Paradise Lost IC (Pokemon AU Council Game)

[X] Use Volt's Magnet Pull ability to draw in Steel type Pokemon, stun them with Thunder Wave, then have Blink train combining Drain Punch with Teleport to rapidly move between targets.
[X] Collect non-functional but intact Pokeballs and attempt to fix them.
[X] Add one of the unassigned Houndour to the team.
[X]Take a few days to let my Pokemon take a break from fighting after that dangerous battle. Work on expanding the Tiny Berry Grove and make sure it's decently safe from a random infestation now that we have concrete again.
[X] We have several extra Pokemon now. With the enthusiasm from having the sky repaired, look for a few good people willing to lead a patrol team that would be going outside the walls. If found, split the last Houndour, the Growlithe, and the Poliwags between them, then start getting them and their Pokemon comfortable with each other.
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[X] Investigate the River.
[X] Train Mystery's Psybeam up to Psychic on Pokemon in the areas between current location, and alongside the River-bank.
-[X] Have Yen on stand-by ready to Whirlwind away any major threats.
[x] Focus on guarding the Alpha Pokecenter. Have Dewey and Oracle continue training in general. Oracle will flex his new form and new attacks, and Dewey will show off his mastery of nature itself! Might feel like a vacation after the Onix battle.
[x] Scout out surrounding areas for some new environments, and begin documenting the pokemon there. Maybe there are other unusual environment like the graveyard in the area.

[x][Science Team] Assign free members of the Science team to help with the Berry Grove expansion, and research ways of increasing production even further. Consult the herbal garden's gardener too, if that proves helpful. Use science on all the things!
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Turn 8 - Results
Oh hey, this still isn't dead! Have a Christmas Update!
[X] Now that the Junior Rangers are up to snuff combat wise it is time to train them in how to be a Ranger. Essentially impart to them all the skills they will need for scouting out the wilderness, identifying plants, tracking and dealing with wild Pokemon non-violently.
The Junior Rangers are put through what training you can come up with for the desired skills and find themselves heavily drilled over the course of the week. Still, there's a limit to how far training can take a pokemon trainer by itself, and you feel they've hit that limit. They'll need live experience before they can progress further.
Luck Roll - 1d100 : 70

[X] With the Rafts now acquired use them to exploit the flooded tunnels, take a couple of the more skilled Junior Rangers with him as support.
-[X] Take some Medicinal Herbs, climbing ropes and helmet flashlights.
Of course, exploring the flooded tunnels is definitely something that gives those who do it experience, both in not dying and in pokemon training. The dogs and the plants enjoy neither the water nor being underground, but the Poliwag handle things just fine. It's an enlightning, interesting, and angry Onix and Zubat filled journey of exploration and discovery that runs into a caved in dead end just as a Golbat breaks the flashlight. Fun times! Also, sadly, the tunnel does not lead directly out of the mountain. It does, however, lead both across the flooded area that was making exploration outwards harder and allows access to a network of partially flooded tunnels that appear to have become some sort of underground water ecology. In your search for a way out you didn't have enough time to explore these Submerged Tunnels, and you aren't sure what you can find down there. Besides pokemon, at least.

In other news Catherine has conclusively learned how to reliably and consistently use Rolling Kick to kick anything, Onix or Zubat alike, in the face until it runs away, with the battles in the tunnels proving to be the last bit of experience she needed to add the move to her 'learned it' list. Bismarch too has found this expedition fruitful, and during it reached a new level of ability.
Luck Roll - 1d100 : 49 - Team gains one experience point

[X] Use Volt's Magnet Pull ability to draw in Steel type Pokemon, stun them with Thunder Wave, then have Blink train combining Drain Punch with Teleport to rapidly move between targets.
Spending some time keeping Nawaf company at the pokecenter, you graciously arrange your training times in such a way that it allows for Nawaf to actually spend an off shift sleeping, instead of being woken up because a pokemon is attacking. It's... harder then you'd thought it would be, to train and defend the Center at the same time, but even when three Magneton show up at once Blink, and your new Houndour, are able to send them packing. Training wise, Volt doesn't really get much from the fighting, so many of the targets being electric types immune to Thunder Wave, but both Blink and Vulcan enjoy the experience and benefit from it. Not that Blink is finished with his move combo, but he is better at it. More work might remain, but a strong start has been forged to carry on from.
Luck Roll - 1d100 : 49

[X] Collect non-functional but intact Pokeballs and attempt to fix them.
Most of the pokeballs are fried, and fried well and good. Those ones are only good for raw resources. As for the rest, sometimes a part or two survives, but it's still an journey through a dozen or more broken ones to scavenge what you need to fix any up. Most of your time honestly doesn't go to actually trying to fix anything, but just separating them into two piles. "Completely Broken" and "Has A Usable Part Or Two". You only get one pokeball actually put together during the sorting, mostly just to prove it could be done. But one is still a greater number then none, right?
Luck Roll - 1d100 : 38

[X] Add one of the unassigned Houndour to the team.
Vulcan is a good dog, even if he always does wake up before you in the morning. Early Bird or not, his innocent looks conceal some truly Nasty Plots that befoul anyone between him and his favorite napping spot.

[X]Take a few days to let my Pokemon take a break from fighting after that dangerous battle. Work on expanding the Tiny Berry Grove and make sure it's decently safe from a random infestation now that we have concrete again.
The fact is, there's no actual room to expand the Grove inside, and if there was room outside it would probably have been used in the first place. No... what you need is a new building, or at least a new location. And with the public acclaim the team has earned from, you know, turning the sky back on, that's actually possible now! The city hall hands over one of the neighboring city blocks for your use, and after you bulldoze down the now non-functional fastfood place and small shops, you use some of the space to erect a small greenhouse, within which you transplant the Berry Grove. It'll have more room to grow there, and therefor make more berries be available, going from around four a week to around six a week. Further growth will probably need a dedicated caretaker of some kind or species first though. It's also right next to that little training field that got established a bit ago, even if its gone mostly unused. Perhaps you could bring back some of the Clefairy from the Beta Pokecenter, north of the Park, and train them to do the gardening? You did promise that you, or someone at least, would come back for them and it's been basically a month since.
Luck Roll - 1d100 : 95

[X] We have several extra Pokemon now. With the enthusiasm from having the sky repaired, look for a few good people willing to lead a patrol team that would be going outside the walls. If found, split the last Houndour, the Growlithe, and the Poliwags between them, then start getting them and their Pokemon comfortable with each other.
It seems that, with the enthusiasm about getting the sky turned back on, the story of how it got turned back on has been widely passed around. Or maybe it should be put, the story of the giant pesudo-homicidal territorial Onix got passed around. For some reason, there seems to be a distinct lack of enthusiasm for outside excursions amongst the general population at this point in time. Maybe next week will be better, once the story isn't being repeated every other hour?
Luck Roll - 1d100 : 6

[X] Investigate the River.
With great wisdom, you can state that water is wet. More seriously, you spend the week exploring the river only to... well, not find much. No sign of Eddie Rollins, the same water types seen before, the same other pokemon seen before at the water's edge, the same cityscape on the other side of the river, the same broken bridge... nothing much seems to have changed. The only exciting part was when you thought you found a TM.... but it was broken. Crest le vie.
Luck Roll - 1d100 : 53

[X] Train Mystery's Psybeam up to Psychic on Pokemon in the areas between current location, and alongside the River-bank.
-[X] Have Yen on stand-by ready to Whirlwind away any major threats.
Psyzaaaaap! Psyzaaaaaaap! This is a common sound to be heard in the park, the riverside, and near the seemingly abandoned pokecenter to the east of the park, which was apparently evacuated back when the original consolidation was done? You don't recall anyone mentioning scavenging it though, so it might be worth taking another look sometime. You know, when you aren't zapping random pokemon with Mind Bullets. You only have to run away from angry dog pokemon a few times, as apparently the park's Dog Pack remembers past training binges and Does Not Approve. But that's what Whirlwind is for, right? You only run into the mutated Arcanine once at least.
Luck Roll - 1d100 : 73

[x] Focus on guarding the Alpha Pokecenter. Have Dewey and Oracle continue training in general. Oracle will flex his new form and new attacks, and Dewey will show off his mastery of nature itself! Might feel like a vacation after the Onix battle.
Guarding the center alone is a slog, so it's a good thing Caleb proved able to help you out a bit. At least enough you could actually get a full night's sleep. Dewey really didn't seem to gain much from the training, having already spent at least a month beating up Magnemites, but Oracle enjoys the chance to explore his new form and lash out with a Psyshock or twelve, as well as generally get his new (and literal) firepower under control.
Luck Roll - 1d100 : 73

[x] Scout out surrounding areas for some new environments, and begin documenting the pokemon there. Maybe there are other unusual environment like the graveyard in the area.
Nothing particularly interesting is found, really. Perhaps there's something else lurking in the area, but if there is you couldn't find it. There's the Graveyard of course, the big main park, a few smaller block sized parks scattered around, the riverside, the broken bridge, but you already knew about all of those. Perhaps there's something new hidden in either the Tunnels or the Submerged Tunnels, but you did not have the time to go tunnel exploring when you could barely afford the leave the pokecenter without anyone else to share guard shifts with.
Luck Roll - 1d100 : 38

[x][Science Team] Assign free members of the Science team to help with the Berry Grove expansion, and research ways of increasing production even further. Consult the herbal garden's gardener too, if that proves helpful. Use science on all the things!
This instruction seems to have gotten... lost somewhere it seems. Or perhaps the Science team considered the two options of 'SCIENCE a berry field' and 'SCIENCE the Crystal Onix and they made sure to never actually get that instruction. Who knows?

Patrol Team 1 Report
All is... not quiet on the fenceward front. It's not suprising, really, as the Sky turning back on is just as big a change as the sky turning off, but the fence is tested by several pokemon this week... including the Black Rapidash whom burns a nice big hole in the fence before escaping the from the first responders by cleanly outrunning them. And then after he's done terrorizing the civilian population and ransacking a garden or two for fresh eats, another whole is burned into the fence so the Rapidash can leave. As much of a learning experience as it was, the Patrol Team would like either reinforcements or time off. And a raise.

SCIENCE! Team 1 Report
Science is happening to a poor homicidal giant crystal snake, and science is happening now. They're about done examining the beast, as hard as it was when it didn't want to listen to anyone, and they've learned a surprising amount from it. They think they can use what they've learned as well, for something pretty dang interesting... (Loading Interlude - Crystal Science)

In Other News
The sky is still back, a nightmare horse of black fire is rampaging around scaring people, there's been unsubstantiated reports of bits of the roof falling onto the city below, and wild pokemon are still running around with that Jigglypuff infestation. Granted, only a few compared to the full blown one a week or two ago, but still enough to be noticeable. After all, as annoying as the Jigglypuff are, if the Rattata are left alone too long without being finished off... well, they do breed fast.

Still, the second month since the Reconsolidation begin is generally viewed as a success. If one with some drawbacks. Now the third month begins, and the question is... can the progress be kept up?

SPECIAL - Bismarch Tiered Up To Tier 3, And Has Three Points to Distribute. Please Provide How You Want Him to Level Up, @Sinsystems
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[X] Assist with the repairs on the fence and attempt to improve it by installing cattle-grade electric fencing with help from Blink and Volt. Have Vulcan on guard against wild Pokemon while I work.
[X] Go on patrol on the fence and try to catch the Black Rapidash. If found, have Volt use Charge to super-charge Thunder Wave on the Rapidash, have Vulcan build up power with Nasty Plot and debilitate it with Smog, then have Blink try to subdue it with hit and run Teleport-Drain Punches. If Drain Punch doesn't seem to do any damage, switch to Psybeam (as it's probably a Ghost type) and apply as needed. Then try to catch it.
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[X] I did say I'd come back for the Beta Center Pokemon. Make good on that and take a three Great Balls and 2 Oran Berries with me to catch a few flying Pokemon along the way if lucky.
[X] Extend the fence/wall around PokeCenter Alpha. Work with/Guard the Engineers so they can use the nice materials.
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[x] Examine the abandoned East Pokecenter's viability for use, with focus on electricity and other power sources.
[x] Search for new Pokeballs in East Pokecenter.
[X] Explore the Higher Passages, try to at the very least get a general idea of their layout and if they might lead towards a way out of the dome. Take note of the Pokemon in the area for obvious reasons. While there see about capturing an Onyx for the others.
-[X] Take 1 Pokeball.
[X] Explore the Submerged Tunnels, have Bismarck check any underwater passages and tell us if they lead somewhere. Try to locate where the water is coming from, perhaps that might lead somewhere?
-[X] Take 3 Oran Berries.

[X] [Rangers] Rangers will support Solus in the Cave Explorations
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[x] With Dewey and Oracle, work on clearing out the Rattata, Jigglypuff, and related infestations. Work with the science group to record the infestations' locations and behavior patterns, and analyze them with my skills.
[x] Help guard the PokeCenter Alpha too. Work with/Guard the Engineers so they can use the nice materials. Share what I've learned about the Magnemite swarms attracted to the Pokecenter. I've now spent 3 weeks guarding it, and many more hearing from the other council leaders. Hopefully, the council soon won't need to guard it in person!

[x] Have the science group analyze the locations and behavior patterns of the Rattata, Jigglypuff, and related infestations. The infestations keep lingering, so might as well systematize things. Maybe it'll help in the future, too.
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