[X] Power of the Emperor (Lvl 5): Normal DC required. An advanced antimage power that allows you to counter spells and disable or destroy magical
objects. Contains very little possibilities to upgrade this power.
[X] Power of the Emperor (Lvl 5): Normal DC required. An advanced antimage power that allows you to counter spells and disable or destroy magical
objects. Contains very little possibilities to upgrade this power.

[X] I feel wary. All these people and powers with plans and none of them seem to care what I think about it. I'll take what comes on my own judgement, not theirs.
[X] Power of the Fool (lvl 1): No DC required. A beginner's antimage power that allows you to counter spells and disable or destroy magical
objects. Contains many possibilities to upgrade this power as you see fit.
[X] I feel wary. All these people and powers with plans and none of them seem to care what I think about it. I'll take what comes on my own judgement, not theirs.
Vote's closed.
Adhoc vote count started by VileScurvy on Jan 4, 2018 at 8:53 AM, finished with 9 posts and 7 votes.

  • [X] Power of the Fool (lvl 1): No DC required. A beginner's antimage power that allows you to counter spells and disable or destroy magical
    [X] I feel wary. All these people and powers with plans and none of them seem to care what I think about it. I'll take what comes on my own judgement, not theirs.
    [X] I feel worried. While I want to stop the Viceroy from destroying the planet, will my nature as an Antimage compel me to destroy other mages, create a new Witch Hunt? Many of my friends are mages! And if others learn about me-will they try to kill me, or my friends in their fear?
    [X] Power of the Emperor (Lvl 5): Normal DC required. An advanced antimage power that allows you to counter spells and disable or destroy magical

    [X] I feel wary. All these people and powers with plans and none of them seem to care what I think about it. I'll take what comes on my own judgement, not theirs.
    [X] Power of the Emperor (Lvl 5): Normal DC required. An advanced antimage power that allows you to counter spells and disable or destroy magical
    [X] Power of the Emperor (Lvl 5): Normal DC required. An advanced antimage power that allows you to counter spells and disable or destroy magical
Here Comes the Thuggees
GM Note: Sorry this took so long. RL has been pressing me hard lately.

"Ah. So, you made your choice, have you?" the coolie states, as he extends an arm towards you. "In which case....grab my hand. It'll give you your birthright-and what is destined shall eventually come to pass," he continues with a smile on his face.

A moment passes by as you contemplate. "I'm...a bit hesitant. Do I get a say in this? I mean, taking down the Viceroy is no small task. All these people with power are way above my league. I mean not all mages are evil as the Viceroy, and I think not all of my ancestors were entirely good people.You can understand, can you?"

The coolie laughs. "Fair point, sahib. Fear not-everything will be revealed to you in time. When it is time though, you shall see the truth with your eyes. I cannot force you to go against the Viceroy against your will nor do I want to force my beliefs on you. What comes next will be entirely up to you as you walk your own path."

"Okay. I understand.Then....then I accept this task of yours," you replied.

You didn't hesitate this time. You grab hold of his arm, and clasped it. What you felt next was just pure agony.

it was like you fed your arm to a meat grinder, and your body shook in pure pain. You tried to scream but no words come out of your mouth as you suffered excruciating pain after excruciating pain. The agony was like anything you ever felt before.

And then, just as it started, the pain suddenly stopped. You had to take a moment to recover, as you released your hold on his arm.

"What....what was that? It felt like someone was sawing my body while I'm still alive!" you ask the coolie.

"Sahib, that is a portion of the power that was promised to you. With this power.... you can level the playing field and go toe to toe against mages. It has many possibilities that will allow you to improve its power in time," the coolie explained."Use this wisely, as enemies are already moving against you," he states further. You nodded, signifying your understanding.

"But for now though....I believe you should, utho."

"Utho? What does that mean?"

"It means, sahib, that you must..."


And suddenly, you were back in the train again, in your compartment.

With a highly panicked Lalitha holding you by your uniform and shaking you, almost in tears. "Thank God! I thought you were lost as well!"

You took a moment to examine your surroundings. The train, somehow, has stopped. You can smell smoke coming out from some compartments, and you notice that your entire compartment was messy and dirty, like a hurricane had gone through it. And through it all, a blaring alarm bell can be heard.

You took hold of the near-crying Lalitha. "What...what happened here? What's going on while I was asleep?"

"There's no time to explain! We've to get out of this train- and we need to do so quickly!" She replied, dragging you by the arm without any hesitation and frogmarched you through the hallway. Your cries of protest died as you saw the train itself.

It was like a scene from a disaster movie. Some cabins were on fire, as pieces of shattered glass were scattered here and there. As you passed through other compartments, you notice to your horror that there were dead bodies in those, some of them still wearing your school uniform. Blood was splattered here and there as while moving to the front, you had to step over a dead body of an adult native Indian who sported a slash wound to his chest.

You were basically speechless as you processed the entire situation.

But just as you were about to move forward again, Lalitha drags you to the side to an empty compartment. "Shit...voices!Lay low, Finn, please!" she whispered to you, in a low voice.

"The hell's going on?" You whispered back. But you were just met with her putting a finger to her mouth, the universal symbol for stay silent.

A few moments later, two men wearing black turbans and carrying a sword each, moved past your compartment, talking in low voices.

"वह कहाँ है"?

"मैंने सुना है कि वह यहाँ से बहुत दूर स्थित नहीं है".

"तब हमें खोज करना चाहिए वह ट्रेन के अंदर आगे होना चाहिए

Then, the two men walked onward, slowly disappearing from sight.

"Now can you tell me what's going on?" you say, as you got to your feet.

"It's horrible! While we were stopping in Bellary for supplies and stuff, the train came under attack!" Lalitha said, as she too got up and brushes off the dirt and grime from her school uniform. "These aren't your normal bandits either-they're Thuggees, some of them practice high level spells!"

You stared at Lalitha in shock. "Thuggees? But-but they're just legends now, I thought the British destroyed them utterly!"

"Well, evidently not all of them. We were caught off guard-most of the students and the accompanying servants are sleeping that time," Lalitha's face turns sour as she recalls the attack. "It-it was brutal. They didn't spare anyone at all,"

You look stunned. "Holy...holy hell." Then your face turns into panic, as you remember something."Wait, what about Mary and Harry?Did they, did they...?" you turn to her. "Tell me they're safe!"

"I can't find them! I was alone with you when the bandits struck, you were asleep for a long time and we thought something went wrong with you so I had them both go look for a doctor but I didn't hear from them for a long time and by that time the thugs already struck and there was fire and noise and-"

You took hold of Lalitha by the shoulders, as you notice that now she was openly weeping. "Lalitha, calm down, calm down! I'm still here, aren't I?"
You moved her to sit by the broken mattress in the compartment as you held her tightly. "Fuck. This is definitely not a good situation," you say to yourself.
Soon, Lalitha's weeping slowed down as you were able to console her best as you could.

"You don't know how worried I was..I thought you were dead," she said, as she wiped off her tears.

"I'm sorry Lal. But I'm here now, and we'll make it through this. Do you still have your wand by the way?" You ask.

"No...I can't find it, it must've gotten lost during the chaos," she replies. "The only wandless magic I know how to do is just to project a short, sharp lance of light...." she says, lamenting the loss.

"Oh, you meant that Sunspear spell you developed back in France?" you ask, as she nodded to your question. You then checked your stuff. Miraculously, the amulet and the ring was still on you. "Right, I'm gonna take a short look out the window to see if they're still there," you say, as she nods her assent.

You walked slowly over to the compartment door facing the hallway. You notice the thugs from before are still there with their backs to you. You turned our head to the other side and spotted the door out of the train car but this was guarded by a burly man carrying a scimitar.

You moved over to Lal and reported your findings.

"God.....this means we have to fight our way out don't we?" she asks you."I think we have to- I can't see any other way out of here. The windows are too dangerous to go out from-they're barred with iron bars as well," you replied, as you sit on the mattress.

"Well, here. I found this lying around when we were on the floor hiding just now," she pulled out a small kitchen knife and handed it over to you."It's not an ideal weapon for this but we just have to make do," she says.

"So...question is, do you have a plan to take out the guards so we can escape?" she asks you, waiting intently for your answer.

Equipment List:

- Cutting Wind: A blade of concentrated air that is pushed out of the wearer's hand. Does 1d20 of base damage, can be upgraded.
- Gust of Wind: A strong gust of wind that surrounds and pushes back a single target. Target suffers 1d10 of nonlethal damage and is knocked back.

- Wearer of this ring gets to cast a lesser spell of healing which restores 1d3 of HP. Once used, it cannot be used again until the following day.

-Kitchen knife does 1d10 base damage of slashing damage.

Throws a sharp lance of light from range of 3m to opponent. Causes 1d20 of base damage.

- Negates all spells and nullifies all artifact powers for a range of 1m in a circular radius around the user. Needs 50s recharge time after one use.

Train Hallway Layout:

[ ] Write-in tactics!
The guys that are searching (presumably for us), what direction are they moving in? If they've already gone past us, we should wait for them to leave then attack the lone guard. If they're coming towards us, we should ambush them as they enter our compartment.
The guys that are searching (presumably for us), what direction are they moving in? If they've already gone past us, we should wait for them to leave then attack the lone guard. If they're coming towards us, we should ambush them as they enter our compartment.

They're moving in the opposite direction, away from you. But they're searching compartment by compartment so they're walking at a slow pace. The guard at the exit is not moving at all and seems to be content sitting at his place, from what you observe.
Since they didn't already find us, I'm assuming they're going clockwise and will eventually come to our compartment?

[X] Hide in the closet. Ambush them if the two cultists find us, taking one on each. Aim for lethal spots. Try to deal with them before the burly one comes in, then take him on together. Abstain from revealing the Anti-mage power unless absolutely necessary.
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Since they didn't already find us, I'm assuming they're going clockwise and will eventually come to our compartment?

Yeap. Basically they're searching all the compartments in the car, then coming round again to see if anything's missed.

Oh btw if anyone's curious, the Hindi translation!

"Where is he?"

"I heard that he's not far from here."

"Then we should search thoroughly, he should be further ahead in the train
[X] Hide in the closet. Ambush them if the two cultists find us, taking one on each. Aim for lethal spots. Try to deal with them before the burly one comes in, then take him on together. Abstain from revealing the Anti-mage power unless absolutely necessary.