Only One Can Win The Eurasian War! Soviet IC Thread

"I would be willing to assist you in the testing of the various bombs, as I lack for military accumen. I do wonder, have you considered testing the impact of using VK to enhance on of the warheads? As our explosives show, the enhancement is quite impressive, and hundred megaton warheads would be able to devastate regions. If we could get a rocket that could reach Cairo from our borders, we could hold the Drakur to ransom."

"I have considered it, and was intending to have my research teams investigate that line of inquiry during this next calendar month. The addition of VK would have affects at both the low-and-high end yields of the scale, I think. What about man-portable nuclear artillery?"
"I have considered it, and was intending to have my research teams investigate that line of inquiry during this next calendar month. The addition of VK would have affects at both the low-and-high end yields of the scale, I think. What about man-portable nuclear artillery?"
"I think that is not necessary, not given how VK explosives have revolutionised the grenade. And we don't even need nuclear power at that small scale, thanks to Tesla."
Looking up from her papers with small bags under her eyes, Martina rubs them lightly before closing the folders before her and looking at everyone before she asks a simple question into the round:

"Which of our projects will be finished till next month for Operation Red Dawn?"

Pulling out the new information on the Soviet NBC Suits and pointing towards a new locker that had been installed into the wall next to them and that was filled with enough suits that they could also equip guests if it should come to it. With a small nod towards comrade Dietrich she said softly:

"With the new protection gear envisioned by departments under me and the gas called "Choker" that imitates the Drakas Gas tendency to circumvent most standard protection we are partly ready for the Operation....nuclear armament to take out the strongest fortifications would of course be greatly appreciated if we can make it ready for production in the next turn and use it in two months....I would be more happy if we could start the Operation next month just to be sure...but waiting two seems like the most realistic idea for now, or?"

With a small sigh and a look at the intelligence reports, she said softly: "It seems that we might be in need of a new modernised AA Defence Vehicle...maybe armoured to be also used against infantry? It could be combined with the mobile radar and and the fire director to take down the planes that will try to deliver the Draka Airborne Infantry against us...."

Looking at the reports she hummed lightly...

" this note: does anyone have any idea on how to use the Drop Pods we have reverse engineered yet? I'm imagining we could strap them to the sides of air-planes and drop our own airborne infantry that way: or better, use them to deliver the Steelguard to the Battlefield on enemy strong points before our infantry storms them. Our planes could stay high enough to evade enemy fire in such a case or we might even use high going zeppelins if possible."
With a small sigh and a look at the intelligence reports, she said softly: "It seems that we might be in need of a new modernised AA Defence Vehicle...maybe armoured to be also used against infantry? It could be combined with the mobile radar and and the fire director to take down the planes that will try to deliver the Draka Airborne Infantry against us...."
"Don't we have that in the Karl Marx?"
Social 1: Diplomance Australia. At the moment we should be looking into receiving basing/shipping rights rather than an outright military alliance, but if they ask for one accept it.
-The only restrictions on negotiations is that we won't let out any VK techs.

Social 2: Put military industries onto a war footing. 24 hour production, priority for material, etc.

Research 1: VK Magic.
-This is an... Intriguing concept, that must be studied in depth. While we lack things that could tell what kind of particles were responsible for the exotic effects in local space time, we can do some more basic testing. Namely: possible triggers for various abilities. Does upbringing have an affect on expressed abilities? Religion? Ethnicity? Tragic backstories? Regardless, we should record every result we get and be very thorough in recording the circumstances of our test subjects (volunteers, from Russian and Chinese backgrounds with a few token French) to identify any common factors.
--OOCly, if you want to just say "it's random" Gideon I'm fine with that.

Research 2: VK Enhanced Animals

Design 1: Blue Spear-class Attack Submarine
-An attack sub meant for raiding hostile shipping and making attacks of opportunity on hostile warships. VK-Steel hull, 6 forward torpedo tubes and two rear, large magazines, stabilizer fins on the main hull, 8 inch low velocity deck gun, VK Power Pack instead of diesel generators, and a wide but shallow hull so it can serve as a coastal/harbor raider.

Design 2: New-gen torpedoes. Shaped charge Comrade Green warheads with a secondary fragmentation effect from the VK-Steel outer casing, these weapons should turn out to be a terror on the high seas.

Production 1: 6 La-5 Grumbler squadrons, 4 Red Dancer squadrons, 4 Nekro Guard Assault Companies, 4 Steel Guard Mechanical Infantry Battalions.

Production 2: Ministry of Motherland Defence civil defense anti-gas systems. Terror bombing will not be allowed free reign over our people, and if the bunkers and other systems allow for better resistance against nuclear attack, so much the better.

Military 1: Pre-place Grumbler squadrons in the Caucasus, and have them run interception drills simulating incoming Drakan paratrooper attacks.

Military 2: Keep the new Super Heavy Tanks off of the front lines. We want them in reserve until the Draka commit to some course of action.
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"I have considered it, and was intending to have my research teams investigate that line of inquiry during this next calendar month. The addition of VK would have affects at both the low-and-high end yields of the scale, I think. What about man-portable nuclear artillery?"
"Beyond the issues already mentioned, my understanding of man portable nuclear artillery was that the main issue with it is not doing it, it is ensuring that the user isn't caught within the danger zone? Of taking a nasty dose of radiation, if nothing else."

Production 1: A metric butt-ton of units. Will be specified as plans form.
"Ah, comrade, do remember, that we do not control the Red Army ourselves and these units are just for our own personal use. Do we really need that much more troops then we have now? If we make any more for our own personal forces, it should be to fill a new need or for a specific operations plan..."
"Don't we have that in the Karl Marx?"

Giving her fellow councillor a disbelieving glance for a moment, she explains: "The Karl Marx is a heavy will be quite expensive to built and its honestly something of an unwieldy monster in my mind. Having it of course isn't a problem will simply be overkill for most planes and it won't really be usu-able in unwieldy terrain. For this purpose I want to build a dedicated AA-vehicles with light armour so it can be used against infantry, but still fast and manoeuvrable...and cheap. The Karl Marx could be given out in small numbers to AA-Brigades with the self-propelled anti-aircraft weapons we are going to design being the mainstay and mass produce-able AA-vehicle that the Red Army can easily let tag along and later equip with missiles for simply doesn't need to be the size of the Karl Marx and armoured like it. "
"Ah, comrade, do remember, that we do not control the Red Army ourselves and these units are just for our own personal use. Do we really need that much more troops then we have now? If we make any more for our own personal forces, it should be to fill a new need or for a specific operations plan..."
"I realize that we will have the Red Army at our backs, but being able to give out detailed orders is invaluable at times."
"I realize that we will have the Red Army at our backs, but being able to give out detailed orders is invaluable at times."
"If you say so comrade. Though we do already have more then 12 infantry battalions at our beck and call. If we are going to make more troops, it should be of the new types I think. That will give us more options, and those new superheavy tanks look very nice."
" this note: does anyone have any idea on how to use the Drop Pods we have reverse engineered yet? I'm imagining we could strap them to the sides of air-planes and drop our own airborne infantry that way: or better, use them to deliver the Steelguard to the Battlefield on enemy strong points before our infantry storms them. Our planes could stay high enough to evade enemy fire in such a case or we might even use high going zeppelins if possible."
"We have not yet reverse engineered them, comrade. We merely have discovered their use, and are now available for reverse engineering."
Mathis clarified, taking a sip of... what was it that he drank? Hmm.
"If you say so comrade. Though we do already have more then 12 infantry battalions at our beck and call. If we are going to make more troops, it should be of the new types I think. That will give us more options, and those new superheavy tanks look very nice."
"Indeed, having infantry directly under our command is a bit superfluous at this point."
We merely have discovered their use, and are now available for reverse engineering."

"In any case, we now understand the technology sufficiently that we could create our own duplicate pads.", she reads of the report and gives you a small smile "This reads as if we are already able to copy them and use them for own our purposes....I'm quite sure they are now reverse engineered comrade."

(I'm honestly unsure if Gideon did make a mistake here or if we really have to look into them least we are able to copy them.)
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"In any case, we now understand the technology sufficiently that we could create our own duplicate pads.", she reads of the report and gives you a small smile "This reads as if we are already able to copy them and use them for own our purposes....I'm quite sure they are now reverse engineered comrade."
"If you would look at the list of technologies that have been brought to our attention for possible research, you would see that it is listed their, and not in our growing compendium of understood science."
Social Prime: Continue diplomacy with the Scandinavian states. At the very least, we can stall the germans here.

Social Secondary: We have a primary education system already. It's time to expand that, to create colleges and universities where people can attend to become engineers, scientists, et al.

Research Primary: We need to start gas-proofing our buildings. Develop a method of making a building airtight, with air coming in through a filter so as to prevent poison gas being used to nullify our fortifications.

Research Secondary: The Wireless Home will no doubt also be useful in improving our logistics.

Production Primary: Upgrade our two step fortresses to take advantage of the airtight building research as well as the wireless home research, nullifying the fortifications reliance on things such as fuel for generators and making them impervious to gas attacks.

Production Secondary: 'Iron Guard' Defensive Energy Infusion Generator Relays

Design Primary: Assist with the Fortress Upgrade project.

Design Secondary: Abstain, for now.

Military: Begin upgrading our troops to take advantage of the Snake Eater doctrine.

Military: Abstaining.
"If you would look at the list of technologies that have been brought to our attention for possible research, you would see that it is listed their, and not in our growing compendium of understood science."
"Ah, so many interesting topics, such limited time. If only all our problems were like that, eh?"

"Anyway, these are what I currently have planned to execution this month."

Luka Popov/Happerry's Actions - Turn 6

First Social Action : Support diplomatic efforts with the Scandinavian countries.

Second Social Action : Visit Rasputin and ask how he and his special division are doing and if they've found anything interesting.

Research Action : Chemical Warfare Doctrine.

Second Research Action : Create a form of Comrade Green that works as a Gas Weapon. Comrade Green is already not one to make an enemy of, but if it could be turned into an aerosol or vaporized somehow, well, anyone feel like melting down the Draka in a cloud of acid? Should be a good response to Draka nerve gas if we can get it working.

Design Action : Design High Altitude Bomb Sights for our bombers.

Second Design Action : Design an armored scout car with a 37mm autocannon either copied from or based on the ones used in the new Soviet Fighter. The Autocannon should still be able to use the M-12 Fletchette Shell as well as normal ammo and VK explosive shells. If possible without sacrificing too much speed or protection, the car should also be made amphibious.

First Production Action : Produce a pair of Airborne Battalions to give the Draka a taste of their own medicine.

Second Production Action : Produce a Steel Guard unit.

Military Action : Generate a Tactical Nuclear Doctrine now that we may soon be having three different ways of dropping a nuclear warhead on an enemy. Missiles, Bombs and Artillery all serve to enable us to drop the Bomb on the enemy, but when is it worth dropping the bomb? After all, our own troops would prefer not to need to advance through a radiation filled wasteland, and once we blow a city up it'll be hard to use the city ourselves later one. Of course, we might not be the only side with the bomb, so some thought should be given how to keep one from being dropped on us. Or at least taking less damage when one is dropped on us.

Second Military Action : Abstain unless someone gives me a good idea.
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"Also, I want to remind people that Comrade Stalin expressed interest in seeing something researched from those alien items we recovered. Someone should probably do one of those researches. I'd do one myself, but I'm pretty sure that a Chemical Warfare Doctrine and something to equal the Draka nerve gas is going to be very important to have very soon..."

"If no one else switches I'll probably put off designing a gas weapon version of Comrade Green for next month, but I want to have enough time to lay some stocks in before the war, not start producing on the eve before the first battles."

Design 2: New-gen torpedoes. Shaped charge CG warheads with a secondary fragmentation effect from the VK-Steel outer casing, these weapons should turn out to be a terror on the high seas.
"Ah, comrade, may I suggest that if you want to design a new generation of torpedoes, you take inspiration from the other factions and upgrade the engines as well? I suggest that combining wireless power and electric engines might leave room for even bigger warheads..."
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"Electricity and water tend not to mix well, in my experience."
"Battery, or VK power cell, powered engines have a number of advantages over more traditional propulsion sources. Like not leaving a trail of bubbles behind them, for one. It's not like we'd be the first to put them into production either. As for wireless power in specific... Are you really telling me you can't see the value in not having to pack any fuel into a torpedo, allowing both more room for a warhead and potentially unlimited range?"
With an embarassed cough, an aide presents a document from the Wireless Energy experiments. The energy wave cannot be transmitted underwater unless the torpedo has a long trailing wire to pick up the energy.
"Ah well. Even just a more normal VK powered electric drive is still probably better then what we have now."
"The wireless transmission method was more what I was referring to. In any event, as far as man-portable nuclear artillery goes I was thinking of a warhead with a 50 ton yield we could fire from our recoilless rifles and mortar tubes, to keep our people out of the blast radius." Jessica mused aloud, her pen working on a scratch pad. "We should get to work on that 'jet engine' concept mentioned in our intelligence reports, I think... the electroprops keep us in shouting range, but as in all things, I want the Soviet Union to lead the world."
"The wireless transmission method was more what I was referring to. In any event, as far as man-portable nuclear artillery goes I was thinking of a warhead with a 50 ton yield we could fire from our recoilless rifles and mortar tubes, to keep our people out of the blast radius." Jessica mused aloud, her pen working on a scratch pad. "We should get to work on that 'jet engine' concept mentioned in our intelligence reports, I think... the electroprops keep us in shouting range, but as in all things, I want the Soviet Union to lead the world."
"But would jet engines allow us to operate as such heights? Because they use large amounts of air to function, which is greatly rarefied at such heights. Then again, so do props..."
Mathis walked out of his seat to consult the computer as to how the heck both of those worked.
Also, I want to remind people that Comrade Stalin expressed interest in seeing something researched from those alien items we recovered.

Looking up at the notion, she reached out and took a few pictures from the already "older" folders and looked through them, before asking lightly: "How about we look into the Alien in the Stasis chamber once more? Thanks to our comrade we should have the basic computer technology to start digging through the facilities systems...and look into reviving the Alien in Stasis. Of course this is quite risky and I'm not completely sure if I wouldn't want to wait till we have some heavy weaponry pointed at the door to the chamber....but it would most likely be quite illuminating."

Putting a small paper forward she muses "As for what I have in mind this month..."

Social Action I:
  • Visiting the Soviet Navy
With the visit to the border command finished and having seen that it does not also give us more ideas that we can work on, increase the troops moral and of course gives our policies a face when they meet someone from The Council/Soviet, I will continue my tour through our valiant armed forces to see what they think of the upcoming war and what they think they will need to operate better. My first visit will be to our Navy, especially in the Black Sea and in the Far East to hear what they think they are able to do in the case of war and what equipment they might need to better fulfil their roles. This might be especially needed as the Navy was quite neglected except for the new Destroyer Class and the new Shipyards.
Social Action II:
  • Visiting the Soviet Air Forces
The important of our air forces in the upcoming war can't be ignored and my next visit will be with them, especially to talk about what they think of their current planes and how they rate their chances against Draka airplanes and doctrines we seen so far. They should tell us what they need and I shall promise to look into it as good as I can with the rest of the Union being in danger too. There's not much I Can plan right here: just to do the usual tour of visiting and talking with officers, pilots and engineers on the airfields, before returning to the Council full of ideas.

Research I:
  • VK Medicine
While I'm not going to start an Super-Soviet citizen program anytime soon, I still see the possibilities in getting the ability to get ride of plentiful of genetic illnesses from our population and the super Soviet program is still something we can start later on....for now looking into the possibilities alone might be worthwhile.
Research II:
  • Superheavy machinegun
The folder for this research is hanging around since ages and with our advances in VK ammunition and ever larger vehicles and plans, we should also take a look into designing fitting armament for them, something that will only become more important if...or when we run into also VK armoured enemies.​

Design Action I:
  • Electronic Artillery Computer
After seeing the success the Fire Director for the AA was thanks to the use of electronics, we should try to see if this can be duplicated with an Electronic Artillery Computer that should allow our guns, ranging from the simple Infantry mortar to the larger artillery parks to shoot far quicker and more accurate.
Design Action II:
  • Katyusha Rocket Artillery
With our advances in rocketry it would be a shame to solely concentrate on the large scale Ballistic Missiles, especially as we need a way to get ride of the large waves of Janissary the Draka will be throwing at us. They might be more "animals" than man after what they have gone through, but even then they won't be able to shake off the the full impact of a whole salvo of rockets screaming down on them and blasting their way through them. With the OTL Katyusha in mind, I'm quite curious just what our scientists are going to make out of this with all the new technology we have available...but without VK as long as it isn't really needed, after all one of their advantages was their cheapness which allowed the Red Army to field scores of this artillery vehicles.​

Production I:

  • Red Army Military Production complexes
With the Invasion looming before us, it is important we can get all the new advances like the new rifles, grenades, squad weapons and especially the armour and chemical protection to the soldiers of the Red Army. For this purposes new factory complexes shall be created that will be dedicated to fulfilling the needs of the Red Army and keeping them as best equipped with the new equipment we are designing as possible - after all there are millions of soldiers who all need an suit to protect them against chemical weapons and the new armour and weapons...lots of things to do.
Production II:
  • Enlarged Facilities for Experimental Designs
The Bureau for Experimental Designs has done great work, more than I had initially expected and has proven its energies again and again. To improve the ease of their work they will be equipped with larger facilities to store weaponry they want to inspect, workshops to work on small scale prototypes and other facilities they need to test models and prototypes. Hopefully this will increase the scale or at least ease of their work for the future.​

Military Action I:

  • Begin instructing our military forces for Operation Red Dawn and Operation 14
With Operation Red Dawn and the possibility of Operation 14 being prepared and hopefully ready before the Draka attack, it is time to instruct our soldiers or at least their commanders and officers into the plans. This might proof risky should one of them be capture, but we should limit our raids for now and no physical copy of the plans should leave the commando HQs of the military Divisions to minimise any chance the enemy has on finding them out. Our soldiers have one to two months to prepare before this operations will start...they need to know the plan and be ready for it.
Military Action II:
  • Drawing up Plans to Wrestle Control of the Bosporus from the Draka
With us having entered a cooperation with the Germans in Turkey, we also know of their influence in Bulgaria...and it would be quite a lovely thing if we could finally fulfil the Russian Dream of Holding the Bosporus and opening up the strait in the Mediterranean sea. For this purposes our military should see if it could be realistic to launch an attack from our side of the black sea at theirs, landing man and machines under the cover of our fleet and air-force to take out the defences along the strait, before sending our Navy in to help our army secure Istanbul and the surrounding area, cutting off all Draka holdings in the West and forcing them to use planes or ships to supply them...which we can raid. Maybe I can give some input on the potential on helicopters in the operation, but I think I'm looking forward to see what our military experts are going to say.​
"But would jet engines allow us to operate as such heights? Because they use large amounts of air to function, which is greatly rarefied at such heights. Then again, so do props..."
Mathis walked out of his seat to consult the computer as to how the heck both of those worked.

"From all that I can see from the basic theory, while jet engines do require large amounts of air, they are, at that time, moving fast enough to force that air in through the intake to keep the machine running." Jessica stated, pulling out her own planner and pushing a copy of her directives forward. "My own thoughts as to what we should do..."

Social 1: Soviet Ministry of Space Exploration - Some effort should be made to form a non-military rocketry program, to lead the Soviet people to their glorious birthright in the stars.

Social 2: Jet Propulsion Laboratory - We should gather together our greatest aerospace thinkers and designers and have them work on advanced propulsion methods, such as jet engines, improving our rockets, and anything else they can conceive of. Locate it near the Rocket Lab - or maybe even co-locate it - so they have ready access to our already-existing labs and equipment for their experiments.

Research 1: VK-Nuclear Technology

Research 2: Ballistic Guidance System

Design 1: Our Navy is sadly lacking in firepower, despite the addition of the new destroyers. Let's rectify that shortcoming with the Sovietsky Soyuz-class super-battleship, heavily armored with VK-steel or titanium and outfitted with massive VK-steel main guns and a plethora of secondaries, as well as electronic fire control and radar to direct its secondaries at enemy planes. Make provisions for upgrading the ship to add anti-air missiles when they become available.

Design 2: ISU-152 Assault Gun (VK-Steel armor, VK-powered, VK-Steel gun, 152mm BL-10 main gun, able to fire 152mm artillery shells (including specialist rounds such as bomblet frag, gas, eventual nuclear, and anything more exotic we come up with))

Production 1: 4 Squadrons, SS-1 Ballistic Rocket

Production 2: We'll need a delivery system for our air-dropped bombs, too, as well as a way to menace the enemy with massive loads of normal bombs. To that end, we will build 4 squadrons of the Tu-9 'Great Bear' bomber, as well as 10 squadrons of Su-2A Red Dancer fighters to keep them company on their journey to deliver warheads on foreheads.

Military 1: Test Compression-Ablation Thermonuclear Prototype.

Military 2: Test Joe-1.
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