[X] Vigilant.
Chatter is unnecessary, especially now. You have to stay vigilant.
As you progress toward the woods, trees gradually overtake the landscape. Before long you're past what you'd consider the forest's boundary; you're surrounded by trees. The single path is wide, likely to accommodate wagons, but on either side of the road is dense forest, and with no shortage of shrubbery.
The journey continues on, you maintaining your vigilance, as before. You wouldn't expect anything to happen so soon, but thinking that way gets you ambushed. You don't plan on dropping your guard for a moment.
Cortaine seems to have picked up on the mood - for once she doesn't look completely relaxed. You aren't sure if you'd describe her as 'alert', but she does seem like she's being serious. Ancillas is...expectedly nervous, but doesn't say anything.
You regret that the prince has to fret like this, but this is necessary. The journey continues on. Every now and then a few words are exchanged, but nothing that isn't inconsequential.
Some hours into your silent travel, a noise disturbs your small group - Ancillas' stomach, rumbling uncharacteristically loud. You stop briefly to eat, not commenting on the rumble or Ancillas' red face, instead maintaining your vigilance. You share with Ancillas some food, only barely remembering to not offer him dried meat, instead taking that for yourself and giving him some tack. You note that Cortaine is eating leftover bread. You decide not to comment on that, either.
The ride continues...
It's dusk, and night will be here soon. You're relieved to have made it this far safely. For now, though, it'd be prudent to look for a spot to rest the night. The trip is long enough that you can't reasonably make it without sleeping outside. If you sleep tonight, you'll be able to make the rest of the trip tomorrow. Plus, you can tell the prince is tired.
About a half an hour later, a simple camp is ready at a small clearing just off the road. You sit down, eating a bit more hardtack as Ancillas and Cortaine do the same.
You sigh softly. The first day has almost gone by with no incident. You relax a bit as you sit around. Though, not too much. Vigilance, you remind yourself.
The quiet sounds of the forest fill the silence between you, before Cortaine finishes what's left of that bread and looks quickly between you and Ancillas.
"So...if you two don't mind me asking, what are you heading to Klause for?"
"We're traveling north," you answer quickly.
"Apparently," she deadpans, but shrugs it off, "What for?"
"We, uh..." Ancillas answers, this time, "I'm going back towards...home. Miss Lethis is...keeping me safe."
"I see," Cortaine nods, "On a trip away from home, huh?"
"Yes." You cut in firmly and say nothing more, creating an awkward silence. She seems to understand that her questioning is unwanted and abandons the endeavor.
Ancillas' faces contorts a bit as though he's conflicted, before he looks over to Cortaine.
"Um, Cortaine...wh-what's your hometown? Can you tell us about it?"
"I was...just curious." Ancillas shuffles awkwardly.
"Hmm...well, I'm from Haud. It's just an ordinary village, small, kind of poor, that kind of place. We had a big family too, so even less money to go around."
"A big family...do you have many siblings?"
You throw a careful glance to Ancillas as he brings that up. In your mind it should be a prickly topic, but Ancillas seems fine...
"Uh-huh. I've got eight brothers."
You throw a bizarre look to Cortaine as she shares the count of her siblings. Eight? Meaning her mother had nine children? And all boys except for her?
Ancillas stares wide eyed. "R-really? Wow, that's...what was that like...?"
"Crowded - no, hectic, I guess. Things weren't always great, but I'd say home life wasn't bad."
Ancillas nods and gazes down in thought. He still seems curious, but is either refraining from asking anything or can't think of what to ask. Regardless, it's late, and you've got something else to talk about.
"Regarding our rest tonight," you speak up between the two of them, "Cortaine. You and I will alternate watch - me, and then you." You may doubt Cortaine's usefulness in a fight, but at the least her being here allows you take turns watching camp while the prince rests.
"Alright," she says with a nod.
"Um," Ancillas starts haltingly, "What about me?"
"Hm? Er, you'll rest. Don't worry, we'll keep you safe; I guarantee it."
"I...I see." He nods stiffly.
A short time later, it's completely dark aside from the crackling flame at the center of the clearing, and the camp is ready for your group's rest tonight. As planned, once sleep time starts, you'll be awake for around half the night. Then you'll switch with Cortaine to get some sleep.
Before then, is there anything you've left to do, tonight? Particularly, anything you need of the others before they actually go to sleep? Anything to talk about, or...something?
[] Anything to discuss/do with Cortaine or Ancillas?
[] Start the night's watch.
-[] Maybe you could do something to pass the time?
-[] Stay vigilant for your vigil.
Man has it really been that long since my last update?