Out of the Blue (Into The Fire)

I've struggled to find pictures of one I can easily retouch.
That can be a problem with the more obscuredesigns, yeah. There is the line art 3-view on Wikipedia that you could at least make a paint scheme image over, but despite how many photos had to be taken as part of flight testing, there don't seem to be many more than what are right on that page to be found online.

A earlier version of this story had the Su-30MKM or MKI as the high-survivability bomb truck (28 250kg bombs :evil:) I'm thinking of bringing it back.
May the dakka be with you!

The Tony Shannon character wants to try all the fifth generation canard fighters!
Most of the gen5s are kind of visually disappointing I find, except for the YF-23. I mentioned it before, but I particularly hate the F-35 Boondoggle. A fighter that can't fly in the goddamn rain (though supposedly that's been fixed...) is bad enough, but tacking on the honored name of my favorite WWII warbird is just adding insult to injury. At least in the G4/4.5 there are a few standout good-looking ones, like the F-16, F/A-18, F-20, Gripen, and Rafale. Is the Su-47 Berkut close enough to an operational aircraft to be in the running? It's got that sweet FSW design. The MBB Lampyridae is pretty nifty too, but never got beyond a 3/4 scale manned wind tunnel model apparently, and was meant solely for middle-range missile air combat, so probably not really what's needed for your group. The X-36 and Boeing Bird of Prey (or as I like to call it, "boing bop" :D) are funky as well but pure tech demonstrators that wouldn't be good for more than getting from A to B in style and possibly making people believe that "I work for space aliens" line :lol: - and the X-36 was an unmanned quarter or sixth scale RPV at that.

If I somehow won a few million dollars from the lotto and decided to build a sporty light jet, a GE J85 or more likely CJ610 powered, Lampyridae semi-replica is probably what I'd go for. Aside from a second seat for a hired pilot-chauffeur, it'd probably need to have some more wing area to get reasonable civil-airfield takeoff speeds/lengths and low-speed handling. Its straight-lines design would be easier to fabricate than something curvy like a mini-Blackbird, and has more inherent strength from the geometry than a FSW no matter how nifty they look. (Of course, I'd be far more likely to put most of it into investments, some kind of financial structure to pay off property and inheritance taxes on various holdings among my family members when that becomes relevant, and a top-flight 3d graphics workstation in practical terms, but if...)

... Well, that or a fixed-frame version of one of the better transforming robot/fighters like the VF-4, VF-9, VF-19F, or VF-27 from Macross, or my own VX-167 Crazy Bananas. Gundam brickformers need not apply.
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There is the line art 3-view on Wikipedia that you could at least make a paint scheme image over

I'm too lazy to do that - I'd never get anything written!

Most of the gen5s are kind of visually disappointing I find, except for the YF-23. I mentioned it before, but I particularly hate the F-35 Boondoggle. A fighter that can't fly in the goddamn rain (though supposedly that's been fixed...) is bad enough, but tacking on the honored name of my favorite WWII warbird is just adding insult to injury

The F-22 is impressive at airshows - but combat? Not sure. The only good thing you can about the F-35 is its not as ugly as an X-32 JSF

Nice page of Lampyridae here Report 038: Lampyridae news

I like the YF-23 and the Lampyridae but there's no real need for radar stealth ITTL - McCarthy has deliberately flown through enemy and friendly radar

The generation 4/5 jets were there only to stop the BoB being a curb-stomp for the RAF (which it very nearly was OTL) This RAF had too many Defiants/Blenheim/'Vickers Venoms' (something between a Soviet I-16 and a US P-36)

The F-86 looks weird enough to the downtimers

The author wants most of the fun to come form late war/post-war piston engine stuff, 1st/2nd second generation jets and subsonic stuff.

Big radar cross-sections!
Indeed! Though it's obvious that the plastic model kit I've seen had some influence on their model - in the pictures of the real mockup there isn't any gap between the fusilage and air intake for managing laminar airflow, since that makes a notch for radar signals to get reflected from. It doesn't seem to say which game they're talking about anywhere, either...

I like the YF-23 and the Lampyridae but there's no real need for radar stealth ITTL - McCarthy has deliberately flown through enemy and friendly radar

The generation 4/5 jets were there only to stop the BoB being a curb-stomp for the RAF (which it very nearly was OTL) This RAF had too many Defiants/Blenheim/'Vickers Venoms' (something between a Soviet I-16 and a US P-36)

The F-86 looks weird enough to the downtimers
:lol I was just getting a little rambly about the ones I like due to your mentioning the desire to fly all the canard G5s.
Wow. I want to give a wing of those to the RN.

Sea Furies as CAP/fighters, Tigercats as torpedo/bombers/nightfighters and Sea Hornets as recce/bombers/nightfighters

The Tigercat depends on the US entry to the war, or re-engining, and Hornet will remain land-based - but the early appearance of Sea Furies is a nailed on certainty.
I kind of just want them to get a B-1R to deal with these mass bomber raids.
So the Germans have aid from a bunch of racist post-humans? Is there a third party of communist post-humans assisting the Soviets? I imagine having the Germans slam into a actually prepared Soviet defensive effort would shake up the war quite a bit...
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