A "Patron" has decided the Wormverse is rather depressing, and took steps to remedy the situation, by sending in a champion to fix everything. Pity they didn't think to ask for consent, or check to see that their unwilling champion had so much as heard of the Wormverse, but that's what you get when you have infinitely more power than sense. That might explain the oddities with the letter now that I think about it. Or maybe not. That letter is really weird.
Read and enjoy the mandatory reports of poor, unfortunate "Jacqueline Colere", as well as certain observations on the status of various individuals affected by her actions. Or don't. It's your life, and you can do what you want with it. Be free! Do as thou wilt! Do something awesome!
Warning: May contain seriousness
More serious warning: Orderly contains a lot of the same things canon Worm does, including entomophobia-inducing scenes (not nearly as many or as graphic as canon, but still), gangs and a degree of gang violence, a neo-nazi hate group as an antagonistic faction, mentions of drug abuse, and mentions of Endbringers, their attacks, and the aftermaths thereof.
Orderly is significantly happier than Worm, and involves considerably better decision making, but it's still set in the same world, which means there is a lot of bad stuff. There are only a few chapters with really bad stuff, and I think I've got all of those marked off with specific warnings. Even those don't remotely approach canon in terms of disturbing stuff, but there's some. Nothing I think moves past a teen rating (and feel free to correct me if I'm wrong), and nothing beyond a lot of the Worm fic on this site, but this probably isn't a G. If you're looking at Worm fanfiction in the first place, you're probably fine with that, but better safe than sorry.
Orderly has a TvTropes Page
Changing universes, gaining a superpower, and merging mind and soul (if that's even what happened) with a homeless orphan was honestly way less dramatic than I was expecting. Or at least the "changing universes, gaining a superpower, and merging mind and soul with a homeless orphan" part was. The
rest of the story, not so much.
I should
probably explain. Let me start at the beginning.
So there I was, minding my own business, when "the Patron" contacted me. Let me tell you, getting an arrow right between the eyes
hurts, even if the arrow has no head and a letter wrapped around it. Never did find out how that inconsiderate jerk managed to pull
that little stunt off. I wasn't even outside at the time, and none of the windows in that room can open. I think I'd have noticed if the glass broke, the temperature differential was pretty darn big. My best guess is literally "powers are nonsensical". I mean, really, who sends a letter by arrow? Canada Post does a perfectly fine service. Great contributions all round, propping up the order of society and all that. But I digress. The letter is what's important to the story. That ridiculous letter. It apparently followed me here, in multiple copies even (although I can only find one right now), so I'll just copy it over. I doubt anything less would convey the experience.
To: Resident
I am the Patron, and thou hast been chosen!
A certain buggish superheroic story has drawn my attention, and I have concluded that it is rather depressing! Well I, for one, do not intend to stand idly by. In an effort to solve this problem, I have elected to send a representative (you), to make things better. To that end, in three hours time, at precisely twelve noon, I shall grant thee threefold boons. Firstly, thou shalt be joined with a certain individual, an unmentioned figure, one who was destined to perish during the course of events. Secondly, thou shalt receiveth great powers, that thou might stand tall amidst the game of parahumanity, as well as the instinctive knowledge as of how to use it. Thirdly, thou shalt be shielded from certain threats, which might otherwise prevent thine mission. Thine future shalt be occluded to those with the eyes to see, thine mind and soul utterly shielded against outside intrusion, thy aspect immune to unnatural means of information gathering, and thine power sacrosanct.
All of these things will I give you, that thou might, in turn, give unto others. What is required of thou is merely this, that thou aideth as thou seest fit, and that thou sendeth regular reports unto me so that others might know of mine generosity and be inspiredeth. Thus is our agreement, and our AGREEMENT.
Congratulations, and thou art most welcome!
The Patron!
They didn't even bother to pretend to ask for my consent for that "agreement/AGREEMENT". What, exactly, is the difference between a lowercase agreement and an all uppercase AGREEMENT anyways? And, while I am most certainly not a contract lawyer, I
am fairly certain that for whatever was going on to be
either sort of agreement would require me to actually
agree at some point or other. I might not even have said no. I'd have made them do it a lot differently, but the ability I gained
is rather impressive, this body does suit me, and I can do a lot of good with both. Inconsiderate little jerk didn't even bother to ask though. Naughty, naughty, whatever-it-is-you-are.
I mean the writing was pretty "off" too, but I'm not about to hold archaism against somebody, even if it
is inaccurate. Given certain things in my past that shall
not be elaborated upon, that would be the veritable height of hypocrisy. I remain upset about the "not even asking" thing though. And "resident"? I didn't even live in that building.
Seriously, ask first, mysterious arrow-letter sending being. Really glad that binding or whatever it is that you put on me only requires me to write out and send these reports, not blindly dismiss your every misdeed. Meanie. If we ever meet, you just might be getting an inkpot to the face. (Stuck out tongue.)
Three hours full of panic and semi-effective techniques for dealing with panic later, I was sitting relatively calmly on a rather comfortable chair I had acquired from a yard sale some years earlier, when the promised event occurred. I really miss that chair. It was soft, and a pretty colour, and it was shaped just right. It would have been a real bargain at ten times the price the old owner demanded. It was perfect. Then I closed my eyes for a few seconds, and when I was done the eyes I opened again were not the same ones I had closed. And while the new me was sitting, a run-down and poorly constructed high school bathroom's toilet is nowhere near as nice as that chair. Trust me on this.
At least my new body's leggings and skirt were pulled up. And it was wearing leggings and a skirt, which probably meant female-identifying, which certainly beat the main alternative. Gender dysphoria is no joke. I should know. If you are experiencing gender dysphoria, I strongly encourage you to consult a counselor, psychiatrist or LGBTQ+ organization, but luckily I didn't have to this time. Not about that particular issue anyway. Trust me, talking about your issues and actually dealing with them in a responsible manner really helps. Dysphoria or otherwise.
My new body's memories were fuzzy for a minute or so, but I eventually managed to clear them up. Mostly. My new name was Jacqueline Colere, homeless orphan, Newfoundland refugee (Leviathan, an "endbringer", one of the giant horrifying monsters that attacked cities every 3-4 months, had sunk it. The entire landmass. Kaiju movies really don't compare), half african-canadian and trans in Brockton Bay, a city wherein the largest and most powerful parahuman organization were literal Nazis (and wasn't that just
wonderful to learn), and
somehow a straight-A student. I wondered how even someone as intelligent as both mes (how many people can say that with a straight face?) could possibly pull that off given homelessness, discrimination, trauma and all that wonderful awfulness.
Besides hard work and lots of talent, a large part of the answer to that was that this joint, Winslow High School, wasn't exactly ivy-league junior. If you were halfway intelligent and put in a decent amount of effort, a description that applied to a depressingly small portion of the student body, getting good grades was hardly unattainable.
Literally living in the school made it a lot easier for a homeless kid too. Living inside a high school was really much better than the streets, or one of the many abandoned warehouses Brockton Bay had acquired since it's economy was dealt a deathly series of unhealable wounds decades ago. There was shelter, food (from the cafeteria and/or the vending machines), running water, computers, and a library, not that any of those were of great quality. Winslow really wasn't putting in the effort, and it showed. How does somebody live in a school for months without anyone intervening?
I mean, I/Jacqueline technically had permission, but looking at it with fresh eyes her/my little written permission slip almost certainly wasn't meant for that. It was probably for the occasional late day studying, or the few extracurriculars Winslow offered, even if the wording was loose enough that everything Jacqueline had been doing was technically legal and allowed. Still, someone really should have noticed by now. Yeah, this joint wasn't exactly ivy-league junior.
My consideration of that artful little bit of understatement (if I do say so myself) was interrupted by the sound of tapping, as if of someone gently rapping, rapping at a bathroom stall's door. Probably because someone was, in point of fact, rapping on the door two stalls down. No ravens involved, thank the ways.
The hesitance and fear in the voice that answered surprised me, although given everything it probably shouldn't have.
"Oh my god, it's Taylor! Yeah, do it!" sounded a different voice, this one full of perverse glee, followed by the sounds of splashing and spluttering.
That did not sound good, and, no matter how irritated I was with the individual who put me here, I could hardly stand idly by (or sit idly by, as the case may be). Standing up, I made ready to burst out and interrupt whatever scene of petty cruelty was occurring.
Tripping over my own feet probably undermined my dramatic entrance a bit, but in my defense I had literally never used those feet before.