One Winged Worm (Worm/FFVII)

so the merchants are Orks, the March are Turks, Squeeler is as batsh*t as Scarlet(i know, lets replace these robots hands with helicopter engines, that'll help), and i cant help but wonder does Soldier Steve's last name begin with R?
April 1st, I guess. That, or doing night shift burned the last of my sanity.

Please tell me it's a Sherman Firefly. :p
Huh must have upgraded the WWII Sherman as the original only had a 75mm cannon worthless against today's modern armor. Either that or it was firing tinker shells
Huh must have upgraded the WWII Sherman as the original only had a 75mm cannon worthless against today's modern armor. Either that or it was firing tinker shells was against a freaking truck. A big truck, but a truck nonetheless. It didn't have armor, or at least none worth mentioning to a tank.

Also, just about any tank gun from WW2 (aside from the fuck-huge super-heavy tank guns) would be worthless against modern tank armor. Well, not exactly worthless, but certainly ineffective.
Against something armoured with steel plate, the firefly's dedicated 17pdr AT gun is going to be more reliably effective than the standard sherman's 75mm gun that was the point in the field mod the firefly was based on. Obviously there are plenty of moder armour designs it'd struggle with, but still.

Chase scene was amusing. Good job.
I know this is Sephiroth!Taylor, but when she starts swinging that sword all I can hear is "It Has To Be This Way"...