Although Taylor fighting Aphrodite would certainly be entertaining, I'm afraid that's not in the cards, nor would it be possible. Aphrodite charms mortals, parahumans and champions alike, and anyone affected by her charms can't bring themselves to attack her, even if they have justified motives. Even if Taylor offloaded her emotions to her bugs like she did during her surrender and subsequent murder of Alexandria, she still wouldn't be able to kill her on account of the bugs also being affected by Aphrodite's charms.
That's not to say Taylor couldn't find some way to beat her. Aphrodite is, how to say, kind of a ditz.
On a side note, the reason Heartbreaker became her champion is because of two reasons. First is that Aphrodite governs all forms of love, even love of a twisted nature. She holds a particular fondness for warped forms of affection, and in Nikos Vasil's case, he was the biggest romantic in her eyes. The second reason is that Heartbreaker actually went and tried to use his power on her. It didn't work, obviously, but it actually impressed her enough that she pretended it did and wanted to see how far she went.
The "relationship" lasted a year, and the experience was enough for Aphrodite to make him her champion, much to the chagrin and frustration of other members of her pantheon.