Only One Can Win The Eurasian War! Soviet IC Thread

"From all that I can see from the basic theory, while jet engines do require large amounts of air, they are, at that time, moving fast enough to force that air in through the intake to keep the machine running." Jessica stated, pulling out her own planner and pushing a copy of her directives forward. "My own thoughts as to what we should do..."

Social 1: Soviet Ministry of Space Exploration - Some effort should be made to form a non-military rocketry program, to lead the Soviet people to their glorious birthright in the stars.

Social 2: Jet Propulsion Laboratory - We should gather together our greatest aerospace thinkers and designers and have them work on advanced propulsion methods, such as jet engines, improving our rockets, and anything else they can conceive of. Locate it near the Rocket Lab - or maybe even co-locate it - so they have ready access to our already-existing labs and equipment for their experiments.

Research 1: VK-Nuclear Technology

Research 2: Ballistic Guidance System

Design 1: Comrade Norton Bomb-Sight

Design 2: ISU-152 Assault Gun (VK-Steel armor, VK-Steel gun, able to fire 152mm nuclear artillery shells)

Production 1: Compression-Ablation Thermonuclear Prototype

Production 2: Tesla-Ignition Thermonuclear Prototype (may swap to building 4 squadrons of Tu-9s if I can't test multiple prototypes)

Military: Begin crafting a nuclear weapons use strategy for the Soviet Union, detailing the circumstances in which nuclear weapons can be used and against what targets, as well as who can request and authorize weapons release.
"Ms, you do realise that the apparatus for multiple orders of the military does now exist?"
"Ms, you do realise that the apparatus for multiple orders of the military does now exist?"

Dietrich raises her eyebrow and taps a piece of paper off the bottom part of the sheet containing her directives, revealing the last.
Dietrich raises her eyebrow and taps a piece of paper off the bottom part of the sheet containing her directives, revealing the last.
"Funnily enough, that wasn't on my copy. This is why we should invent printers. Telling sectaries to push another five copies leads to errors like this."
The crackle of distant gunfire was in the air as slave soldiers advanced into the teeth of modern defenses. Using the distraction, the half dozen APCs trundled their way up a small draw. Perhaps not the stealthiest vehicles, but when hidden from view they worked well enough.

"Blade Lead, this is Blade Four. Snakes coming up at speed. Six Hoplite-IIs, over."

Of course, if the defenders had specifically set up the battlefield to limit the movements of special infantry, then good reasoning was somewhat suspect.

"Blade Four, Blade Lead. Let the Bodies go first. Over."

"Understood. Out."

From where the Steel Guardsman was covered in a loose layer of dirt and gravel, Polopokiv glanced disquietly at the hiding places of the four 'Nekron' assault... Bodies, that had been assigned to his unit for front line testing. Having resurrected bodies in power on your side was useful, if a bit revolting. Then again, the Draka were far, far worse from what the Chinese had been saying.


Even six months ago Polopokiv would have practically embraced the Nekron bodies as a tool for holding back the Snakes. Back then, anything that would have protected from the southern aggressors next attack would have been heralded as a great step forward in protecting the people. Now, though... They had the tanks to match the Snakes' own armor. They had the weapons to meet them in open combat. They had the development to supply and move armies. Desperation tactics were simply no longer needed.
On the other hand, they would be going in first and Polopokiv had no desire to die.

Four combat suits erupted from hiding as the convoy came up to their position. Unlike the clean camouflage of the Steel Guard regulars, the Nekron detachment were painted for effect: a black coat of paint with varying designs on their fronts. This unit had skeletons across their fronts, and were doing their level best to live up to that allusion to Death.
The first suit to reach the reacting Drakan transports bore a nasty looking saw and a Twin Dushka. Almost as if it had forgotten that it had a gun, the Body went for the crippling blow on the vehicle by sheering a wheel in half. The remainder of the four... 'Man', team piled in shortly after that, and their attack was the signal for the regulars to emerge from hiding and join in.

Polopokiv drove his suit forwards, orienting his weapon on the enemy. Citizens were spilling out of their vehicles now, recognizing the folly of remaining inside when in close quarters with Steel Guard. Three Citizens rushed one of the Nekrons, perhaps seeking to drag it down through weight of numbers. But whatever intelligence clung to the body entombed in the armor was not foolish, and the first to enter proximity to the suit was met with a crushing blow from the dual gun rig that sent the body rolling away.
The next was met with the saw.

The last had grappled with the suit and made it onto the back of the Body's suit when Polopokiv looked away. Another Body had been set alight by a flamethrower, but didn't look very impeded. Still, mostly remembered training turned Polopokiv's gun on the operator and he let loose with an exploratory volley. Heavy shells punched into three of the Citizens in the same group, and nearly instantly the unlucky Snakes had all but disappeared in short lived bursts of red and grey. Automatically tracking his shells, the Guardsman played his fire over the flame trooper and cleansed the horror from existence in a ball of liquid fire.

Polopokiv staggered for a second as his armored shell rang with impacts, then turned his weapon on the offending APC. Several other Guardsmen were doing the same, and whichever one penetrated the result was the same: the turret was peeled open by SAP shells and internal detonations while pocks and holes opened up everywhere else in it's chassis. A juddering roar from down the line caused Polopokiv to reorient in mild panic, but one of the APCs had suffered a fuel tank breach and flames were sent rippling out along the ground.

"Blades, Blade Lead. Return to formation." Polopokiv could hear the satisfaction in the Lieutenant's voice. "I'd say we've done good work herre."

Which... Was true. A squad of Russian mechanical infantry had taken on a mechanized company of Drakan Citizen soldiers, and won. Minor injuries and mechanical damage had been taken, but, even from ambush, this was about as good of a result as could be expected and better than effectively all conventional engagements with the Snakes.

Polopokiv turned his suit to look at the Nekrons: one crisped, one with a partial body hanging off of it's back, another with high caliber score marks on it's armor, and the last still having flames guttering on it's feet.

...Maybe he could tolerate them, if they always did this good of work.
Mathis held a report in his hand.
The border skirmishes with the Draka have become more and more common. An entire company of Mec. Cit. assulted upon the sixth. Driven off, minimal casualties.
That was all of Polopokiv's struggle that reached the council. One sentence in a twelve page report about the Border capabilities.
"Hmm..." Jessica said, tapping her finger on the desk in contemplation. "I suppose we should come up with a plan for using our nuclear weapons, now that we have test articles and soon an arsenal of these mighty weapons..."
Luka Popov/Happerry's Actions - Turn 6

First Social Action : Support diplomatic efforts with the Scandinavian countries.

Second Social Action : Visit Rasputin and ask how he and his special division are doing and if they've found anything interesting.

Research Action : Chemical Warfare Doctrine.

Second Research Action : Create a form of Comrade Green that works as a Gas Weapon. Comrade Green is already not one to make an enemy of, but if it could be turned into an aerosol or vaporized somehow, well, anyone feel like melting down the Draka in a cloud of acid? Should be a good response to Draka nerve gas if we can get it working.

Design Action : Design a modern scout plane to replace the old Recon Biplanes that the Red Army is currently using. Give some consideration to making it a Tilt-Rotor design for ease of use (every field is a landing field!) if that can be done without making it too expensive and complex. It should be easily upgradable with better camera technology once we get around to designing better cameras, and if possible consideration should be given to mounting a mobile radar on it.

Second Design Action : Design an armored scout car with a 37mm autocannon either copied from or based on the ones used in the new Soviet Fighter. The Autocannon should still be able to use the M-12 Fletchette Shell as well as normal ammo, VK explosive shells, and anti-armor acid shells (if acid shells for autocannons can be made/designed). If possible without sacrificing too much speed or protection, the car should also be made amphibious.

First Production Action : Further industrialize the Soviet Union by making more factories.

Second Production Action : Produce a Steel Guard unit.

Military Action : Generate a Tactical Nuclear Doctrine now that we may soon be having three different ways of dropping a nuclear warhead on an enemy. Missiles, Bombs and Artillery all serve to enable us to drop the Bomb on the enemy, but when is it worth dropping the bomb? After all, our own troops would prefer not to need to advance through a radiation filled wasteland, and once we blow a city up it'll be hard to use the city ourselves later one. Of course, we might not be the only side with the bomb, so some thought should be given how to keep one from being dropped on us. Or at least taking less damage when one is dropped on us. Also corroborate with and assist other council member's attempts to nail down a nuclear doctrine.

Second Military Action : In a war of artillery deployed chemical weapons, one point of decision will be whom has the better trained artillery. As such, train the Red Army artillery in artillery fuels and learn the best ways to silence enemy artillery with our own big guns. (Design an Anti-Artillery Artillery Doctrine)
"There is a house In New Orleans they call the.."
Mathis sung a song that would not be a hit for another three decades as they typed up the final draft for this months report. The weeks had not be kind to the two-tone, eyes sunken back, cheeks drawn in, and a mess of hair stuck up in every direction from the skull. By whatever unholy magic sustained it, it was still somehow equal parts black and white, even as the hair brushed the tips of their shoulders. The repetitive clicking of the typewriter fell to a halt as the last line was typed, and Mathis just stared at the page for a minute. Then two. It would be another quarter of an hour before the central planner was taken out of their room and gently escorted to their apartment, while the NKVD aide that seemed to constantly follow Macon delivered the sheet to the Inner Council.

Social I: The need for constant development and upgrading leads to inexperience and mismatched standards between previous iterations of even the same device, let alone completely different ones. In order to ensure that this flaw is rectified, the Commission upon Internal Consistency will be developed, and will include the old Weights and measures department and the patent office. It will be their job to ensure that devices have cross compatibility and all obey the same standards.

Social II: While Scandinavia is a nice prize, others are doing what I would already, so I will cast my efforts south, to Poland. With the chaos of the traditional opposition to the German state, and the fact that the Treaty of Versailles was now so many words on paper, I imagine that our Polish friends could be worried about violence with the rapidly advancing German Army. So as to act as a deterrent, we shall offer a military and economic alliance, where in exchange for free movement of troops we shall offer a defence pact and assistance in infrastructure construction and the provision of armaments. Of course, if our diplomats can gain more, than who are we to gainsay it?

Research 1: Magneto-Gravitatic weaponry has the potential to render armour all but so much extra mass, as we tear our opponents in two by manipulating the very fundamental forces of the universe. Of course I want to know more.

Research 2: Micrometer manipulation. While we do brilliant work upon the larger scales, upon the smallest of scales is the world built upon. By allowing for the easy manipulation of items in the 1 -10 μm range, we gain not only the ability to make much denser and therefore more powerful electronics, but to manipulate individual cells and different crystals in metals. This should allow for progress not only in computing, but in metallurgy and biology as well.

Design 1: We can reach 120 kmph with a Super Heavy Tank. What if we used VK-titanium armour, as an improvement over VK-steel, upon a light, scout tank Chassis and a Tesla Cannon for armaments? Surely we can create a force capably of outflanking any opposition force and also acting as a quick reaction force.

Design 2: Using the same Chassis as the aforementioned Light tank, the creation of a self-propelled AA platform is to be made, with each tank containing one of the new Electronic AA fire directors. (Something like the ZSU-23-4).

Production ١: Create a rocket testing facility to be built near the space centre, capable of testing the largest theoretical designs our scientists can come up with, as well as a super-massive vacuum chamber, to test the integrity of finished rockets.

Production ٢: Create specialized factories for constructing tanks.

Military ൧: Test out the Wireless thermonuclear bomb

Military ൨: Test the Tesla ignition Thermonuclear bomb.
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Myriam looked over the city from her view at the apex of one of the seventeen towers that bounded Moscow. The city was busier than ever before, the twenty five something million all rushing about under the guidance of the giant computing substrate that organised everything perfectly. Despite the increase in buieness, the city itself was shrinking, more and more buildings moving to the geocity some six kilometres beneath the surface. It was enough to make her proud, a small smile hovering around her mouth.

"Ma'am, here's the latest concentrate from Sybil. Of particular note is the anarcho-communist district south of Sevastopol is flourishing beyond even the three sig... Ma'am?"

Myriam turned to face the ex-NKVD aide that still assisted her these fifty years later. He still looked as young as I did, the medicines still holding up twenty years later.

"Sorry, I was distracted. Thinking off the past." Glossing my fingers over my desk, the top flickered to display all the reports that were needed for my attention. Ah, even Mayakovskayanism could not stop the endless work of the central planner.
The boy came back to reality, cold sweat coating every inch of his body as he shakily lowered his arms and collapsed into the waiting chair behind him.

"What did you see? Can you see anything you know?"

The boys voice was shaky and prone to breaking, even as he tried to sound authorative. "Their was a view of Moscow, but not like any I have ever seen. It was smaller, but buiser, and giant towers ringed the city. I think I was in one, looking at a woman with black and white hair. A man came in with some reports, and then her desk lit up in many colours."

The older man looked at the kid with renewed interest.

"Black and White hair, you say?"

Rasputin sat down in the chair opposite the young boy.

"Tell me more."
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Please finalize your actions if you have not done so. If you have actions left over, please edit any suggestions from your fellow players unless you truly wish to abstain your action.
Ready! Also, would recommend editing your post, DLG.
Result of Soviet-Axis Tech Trade:

-MG113 Heavy Machinegun:
The Germans know how to build a gun. The MG113 'Lowe' or 'Lion' is a powerful heavy machinegun chambered for the Mauser 13mm TuF round, originally an anti-tank and aircraft round, the 13mm TuF is now a deadly anti-infantry round, capable of scything through flesh and bone, and with armour-piercing ammunition will make a mockery of light vehicles and some light tanks.

The MG113 uses a roller-lock bolt assembly as part of a very simple, easy to maintain design with a fire-rate of approximately 1300 rounds per minute, giving the gun its distinctive roar when in operation unlike the rhythmic 'thud-thud-thud' of the Dushka, nicknamed by the troops as the 'Lullaby' for the way some gunners occasionally fall asleep when training on the weapon.

The Lion provides unique insights into machinegun construction for very large rounds and testing reveals that the weapon can be easily re-chambered for the 14.5mm Soviet and can be converted for vehicles and aircraft usage, which should be of immediate utility for the Red Dancer since the new machinegun fires faster which will be important for aerial combat.

-Improved Sniper Optics:
Zeiss Optics, the most high-quality optical devices in the world. The study of the lenses alone would massively improve how the Soviet Union creates high-quality lenses for optical applications. In this case, the German optical devices are a unique innovation in that they are specially designed for multiple zoom levels, such that if the appropriate electronic devices were designed, it might be possible to have a scope that self-adjusted for wind and distance, allowing semi-hands free operations for snipers in the field, and the optical assemblies are well-designed for usage in the field.

-Panzerknacker HEAT Rocket Launcher:
Unlike the DRP-76, the Panzerknacker uses a standard rocket design for it's double-barreled construction, allowing the delivery of two shaped-charge armour-piercing rockets for dealing with tanks and light vehicles. While the weapon is larger than the DRP-76, its larger rockets are simpler to load which lends new insights into rocket weaponry.

-G7 Gas-Heater Conventional Torpedo:
The G7 is a torpedo that has passing similarities to standard 'wet-heater' steam-turbine torpedoes, but in this weapon uses volatile High-Test Peroxide boosted with gasoline to reduce bubbles in the water and combines a very simply gyroscopic guidance mechanism with a powerful magnet, allowing the weapon to home in on steel-hulled ships without requiring complicated electronics.

-'Eagle' Turbofan Engine: The Eagle is a conventional turbofan engine, equivalent to an engine from the 1970's or 60's, with a potential top speed of around Mach 1.4, made from high-quality steel and aluminum. This engine is entirely conventional; it runs on jet fuel and has no capability for conversion to use VK anywhere in it's design save for construction. Even so, this engine would provide critical views into how to make a VK-Jet of your own.

(New Technologies Unlocked)
(Use Design actions to create your own variants, or let the Bureaus do the work at a slower pace.)
Very nice, and a load of time saving work done for both sides. Except maybe the tilt rotor, but the scientists want helicopters anyway so it's not a big deal.

Covert action results next?
Sweet. I don't have to research jets now.