life-support: 0%
Advanced Sensors: 0%
Master - Assistant AI: 0%
Master - Self-Repair System: 0%
Master - Stealth System: 0%
Master - Shield System: 0%
Master - Miscellaneous: 0%
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Multi-Dimensional Physics and Engineering Genius: In regards to multi-dimensional physics and applied engineering you are the absolute master at it, and no human could hope to claim to be your superior in this discipline. +7 Learning, +40 to rolls related to multi-dimensional physics and it's applied engineering.

Power Armor Development and Engineering Savant: A savant in the development and creation of all kinds of power armor, from armor meant to assist conventional soldiers in their tasks to fully integrated personal weapon systems. +3 Learning. +20 to rolls related to development and creation of power armor and their parts.
I have a question about bonus stacking because sooner or later we will start on Transdimensional Explorer Encounter Suit that will utilize MDP both as purpose and as applied functions for it's components parts (like storage). So... sum, biggest or per component as appliable?
For reference, this is what Inami looked like three years ago. He came a long way since then.

Name: Andre Inami
Gender: Male
Age: 30
Profession: Stallholder
Background: A washout of university, he managed to get a job and live his life quietly after having most of his dreams of childhood being shattered before his feet. Now after a chance meeting with his Alternate Self hope came to him once more.

Martial 7 -2-1 =4 You often lose fights against your physical peers
Diplomacy 9 -2-1 =6 You have an habit of enraging or being ridiculed by your peers
Stewardship 7 -1 =6 You're bad with money and management
Intrigue 6 -1 =5 You're as subtle as a brick to the face
Learning 20 -2-1+3 =20 You have a sharp mind, able to go very far in the academic scene
Ideology 5 -1 =4 You have no passion, even for your hobbies and family


Out of shape II: You let yourself go, gaining weight and losing your athletic edge. -2 Martial, -5 diplomacy rolls against opposite sex.

Out of practice II: It's been a while since you studied, and some things you forgot and needs a refresher course. -2 Learning.

Shy: You're naturally shy and have difficulty in expressing yourself. -2 Diplomacy.

Lazy: You're currently very lazy, and often doesn't complete projects. -1 All stats.

Envious (Tamed): You want things, things that you lack and other people have. Things that other people can have easily and you struggle to gain a mere shadow. At least you learned how to live with this aspect of yourself. Unknown effects.

Multi-Dimensional Physics and Engineering Savant: You are considered the foremost expert on multi-dimensional physics and engineering, being able to develop and research those topics far easier than a normal person, matching or even surpassing your intellectual superiors in this particular field. +3 Learning, +20 to rolls related to multi-dimensional physics and it's applied engineering.
I have a question about bonus stacking because sooner or later we will start on Transdimensional Explorer Encounter Suit that will utilize MDP both as purpose and as applied functions for it's components parts (like storage). So... sum, biggest or per component as appliable?

Highest relevant bonus first, then half the next relevant bonus, then half of that and so on and so forth, until a minimum of +1 bonus to rolls.

@ryuan is there a chance in the future to update power armor savant to power armor genius ? or acquire other field of expertise ?

Since it's a secondary affinity, you will cap at Savant III, which will give +5 Learning and +30 to PA rolls.
Okay I think that we really should create a pocket dimension to store stuff in. Having an gamer like inventory to contain our files would go a long way towards limiting our lower then average intrigue scores....
Turn 13
Turn 13 - Third Trimester

The forth semester came, and with it your sister's wedding. It really give the impression that life moved on without you, but right now you are just happy that your sister found someone to be with.

As for yourself, there's more work, work and work, but you feel like you're doing well enough on your own so you're currently content with how things are going.




Reserve Funds
+650 On Hand
+5500,96 Bank Account (5239,01 Bank + 5% Interest)


You have five actions, plus one mandatory action this turn.


[ ]Get fit: You were never truly fit, you want to see how that it feels to have stamina and muscles. Cost: 0; Reward: Chance to improve trait; Required: 60; Time: 1 trimester

[ ]Practice Taekwondo: Practice Taekwondo and get better at fighting, who knows maybe you will be able to enter competitions?; Cost: 0; Reward: Chance to improve trait; Required: 45/90; Time: 1 trimester

[ ]Visit sister: Every once in a while you go visit your sister to make sure she won't nag at your ear and to reassure her you are doing alright. Cost: 100; Reward: Improved relations with sister; Required: 10; Time: 1 trimester

[ ]Call friends: Visiting them would be too bothersome without a place to stay, but you could expend a lot of time and energy with calling them to keep the bonds strong. Cost: 50; Reward: Improved relations with friends; Required: 10; time: 1 trimester

[ ]Socialize with classmates: Go socialize with the classmates and get to know them, you anti-social shut in! Cost: 0; Reward: Improved relations with classmates; Required: 25; Time: 1 trimester

[ ]Investments: Try to invest your money in something in order to make more of it. It's too bad you don't have a business degree to know what exactly to use your money for, other than buying new shiny things. Cost: ??; Reward: possible sources of revenue; Required: 70; Time: 1 trimester

[ ]Start Research on how to start developing all the technology you have, with the required start up costs and possible licenses and grants required for it. Cost: 0; Required: 50/70/90; Reward: information; Time: 1 trimester

[ ]Create contacts: As much as you hate to act like this, you need to make contacts that you will use for your own goals later. Cost: 0; Reward: contacts made; Required: 55; Time: 1 trimester

[+]Study: You want to pass this time, and ever since you got the Kaleidoscope knowledge you became much better than before, so just diligently studying will allow you to pass your grades. Cost: 0; Reward: pass tests; Required: 0; Time: ongoing

[ ]Extra study: Study more so you can potentially reach higher grades and open up a couple of opportunities. Cost: 0; Reward: higher grades, new opportunities; Required: 40/80; Time: 1 trimester

[ ]Scientific Initiation (Quantum Physics): Continue doing your SI on quantum physics, get experience with professional research and get paid. Cost: 0; Reward: money, chance to improve trait; Required: 0/40/95; Time: 2 trimesters

[ ]Write Multi-Dimensional Refraction Phenomenon theories: Write the theories on the Kaleidoscope to make it easier to use and reference later, both for personal use and publishing. Cost: 0; Reward: advancement on kaleidoscope topics; Required: 30/60/90; Time: 1 trimester

[ ]Write Power Armor Development schematics: Write down the development of power armor for future use, either for personal use or to sell the schematics at a later date. Cost: 0; Reward: advancement on power armor topics, improved trait; Required: 30/60/90; Time: 1 trimester

[ ]Acquire tangible goals: You don't have much goals in life other than the bare minimum 'survive', it's time to get a new dream for yourself. Cost: 0; Required: ??; Reward: gain new dream; Time: 1 trimester

Free Time
[ ]Gain an extra action: choose another action and perform it.

[ ]Relax a bit: lower stress and avoid chances of injuries

[ ]Other actions: perform an action that isn't listed.
Man, so much to do, so little time.


[X]Practice Taekwondo: Practice Taekwondo and get better at fighting, who knows maybe you will be able to enter competitions?; Cost: 0; Reward: Chance to improve trait; Required: 45/90; Time: 1 trimester

[X]Start Research on how to start developing all the technology you have, with the required start up costs and possible licenses and grants required for it. Cost: 0; Required: 50/70/90; Reward: information; Time: 1 trimester

[+]Study: You want to pass this time, and ever since you got the Kaleidoscope knowledge you became much better than before, so just diligently studying will allow you to pass your grades. Cost: 0; Reward: pass tests; Required: 0; Time: ongoing

[X]Extra study: Study more so you can potentially reach higher grades and open up a couple of opportunities. Cost: 0; Reward: higher grades, new opportunities; Required: 40/80; Time: 1 trimester

[X]Scientific Initiation (Quantum Physics): Continue doing your SI on quantum physics, get experience with professional research and get paid. Cost: 0; Reward: money, chance to improve trait; Required: 0/40/95; Time: 2 trimesters

[X]Write Power Armor Development schematics: Write down the development of power armor for future use, either for personal use or to sell the schematics at a later date. Cost: 0; Reward: advancement on power armor topics, improved trait; Required: 30/60/90; Time: 1 trimester

[X]Acquire tangible goals: You don't have much goals in life other than the bare minimum 'survive', it's time to get a new dream for yourself. Cost: 0; Required: ??; Reward: gain new dream; Time: 1 trimester

Free Time
[X]Gain an extra action: choose another action and perform it.

Would have liked to start on power armor, but that's a long-term project, and this Ideology action is a pretty important foundation.

Edit: Wait no, it looks like we can do one more action than previously! Nice. Hopefully Andre will notice if the stress starts getting to him.
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Heh, so once the waifuing ends activity goes down once more?

Typical of the boards really.
did someone say mad science?

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[X]Get fit
[X]Practice Taekwondo
[X]Extra study
[X]Scientific Initiation (Quantum Physics)
[X]Write Power Armor Development schematics
[X]Acquire tangible goals
[X]Gain an extra action
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