Outpost Charlie-SV

Turn 11 - November 2076 (62 Months until Ark Arrival)

Total Manpower: 39
Power total: 150 MW
Power used: 110 MW
Power available: 39 MW
Lifesupport Points: 375
Lifesupport in Use: 330 total (66 Awake)

Relaxation Rotation: To help the crew deal with the stresses of preparing a virgin planet for colonisation by a million people we will make sure they've got time to relax and decompress (11MP, +10 Entertainment Hall)

Digging and Construction

D&D Vehicles 1: (2 automated vehicles) Dig out tunnels to deploy Automated Mines at the Heavy Industrial Ore location, Light Industrial Ore location, Precious Ore location and Radioactive Ore location that are easiest for us to exploit. Then dig out an elongation for the reactor corridor and branch it off into a room for a 500 MW Thorium Reactor. Overflow goes to mining out some 500 units of Radioactive Ore and as much Heavy Industrial Ore as we can. (AI(+10 from OCC))
D&D Vehicles 2: (2 automated vehicles) Assist D&D Vehicles 1 (AI(+10 from OCC))
Mining Bot Team 1: (10 automated mining bots) Assist D&D Vehicles 1(+20 mining, AI (+10 from OCC))

Exoskeletons A: (2 Automated suits) Deploy My First Factory (0/100)in the base in its assigned room and the Automated Mine at the Heavy Industrial Ore field we are already mining. Overflow goes to sealing the base and then assisting the D&D vehicles (AI, 2 MP(+10 from OCC))
Exoskeletons B: (2 automated suits) Assist Exoskeletons A (AI(+10 from OCC))
Exoskeletons C: (2 Automated suits) Assist Exoskeletons A (AI (+10 from OCC), 2MP)
Exoskeletons D: (2 automated suits) Assist Exoskeletons A (AI(+10 from OCC))

Multipurpose Bot Team: Assist D&D Vehicles 1 (AI(+10 from OCC))


Hauler 1: (Automated vehicle) With Bulk Trailer 1: Assist with haulting (AI(+10 OCC))


CAD Design: Construction Assist Drones (114/250) will prove a useful addition to our outpost, as we are now ready to prepare our industry for the great city building effort that is to be completed within some 5 years. (3MP)

General Laboratory: Assist CAD Design(3MP (OCC+10)


The Rover has inspected the close by surroundings, identifying sufficient deposits that we can probably supply for the entire population of
the Ark. Now it is time to scout further and map the terrain of our territory and look for good locations for new cities. (AI(+10 from OCC))


Machine Shop: Assist Automated Production Line 1 (3MP)
Automated Production Line 1: Build in order a 500MW Thorium Reactor (0/240), AVLIS Processor(0/120), Automated Production Line for Radioactive Materials (0/90), Manufactorium 1 (0/150), Manufactorium 2 (0/150) (AI (+10 from OCC), 2MP),
Automated Production Line 2: Assist Automated Production Line 1 (AI (+10 from OCC), 2MP)
Automated Production Line 3: Assist Automated Production Line 1 (AI (+10 from OCC), 2MP)
Automated Production Line 4: Assist Automated Production Line 1 (AI (+10 from OCC), 2MP)
Automated Production Line 5: Assist Automated Production Line 1 (AI (+10 from OCC), 2MP)

Automated Bot Production Line: Build Construction Bots Team 1 (48/60), overflow goes to Construction Bots Team 2 (0/60) and Construction Bots Team 3 (0/60) (AI (+10 from OCC), 1 MP)

Resource Processing:

Small Ore Processor: Process both forms of Structural Materials. (1MP)

Closed Loop Lifesupport Systems Large (Ship) (1MP)
Closed Loop Lifesupport Systems Small (Base) (1MP)
Closed Loop Lifesupport Systems Large (Base) (1MP)

It's time to awaken the rest of the Outpost's crew. So let's do so.