Orleans: The Thousand-Years War of the Dragon Witch

[X] Intervene.
-[X] Try to reason with them.

You nudge Astolfo, whispering to him, "we should help," as hush-hush as you can.

Astolfo gives off a 'hmm' which gives no indication as to his opinion, but he follows you either way as you take lead.

While their equipment is certainly intimidating, their postures, their formation… is disorganized, sloppy, crotchety, these soldiers wouldn't pass even the most basic of reviews. They'd probably break ranks and run like children at first sight of a cavalry charge, if they knew to form ranks in the first place.

The crowd parts ways for you, without any input on your part. Though failing to notice your approach at first, the would-be raiders eventually meet your eyes as you encroach closer and closer. Steeling your nerves, you clear your throat audibly, putting on as best of a smile you can manage.

The leader pries his attention off of his next would-be victim, who nearly faints as he releases his gaze on him. "Oh what's this… nobles, mingling out with mongrels?" The footsoldier laughs darkly, "this'll make for some good pickings…"

[Argument Select]
[] Persuasion
-[] These people have nothing, you're just wasting your time.
-[] Promise to have a payment for them later.
-[] State they're outnumbered.
-[] You're better than this.
[] Intimidate.
[] Write-in.

[Whichever Persuasion tactic will dictate how the situation turns out, whether you succeed or fail.]
[X] Persuasion
-[X] You're better than this.

Ecouté-moi? Messieurs?"

The would-be marauders appear to be taken enough by you, such that they seen willing to grant you a bit of speaking time, at the very least.

"Messieurs, I must appeal to your better sensibilities."

The greater marauder scoffs. "What for?"

"We demand, that you leave these poor townsfolk alone, and exit these apartments immediately." You present.

You look around you. Astolfo is unusually steely, appropriate for the situation, but seems willing to defer to you, unless you stumble in dissuading them. Those who you would protect look on in silence, as if in shock at your audacity.

He wheezes out a laugh, nearly choking on what appears to be his disbelief. Upon recovering, he approaches you, ripping your personal space away and stars you down.

"Tell me why the hell we should listen to you and your lady friend."

Astolfo stifles a grunt, and you take hold of his hand, squeezing it to keep him calm. Best not to lose control of the situation here.

"Please. You're better than this." You plead, with as beautiful as a stare as you can manage.

He pauses, looking upon you with disbelief.

Roll 1d20: 9
(9+3+2) 14
Difficulty: 14
Barely Passed.

"You must be joking… I haven't seen anyone this foolishly bent on a death wish since…" The marauder laughs, laughs heartily, cupping his forehead with his palm. His lessers join in, and once they're all finished laughing and thoroughly satisfied, the greater motions to his lessers, who put down their weapons in turn. "Come on. I think this one here's entertained us for the day."

"You're funny lady." One of the lessers speaks. "Alright. There's nothing we can get from these beggars. We're moving on."

Taking their leave, the would-be marauders turn away, exiting from the apartments proper. "Bonne Journée!" You call out to them, hoping that they won't cause anymore trouble for the town.

Most of the crowd disperses, returning to their respective hobbles, or attending to their business for the day. Save for one raggedy-looking man, aged and witherly, armed only with a broom, who approaches you with a look of relief.

"Thanks for getting us out of that shakeup." He greets warily. "But do you two have some sort of suicide wish or something?"

"Oh?" You wonder. "Those weren't the town guard?" You ask.

"We're a bit… confused, as to the political climate, sir." Astolfo raises.

The sweeper raises an eyebrow. "You're travelers, aren't you? Never thought I'd see one of you in my lifetime…" He ruminates. "Poor for you. You two happened to stroll on into town, just in time for the quarantine."

"Quarantine?" Astolfo asks. "Please explain sir, we don't understand what's happening."

The old man raises an eyebrow, staring at you in disbelief, before deciding to answer your question. "Town's been under quarantine since The Followers of the Dragon Witch strolled on in, and made it law. Well, more specifically, our Protector."

"Protector?" You ask.

He shrugs. "Georges. He's supposed to be the one protecting us, but he decided to sell us all out to The Followers the first second they showed up at the front gates. Raids, shake-ups, confiscations, and even dragging people in the middle of the night just to get their kicks in."

You nod in understanding. "How could they be allowed to do this…" You ask.

"Georges does nothing. Just hides in the Fortress, because he's too scared to show his face."

"The Fortress?" You ask.

"Southeast. The fortress, and our walls are the only thing separating our little town from the wastelands and the monsters lingering out there."

"Excuse me sir," Astolfo raises, "But which town and what region would we be in?"

"Moulins." He answers. "What you're saying by region..., I'm afraid I can't help you with that. Never left this town, once in my life. I know that there's another town, Vichy nearby, but you need protection and money to get there. Meaning it's not an option for most of us normal folk."

You… have no idea where Moulins is. You recognize the name, but you have no distinct memories of the town, nor it's geography.

"Who are the Followers of the Dragon Witch?"

"Marauders, murderers, warmongers of the sort. From what I've heard, they're all the way from north. Orleans, I've heard."

"Orleans? What of Paris?" You ask.

He raises an eyebrow. "Paras-what now?"

"Paris? Or…" You nearly say Versailles, before remembering that it shouldn't even exist yet. This man knows little of geography, you observe.

"I could be wrong of course. All I know is that one day they just up and rolled on into town. They usually keep to themselves inside the Fortress, but some of them occasionally head on into town to harass us because they know we can't do anything to them because of their privileges, granted to them by our 'Protector,' Georges." He makes air-quotes around Protector. "On the upside, lot less crime since they've come. Only because everyone's terrified they'll end up impaled or burnt at the stake or something." He scoffs. The sweeper narrows, focusing his attention on something distant. Before you can ask anymore questions, he waves you off. "Listen, I've got business to take care of. Take care now, you hear?"

You want to ask more questions, but he turns away, and begins to head off. You nod in understanding, taking a bow to the kind man. "Bonne Journée!"

"J'espère." With that, he takes his leave, leaving you two alone in the hallway

"Thank you!" Astolfo grants him, waving him off.

Left alone in your rickety apartment complex, the two of you have no desire to linger on inside further. Taking the same path as the sweeper, the two of you take leave from the apartment complex, and enter the town beyond.

Surrounded by walls from all sides, the tone of Moulins matches that of the apartments; decay. Stone foundations have long been worn down by what must be centuries of erosion, you observe that the lack of glass you observed in the apartment complex also afflicts the entirety of the town as well; with no glass to be found anywhere, and their windows respectively either barred, or boarded up with rotting wood.

Dirt roads with the occasional wood plank to mark the main paths. Between every block, there's a guarantee that some structure or two has collapsed, worn down by the passage of time. Without any apparent reparation efforts, you realize that soon, others will join them amongst the ruins. Above you, the grey skies casts a shadow of pestilence and dread that appears to have engulfed the world whole.

Happy place, overall.

You also observe that there are no animals, compared to Paris. Meaning it doesn't stink. Thank goodness...

You take notice of several structures that appear to dominate the town overall...

[Where would you like to go?]
Choose One.

[] The Cathedral. Overlooking the rest of the town, the Cathedral is one of many dominating presences in the town proper. Well furbished, and maintaining a splendor one would expect from a medieval cathedral, you notice how odd it is that the Cathedral is so well kept, versus the rest of the town.
[] The Fortress. The second of dominating structures in the town, there appears to be some sort of Fort overlooking the town proper, connected to the Eastern walls. Though the foundation is seemingly crumbling, it holds the position of tallest structure in this small town, and according to the man, the Fortress functions as the office of Georges, Protector of Moulins. If there's anyone who knows what's going on, he will be a good start at the very least.
[] The Marketplace. You'll probably be able to gather information about the outside world by conversing with the merchants. Perhaps there will be opportunities for work there as well?
[] The Tavern. You know the drill, there must be information, or at the very least, something to do over there…
[] The River. Waterways are the arteries of commerce for civilization. You observe that the river is powered by several water mills, which are in remarkably well-kept shape, in comparison to the rest of the town. There must be something important there.
[] The Northward Estates. You notice that northward lies farmland dominated by the presence of multiple estates of wealth and power, at least relative to the rest of the town. They're nothing compared to the grandeur of 18th century France. Chances are, you'll be able to find something important there.
[] The Westward Sharecropping. To the west, just before the walls lies what must be the peasant farms. Here many of the fields lie fallow and dry. Perhaps the peasantry know something the rest of the town doesn't.
[] The Southward Mines. To the south, lies what you identify to be some a mining operation of some sort. Perhaps you'll find something here by off-chance?

Gained 50 XP points! The party is 50/100 points towards Level 2.
Moulins Fame gained!

You have gained mild reputation with the town. Reputation is tracked amongst various settlements and factions, and will affect how you are treated amongst them.

Positive reputation is gained by actions benefitting a group, and negative reputation gained by actions harming a group. The drawbacks and benefits of reputation amongst a group vary by group.

You have gained positive karma, and are on the way back to regaining your role as a paragon of society, a good-aligned character.
rma is the reflection of all good/evil choices made during the quest, and manifests itself in how you are perceived by everyone. Highly concentrated auras are noticeable by the general populace. A sickeningly evil aura will cause others to recoil at first sight, while a pure good aura will grant you favor with God, and all those who serve their domain.
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[X] The Cathedral. Overlooking the rest of the town, the Cathedral is one of many dominating presences in the town proper. Well furbished, and maintaining a splendor one would expect from a medievalcathedral, you notice how odd it is that the Cathedral is so well kept, versus the rest of the town.
[X] The Tavern. You know the drill, there must be information, or at the very least, something to do over there…
[x] The Marketplace. You'll probably be able to gather information about the outside world by conversing with the merchants. Perhaps there will be opportunities for work there as well?
[x] The Marketplace. You'll probably be able to gather information about the outside world by conversing with the merchants. Perhaps there will be opportunities for work there as well?
[x] The Cathedral. Overlooking the rest of the town, the Cathedral is one of many dominating presences in the town proper. Well furbished, and maintaining a splendor one would expect from a medieval cathedral, you notice how odd it is that the Cathedral is so well kept, versus the rest of the town.
[X] The Cathedral. Overlooking the rest of the town, the Cathedral is one of many dominating presences in the town proper. Well furbished, and maintaining a splendor one would expect from a medieval cathedral, you notice how odd it is that the Cathedral is so well kept, versus the rest of the town.
[x] The Marketplace. You'll probably be able to gather information about the outside world by conversing with the merchants. Perhaps there will be opportunities for work there as well?
[X] The Cathedral. Overlooking the rest of the town, the Cathedral is one of many dominating presences in the town proper. Well furbished, and maintaining a splendor one would expect from a medieval cathedral, you notice how odd it is that the Cathedral is so well kept, versus the rest of the town.
[X] The River. Waterways are the arteries of commerce for civilization. You observe that the river is powered by several water mills, which are in remarkably well-kept shape, in comparison to the rest of the town. There must be something important there.
0-8: Cathedral
The plaza of the Cathedral is eerily silent, with no signs of people anywhere, despite the fact that it's centered straight in the middle of the town. It's as if the people of Moulins are going out of their way to avoid the structure of worship.

Something feels strange. You know that someone is waiting for you within. You know that they've been waiting for you. And you have questions.

You step forward, Astolfo following from behind. You open the door.

You're instantly caught off-guard by a blinding array of sunlight, passing through meticulously crafted stained glass. You manage to observe that the insides are mostly unremarkable, by your standards. You've toured so many other Basilicas, Chapels, Cathedrals, Temples, that this one just blends in with the other memories, despite how magnificent it must seem to the average peasant. The insides are just as uninhabited as their surroundings, save for in the corners of your eyes. A beautiful, white-haired priestess performs some kind of oppressive melody upon an organ.

She does not take notice of your arrival, not pausing to direct her attention to what surely must be the first two visitors of the day. Her performance is impeccable, not a single note missed. The piece, although oppressive, is soothing in it's repetition, and you would probably find yourself dozing off, if not for the fact that Astolfo is too impatient to wait for the nun to finish playing.

"Hey! Priest-lady! Yo!"

The performance ends abruptly, and the priestess rises from her post. You take notice of how strange it is that this Cathedral possesses a working organ, and a near-perfect exterior and interior, judging from the current state of the rest of the town.

The white-haired priestess approaches briskly, without emotion.

"Welcome, Servants. Although this place of worship is quite dilapidated, and the Holy Grail War currently active, albeit under… strained conditions, I will waive these normally serious concerns, and do my best to accommodate your needs." She pauses. "If you require it so, for the day, I will prepare refreshments for the two of you."

"Tea would be lovely!" Astolfo sings.

"No tea." The priestess denies, taking slight joy in Astolfo's pouting expression. "Tea was not known in France, nor Europe during this era, Rider. And even if it were, it would be impossible to attain, as of the current socio-political situation."

He frowns. "I see… and you know we are Servants?"

"Yes. I know you are both Riders, at least," she glances over to you, "you are, Astolfo. As for Marie, she is in every way meant to be a Rider, a Caster even, but never a Ruler. A Ruler who was guillotined by her own people…" You frown at her tangent. This is supposed to be a welcome? "Now that I think about it, your fate was perfectly fitting, in comparison to all those of the Ruler-class. I was mistaken, for a moment unfortunately." The conversation suddenly hangs, leaving an awkward silence between the three of you even Astolfo doesn't know how to break. "Perhaps, we should start with introductions. My name, is Caren Ortensia. If you had any questions, then please, feel free to ask."

"So…" Astolfo continues, twiddling his fingers, "what kind of drinks did you have?"

"I possess barley wine. That is the only drink in which I was able to obtain, unless you wish for me to procure ale and beer, the two other refreshments which have I have personally confirmed as available within this dilapidated town. Unless you wish to drink from the river that is. If you do so and survive, I am afraid I will have to begin questioning whether you are actually of Daemonic status, however."

"Who are you Caren, if I may ask?" You find yourself asking. "You feel so out of place here, that I just can't help but feel that something is terribly off about you."

She nods. "Very astute. I am the successor of the Moulins Cathedral to the last priest, who was murdered several centuries ago. A strange position I have found myself under, considering my ties with that of France, specifically that of this era, are quite… limited." She frowns. "Ordinarily, such a position would never be entrusted to someone of my level, but under these special circumstances, I seem to have found myself as it's caretaker."

"Special circumstances?" You interrupt.

"Yes. I ask you to refrain from interrupting; it is unseemly for a Ruler." Continuing, "and yes. Special, unnatural circumstances. I am not supposed to be here, along with you two. That is the natural state of a Servant however, so allow me to clarify. This era is not supposed to exist. It's history was never meant to happen. This possibility should never have been conceived, much less realized.

[Further Questions…]

[] Why is it not supposed to exist?
[] Why are we here?
[] What should we do next?
[] Are you going to help us?
[] What happened to France?
[] Is there a Holy Grail?
[] Further information about Caren...
-[] Who are you (further)
-[] Why are you here?
[] Why are we corrupted?
[] I want to get my corruption removed.
[] What do you think of the current situation?
[] Write-in.

Work, school, be killing me. Oh well.
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[X] Why is it not supposed to exist?
[X] Why are we here?
[X] What should we do next?
[X] Are you going to help us?
[X] What happened to France?
[X] Is there a Holy Grail?
[X] Further information about Caren...
-[X] Who are you (further)
-[X] Why are you here?
[X] Why are we corrupted?
[X] I want to get my corruption removed.
[X] What do you think of the current situation?

[X] :V
[X] Why is it not supposed to exist?
[X] Why are we here?
[X] Are you going to help us?
[X] What happened to France?
[X] Further information about Caren...
-[X] Who are you (further)
-[X] Why are you here?
[X] Why are we corrupted?
[X] Why is it not supposed to exist?
[X] Why are we here?
[X] Are you going to help us?
[X] What happened to France?
[X] Further information about Caren...
-[X] Who are you (further)
-[X] Why are you here?
[X] Why are we corrupted?
[X] Why is it not supposed to exist?
[X] Why are we here?
[X] Are you going to help us?
[X] What happened to France?
[X] Further information about Caren...
-[X] Who are you (further)
-[X] Why are you here?
[X] Why are we corrupted?
[X] Why is it not supposed to exist?
[X] Why are we here?
[X] What should we do next?
[X] Are you going to help us?
[X] What happened to France?
[X] Is there a Holy Grail?
[X] Further information about Caren...
-[X] Who are you (further)
-[X] Why are you here?
[X] Why are we corrupted?
[X] I want to get my corruption removed.
[X] What do you think of the current situation?