Paradise Lost IC (Pokemon AU Council Game)

[X] Work in the Herb Garden.

[X] Train Mystery and Yen in the northern portion of the Dog Park, using the plant/bug types available. Pay attention to what kinds of Pokemon show. Have Yen ready to Whirlwind whatever Fire types show themselves and be ready to run should the Arcanine reveal itself.
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Pass out Fennekin to @Oh I am slain! and Vulpix to Punk Girl Minion. Have Punk Girl Minion hold on to @Wootius 's Fennekin until they get back.

[X] Help clear out Public Works Station. Use Fang as a scout and lookout, having him perform sneak attacks when convenient. Keep Elvis out as primary fighter, primarily using Ember to take down any Steel-types and using Dark Pulse on everything else. Have new Larvesta, Laszlo, mounted on shoulder using String Shot to entangle enemies; use Ember sparingly, to conserve stamina.

[X] Capitalize on Fang's agility by teaching him the Flying-type move Acrobatics.
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Turn 4 - Results
[X] Begin Exploring the local tunnels, in part to investigate this Pokemon the kids were talking about and in part to see if they might lead somewhere useful or better yet out of the city. Take the new Ranger recruit with me, he can act as my support and this can be a good chance for some on the job training.
The tunnels, you quickly find, are an absolute maze. Not a Labyrinth, because those are actually pretty easy to navigate as long as you keep a hand on a wall, but a true and proper warren of twisty passages all alike. The original network, of what you can see of it, seems sensibly laid out and easy to navigate, but between the Onix and, well, the other Onix mainly, that network is gone. New tunnels have been dug and redug, and old tunnels caved in or otherwise collapsed or filled. Or flooded, if you start heading down. You're pretty sure the river's sprang a leak somewhere, though the water level doesn't seen to be rising any more. Something or someone must be draining it away, but you lack the inclination and any trained diving mon to get investigating down where it's better to be wetter.

The potential recruit is somewhat useful, but it turns out his Deerling is claustrophobic and therefor not very useful in the tunnels. Still, his Whimsicott is well trained enough, even if he obviously has never been a battle trainer, and his personal skills are ok for someone who's never gone spelunking before. You try to train him when you can, but honestly dealing with the Onix, Diglett, Onix, Geodude, Onix, Sandshrew, Onix, and Carbink, as well as a few rare and stray Aron, Durant, and Sableye, and most of all the many many Zubats takes up most of your exploring time, and with only one trainee it's not really time-efficent to set up larger lessons. Training any new 'Rangers' for your potential organization would be a lot easier if you actually had a class, but to get a class you'll need to get pokemon for your potential trainees first...

On another, weirder, note, some of the Diglett you've been having to wade through in your exploration seem to have hair. You'd think it was just a weird mutation, but given the several encounters fellow members of the still nameless agency have had with pokemon whom seem to have non-standard typings, you wouldn't be suprised if this was yet another example. After all, if the Diglett were experimental subjects from the sciency section of the cities, they'd have easily spread throughout the whole mountain once they got into any of the walls. Also, there's the fact where they didn't seem to be any more vulnerable to Grass attacks then any random pokemon would be. That's kinda a hint. Water still worked though.
Luck Roll - 1d100 : 33

[X] Head to the River and use on of our Pokeballs to capture a Horsea for my team. Aim for one that shows leadership/rulership abilities, basically one that looked like that if it got stronger it would end up the leader of it's group.
With a whole week to work with, finding a strong Horsea to catch isn't that much trouble... until the blasted thing dodges instead of actually being caught by the pokeball. By the end of the week you have gotten soaked repeatedly, trampled by a panicking school of Corsola, ran away screaming from the dragon typed Arcanine Alpha, found that the nice looking flower garden you'd collapsed into was actually a group of privacy enjoying Flabébé, watched Catherine have a tea party with said Flabébé and a Florges to convince them to let you go without a battle (while repressing the fact that the tea, tea cups, table, and everything but the chairs was completely imaginary the whole time), and had a Magikarp jump right in front of your Lureball the first time you had that drat Horsea trapped an unable to dodge... but by the end of the affair you had your Horsea, and you'd also caught a free Magikarp. And you'd found that bed of Flabébé too. Hopefully next time you want to catch a pokemon it'll be less exciting. On the other hand, well, in hindsight most of that was pretty fun. Not all of it, but a lot of it.
Luck Roll - 1d100 : 10

[*] Let the PC Beta 'mon know I'm going to be back, that we're working on the sky problem then expanding out.
They are sad to see you go and express wishes that a human comes back soon.

[X] Chart a path between PC A and PC B, trying to figure out the best path to avoiding the two rival dog packs. Defend PC A when I get there, Boney on point with Polly continuing to try and learn Protect. Let the new Fennekin get used to me.
It takes you several days to get back to Pokecenter Alpha from Pokecenter Beta, as the pack on pack conflict does not seem to be dying down anytime soon, and indeed something seems to have the park pack up in arms about humans. But who'd be impressing on them the idea that humans are probably the enemy? Either way, it makes it very hard to find a safe (enough) path back to the safe zone... where you find that all the other leaders of your agency have gone off on their own projects for the week, leaving no assigned guards for the Pokecenter. Luckily the Fence Guard team took it upon themselves to take over for defending the Pokecenter for the first half of the week, even if their leader did claim the Vulpix while everyone else was distracted. After that you take over for them, training Polly's new move on the frequent Magnemite attacks. Still, during the first part of the week a few things got fried. Nothing vital, but it definitely cuts into the Center's reserves and ability to withstand haywire fuses and power surges. It really wasn't the best introduction for your new Fennekin, but you'll make do. And she's just the most adorable sweety anyway. (And that Magnemite swarm was really surprised when Melly hit them with the Heat Wave too.)
Luck Roll - 1d100 : 31

[X] Help @Sinsystems chart the tunnel, with myself looking for the Dome controls for our quarter of the city. Bones on point, Polly on reserve if there's too many Rock Types.
Without anyone else to share shifts at the Pokecenter with, you barely have time to poke into the tunnels, which are well described by that co-worker of yours as 'a maze of twisty tunnels, all alike'. They're also all alike in that they're all full of Onix, more Onix, and then an additional ten thousand or so Zubat. The only useful thing you get out of your exploration is the half hour Polly spent explaining to Melly how Psybeam is supposed to be done.
Luck Roll - 1d100 : 25

[x] Help chart the tunnels, also looking for the Dome controls for our quarter of the city. Make use of Dewey's Nature Power, with help from Mimic and Acupressure.
Dewey's Nature Power is put to good use in the twisting maze that makes up the city's dome nowadays, punching Zubat into the walls with gem shaped power projections and otherwise convincing them that you and yours are well enough left alone. In the end, you don't make much progress until the end of the week, where you give up trying to find a path to where the controls are projected to be and have Dewey mimic Dig to bore a tunnel right through where the most confusing points have been... well, befuddling your attempts to chart a course. In the end you don't make it to the control room, but you do punch into a stairway that once lead right to the tunnel leading to the control room. Well, at least while it still had stairs. Still, closer is closer, right?
Luck Roll - 1d100 : 50

[x] Begin searching and mapping out the Public Works Station. Focus on gathering info on Pokemon threats, plus estimate how difficult it'll be to search and secure the location properly. Err on the side of caution--might be too many Magnemite there to handle alone. The new Fennekin, Oracle, will get lots of training, and Dewey will mostly be joining in with Mimic'd moves.
As is common nowadays, life seems to be plotting to break your spirits. In this case, this plotting has resulted in you deciding to investigate the Public Works Station just as two swarms of Magnemite/Magnetron start fighting over it. While you probe around the edges, there are altogether too many Magnemite for you to make headway on your own. Good thing then, that you are not on your own. Between Oracle, newly acquired as he is, and Dewey Mimic-izing Confuse Ray and Psybeam from Fang and Oracle respectively, and Eddie's support, you actually make progress on clearing out the Public Works station. Many a Magnemite has been given a savage beating as you work around the edges, mapping out where the Magnemite swarms cluster and nest, and while the new swarm's attempts to move in their are still less Magnemite at the end of the week then there was at the start, even if it's more to Eddie's work then yours. Still, if effort at this stops they'll refill their numbers as soon as it once more seems safe.
Luck Roll - 1d100 : 11

[X] Work in the Herb Garden.
Looking at the Herb Garden, there's very little you can do to make it better directly besides finding more space to grow the garden in, as as is it's already taking up most of what once was the front lawn, and the back side of the building you are using for your headquarters doesn't have any conveniently re-usable grassy terrain. So you go looking for ways to make it better anyway, and between talking to the gardener and reading interesting books about home and garden you come up with a cool idea. Why not make an indoor garden? Getting the sunlamps together is a hassle, and so is getting large enough pots. But by the end of the week you've converted what once was one of the hotel's three meeting rooms (not the one you've all been using to plan for the next week and meet Professor Mabolo in) into a sparse but working minor Berry Grove, able to produce new and fresh viable berries every week, instead of depending upon the older, not fresh berries harvest from the park several weeks ago. While most of the crop, as per normal, has to go to replanting the old and dying Berry Bushes, there's still a nice surplus every harvest.
Luck Roll - 1d100 : 99 : Six Oran Berries used up.

[X] Train Mystery and Yen in the northern portion of the Dog Park, using the plant/bug types available. Pay attention to what kinds of Pokemon show. Have Yen ready to Whirlwind whatever Fire types show themselves and be ready to run should the Arcanine reveal itself.
The training goes well, if not outstanding, and Mystery finishes polishing up Venoshock to the skill most people refer to as a 'mastered move'. The canine pack proves a particular pain in the process, as they seem to be being very aggressive towards humans. Perhaps a response from being bulled so the last week? Either way, it doesn't make the training easier, even if you are eventually successful. You only have to Whirlwind the Alpha and a few other strong specimens away around once a day! It helps that the pack still seems distracted by it's territorial feud.
3/3 EXP Banked for Rank Up (Yen), 3/3 EXP Banked for Venoshock Mastery (Mystery)

Pass out Fennekin to @Oh I am slain! and Vulpix to Punk Girl Minion. Also have her hold on to @Wootius's Fennekin until they get back.
The pokemon are passed out as agreed upon.

[X] Help clear out Public Works Station. Use Fang as a scout and lookout, having him perform sneak attacks when convenient. Keep Elvis out as primary fighter, primarily using Ember to take down any Steel-types and using Dark Pulse on everything else. Have new Larvesta, Laszlo, mounted on shoulder using String Shot to entangle enemies; use Ember sparingly, to conserve stamina.
With Nawaf supporting you you move in to clear out the Public Works Station so that it may be properly scavenged and promptly unleash nasty fire and shadows upon the fools whom defy you. You also get electrocuted a lot, and often have to pull back out to the Pokecenter to heal up. But you have the Pokecenter to pull back to, and neither of the warring swarms of Magnemites currently fighting over the Public Works Station have a Pokecenter to fall back to, so you slowly but surely make progress in thinning out the swarms as Nawaf helps keep them from coming back while you are off healing. Honestly, it'd be a lot easier to do this if you'd remembered to take those Herbal Remedies with you, but just like everyone else you've never bothered assigning them to yourself for a task.

Still, however much your hair is standing on end by the end of the week, however much Fang might have gotten blasted into a wall by lightning, however much Elvis has forgetting it's a bad idea to bite metal without it being an actual BIte and then gotten a mouth full of Electricity, and however much Laszlo has tried to help you with your hairdo problems by weaving a cocoon over your head, at the end of the week you can look back at the progress you've made and smile. Now you just need to finish the job, or at least make sure someone keeps enough pressure on to keep the Magnemites from coming back.
Luck Roll - 1d100 : 52

[X] Capitalize on Fang's agility by teaching him the Flying-type move Acrobatics.
While Magnemites make poor targets for Acrobatics, you make sure to spend time at the simple training yard this week, throwing tough rubber balls into the air for Fang to practice the new move you are teaching him on. He's not anywhere near done yet, but you can see progress being made. And once he's done he'll have a far better move (for what inclinations have been trained into him) then Air Cutter to use as a Flying STAB move.
1/3 EXP Banked for Move Tutorage - Acrobatics (Yen),

Patrol Team 1 Report
With no one guarding the Alpha Pokecenter for the first three days, the only Patrol Team working for you is forced to take it upon themselves to try to defend the Pokecenter as well as defending the fence. It doesn't go well, only a few of the team can take on Magnemite at all, and their absence at the fence seems to give the black Rapidash the courage to swing by again and melt a large hole in the fence while no one was there. It's patched within the day, but not after a swarm of Rattata move through it, entering the safe zone and being a pest of themselves. This incident has not made the public approval rating go up, and the local government also sends you complaints by way of Mabolo about the mess. Perhaps someone could chase them out of the Safe Zone before it becomes the 'Safe' Zone?

Sinsysystem's Catherine and AnimalKrazed's Yen have both hit Tier 3. You both have 3 stat points to distribute upon your respective pokemon's stats, though remember you can only put 2 of them at max onto the same stat. Please post how you spend your statpoints so I may accurately record (and actually apply to your actions) how your pokemon have improved.
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[x] Recruitment Drive for Scientists. Let's wake them up from their Disastrous Sleep and show them this wide, new world full of new things. There have been multiple witness accounts of deviant-typed Pokemon. Somebody needs to discover what they are, what is causing them, and what these 'mon are up to. Who better to go down in history for figuring these things out then them?

[x] Guard the First Center. Investigate the Black Rapidash if it shows itself. Weaken it to try for a capture if plausible, using combo of Poison Powder, Supersonic to lower it's ability to defend itself and weaken it as much as we can. If too dangerous, Whirlwind it away. If I can convince one of the Scientist types along to show them the Rapidash, do so.
[*] Take some Herbal Remedies
[X] Continue work on clearing out the Civics Work Station. Try to work on coordination between my Pokemon, with Boney tanking and Melly supporting from afar. Polly on last ditch support if something sneaks up. Try to see what else is around aside from Magnemites and note the where the Magnemite are tending to flee.
[x] Pick up exploring where Nawaf left off in the tunnels to turn the lights in our section back on. Take note of the Aron population, see if there's any stellar examples.
[x] Continue searching the tunnels for the Dome controls, alongside Anties. The dome is still a priority this week; perpetual twilight isn't fun. Dewey's gonna be putting in work.

[x] Recruitment Drive for Scientists: Join Ryan McGregor in recruiting and leading a new group of pokemon researchers. In this new world, research on Pokemon and Pokemon tech will be critical for Aniseed's survival. Nawaf wants a team to collect and organize all the data! And the initial research will already be helpful for everyone, too. Where local pokemon can be found, risks to watch out for, the mystery of variants, and such.
[X] Help @AnimalKrazed guard the First Pokecenter while also offering to help them with catching the Black Rapidash. Make sure to be especially aggressive in dealing with any Magnemite that show up. Hopefully they'll get the idea that wherever you're guarding isn't an easy target. You're also trying to make Elvis and Fang tier up/evolve since they're both so close to doing so.

[X] Chase out all of the Rattata and Raticate that got through the fence when the Black Rapidash burned through it. This should be the final push Fang and Elvis need to evolve and will also give Laszlo valuable experience.
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[X] Continue exploring the tunnels, focus on locating a way out of the city. Utilize Bismarck to investigate the flooded sections and at least get an idea as to where those sections lead.

[X] With Catherine now evolved into a Tsareena begin training her to use Rolling Kick. Also us these training session to spar with the Ranger Trainee and get him used to combat.
-[*] When I am exploring the tunnels the Ranger Trainee is to continue their combat training on their own.
Turn 5 - Results
[x] Recruitment Drive for Scientists. Let's wake them up from their Disastrous Sleep and show them this wide, new world full of new things. There have been multiple witness accounts of deviant-typed Pokemon. Somebody needs to discover what they are, what is causing them, and what these 'mon are up to. Who better to go down in history for figuring these things out then them?
You go around. getting ready to recruit some science guys, when you accidentally put your leg into a pothole and twist your ankle. It still might have turned out ok had not the medical machine you were sent to for treatment and a check up chosen that minute break down and... well, you aren't sure exactly what it injected you with before it let all the magic smoke out, but it left you completely hung over for the rest of the week, and generally in no shape to do any recruitment at all. And then when you tried to get someone to put up some fliers to seek volunteers anyway, it turned out you'd accidentally given them the wrong thing to copy and they'd put up fliers from the last donation drive for pokeballs instead. Which no one responded to because they still had all the dates from the last donation drive on them, so everyone thought they were just old posters.
Luck Roll - 1d100 : 6

[x] Guard the First Center. Investigate the Black Rapidash if it shows itself. Weaken it to try for a capture if plausible, using combo of Poison Powder, Supersonic to lower it's ability to defend itself and weaken it as much as we can. If too dangerous, Whirlwind it away. If I can convince one of the Scientist types along to show them the Rapidash, do so.
Between seeing double and the one time you walked into the door instead of opening the door after your small medical accident, you don't actually have the ability to do this until saturday, when you've recovered enough to sit in the lobby with all your pokemon released and send them to go beat up any trouble makers that show up. Which they do for the three hours you spend there before you fall asleep and the Chansey move you back into a bed while calling for a replacement. At least it should be all worn off by Monday.
Luck Roll - 1d100 : 5

[*] Take some Herbal Remedies
[X] Continue work on clearing out the Civics Work Station. Try to work on coordination between my Pokemon, with Boney tanking and Melly supporting from afar. Polly on last ditch support if something sneaks up. Try to see what else is around aside from Magnemites and note the where the Magnemite are tending to flee.
Luckily, between time and the efforts done last week the conflict between the two swarms of Magnemite seems to be over, and there's generally a drop in the local population of robots to be beaten up. And there's even more of a drop by the end of the week, as the Magnemite soon learn that being around there means taking a Karate Chop, Psybeam, or Heat Wave to the face. With Polly on support duty she doesn't have to exert herself too much, and the Herbal Remedies keep Boney in the fray no matter how much he complains about the taste. You think it might even be safe enough to send some engineers in next week, as long as someone or some ones escorts them here and back and protects them while they work. A team would probably be better then one of the leaders like yourself, actually, if you had a proper one that could be spared, for one trainer has a hard time being in more then one place at a time no matter how skilled they are.

On other news, by the end of this week of fighting, both Polly and Boney have advanced enough in experience and personal power that you think they've hit a new stage in their development and can handle more, harder, training now. (Polly and Boney Tier up to Rank 3)
Luck Roll - 1d100 : 83

[x] Pick up exploring where Nawaf left off in the tunnels to turn the lights in our section back on. Take note of the Aron population, see if there's any stellar examples.
Of the Aron population, scarce-ish as it is, none of the specimens particularly stand out in ability, though you did run into a single shiny individual you might have been tempted to capture... if you'd brought any pokeballs with you at least. As for your exploration efforts... well, on one hand you have successfully found out how to reach the control center. On the other hand... well, just look down to see Nawaf's own report.
Luck Roll - 1d100 : 80

[x] Continue searching the tunnels for the Dome controls, alongside Anties. The dome is still a priority this week; perpetual twilight isn't fun. Dewey's gonna be putting in work.
You and Anties put in a lot of work this week charting out the tunnels, trying to find a safe way up to where the control room is... and eventually, you succeed. Succeed at finding the the control room that is, not at getting access to it. As for why you and Anties don't get access to it even after you can see the door? The tunnel in front has been turned into the cavern in front, and nesting in it is a giant Crystal Onix, which proved to be fairly territorial. As in, within around five seconds of you two starting across the cavern, it burst out of a wall and started firing Iccicle Spears and Power Gems at the two of you and your mons. And when Melly tried to trap it in a Fire Spin, it just hammered its way out with a Rage. Given that neither of you were expecting a boss fight, nor did you have any pokeballs to capture it in or any plan for how to drive it away for long enough to access and use the control room when you weren't sure what you were doing and didn't have any one who knew how the place was supposed to work with you, the two of you beat a hasty retreat at that point. Still, it's now clear what the final and last obstacle to the control room is, and that obstacle is dealing with this mutant Crystal Onix.

It probably has a varied type too, like the other mutants seem to have. You're not 100% sure, but from the icicles it tried to stab you all with, you both would guess it's... well, probably an ice type of some sort. Better dress up warm for the boss fight, no telling if it knows Hail or something. And maybe bring a Fire type? Who knows if it's still a Rock type or not though, or what it's other, not ice, type would is. Assuming it still has a second type at least...
Luck Roll - 1d100 : 97

[x] Recruitment Drive for Scientists: Join Ryan McGregor in recruiting and leading a new group of pokemon researchers. In this new world, research on Pokemon and Pokemon tech will be critical for Aniseed's survival. Nawaf wants a team to collect and organize all the data! And the initial research will already be helpful for everyone, too. Where local pokemon can be found, risks to watch out for, the mystery of variants, and such.
The fact is, there isn't any scientists you can find, at least not useful sane scientists, who aren't already occupied with another job, and with the local government annoyed at you all for the whole Rattata and Jugglypuff thing you get less support then you might have otherwise had too. But you still persist, and in the end you find some people. Not scientists, no, but science students, ready to study and learn about this new world and all those interesting new pokemon you're discovering. They'd dearly like it if you could catch one of these new pokemon though, as otherwise all they're working off of is observations. Even one of those new Rattata would be something they get could at least some testing done on...
Luck Roll - 1d100 : 47

[X] Help @AnimalKrazed guard the First Pokecenter while also offering to help them with catching the Black Rapidash. Make sure to be especially aggressive in dealing with any Magnemite that show up. Hopefully they'll get the idea that wherever you're guarding isn't an easy target. You're also trying to make Elvis and Fang tier up/evolve since they're both so close to doing so.
With Ryan varying between what can kindly be described as 'tripping balls' to 'being extra hungover' this week from whatever the hell that machine injected him with just before it broke down, you lack a partner to split work shifts with until the very end of the week, and even that turns out to just be a few hours of break in the end. Luckily, no outrageous swam that you can not drive away materializes between Elvis's and Laszlo's efforts at burnanating all the Magnemite and other, less common electric pokemon that try to get in. The Black Rapidash never shows up near the pokecenter for this week, though their is one sighting of it near the fence this week. On almost the other side of the safe zone granted, but still near the fence. As such you don't get involved in any efforts to catch or drive away that mon. In brighter news, Fang appears to have responded well to the beating up of Magnemite this week, and appears to have reached a new plateau of power as well as being ready to evolve. (Fang Ranks up to Rank 3)
Luck Roll - 1d100 : 18

[X] Chase out all of the Rattata and Raticate that got through the fence when the Black Rapidash burned through it. This should be the final push Fang and Elvis need to evolve and will also give Laszlo valuable experience.
As you are suddenly unable to switch out with Ryan this week in the pokecenter defense job, you find yourself with a sudden lack of available time to actually, well, do this. And through some miscommunication with the others, no one else learns you can't do it until the week is already over and the Rattata and Raticate have gotten themselves established and dug in (some more literally then others) somewhere in the safe zone. And so have some other pokemon, whom seem to have snuck in at the same time. Jigglypuff infestations might not be fatal, but sudden incidents of sleepytime do not make it easy to get anything done in this city. The amount of nasty notes and complaints accelerate in their growth, though after some pointed questions on why you seem to be ignoring the problem at the end of the week (which incidentally reveal to everyone what the problem is), your theoretical superiors accept that this whole issue is not quite your fault. This time. But they still want you to hurry up and fix this. Before more of the Rattata evolve and before they start breeding, please.
Luck Roll - 1d100 : 1

[X] Continue exploring the tunnels, focus on locating a way out of the city. Utilize Bismarck to investigate the flooded sections and at least get an idea as to where those sections lead.
While Nawaf and Anties focus on finding an way to the control center to reset the artificial sky, you take Catherine and the newly caught Bismarck and focus on finding the requested path out of the city. Bismark is a big help with this, not only for scouting out flooded areas but also for his accurately fired water guns which drive away many a rock and ground type pokemon in these tunnels. While you don't find a way out, you do find what is probably going to be the best lead for a way out. Near the end of the week, you come across an access tunnel that was once used to move supplies through these tunnels. While it's city side access is caved in, it leads straight and unshattered into the darkness for as long as your flashlight can reveal, extending out from the city and towards the edges of the mountain. It is also, unfortunately, half flooded, and either watercraft of some sort or a Surfing pokemon will be needed to explore it farther on. You have a few other leads that seem to lead outwards, or at least upwards, but you think that this tunnel is probably your best bet if you can only deal with the whole water problem.

The only sour note is how Catherine seems to be having some sort of trouble this week. You aren't really sure what is up with it, to be honest, but she's just weirdly less effective then she should be for no particular reason. She does get in some good practice with Rolling Kick during the exploring though. More, honestly, then she got in the dedicated training times.
Luck Roll - 1d100 : 97

[X] With Catherine now evolved into a Tsareena begin training her to use Rolling Kick. Also us these training session to spar with the Ranger Trainee and get him used to combat.
-[*] When I am exploring the tunnels the Ranger Trainee is to continue their combat training on their own.
Neither Catherine's nor the Ranger Trainee's training seems to go particularly well this week. They don't go badly either, granted, but both of them are more treading water then making active progress. Really, you think the ranger trainee needs some fellow potentials to train with to really get the grip of things and to learn to trust each other if you want to make some ranger minions out of them before he can progress any farther, and Catherine just needs a bit more time to figure out how the move works. (And more importantly, how not to get dizzy while doing it. But hey, at least it's not Rapid Spin!) It'd also help if you were focusing solely on her, and not on her and training someone else at the same time.
Training Roll - 1d6 : 1

Patrol Team 1 Report
The Patrol Team finds themselves once again needing to take some shifts defending the Pokecenter just so Eddie can get a solid eight hours of sleep in at least twice during the week, but with someone to scream for help too when a Magneton shows up (which ended the third try at getting a full night's sleep for Eddie), they can actually handle the smaller rift-raft while still putting in enough appearances at the fence to mostly do their job, at least enough to keep any more major incursions from happening. It is a long fence though, and there's only five of them, not all of which can act without supervision/a partner. If they're going to keep having to double up and chip in on other things too, they're going to need some more help or else they're going to eventually start missing (more) things just from not being there. Or so the frustrated sounding report from the team leader lays out in black and white text at the weekly meeting.

Even if you can't find anyone else who already has pokemon, she asks, can't you just catch some pokemon yourself and then recruit more people by offering them a pokemon? She knows a lot of people who wouldn't mind joining in and doing some work if it meant they got a pokemon of their own, and she doesn't actually know that many people. If you go recruiting with some starters, surely you could actually find her some help already?

In Other News
While all of you were inside at the time, either in a building or in a tunnel, several people, and two members of the Fence Patrol Team, reported that the sky over the science section of the city had a good minute of looking 'all fuzzy like, like what people think static looks like for some reason, only in deeper black then black and whiter white then white, it kinda made our eyes hurt to look at" Tuesday evening.

Fang (FancyMolasses' Zubat), Boney and Polly (Wootius' Machop and Butterfree) have all ranked up to Tier 3. You both have 3 stat points to distribute upon your respective pokemon's stats, though remember you can only put 2 of them at max onto the same stat. Please post how you spend your statpoints so I may accurately record (and actually apply to your actions) how your pokemon have improved.
[X] Guard the Alpha Pokemon Center, utilize this opportunity to further Catherine's training in Rolling Kick. Bismarck will obviously have to hang back out of zap range and focus on Sniping those weakened by Catherine's kicks.

[X] In order to recruit more rangers Pokeballs are needed to get them the needed Pokemon, as such Solus will go on a scavenging run with his trainee Ranger assisting him. The main focus shall be on the smaller shopping facilities in the immediate area and any storage facilities which might have something useful. The focus will be gathering Pokeballs but also be on the look out for an inflatable raft or something that might be of use for crossing the large body of water down in the tunnels.
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[X] Take a shift guarding Pokecenter Alpha. Melly is to try and train Will-O-Wisp for the upcoming Onix battle, Polly continues with Protect, while Bones tries to learn Rock Slide outside.
[X] Escort the engineers to the Civics Station. Borrow the Lass from the patrol team and lend her Melly to help cover more area.
-[X] Take an Oran Berry and Herbal Remedy.
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[x] Guard Alpha PokeCenter.
[x] Help out with the Infestation Elimination. Focus on finding areas of most infestation. Use Poison Powder as needed in den areas to cause relocation. Prioritize Jiggly as they roost high and are hard for the non-fliers to get to.
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[x] Scavenge local buildings right outside the Safe Zone, including the Civic Works Station, for more pokeballs. (For wild encounters, Dewey works on Nature Power, and Oracle practices status attacks in preparation.)
[x] Work with the enthusiastic new Science team to organize info on the prevalence and capabilities of local wild pokemon. In particular, catch a variant pokemon like the Rattata for them to study. Maybe early variant observations will help against the ice Onix, too.
[X] Track down and drive out the Rattata and Jigglypuff infestations. Be very thorough. Start with the Rattata as they're more numerous and somewhat more likely to attack someone who bothers them. They may also be after some of the luxury food stores, things that can't be printed right now with the machines you have, and losing those would seriously lower morale. When dealing with the Rattata, have Elvis take point, tracking them with his excellent sense of smell. One of the kids on the Fence Guard has a Rattata, so he should be able to get the scent from there. When you find any Rattata nests, have Elvis blast them with Dark Pulse and Ember when they're grouped up, while relying on physical moves for individuals. Fang will attack from the air, using Air Cutter and swooping down to use Poison Fang and Wing Attack, all to keep the Rattata in one area. Leach Life will help him keep up his stamina. Laszlo will entangle everyone he can with String Shot and supplement with his own Embers when he can; it's a good thing String Shot threads are flammable. When dealing with the Jigglypuff, have Fang lead; his new strength as a Golbat should help a lot, as well as his speed, and he has a Type Advantage and a good STAB move to use as well. Laszlo will help by using String Shot to tether any floating Jigglypuff in place, and if they get too uppity he can just set the silk on fire with Ember. Elvis is a bit of a liability in this fight, as he has no STAB moves that can help and a Type Disadvantage; however, he should be able to help track the Jigglypuff and ambush them if they get distracted with a physical move.

[X] Go to the park and catch some Houndour and Pollywag with the community pokeballs available. You will be giving these out to new trainers so they can help guard the fence and Pokecenter. You'll also be able to answer some of the new trainers' questions about their pokemon, since you have some experience with the species. Since you came here a few weeks ago to catch Fire-types and gain battle experience, the dogs are probably a little wary of you. That's exactly what you want; hopefully they'll have made the connection that Elvis and Fang are stronger than them because they have a trainer, and will be more willing to be captured. Look for any of the Houndour that you fought last time that fought well, or that lasted a long time. If that weird Arcanine shows up, have Elvis block any of it's Fire attacks with Flash Fire, have Laszlo try to entangle it with String Shot, and finally have Fang hit it with the strongest Supersonic and Screech he can do. Then, if you're still alive, run like hell.
Though you are hunting for Houndour and Pollywag, you wouldn't object to catching something rarer or more powerful, if given the chance.
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Turn 6 - Results
[X] Guard the Alpha Pokemon Center, utilize this opportunity to further Catherine's training in Rolling Kick. Bismarck will obviously have to hang back out of zap range and focus on Sniping those weakened by Catherine's kicks.
It's a good thing that there's ample backup this week, because there's been a huge migration across the river from the former high tech area of the city. Magnemite population has spiked, and so has the Magneton population. Oh, none of them stand out individually from the horde... but a horde there is, and incursions are constant. Without Anties and Ryan's help, eventually you'd have just ran out of energy when an attempt came and messed up somewhere. But with two people to share shifts with, you and all your pokemon get enough rest and recovery, and the Pokecenter sees no power shorts or surges on your watch. Even if it does prevent you from really being able to search for pokeballs like you wanted...

On the other hand, Catherine is getting pretty good with Rolling Kick, being as its her most effective move against the Magnemite, and she's almost finished learning it at this point. She's got it down enough to reliably do when she can focus, so all that's left is to practice until she can do it on automatic in the middle of a battle when someone lets off a Smokescreen and/or Fire Pledge into her face as well. Bismarch also does well in the press, well placed Bubbles and Water Guns disrupting the Magnemite formations, and even put a Magneton into the road with a well placed Twister.
Luck Roll - 1d100 : 32

[X] In order to recruit more rangers Pokeballs are needed to get them the needed Pokemon, as such Solus will go on a scavenging run with his trainee Ranger assisting him. The main focus shall be on the smaller shopping facilities in the immediate area and any storage facilities which might have something useful. The focus will be gathering Pokeballs but also be on the look out for an inflatable raft or something that might be of use for crossing the large body of water down in the tunnels.
With all the pressure on the pokecenter this week, you find yourself lacking the free time to really poke around and look through all the nooks and corners. On the other hand, once you let it be known that you're looking for a good inflatable boat, Professor Mabolo marks a sporting goods store down on the map, up northwards from the primary pokecenter. At least that's a good lead for next week right?
Luck Roll - 1d100 : 6

[X] Take a shift guarding Pokecenter Alpha. Polly continues with Protect, while Bones tries to learn Rock Slide outside.
The onslaught is continual and unending, and it is a good thing you have two people to share shifts with or else you'd never have gotten anything else done this week. But between Boney and Melly you've got a solid advantage over the Magnemite, and Polly continues to provide support for the rest of the team, intercepting some attacks with the half learned Protect. There are no moments of great heroism, no times of legend, merely an unending grind, but by the end of the week you have stood firm and thrown back the hordes yet again.
Luck Roll - 1d100 : 3

[X] Escort the engineers to the Civics Station. Borrow the Lass from the patrol team and lend her Melly to help cover more area.
-[X] Take an Oran Berry and Herbal Remedy.
Nawaf drops by to help with this, as he wants to search the Public Works station for pokeballs anyway, and the Lass's big sister, the team's self proclaimed 'Punk Girl' forces her way into the affair when she learns you are asking her adorable younger sibling along. As such, when you leave to escort the engineers to the public works station, you have four trainers on the escorting side. Given the recent migration has the population of Magnemites flourishing again, this is a good thing for all that the public work's station is still relatively abandoned from last weeks' purge. But none of the Magnemite are particularly strong in and of themselves, and with four trainers watching the edges the engineers have enough safety and freedom to amass a large load of repair parts. They even pried the nails out and got one of the industrial concrete machines onto one of the pallet jacks on the second trip, which should be a big help. There are already plans to replace the fence with a concrete wall, or at least raise the fence up on top of a concrete wall, though more urgent mantiance needs must be attended to first. Mainly getting the roads repaired and the potholes filled now that they can make asphalt again. Still, even after the three trips are over-with, the engineers report the public works station still has a lot more stuff to loot if someone is willing to escort them back there again.

It's just no longer the urgent high priority task it was earlier now that they can get some of the broken stuff working again.
Luck Roll - 1d100 : 63

[x] Guard Alpha PokeCenter.
The incursions are constant this week, and it's a good thing Yen knows Sonic Boom and Pursuit, both of which can get around a Magnemite's resistance to hit the somewhat squishy mon behind all the steel. It's a long week, full of drudgery instead of adventure, but even so with back up from your friends you make it through without failing. It doesn't really leave you with much time for dealing with anything else though, but thems the breaks. It's good practice for Yen and Mystery at least.
Luck Roll - 1d100 : 7

[x] Help out with the Infestation Elimination. Focus on finding areas of most infestation. Use Poison Powder as needed in den areas to cause relocation. Prioritize Jiggly as they roost high and are hard for the non-fliers to get to.
With how busy you are at the Pokecenter this week, you don't really have a lot of time for scouting. Luckily, you don't have to. Eddie has a map of dens all printed out and ready for you when you finally find yourself with some free time, and you happily have Mystery flood a few dens with poison powder. Not as much as you could have done if you'd had more spare time, but it still disrupts the Rattata and Jigglypuff population, preventing the infestation from getting any worse and driving some to leave of their own free will to look for better places to live.
Luck Roll - 1d100 : 21

[x] Scavenge local buildings right outside the Safe Zone, including the Civic Works Station, for more pokeballs. (For wild encounters, Dewey works on Nature Power, and Oracle practices status attacks in preparation.)
You spend most of the week looking around for pokeballs, even helping escort the engineers to the Public Works station for a chance to search there, but until the end of the week all the pokeballs you find have been fried by the crash, and no longer work. But at the end of the week, you find a strongbox that seems to have held someones pokeball collection... or maybe mementos from their own training trip, who knows? But no one marked the house on the big map of where people used to live, so you guess you'll never know. But it does have four normal pokeballs, five great balls, and a whopping seven premier balls inside it, so... hopefully whoever used to own them will be happy they'll be put to good use from now on. (+4 Pokeballs, +5 Great Balls, +7 Premier Balls)
Luck Roll - 1d100 : 85

[x] Work with the enthusiastic new Science team to organize info on the prevalence and capabilities of local wild pokemon. In particular, catch a variant pokemon like the Rattata for them to study. Maybe early variant observations will help against the ice Onix, too.
You start with the data collection process for the scientists, taking advantage of the Rattata infestation to find and catch one of the variant dark typed Rattata for the researchers. Oh, also, it turns out that the black rattata are dark typed, not normal typed. Well, not just normal typed at least. They're really quite interested in what they can find out from this specimen, though the lack of a proper science facility is hampering their research. But then, it's not like there's any free working ones laying around for them to move into, so oh well.

They're also highly interested in the Ice typed onix, and have whipped up a special scanner for when someone next goes to try to conflict with the beast. It should both record data of the fight, and more immediately relevantly will try to figure out the Onix's typing and ability, if possible, in battle which hopefully will keep the nasty surprise ratio down. (-1 Pokeball, +1 Crude Poke-Scanner)
Luck Roll - 1d100 : 89

[X] Track down and drive out the Rattata and Jigglypuff infestations.
There is a doom that has come to these dens, the Rattata know. It comes in fire and darkness and howling air, and... well, look between Fang and Elvis there's some really traumatized Rattata and Jigglypuff out there, even if Laszlo didn't end up doing much. Turns out tying things down is counter-productive to making them run away and all that. Still, a highly traumatized Jigglypuff or Rattata is one who's not coming back here any time soon, and with the poisoning of the most major nests to have survived your rampage the infestation is almost completely curbed, with only a few stray Jigglypuff or Rattata left.

At the very end of your week, with your rampage almost over, you run into a shiny Jigglypuff. Being as you also have pokeballs on hand from your other week long mission, you then catch said Shiny in a Premier Ball. Well, eventually. It broke out of the first one, so you poisoned it for the second try. (+1 Shiny Jigglypuff, -2 Premier Balls)
Luck Roll - 1d100 : 98

[X] Go to the park and catch some Houndour and Pollywag with the community pokeballs available.
Though you are hunting for Houndour and Pollywag, you wouldn't object to catching something rarer or more powerful, if given the chance.
It's hunting week for you, and hunting is something you do well, with a team of pokemon you know how to bring out the full potential of, and hunting through the city streets you know so well. Well, also the park, which you don't know so well, but still. By the end of the week you've picked out several Houndour and a pair of Growlithe whom you remember being impressive compared to the rest. Well, relatively at least, considering they were going up against Elvis, whom you call Best Dog for a reason. Your hunts along the riverbank are also successful, catching several Poliwag and a lone Spheal whom didn't manage to escape back into the river in time. Lastly, you caught a Bellsprout who'd caught your eye during the hunting trips. Of course, you can't forget what happened on your last trip to the riverbank at the end of the week... (+3 Houndour, +2 Growlithes, +4 Poliwag, +1 Spheal, +1 Bellsprout. -2 Lure Balls, -3 Pokeballs, -6 Premier Balls.)
Luck Roll - 1d100 : 96
Interlude Loading - The Missing Number

Patrol Team 1 Report
With only three people guarding the fence this week, it's more due to luck then skill that kept anything from intruding. But, well, nothing happened this week, they are happy to report. Not a single weird or giant or strong pokemon tried for the fence, and the team enjoyed the easy week.

SCIENCE! Team 1 Report
Science is now happening to the caught mutant Rattata, which has been established as being a Dark/Normal type instead of a Normal type pokemon. A move chart for this variant is being, well, charted, and other new information is being discovered. Most of it is kinda boring, but the Science Team assures you that they're 73% sure this wasn't a natural mutation. It was either engineered before the big fail, or it was caused by something that happened during everything exploding. Could be either, really, according to them, with the lack of evidence for either side, but they'd guess it was probably someone's project. Why though, they have no clue. I mean, who'd look at a Rattata and want to make it hungrier, harder to find, and resistant/immune to psychic investigation or deterrence?

In Other News
In other news, with the spoils from the Public Works station, even though the scavenging is unfinished, new repairs are being done and the ice cream machine is working again. Also the big pokemon infestation is now a tiny pokemon infestation, which everyone is happy about. Now if only the lights would turn back on...

Elvis (FancyMolasses' Houndour) has ranked up to Tier 3. You both have 3 stat points to distribute upon your pokemon's stats, though remember you can only put 2 of them at max onto the same stat. Please post how you spend your statpoints so I may accurately record (and actually apply to your actions) how your pokemon have improved.
[X] Recruit and train the Junior Rangers, they are to be assigned 1 Houndour, 1 Growlithe, 2 Poliwags and the Bellsprout as their pokemon. The primary goal is to get them combat ready before teaching them the more specialized Ranger tricks like tracking and calming wild pokemon.

[X] Attempt to go on a scavenging run again this month, with the same focus of acquiring an inflatable boat. The search is to start at the Sports centre and expand out from there with a focus on shopping areas and storage units. The primary items of interest are Pokeballs, survival equipment and of course the inflatable boat. Finally if any of the Junior Rangers are deemed skilled enough they are to accompany him as support and for some on the job training.
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[x] Join with others to battle the Onix. Aim for a capture if possible. Gotta secure access to this quadrant's skydome controls. Dewey the Smeargle uses Detect to stay safe and Nature Power to attack. Oracle the Fennekin mostly uses Hypnosis. And Nawaf applies whatever Pokemon knowledge he has gleaned.
-[x] Bring along the crude Poke-scanner, the great balls, 5 Oran berries, and an herbal remedy.

[x] Help guard the pokecenter. Though, the focus will be on training & prepping for the Onix battle. Dewey works on Nature Power, Oracle trains in general.
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[X] Take a shift guarding Pokecenter Alpha. Melly in front, Polly continues with Protect, while Bones tries to learn Rock Slide outside.
[x] Join with others to battle the Onix. Aim for a capture if possible. Polly tries to open the battle by using Gust to filter Stun Spores into the chamber with the Onix, then hanging as far back as possible to use Confusion and Protect. Bones tries to intercept the Onix as much as possible with Counter. Melly just tries not to get hit and spam Heat Wave.
Interlude - The Missing Number
The sun is setting, the Poliwag are singing, and the river was burbling down through it's bed. All in all, a good evening to be doing some hunting, or so Eddie Rollins thought. He'd picked up a Poliwag and a Spheal yesterday, spending the day examining the water pokemon living on the river bank and choosing strong healthy specimens, but he was hoping to catch one more pokemon with the last of the scavenged pokeballs. If he could find one, a Frillish, and if not perhaps a Krabby?

Well, he'd see what he could find. It's not like much could threaten him with Best Dog out with him, right?

It was at that moment when Eddie noticed that the Poliwag and Wingull alike had gone silent. And even more worrying, Elvis has also gone silent, tense and alert with his ears up and tail stiff behind him as he looked down the shore, towards the river. Something was wrong.

Slowly and cautiously, Eddie shifted forwards, clearing his line of sight around the collection of (no longer working) porta-potty stations left out for people swimming in the river. For a moment he didn't see anything, just the river and a thin shroud of fog upon its surface.

Fog that was moving against the wind. Fog that... fuzzed... when he tried to focus on it. Fog that shifted and danced in the dim and distant light of the few street lamps still working in this dome. It was... Eddie wasn't sure what it was or what it was doing and... and...

Suddenly, Eddie tumbled over backwards, given a harsh whack by Elvis. "What? Elvis, what are you doi..." Eddie's demand trails off suddenly as he notices that the fog is several lengths closer to the shore now... and moving towards them. Not super fast, not with blinding speed... but steadly. Assuredly. And he hadn't even noticed until Elvis had given him that whack. Some form of natural hypnosis perhaps? Unimportant. Right now, what mattered was leaving. Immediately.

But even has he fled, Eddie still heard that drawn out and broken whisper behind him.

Eddie still heard it calling out in the night.

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Turn 7 - Results
[x] Look for more Pokeballs around Alpha PokeCenter
You look and you look, but the only thing you find that is even vaguely of interest is a Pidgey going after a Zigzagoon over the contents of the Pokecenter's outside giant trash container as a Bidoof loots it behind the both of them. And a several month old half eaten sandwich in a coldbox in one of the back rooms. The asthma attack you got from a faceful of old dust and Paras spores isn't actually interesting, either to tell about or go through, but you did find that too. And get it. At this point, you think the Pokecenter itself has probably been looted dry, baring an unlikely stroke of luck or a new finding, and any more pokeballs will have to be found somewhere else.
Luck Roll - 1d100 : 3

[x] Protect Alpha PokeCenter
Once again you run into the simple fact that your pokemon just aren't really suited for punching it out with steel/electric types. Oh, you manage, your pokemon are stronger then they used to be, Sonic Boom still works just fine, and you do have easy access to help and reinforcements if things get too much for Yen and Mystery... but it's really not the funnest experience. You kinda think it might be wise to look into getting a new pokemon, maybe one of those fire types or a fighting type or maybe even visit that graveyard and see if you can find a friendly ghost if you're going to keep doing this instead of finding someone else to hand the problem off too.

On the other hand, Mystery is doing pretty good job when you consider the complete lack of any effective attack. You think the bug has made some real breakthroughs lately!
Luck Roll - 1d100 : 19

[X] Recruit and train the Junior Rangers, they are to be assigned 1 Houndour, 1 Growlithe, 2 Poliwags and the Bellsprout as their pokemon. The primary goal is to get them combat ready before teaching them the more specialized Ranger tricks like tracking and calming wild pokemon.
You have to say, your new minions seem to be above the average when it comes to hitting the ground running as a pokemon trainer in a post-apocalyptic world. Not that there are much published statistics on that, but even so, they're doing unusually well as they get used to their new pokemon and their new pokemon make friends with their new humans. Oh, they aren't like Red (if he ever truly existed) who was crushing whole tournaments in the early teens, but they're having a suprisingly easy experience with everything. Well, there are worse surprises to find about new students, you guess. Luck Roll - 1d100 : 95 - Team gains one free experience point.

[X] Attempt to go on a scavenging run again this month, with the same focus of acquiring an inflatable boat. The search is to start at the Sports centre and expand out from there with a focus on shopping areas and storage units. The primary items of interest are Pokeballs, survival equipment and of course the inflatable boat. Finally if any of the Junior Rangers are deemed skilled enough they are to accompany him as support and for some on the job training.
It is a boat. It is pink, but it is a boat. And light pink is less visable then bright emergency orange, which was the color of the other inflatable raft you found in the store that didn't have a rattata sourced hole chewed through it. You also found three sets of ores that were still good, and took them on the grounds that spares are never bad to have. The set of climbing ropes, five heavy duty flashlights, helmet flashlights, extra batteries, solar powered battery charger that still seemed to work, and miscellanies electronic bits that aren't useful to you personally but will make the local technicians extra appreciative to. It was a good thing you took your new minions, otherwise you wouldn't have had enough arms to carry it all! Maybe you should get a wheelbarrow or something? You also found a set of four Luxury Balls in the sport centers back room for some reason, and one Quick Ball. (You also took the other boat so if the pink one got ripped you'd still have a boat.)

Most importantly, you also took an entire backpack full of notepads, notebooks, pens, pencils, and erasers back as well, so now the HQ is no longer running low on loose paper and writing utensils.
Luck Roll - 1d100 : 53

[x] Join with others to battle the Onix. Aim for a capture if possible. Gotta secure access to this quadrant's skydome controls. Dewey the Smeargle uses Detect to stay safe and Nature Power to attack. Oracle the Fennekin mostly uses Hypnosis. And Nawaf applies whatever Pokemon knowledge he has gleaned.
-[x] Bring along the crude Poke-scanner, the great balls, 5 Oran berries, and an herbal remedy.
It is not a dark and stormy night when Nawaf and Anties proceed into the tunnels on a quest for the sun, but it is pretty dark in the tunnels with most of the lights broken. For the original tunnels that is, the new tunnels didn't have lights in the first place. Luckily, the two of them both know where they are going and have the magical device known as a flashlight to guide them on their way. The two of you notice that the tunnels are growing colder and colder... colder then it was when you first found the Onix. Either it's growing stronger... or more Ice types are living in this area now. Potentially unfortunate, but given that ice types tend to be rare, perhaps a blessing in disguise? Either way, those are thoughts for the future. For now, as you enter the Crystal Onix's lair, it is time to battle.
Luck Roll - 1d100 : 62

[x] Help guard the pokecenter. Though, the focus will be on training & prepping for the Onix battle. Dewey works on Nature Power, Oracle trains in general.
You know Dewey has made a breakthrough when, instead of taking shape as a Tri-Attack, his nature power becomes a Swift. Later practice in the tunnels shows he also can twist it from a Power Gem there into either an Earth Power or a Shadow Ball. Oracle to is making great strides forth under your guidance, and you think he's showing signs of evolution. Not yet, but... soon. Very soon. Hopefully at least. Oh, and between the two of them you traumatize a heck of a lot of Magnemite and even a Magneton or three.
Luck Roll - 1d100 : 77

[X] Take a shift guarding Pokecenter Alpha. Melly in front, Polly continues with Protect, while Bones tries to learn Rock Slide outside.
Melly continues to be adorable as she sets all the Magnemite on fire while Boney continues to try to figure out Rock Slide. Polly, on the other hand, has a bad experience with a Magnetron and needs to take a day off for her own good, which interferes with her progress. Still better then her twitching like that though, right? Either way, with three people taking turns at the pokecenter the shifts aren't too long and with Melly you've got a threat that the Steel types respect and avoid, so guard duty isn't very tedious or difficult this week. You take the chance and catch up on some reading while things are calm.
Luck Roll - 1d100 : 44

[x] Join with others to battle the Onix. Aim for a capture if possible. Polly tries to open the battle by using Gust to filter Stun Spores into the chamber with the Onix, then hanging as far back as possible to use Confusion and Protect. Bones tries to intercept the Onix as much as possible with Counter. Melly just tries not to get hit and spam Heat Wave.
This time, the Onix wasn't somewhere else, rushing back to defend its home against some intruding humans. This time, you see, it was resting until two impudent insects came to awake it. As it coils upwards, looming over the two of you, for a second you wonder if this was a good idea after all. And then you and Nawaf release your pokemon and the time for second thoughts is over.
Luck Roll - 1d100 : 51
For a second, as the Onix sees the forces arrayed against it the two of you think it might just flee entirely. And then a deep mist begins to arise from the Onix, shrouding from sight (and causing the prototype pokemon scanner to emit a complaining buzz) as it flexes and unleashes a frozen wave of wind with a deep grinding noise. Dewey immediately strikes back, a Nature Power sourced Power Gem catching the Onix in the chin just as it prepares for its next assault as Oracle and Melly split to both sides. A second after the wind of ice strikes, Polly begins blowing it back in great gusts of wind, the air shimmering with stun spores as Bones sidles to the left in search of a path to melee range it can take that doesn't involve running through said stun spores. Melly too strikes, a wave of heat rising from her form that temporarily drives the deep cold of the cavern away and causes the Onix to emit a deep grumbling howl and lash away from her as Oracle tries to gain a mental purchase with his Hypnotize.

For a second the beast seems to have gone insane as it batters the walls of its cavern, flailing away... and the the ice broken and shattered from the walls and ceiling arise, whipped up by its lashing, and an indoors hailstorm erupts over the room. For a second, Melly's second heat wave seems to drive back the howling hail, melting it away as the Onix smoothly dives underneath Dewey's second Power Gem, but then the cold rises once more and the two of you can no longer see Melly in the snow... or Oracle for that matter as the Onix slides towards the two of you and Dewey with devastating intent.

Just as it rises into the air to crush the two of you however, Bones leaps to counter it, redirecting it into the nearest wall as green tendrils lash out from Polly, her Mega Drain striking deep and causing the Onix to scream in rage, a rage that only grows deeper as Dewey strikes it once again with a Power Gem. Still, as much as the Nature Power fueled attacks seem to be causing it pain, Dewey is not truly trained for direct combat and for a second it seems like he will be crushed beneath the beast's wrathful tail before Boney once more leaps to intercept the beast, a third Heatwave flashing out from the right to melt away the hail once more even if it strikes cleanly over the Onix's head as Oracle moves in from the left with a wave of Embers.

But the foe is more cunning then you all had thought, for while Boney once more flings it, this time even through the depth of its rage it moves with the counter, and Polly takes a wall shattering impact as she is driven into the cavern's... well, wall, by the Onix's head. If not for her unusual, for a Butterfree, training in stamina she'd be well out for the count, but as it is she pries herself out of the wall to hover raggedly as Boney gives out a ragefilled war cry and Seismic Tosses the Onix farther back into the cavern. For a second, as Polly works up for another Mega Drain and Oracle and Melly harry the frozen snake with heat and another hypnotism attempt that slows the beast until the Heat Wave knocks it from its trance, Polly seems like she'll be ok to battle on. And then another frozen gust of hail strikes and she falls from the sky, plucked a mere foot from the ground by a pokeball's recall beam.

Seconds later, Dewey too staggers to his knees, half frozen by the freezing conditions, as Oracle staggers back to his trainer in a similar condition. A quick berry keeps them in the fight for now, but Dewey's focus on status moves, while making him direly effective in that area, is showing its costs in this battle. And Oracle might be more well rounded, but he too has little stamina training for longer fights. Still, while Melly distracts the Onix deeper in the cavern, more heat waves and then a flame charge clearing the hail in short bursts, Dewey takes the time to Acupressure Bones up as the Machoke focuses his energy in anticipation of more fierce fighting ahead even as Oracle fills the cavern with the sound of a long and terrible Howl.

The three of them re-enter the battle just as crude pokescanner Nawaf is holding finishes its preliminary scans. A Rock/Ice type, and... two abilities? Nawaf and Anties exchange pale glances as the machine reads off the abilities it detects, both Snow Cloak and Ice Body. Both shrouded and healed by the hailstorm it is fighting in, this is not a good situation to be caught in. Or more precisely, the lack of weather clearing moves their teams have prevent them from breaking the Hailstorm and shutting down this dire combo.

Still, Bones renters the fight with a crash, catching the raging Onix's tail as it continues to attempt to smash the Fennekin in its rage and executing a picture perfect Vital Throw, smashing it into first the roof, then the ground as Melly and Oracle take advantage of the temporarily immobilized target to cover it in flames. Still, the Onix does not give up, and a moment later it returns the favor to Bones, smashing the Machoke once and then twice, head and then flame wreathed tail as it ignores Melly's painful Heat Waves in favor for a foe it can hit, only stopping when Bones meets the third rage filled strike with a counterstrike, tossing the Onix away from him with raw brute force. Still, he was smashed good and hard, and combined with the continuing damage from the hailstorm seconds later he falls to his knees.

Things aren't looking good for the heroes, down to three pokemon as Dewey finishes using Acupressure on Melly, and of those three both Dewey and Oracle are looking none to steady themselves, the two of them not trained for long battles, and even Melly herself isn't her best though her constant heat waves have warded the worst of the storm away.

The Onix seems to look down with the intruders that have invaded its lair with some dark amusement, abandoning its rage here at the end of the fight. Now, with two foes fallen, it starts building up a Sand Tomb to bury the invaders forever... when twin lights pierce the storm. Even as the Onix unleashes the flesh stripping wave of frozen sand it has built up upon the two Braixen who now stand before it, twin firespins shatter the hailstorm as they fly in the other direction, and the Onix screams as the healing hail is stripped from it by its new coat of fire. It likes it even less when Dewey buries it in a mimicked Sand Tomb of his own, seizing the oncoming sand and reversing its course to cover its own once master in a sandy grave.

For a second the beast seems to want to fight on, even as another Heat Wave, a Psyshock, and then a belatedly copied Heatwave strike it through the sandy tomb as the two trainers take the chance to pass out the last of their berries to their pokemon. The Onix rises, rises, and for a second its angry eyes stare down upon its foes from the ice type's greatest extension... and then with a thundering slam, the beast falls and ends this fight once and for all.

After that, entering the control room and forcing the blue screen of death to restart by way of hitting control-alt-delete until it turns off and then hitting the power button is downright anti-climatic, and so is the ease of following the instructions scribbled onto a notebook for how to restart the sky.

But the cheers as the sky dome once more shows the sky instead of darkness and static... those aren't anti-climatic at all. Those are what reminds you why this job is worth doing in the first place, angry death snakes or no angry death snakes.

...Still, given how angry the Onix was, and how you had to gang up on it to beat it... perhaps it would be best to wait a while before letting it out of its great ball, yes?

Patrol Team 1 Report
All is quiet on the fenceward front.

SCIENCE! Team 1 Report
The Science Team has now finished charting the Rattata's potential moves, or at least as much as they can do without having a champion tier on one hand or the actual blueprints of its genetic engineering to study. It's mostly guesses for the high levels, but they'll need a higher level rattata, or just a lot more time, to do better. They're ready and able to start a new project whenever someone has one for them though, like maybe if you caught a new variant pokemon? (There's a firm agreement among all the trainers they aren't to be let at the Onix, because you're all pretty sure they'd let it out to study it and it was enough of a pain to catch the first time. Nawaf and Anties really don't want a round two in the middle of the city.)

In Other News
In other news, THE SKY IS BACK ON. This basically drowns out everything else happening this week, and causes a considerable rise in public opinion towards the group when the public finds out who fixed things.

Oracle (Oh I Am Slain's Braixen), Melly (Wootius's Braixen), and Mystery (AnimalKrazed's Dustox) have all Tiered up to Tier 3. Please remember to spend your new stat points.
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[X] Use Volt's Magnet Pull ability to draw in Steel type Pokemon, stun them with Thunder Wave, then have Blink train combining Drain Punch with Teleport to rapidly move between targets.
[X] Collect non-functional but intact Pokeballs and attempt to fix them.
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[X] Now that the Junior Rangers are up to snuff combat wise it is time to train them in how to be a Ranger. Essentially impart to them all the skills they will need for scouting out the wilderness, identifying plants, tracking and dealing with wild Pokemon non-violently.

[X] With the Rafts now acquired use them to exploit the flooded tunnels, take a couple of the more skilled Junior Rangers with him as support.
-[X] Take some Medicinal Herbs, climbing ropes and helmet flashlights.
Interlude - The Awake and the Gone
Once again you have all been called to the meeting room in your small Small HQ, and once again Professor Mabolo is waiting for you. This time, however, someone new is beside her... and this time one of your own is missing.

"So.." Mabolo starts. "It's been a week since anyone has seen Eddie Rollins, and at this point we're going to officially note him down as missing. Let's all have moment of silence for him."

A moment passes.

"In other, better, news." Mabolo says once the moment has passed. "I've got a new recruit for you. Caleb here has only recently recovered from... well, the cataclysm with the help of his Kadabra and Magnemite, and as one of those rare surviving-ish scientists whom actually have pokemon he has decided to join your group to seek a better future. Also, he thinks he might be able to repair some of the fried pokeballs you've all collected. So let's give him a big hand and welcome him to the group!"

Eddie Rollins Is no longer an active character. Caleb has now been activated from the waitlist.
Caleb gives an awkward wave with his right hand. His left is being used to balance himself with the aid of a cane. While his muscles hadn't atrophied, his time in the coma had left him stiff, cramped, and disoriented.

"It feels a bit weird to not have all the implants running, but there's enough working that I can start fixing some stuff around here," He rubs the back of his head nervously before muttering, "Still trying to wrap my head around what happened," He shakes his head to clear some imaginary cobwebs, "Anyways, I'll be around to help if anyone needs it. If you find something you think I might be able to fix, bring to me and I'll take a look at it."
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