Eun ha Everet.
Convention; Progenitor
History: Being born as the Child a American serviceman and a korean woman that grew up on a base where dad was not the worst of all lives, I mean yess there was the racism from the korean side because of the visuall difference but well the first name helped and I got used to it . Pupperty was also okay for me, okay no it was hell but it was the usual kind of hell when you start to tower above peope. What was less of a normal moment whas at one day in my teenage years I suddenly had those urges... not the usual ones but well, it was not quite normal to have a desire to rips someone throat out gather there treasure and inhale there life force. Well , lets just say that Grandmother had a few secrets and uh well yeah now I had a bit of adjustment to deal with. Of course then I got into , well lets just say weird monks, wizard and other strange things happend and I got a bit into the wrong crowd with shamanism and uh.. lets just say they where kind of Norkish.
Of course then we got into problem with the LAW, and this judge dready had Terminators and other things around and well I kind of sold out because hey, my old group was kind of ..creepy And without Miss Grey there it would have been much worse for me.
And now here I am a local that is working for the Man, my parents are not knowing about the near lawsuit that I had and I have some nice offers for my future.
Might 3(4)
Reason 3(4)
Presence 2
Finesse 3(4)
Cunning 3(4)
Grace 2
Vitality 3(4)
Discipline 2
Poise 3
Junior Damage Controll 2
Schoolgirl of Doom 3
Mystical Shapeshifting
Half EDE girl 3
Enhancement 3
Patron 2
Resources 4
Destiny 1
Mentor 1
Conditoning 5?
Enlightenment: 3
-Life 3 "shapeshifter" Focus :Blood
-Force 3 "fool, I have a energy breath!" Focus:
Cintāmaṇi from my Grandmother, just a psychogical aid..
-Spirit 1 "Can you feel the energy?" Focus: Fire
I do have EDE genes and so I can emulate Xenopowers of a certain kind while I am also barely remembering some of the things that the ..misguided people that found me first where using.
1 dots :Tailored Pheromones, +2 dices for social interactions
8 points of PSE :+5 attribute dots
"Better then human EDE genes."
BP: 4 for enlightment
3, 7 to raise Life to 3, 3 to train Scholgirl of Doom from 2 to 3
Protect my Family
What am I?
Adoration of Miss Grey
Gratefull to the TU
The Spirtual world is interesting.
Permanent Paradox:2
Primal Energy:
Size: Characters start at Size 5.
- Health: 9
- Speed: 13
- Willpower: 5
- Initiative: 7
- Defense: 4