Ostentum (Magic Knight Errant Quest)

[X] Cortaine guards Ancillas while you go and investigate. Focus on getting there quickly.
[X] Cortaine guards Ancillas while you go and investigate. Focus on getting there quickly.

"I will investigate," you jump up and grab your weapon, "You stay here and guard Ancillas."

"...Will that be alright?" She asks with some concern apparent.

"Can't leave Ancillas unattended, and I won't be dragging him along where there's likely to be danger. So guard him." You fetch an unburned torch and light it off of the camp's fire. You'll need it in the darkness. With that set, you hurry toward the direction Cortaine said she heard the scream.

"Er...right, just, be careful!" she calls as you head into the trees.

You head quickly through the darkness, your torch only illuminating a short ways ahead of you. Despite the poor visibility you keep a wary eye, hoping to spot anything of note as you trek through the wilderness.

Some ways in you start to feel like if something was nearby, then you ought to have come across it already. You sweep the torch about, but can't spot anything. You worry about the source of that scream - someone could be in danger! But without any other noise to follow, and no obvious signs of danger or struggle, you're clueless as to where to look.

Just then, you do hear something. It sounds like a pack of hounds baying loudly, some distance ahead. Not long after, a scream - an absurdly loud one. If you had to say, it was more of a screech or a guttural cry. Whatever it was, it didn't sound good, especially not in combination with the howling of what's probably those wolves you've been watching for.

It's probably dangerous, but you focus on getting there quickly, as there's no time to lose here!

As you draw near, the noises die out. You no longer hear the wolves, or...anything for that matter. It's a bit unsettling, but...you continue. Before long you come to another small clearing, to see-

Toward the edge of the light offered by your torch lies a person's body - probably a woman's? - completely motionless. Scattered about the clearing are bloodied wolf carcasses and at their center stands...a person? No...it's...

It's dangerous. You lower your stance almost purely by instinct when you spot it. The very air around that...thing is foul. What is it!? Your stare is fixed to it, both in observation and in a keen sense of fear, your gut telling you it would be a bad idea to take your eyes off of it.

It looks to be the form of a person, but...it's like a shadow. It's totally dark, and the shape is vague - a smoky, black haze of some kind slowly rises from it. You've never seen anything like it. From what you can make out of the shape in this darkness, it looks to be holding something fairly long at its side. It also seems to be looking at you. As you gaze toward the featureless 'head', you can't seem to make out any eyes, but the unpleasant feeling settling over you gives you the sense that it's staring at you.

And for now...it's just standing there, menacingly, but a sudden sense of intense dread tells you that may not last. You tense up involuntarily, focused solely on the impending choice of fight or flight, when you remember the person laying just to the side of that...thing. Are they alive? Did this...monster kill them? You have no hope of knowing without checking, but there's a bit of an obstacle in your way at the moment.

Your grip on both the torch and the weapon at your side tighten harshly. What...should you do, here?

[] Try talking to it?

[] Prepare yourself to face it!

[] Charge!

[] Run!
[x] Try talking to it?
-[x] Who are you? What are you doing here?
[X] Prepare yourself to face it!
[X] Cast Null Body
[X] Demand to know who it is, their purpose and what the hell just happened.

This thing doesn't look the least bit friendly, and our gut feeling says that to. It's usually right, but just in case, we might as well try the diplomatic approach while prepping for a fight.

Casted Null Body because whatever we're facing is probably magical.
Now is a good time to apply the classical Scooby Doo method of dealing with an unknown, possibly dangerous monster:

[X] Run!

[x] Try talking to it?
-[x] Who are you? What are you doing here?
We have no way of knowing if the person on the ground are actually dead. Until then, our only choice is to move forward.

Besides, running will just make it chase after us ans exposes our back.

So what you're saying is, no matter what we do, we're dead? Because I doubt keeping our front or sides to this thing is going to improve our odds of survival, much less victory.
So what you're saying is, no matter what we do, we're dead? Because I doubt keeping our front or sides to this thing is going to improve our odds of survival, much less victory.
Facing your opponent and pointing ypur weapon at them is generally a better strategy than exposing your back, and has been known to improve your chance of survival.

We have no idea how strong or weak this thing is, so I find the claim that we're dead either way a little dubious.
Looks like Talking is winning.

I really doubt it's friendly, and considering how quick Lethis tends to act...

[X] Prepare yourself to face it!
[X] Cast Null Body
[X]Advance on it.

Strategic Voting, ho! Rally to the Ugo!
[X] Prepare yourself to face it!
[X] Cast Null Body
[X]Advance on it.

You can't back down now. It's dangerous, and it appears to have already attacked someone. You can't let it alone.

As a precaution, you use your magic, filling your body with void to keep yourself protected from any bizarre things this monster may try. You ready your weapon and advance on the creature, prepared for a fight.

It remains motionless until you start to approach it. It seems to register that you intend to fight, and lifts its 'arms' from its side. Its shadowy hand seems to be holding a long blade, that it points at you. Its other hand-

It thrusts its hand forward, and an inky black sphere shoots toward you! It collides against your cuirass before you can move, and...starts to sink into you! A sickening feeling pulses through you, before it suddenly stops, the odd aura on your chest dispersing abruptly and leaving no trace. You...guess that precaution was worth it!

The figure stands ready as before, radiating an intense and notably murderous air. It's holding a longsword in one hand, ready to attack any moment. You heft your own blade up, ready to get to work. You have a feeling it won't be easy.


Lethis activated Null Body, -2MP

The shadow attacks with a strange magic! Lethis is hit and suffers -1HP, but the other effects of the attack are prevented by Null Body.

Lethis // 36HP // 29MP

Shadow // 79HP // ???


[] Attack

[] Magical Ability

[] Guard

[] Flee
That's a huge HP Pool.

I have a feeling this is a endurance fight, and that once the sun rises, it'll retreat. Then again, the person by the side would be dead at that point, if they aren't already.

Maybe this shadow came from our friend on the ground and that being killed by the shadow attack spawns one?

[ ] Guard

Analyze how they fight first, then decide on a plan of attack.

EDIT: Vote Change

[X] Attack

Mechanically, Guard only has a small bonus to defense and a "taunt" which is completely useless in a duel. Might as well go on the offensive then.
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[X] Magical Ability
-[X]Null Body

This is the only reason we're not dead yet. Best to keep it up until we know what we're dealing with.