[X] Start digging into the mountain to make more room for homes. (2 coins: 1 H, 1 T)
You manage to start digging into one of the caves, expanding it. However, your tools rapidly break as they are also made of stone.
[X] after noticing plants coming from seeds, bury seeds of edible plant anywhere they could grow (2 coins: 1 H, 1 T)
You bury the seeds of several edible fruits in places that seem like decent spots. You'll have to wait and see how things turn out.
[x]Test another lichen out (1 coin: 1 T)
This one turns out to be a laxative.
[x] Venerate the spirit of the mountain. (2 coins: 1 H, 1 T)
You again pray at the altar you have constructed and again, secrets are whispered to you in the night. The spirit tells you of the colored rocks and how to burn them. (If you act on this goal, you will create bronze!)
[X] See how you can get and store some of the milk that the baby goats have been suckling on, if those babies can grow as big as the adults on that milk surely it'll make sure just as strong as a ram one day as well. (1 coin: 1 T)
The milk spoils without becoming useful
[X] Make new batch of paint. This time when you have mixed the ground flowers and berries add water to thin the mixture. Use the walls of the cave nearest to the Alter of the Mountain for our works. (1 coin: 1 T)
This time, you successfully make paint, only to spill it in your haste to get it to the cave.
[X]use the stone tools to chop down smaller trees to gather wood for container making. (1 coin: 1 T)
Oops! You've cut yourself badly in the attempt to chop down a tree.
[X] Take some of the roots and bury them in a more convenient location. (1 coin: 1 H)
You do so, and within a week, you see sprout above where they were buried. (You have discovered the
[x] Make a BIG fire for our people (1 coin: 1 T)
You try to make a big fire, but burn your hands in the process.
[X] Take some of the hallucinogenic lichen and pray to the ancestors for guidance. (1 coin: 1 H)
You eat the lichen and go on one hell of a trip. You see your grandfather, old and gnarled like a tree, tell you something. It is hard to make out, but you believe it is "
Be excellent to each other!"
[X] Learn how best to train the baby goats. (1 coin: 1 T)
The baby goats are very unruly and you only end up with bruises on your shins.
[X] Create an altar for the spirits of storms and rain. (1 coin: 1 T)
The shrine collapses in a rainstorm. Apparently it wasn't good enough.
[X] Stretch a wet, tanned hide (hairless) over a large hollow log, secure it well, leave it to dry so it tightens, then rhythmically smack the hide to make music (create a drum) (1 coin: 1 H)
You make a drum and try it out. You have rhythm, but it will take some time to get good.
[X] Weave dried reeds and grasses together in order to make baskets. (1 coin: 1 T)
Your weaving doesn't seem to come out in the right shape. Maybe try again.