Pale Queen (Worm/Hollow Knight)

I'm pretty sure the plan is the same as the one to deal with the Radiance, so it's efficacy is very much in question. Though it might be the Dream No More instead of the Hollow Knight.
From the looks of it, to me at least, it seems the plan is to make a super strong Little Ghost/Knight equivalent with Dream Nail to enter Scion's mind and kill him there, presumably either killing or otherwise pacifying him IRL.
I actually have a counterargument: Getting weaker precognition is, potentially, a bad idea. She even already knows there are a bunch of things that can go wrong with this plan, but it will have the best results of anything that she can see. The issue is that she's now going to be much like Contessa--knowing about this solution, but not knowing anymore how to implement it or even whether it's still working. And we all know exactly how well Contessa's plan worked (or, more specifically, that it barely worked and made a huge mess in the process).

And really, having precognition isn't necessarily a bad thing here. She can still be surprised and will have to manage how her kingdom interacts with the outside, but anything short of Path to Victory itself still allows for an interesting story. Perhaps that's what you're toning it down from, but I'm worried it will go too far and we basically follow "Taylor Reacts" like in canon. Honestly I don't know at this point, so maybe it's fine.
Pale Queen
Filter Flies
2nd Cockroaches
1st Bees

I'm also reading on chrome.
I'm also on chrome but it works for me, but then again I'm reading on mobile.

I wonder if Grim will show up at some point. They are attracted to dying civilizations, and that is nothing if not Earth Bet through the next few years.
This story get very interesting start and direction, however, I have mixed feelings about nerfing precognition. It feels like wasting an opportunity to pull Contessa on Contessa. Very few ever had such an opportunity.

BTW, why Pale Queen didn't mention Cauldron's very own plot device extraordinate, with how PtW have pinky in every pie, there is no way in hell Contessa didn't pinged on Taylor's pre-cog senses, unless there is some yet unmentioned limitations to them?
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I'm really excited about this story. I actually just finished watching a complete playthrough of Hollow Knight, so this comes at a perfect time for me. If it's not a bother, are you planning to post this on your AO3 account?

The fifth and final step was to lead an army of bugs against Scion, successfully trap him long enough to put a certain bug armed with that yet-to-be-created weapon right in front of him, and have that bug rip him apart from the inside of his own mind.
Since the future scenario involves "killing him inside his mind." That means to me that the Dream Nail will be needed. And this implies to me that the Dream Nail can be used against Parahumans for some effect. Since entering a Parahumans mind would likely involve "defeating" their Shard, this brings up several possibilities.
  • The Parahuman could be completely depowered due to the "death" of their power.
  • The installed conflict drive and other mental alterations from the Shard could be removed/reversed (that'd add a new wrinkle for the future if it returned their memory of the Entities and others started learning the truth).
  • Taylor's champion could potentially take the power, either for itself or to bestow upon another.
All exciting and story-worthy options to consider. Considering that the Dream Nail in-game must be levelled up to reveal more secrets/break into stronger minds, I surmise that the Nail must be advanced in power in order to access people in the order posted below.
  1. Non-parahumans = Essentially unguarded, the Nail can collect Dream Essence and whatever thoughts/memories the person has. Great for reconnoissance.
  2. Cauldron Capes = Since the Shard is already "dead" there is limited defences that can manifest. Definetely not a full Boss, maybe a Mid-Boss or a power-up item/skill can be found at the zenith of the Parahuman's Dream (related to their power probably).
  3. Natural Capes = Since Shard is alive and active, it can become aware of the intruder and prepare active counter-measures to destroy it. Boss fights. Possibility of complete destruction for the intruder and what I stated in the spoiler tag below occurring.
  4. Second triggers and/or Cluster and second-gen bud capes = Second triggers gives the Shard greater access to it's host's Dream, so the manifested Boss would be more powerful/tricky to deal with. Cluster and Second-gen buds has components from multiple Shards, so the Boss could utilize a myriad of differing strategies to protect itself and destroy the invader.
  5. Scion
When Taylor's champion fights the Shard inside a Parahuman's Dream, it could open up the possibility of a Titan forming as the Shard overwrites more of the Parahuman in order to fight the invader. So as Taylor's forces are bugs to humans, humans are bugs to a Titan.
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I'm afraid that her plan would go wrong somehow and accidentally summon God of Gods.

I mean I love Embrace the Void Ending, and being Void Given Focus was badass af, but that is when I am a player.

Imagine Void as something without Little Ghost's experience and empathy give me chill. Bad end, Golden Morning kind of BAD END.
Sewer 1.1
When I woke up, it was to darkness. I found a kind of fluid was surrounding my body, and for the first time since I changed in the locker, I felt a bit grossed out. I guess that would be another downside I hadn't considered. I reached upwards, pushing at my shell with my hands until I felt it begin to give out.

Then, I accidentally tipped my head forwards, and the giant spikes growing out of my head shatter it. Whoops.

I tip all the way out and end up on my ass. It's... kind of hard to balance, actually. I'm a little top-heavy. I get to my feet, and shiver in the cold I can now feel- the cold the bugs are probably feeling, too. It is January, even if Brockton Bay tends towards warm winters.

I shake out my arms, my legs, and my head- and then my wings. Oh!

I turn my head enough to see them, and shake them out behind me. They're kind of small, but... I take a leap, spread them, catch the air, and let them lift me up- before I drop back down to the ground again with a small thud. Not very strong, though. Maybe I'll grow into them?

I start walking down what used to be my throat, up and up the coiled passageways, until I reach my former mouth. I look out over the sewer, with the nearest bit of electric light some distance away, the only light illuminating the cavern was my own. I leap out, spread my wings, and glide a ways down to the sewer wall, sliding slightly in the grime. Yeah... if we're going to live here, I'm going to have to order a thorough, repeated, cleaning of this place. Ongoing cleaning.

I was getting shivers down my spine.

I make my way down, closer to the nearest cocoon, and try to call up an image- only to not have it come. I can't just see this bug's entire life play out before me like a highlight reel anymore. I sit down, concentrating- the light around me concentrates, growing brighter, and I begin to see images fade in.

A cockroach, different from the last one I saw. This one... becomes a soldier of mine. He does because when he came out of his cocoon, he saw me standing over him and... felt inspired.

I wait, then, until the shell begins to crack open, and take the hand that pushes through it. I pull him out, and then step back as he uses his other arm to shield his eyes. "What..?" he asks.

"Welcome to the world." I say, before looking to the side, and walking to the next cocoon. Without anything better to do, he follows me hesitantly. This one breaks as well, and I pull the fuzzy form of the filter fly out, her antenna brushing against the shell of my face as she looks up at me. I help her step out, and move on to the next.

There were hundreds of them, maybe more than a thousand just in this stretch of sewer alone. How many hundreds of thousands more throughout the rest of the tunnel?

I pull more and more out, and after a few seconds, the cockroach and filter fly share a look, and start helping as well. Along with more members of their species there were also moths, snails, maggots, and the occasional beetle. All of them with brand new humanoid bodies, expressive faces, and a mind that was for the first time taking in their surroundings with more than just instinct. More joined in the first two in helping others, gathering them up in a group, following me.

Some of the moths spread out their wings, taking to the air and helping down those who stuck to the ceilings and walls on the opposite side of the river that cuts through the center of the tunnel.

It's a magical moment. Already, I think I'm getting attached. These are their first moments with sapience, and the very first thing they see are bugs helping bugs, and so the very first thing they do with intelligent thought is join in and help too. None of these creatures are social ones. They don't have any drive to help their fellow bugs. This is all purely learning by copying, with maybe a bit of human compassion.

I'm the center of attention due to my living light bulb nature, but I let them have a period of adjustment before I say anything, letting them get their bearings when it came to their new mode of life. A few of them took unbalanced steps, not used to the way their bodies were now shaped, but just like I did, they get used to it relatively quickly. Eventually, though, I jump into the air, and then flash out my wings, getting even higher, drawing the attention of just about every bug there.

"Hello." I say, "I'm sure you're all confused." I begin, "But don't worry, this is a good thing. My light- whatever bugs I shine it on, change. Become more intelligent. I've shone my light in the building above us," I say, pointing towards the top of the tunnel, "And down these tunnels." I say, pointing into the depths that still sparkled with fragments of cocoons, "We're the only intelligent bugs in the world. And we need to stay together, so that we can protect each other, and help each other."

I look around, seeing the crowd begin to murmur and talk among themselves. That first cockroach who I helped looks around for a bit, before turning towards me and making his way through the crowd, shielding his eyes, "What... what do you need us to do?" he asked.

"...First," I say, "We need to get supplies."


I gesture to the cocoons deeper in the tunnel, only visible by the tiny glittering of their lights, "I think the more light you're exposed to, the faster you'll change." I explain, "I spent the most time right here, so you bugs are the first ones to hatch, and hatched fastest. But eventually, all of the cocoons down the path will hatch, and I want bugs waiting for them, to help them and guide them towards our headquarters, which I'm planning to be at the end of the path."

"Why do we need supplies for that, can't we walk?" a maggot asked.

"Because it's going to be a long, long distance. And we're more intelligent now. You don't have to walk everywhere, we can use tools to help us." I look upwards, "Above us is a building called Winslow. It's a school, for humans, which means it has lots of different kinds of supplies." I look out over the crowd, "Stuff like food, weapons, and materials to build with."

As I look back down, I notice a large number of heads and antenna perk up at the mention of food. And interest in weapons as well.

"There are rats and amphibians, and even ordinary bugs that can't be transformed." I say, "Most of you are bigger and stronger, and smarter, than when you were ordinary bugs. But those things will still be dangerous to us. We want to be prepared going forwards. We'll also probably want to act quickly. There should be other bugs who've been exposed to the light up there, and will probably hatch soon if they haven't already. We want to bring them with us."

I look towards the cockroach, and he straightens up slightly, walking towards me, "I'll go!" he turned behind him, "Anyone else want first pick of food and weapons?" For the most part, I see that the moths, snails, and filter-flies aren't interested, and the maggots too afraid to volunteer, but the roaches and beetles, however, seemed eager at the thought.

I begin leading the way around a corner, past more cocoons that haven't yet opened up, and see a pipe with a slow, constant waterfall leading off of it. "That... was not there when I came out of it." I said to myself, frowning. Was someone using the gross shower with the missing drain? I wouldn't have been brave enough for that. But then I realized that all the water from the showers was probably coming out right now. Maybe from other pipes across the school as well. I didn't really need to worry about water in my big worm form.

"Well." I say, frowning, "We'll have to find another way in."
Have you prewritten the first couple chaps? The update speed is impressive. Don't burn yourself out. I think you should have written this chapter from a bug's perspective, with Taylor, we don't really get the what the bugs are feeling, which I think would have made the chapter better. It feels like it's going too fast but that may just be me. Other than that, there are no real problems. You're doing really good.

Soon....soon all the world will learn to fear the Mantis Lords.

Crazy fuckin fight-nuts they are.
Taylor need to go and get certain little girl out of certain snake hands, 2, precogs in the same city working for different people is the recipe for disaster and human help could be nice.
Sewer 1.2
"...The next closest way would mean going up and out of a storm drain." I say, opening my eyes and sitting back up, feeling the relief of not having to grip onto the future, "But that would mean going across the snow above, and climbing into an open window."

"Snow... doesn't agree with me." said one of the group.

I nod, "We'll have to make other preparations." while the food and materials are definitely enticing, and what I'm using to motivate them, what I'm more worried about at this point are the bugs I transformed while heading out of the school. The ones that stayed behind in the locker, unfortunately, were a lost cause. I didn't see the police come and wash things out- that had happened in the past -but I did see the cocoons stuck inside bio-hazard bags being incinerated. They were halfway across the city, and... I couldn't foresee a way of getting to them in time.

They never woke up, at least.

But the other bugs, the ones that had chosen to leave the locker after I ripped open the doors, or the ones that had been skittering around in the gym shower room, or in the hallways I passed through, were all still alive and in cocoons up in Winslow. I could still save them.

I... felt awful about losing those ones in the locker. I didn't think to check if they would be alright, while I was a worm. But looking forwards- I'm going to lose a lot of bugs. It wasn't a question. They were small, and sensitive to the cold, and while they were relatively more durable than other bugs, a determined rat would still kill the average filter-fly without trouble. I would lose a lot of them, just on the journey alone, and even after I establish myself, I would still lose them occasionally.

That's just how life was.

Sighing, I rub at my face, feeling the hard shell of my head under my slightly softer hands. I open my eyes, and look over at the group watching me cautiously. "Change in plans." I announce, "We're still going up to Winslow, but we'll need to protect ourselves from the cold first."

"" asked a small beetle.

"We'll make ways to keep warm." I say, before looking around, "Everyone, we're going to gather leaves and sticks- the least rotted ones you can find, and bring them to the main tunnel, lay them out under a light, so they can dry out at least a little. While you do, I want you to look for anything artificial. Paper, plastic, metal, glass, and gather that into piles too, under a different light."

As they set off to get to work, I did the same, approaching a storm drain, and climbing up the wall. There, mixed in with the leaves and slush that normally were washed into them, was a filthy mitten. More nylon, I think, than cloth, but the important thing was that it was dark, and warm.

I dragged it down, and began to pull it towards the nearest light. Then, I went towards the main tunnel, where the majority of the hatched bugs were still waiting, talking among themselves in clustered groups mostly based on species, although there was some crossover. I began to approach one of the largest groups of moths, and they turned as one to look at me as I approached. Unlike most bugs, they didn't try to shield their eyes from me, simply staring head-on into the light. But then, moths were kind of famous for their fascination with light.

"Would you be willing to help gather materials?" I asked them, gesturing down the tunnel, where the cockroaches were beginning to pile things up, "We want anything we can build something out of. Leaves, wood, plastic, glass, paper."

"W-we can do this." one of them says, hurrying into the air in a slight shower of scales. More of them take off after it, leaving just one on the ground, who approaches me nervously.

"Um... Miss?" one of them said, "Before I join in, I was wondering about something."

"Okay, what is it?"

"Why were we created?" she asked, hesitating.

"What do you mean, why?"

"You made us, what did you make us for?" she asked, "Is it- just to gather things for you?"

"No- well. No." I frown, considering how much to say. I don't really want to lie, but at the same time, I don't want to scare anyone away. I didn't create them for their own sake. I made the ones up above on accident, and the ones here... partially on accident too. The ones deeper in the tunnels I created to help support my goal of saving the world. But that's a lot to put on bugs, "...I did make you to help me." I said, "But not just in gathering. In all kinds of things. And I'm hoping that by helping me, you'll also be helping yourselves."

"But what specifically?" she asked, moving closer to me, "Why me?"


"I can remember, from when I was smaller, and dumber." she said, "I- this is the second time I came out of a cocoon. I can't remember what came before then, but when I came out of it, I knew I only had one goal- find a male, and then lay my eggs somewhere warm, with enough scum for them to eat." she ran a hand over her head, pulling back her antenna before letting them flick forwards again, "And... and... now I don't want that. At all? And I don't understand why."

"...Before, the only thing you had pushing you forwards was instinct." I say, "You- were an animal. But now you have intelligence, you can think of reasons for things, besides simple urges. I think you may have an entirely different set of instincts now than before regardless."

"But these instincts aren't just... 'to help you'. I want to help, because it seems like it makes sense, and you're very pretty, and have a very nice voice- but that's not... overwhelming. That's not all there is. It's not my purpose."

"I don't think you have an instinctual purpose." I say, "I can control where my light shines, and I can see the future if I try- but mostly I just hope that the bugs will want to be helpful, and that I can convince them if they don't want to be. If you want to help- help. But I don't think I can give you a kind of purpose that overrules everything else."

"I see." she says softly, before looking up at me and smiling, "Thank you." she flutters off, and joins several more of the moths, and then dips down to grab a leaf out of the water.

I'm... going to leave the 'pretty' thing where it is, for now.

I join in on tugging twigs to the piles, checking around storm drains for garbage, and using my light to try and spot anything reflective in the muck. I come back with a few shards of glass from that, with a useful edge on them. And some coins, which would be an excellent source of metal for all kinds of things.

Eventually, the light from the storm drains faded away, and night approached.

I went back to one of the piles of scavenged cloth to see what we had to work with. There were a lot of mismatched mittens, one of those miniature jackets for small dogs, a sock, somehow, a few different kinds of hats...

I went and dragged out one of the mittens, and then took a shard of glass that in my hands was about as large as a sword. I brought the edge against the bottom of one of the fingers, and began to saw through it. Eventually, I pulled it away, and looked at my handiwork. It was like a body sock. I poked a hole about halfway up it through one side and out the other, and then cut another hole on just one side of it slightly higher than that.

Then, I managed to push my head into the opening.

The tips of my horns were caught on the top of it, and I found to my annoyance that the arm holes were too high up, and the face hole a bit too far down, but some aggressive ripping solved those problems.

I... was a bit less cold, now. And this was just step one.

I wandered over to the leaves, and began tearing off pieces of leaf and shoving it into the space between the inside of the sock and my body. When I was done, not only was I actually warm, but I was also no longer blinding. My arms and face were still visible, and shined out light just as intense as ever, but everything else was forced to filter through the leaves and the cloth. I still lit up the area around me, but it was a nightlight glow rather than a floodlight blaze. Bugs didn't have to hide their eyes when they looked at me, anymore.

I search the crowd, and quickly find the first cockroach I woke up, hurrying over to him, "What do you think?" I ask, gesturing to myself.

"Is this to hide your light?"

"It's also to keep me warm." I say, "There should be enough for a large group." I say, "We'll be able to go over the snow. Get the supplies we need, get the food, and save the bugs inside there."
"I can remember, from when I was smaller, and dumber." she said, "I- this is the second time I came out of a cocoon. I can't remember what came before then, but when I came out of it, I knew I only had one goal- find a male, and then lay my eggs somewhere warm, with enough scum for them to eat." she ran a hand over her head, pulling back her antenna before letting them flick forwards again, "And... and... now I don't want that. At all? And I don't understand why."

"...Before, the only thing you had pushing you forwards was instinct." I say, "You- were an animal. But now you have intelligence, you can think of reasons for things, besides simple urges. I think you may have an entirely different set of instincts now than before regardless."

"But these instincts aren't just... 'to help you'. I want to help, because it seems like it makes sense, and you're very pretty, and have a very nice voice- but that's not... overwhelming. That's not all there is. It's not my purpose."

"I don't think you have an instinctual purpose." I say, "I can control where my light shines, and I can see the future if I try- but mostly I just hope that the bugs will want to be helpful, and that I can convince them if they don't want to be. If you want to help- help. But I don't think I can give you a kind of purpose that overrules everything else."
I think it's only when you're that small that you realize just how big everything else is that quickly. Not even half a day old and already looking for the meaning of life. ...then again, I suppose having Effectively God breaking her back in filth several centimeters away from you provokes these kinds of ponderings.

Also some good censoring on Taylor's part there. A bit hard to convey a meaning like "I made you to help me save the world" to people that only just began to consider that there is a world beyond themselves. Those maggots are definitely going to come back to bite her in the ass though.
If the PRT finds out, Cauldron finds out, then:

Cauldron Resources + Unrestricted Perfect Precog = Perfect Victory

Now that she's no longer in her Wyrm form, it depends on how strong her precog is, but still possible.
If the PRT finds out, Cauldron finds out, then:

Cauldron Resources + Unrestricted Perfect Precog = Perfect Victory

Now that she's no longer in her Wyrm form, it depends on how strong her precog is, but still possible.

When they did find her, in precogged timelines, nothing happened at all. Or at least no indication from Taylor that there was anything beyond "stuck in isolated PRT containment and forgotten about". Could be just Taylor not going further down the scenario, or maybe it just couldn't happen.

Cauldron is not very reliable, and making them omnipotent and omniscient just takes fun away. Most likely Taylor's precog is real, absolute, trumping everyone's else.

Also, dream realm means magic! And souls. Oh and void, hah. Wonder how long it will take Taylor to get into soul magic, or her bugs.

Also hope author is not going to just magically drop in canon HK characters without either a lot of explaination as to how the hell, or just as reference for readers to chuckle at. When fanfics import canon character despite their entire culture and people developing completely differently, it gets really annoying. With some exceptions, very rare ones.

Also confused about the size of bugs here.. around 5-10cm for Taylor and others?
Sewer 1.3
"Do you have a name?"

"Do you?"

I hesitate to answer but eventually say "Yes. But I think I should use a new name from now on." I was a Cape now, after all. Even if a highly unusual one.

"I don't think I have a name." the first cockroach I helped said, "...I could help you think of a new name if you give me one." I helped pull the finger of another mitten over his head and then helped him tear holes for his arms. "What about my wings?"

"I think we'll have to keep those wrapped up for the moment," I say, turning him around and reaching my fingers into the fabric over his face. I begin to pull and create a small rip for him to look out of. Other bugs are doing the same all around me. In fact, they've already made it more efficient. A few moths have taken to cutting the first two or three inches of every finger on every mitten in the pile, and simply handing them over to bugs who've focused their time gathering up shreds of leaves and paper to use as insulation ahead of time.

"And thank you for the offer of the name." I say, "Do you have any ideas?"

"... 'Queen' or 'Boss' comes to mind," he said, "or maybe something about your light? White? Shiny? Pale?"

"I'll think about that," I say, before looking at him. All of the bugs, even if they came from the same species, had a lot of variety in body-type, ranging from short and squat to tall and thin. For cockroaches, he was a medium-sized one, standing with the top of his head at just about the same height as my horns, which I was guessing was at about two inches tall. Some of the cockroaches got to be about three inches. Unlike a lot of the bugs when they transformed, the cockroaches actually tended to be a bit smaller than they were when they were ordinary bugs. "What kind of name would you want?"

"Something tough!" he says, sure of himself.

"...Ferrous?" I offer, "It's like, iron."

"I like it," he says, nodding. He bends down and starts to stuff leaves into his 'cloak'. I move to help another bug fit themselves into their own, before doing a quick count of numbers- I wasn't sure we had enough mittens to cover the rest of the bugs interested in heading up to Winslow, but we'd have a fairly good number, maybe thirty cockroaches and five beetles.

Thirty-six bugs out of around a thousand wasn't a lot, but it was still a decent-sized group. Hopefully enough to carry back all the supplies we want, without requiring a second trip.

Although... even if we couldn't go up the pipe to the showers, we might be able to still use that as a way down. If we get the water going, anything that drops down it would be flushed right down to the sewer fairly quickly. Although that would mean getting our nice new cloaks wet.

Once I finish helping the next bug, I move over to a group of filter-flies and moths arranging a pile of dead leaves. They turn as I approach- I'll probably never sneak up on anybody, considering the glow, -and I smile at them. "Do you think you could have a group waiting at that waterfall there?" I ask, pointing towards the one I had tried to climb up earlier. "Once we reach Winslow, we'll be dropping supplies, and probably rescued bugs down that pipe to get them here. If you could be ready to catch them, or at least pull them out of the water, that would really help."

"We can do this," the largest of the filter-flies said.

"Thank you." I began walking the other way, and towards the pipes that would lead to the storm drain I intended to climb out of.

The clothed bugs began to follow me in a steady stream. As we got closer to the entrance, the colder air from outside could be felt more and more. I was grateful for my cloak. And we would be able to create even better ones, once we got to my planned destination.

Home Economics. The room was on the first floor (thankfully) and not too far from the gym, and thus not too far from the showers. It was class all about cooking, sewing, fixing things, etc. And for our purposes, it was a goldmine. Needles for weapons, thread for ropes, fabric for clothes and shelter, food for... well, food, things like Popsicle sticks as building materials, push pins and staples and all kinds of things as potential tools.

It would even have the makings of the boats I wanted. Whenever we made something to eat in class, the teacher would get us these little disposable plastic cups. They served as glasses, as bowls, whatever we needed. They were only a few inches tall and should be wide enough to hold a couple of bugs inside.

If we could somehow tie a bunch of them together, or at least form a train, with bugs placed with long oars or sticks placed every so often it would get us through the sewers quicker than walking would. Those wouldn't fit down the shower drain, though, and would have to go through the storm drain on the street.

But maybe I was getting ahead of myself.

First, we had to make it to the school. I scaled the wall and then went over an edge to reach the pipe connecting directly to the storm drain. The trickle of water had slowed down as it got later in the day, and less snow was melting, but there was still a little bit of a flow as slush melted. Occasionally, a leaf would float down along it, and get carried to the sewer proper.

I helped the first few bugs over the edge, before pushing on and shivering in the crisp outside air. I reached the space directly under the storm drain and stared up at the crescent moon.

Last week, it had been a new moon. How long had passed, since this started? A whole week? Just three days? I was shoved inside the locker on Friday, and transformed before the end of the day. Was today Monday, or later in the week?

I guess I could check a calendar while I was inside Winslow.

The bugs gathering at my side were quiet and almost somber. I could see tiny puffs of steam outside of their face holes. There was steam in front of mine, too. For the first time, I really appreciated the warmth and humidity of the sewer, in comparison to the freezing, too-dry air of the world above.

I was looking forwards to spring.

I began to scale up the wall, heading for the grate. When I reached it, I climbed through the space between bars easily. Two or three of me could have squeezed through simultaneously if we had to.

I stepped out onto the street and saw the outside world from a two-inch perspective for the first time. It... it was mindboggling. Almost nauseating. Looking across the opposite curb on the other side of the road was like looking at the opposite side of a football stadium. It might take me minutes to just walk across the street. The traffic light on the corner, relatively speaking, dwarfed any skyscraper in Brockton Bay. And the streetlamp made the Medhall building look like a garbage can.

As I scaled the curb and climbed onto the sidewalk, I saw that Winslow itself just... dominated the horizon. It was colossal. Utterly massive. Walls that just went on and on, up and up.

It sank in, then, just how tiny I was now. A sick feeling settled in my stomach, a kind of reverse-claustrophobia. I wanted something over my head. I wanted to be somewhere enclosed. "Come on." I say, "Let's hurry, not stay in the cold any longer than we need to." I began to walk towards the building, and focused on my own steps. The sidewalk wasn't totally level ground, after all. Filled with small crevices and holes for the concrete to breathe. Some of it was iced over, but those patches were easily avoided.

It took quite a few minutes to reach the building itself, during which I became more grateful to my coat with each passing second, as my unprotected feet got colder and colder. All that, and I think I was having an easier time of it than the other bugs. Yeah, we would definitely be aiming for the shower drain to get back. A hot shower seemed really nice right now.
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I hesitate to answer but eventually say

I helped pull the finger of another mitten over his head and then helped him

"I think we'll have to keep those wrapped up for the moment," I say, turning him around and reaching my fingers into the fabric over his face. I begin to pull and create a small rip for him to look out of.

"...' Queen' or 'Boss' comes to mind," he said, "Or maybe something about your light? White? Shiny? Pale?"

"I'll think about that," I say, before looking at him.

"I like it," he says, nodding.

"We can do this," the largest of the filter-flies said.

"Thank you." I began walking the other way, and towards the pipes that would lead to the storm drain, I intended to climb out of.

They were only a few inches tall and should be wide enough to hold a couple of bugs inside.

I reached the space directly under the storm drain and stared up at the crescent moon.

The bugs gathering at my side were quiet and almost somber.

Two or three of me could have squeezed through simultaneously if we had to.

I stepped out onto the street and saw the outside world
It might take me minutes to just walk across the street.
And the streetlamp made the Medhall building look like a garbage can.

As I scaled the curb and climbed onto the sidewalk,

I began to walk towards the building and focused on my own steps.

It took quite a few minutes to reach the building itself,

Just some punctuation mistakes I picked up, these are the corrected versions.
Otherwise, the chapter overall is good. By the way, are you planning to have interludes because I think they would provide interesting information about a world without Skitter and we would pick on the bug's thoughts about all this.