Ooga Booga Mk2: A caveman riot quest

Turn 4 results
[x] Try to make a better altar for the rain (3 coins: 2 h, 1 T)

You manage to make an altar that can stand up to the rain. Chanting over it during a thunderstorm, you are struck by lightning. Rather than kill you, it instead marks you as the chosen priest of the Goddess of Rains.

[X] Burn the colored rocks. (6 coins: 6 H (????))

You find the proper rocks and build the structure that came to you in your dream. As if in a trance, you perform the actions that your god gave you and by the end of it, you have a new material, a metal alloy superior to mere flint and stone.

[X] gather the materials for paint making and do before alter both to help prevent spills while transporting it and so that it's clear you are documenting your tribes collective glories and grudges in honor of the Enduring Mountain. For while mortals come and go like the passing rain, the tribe shall endure like the mountain. (1 coin: 1 H)

You finally make decent paint and spend the time drawing your tribe and its glories.

[X] Improve your drumming skills. (1 coin: 1 T)

You don't seem to get any better, and it also seems to annoy your fellow tribespeople.

[X] Continue attempting to weave baskets from dried grasses. (1 coin: 1 T)

You still have trouble making baskets the right shape and sturdiness.

[X]Eat a lichen one last time (1 coin: 1 T)

This one turns out to just make you vomit.

[X] Headbutt one of the goats, establish dominance! (1 coin: 1 H)

You headbutt one of the goats, establishing you as their herd leader.
[X] For the first thing made of bronze, ask around the tribe and gather knowledge on the form of the spirit of the mountain that gave us this blessing, and for their help, forge a small effigy in their likeness.
If reeds didn't work, and grasses didn't work, time to try a two-step plan to skip over baskets and make clay pots.
[X] Search for soft, moldable earth (clay) along the banks of the river.

Finding clay might also help all you bronze happy folks to make casting molds.
[X] build huts around the entrance to the caves we are using for shelter to help protect them from the weather and expand the number of people who can fit in the caves.
[X] For the first thing made of bronze, ask around the tribe and gather knowledge on the form of the spirit of the mountain that gave us this blessing, and for their help, forge a small effigy in their likeness.
[X] For the first thing made of bronze, ask around the tribe and gather knowledge on the form of the spirit of the mountain that gave us this blessing, and for their help, forge a small effigy in their likeness.