One Small Step For Finn...
Yes, that's right. You're without magic, but you're going to a magical academy. When you fought with Da, you thought he was off his rocker. But Da did say one thing before he sent you away.

"In time you'll understand son, in time! Your eyes will open then, and you'll understand!"


Meantime as the ship sailed on eastwards, you realized that it would be better for you to keep your magical status a secret. You're sure you'll be laughed all the way out of Staunton once they know you're not a magister. To do this, you prepared a training regiment the entire time you were on the ship. You took the....

[ ] Path of the Warrior. You trained your body and honed it until you dropped of exhaustion. Instead of spells, you'll beat them with your fists!
(++Strength, +Agility, ++Endurance, +Perception)
[ ] Path of the Chemist. So what if you can't use spells? You're going to use potions and alchemy , and if it don't work, you make more!
(++ Intelligence, +Endurance, +Luck, +Charisma)
[ ] Path of the Soldier. You learned to use most of the magical weapons you saw on the ship. You'll become a the first First Rank Magister that only used
(+Strength, ++Agility, ++Intelligence, +Endurance)
[ ] Path of the Sage. You can't use internal magic, but what about external? All those magical artifacts are just waiting to be used!
(+Intelligence, ++Luck, ++Perception, +Charisma)

Panjim, Goa (Portuguese Colony)
May 10th 1916

It took a whole lot of waiting, sleeping and writing to your dearest mum and Aileen back home, but the wait was worth it.

No sooner did you step off the gangplank off the steamship with all your luggage in tow (thankfully, you'd packed light for this) that you were assaulted by the first sights and sounds of India.

The view from the harbor all the way to the church was quite picturesque. You stared in wonder an amazement as you took in the sights and sounds . Fishmongers nearby yelled to attract customers. Here and there, kids were running around as local Indian girls looked on in amusement. Local carried baskets of produce and fruits over their heads to carry to the market, as rickshaws and bullock carts zoomed by. Here and there you could see some Portuguese police officers keeping the peace as natives use the harbor road to and fro. By far the greatest thing you saw was the absolutely massive fishing fleet you see.

Thousands and thousands of boats all neatly arranged in one row, as fishermen, sometimes clad in aught but trousers go off to the sea one by one. The sea breeze blew in as the fragrant spices being sold at the nearby market reached your nostrils. Chatter of natives both in local and Portugues wee heard as people mingled with each other.

You were broken out of your reverie when a hand clapped on your shoulders. "Bom dia. Good day sir," You looked behind you to see a stern Portuguese colonial officer looking down on you. "Can you kindly move out of the way? Others are waiting to depart," he pointed to his back where you saw some surly colonials and foreigners looking at you in annoyance.

"Oh, what? S-Sorry sir, I was just taking in the sights. I-I'll leave right away!" you said, as you made to gather your luggage and move out of the gangplank.
"I'm not finished with you boy. Come with me." The police officer then pulled you with your luggage to one side as to allow the rest of the passengers to disembark. Once out of the way, the policeman leveled a stern gaze on you. "Papéis de viagem. Travel papers, please,"

You hurriedly produced the brochure for Staunton Academy and your travel papers over to the gentleman. " travel papers. A-and this is where I'm headed!" The officer then took the papers and examined it very carefully. " seems everything is in order. You're a British citizen, and headed to Staunton. That's across the border, correct?" he asked as he perused the papers. " Do you know it's location though?"

Yes, you do remember it. Staunton's located all the way over in:

[ ] Simla. The mountanious retreat for many officers,politicians and who's who of the British Raj. As such, Staunton Academy's filled with their sons and daughters looking to make a name for themselves in the magical scene. It's also located in a major magical leyline leading to some seriously strong mages studying there.
(Advantages: Mostly European staff and students, easier access to tutors magical and mundane, easier time of developing your intelligence and
(Disadvantages: Little or no local presence, harder time of developing strength and agility, higher chance of being discovered as magicless)

[ ] Madurai. Deep in the southern portion of the British Raj, it's surrounded by paddy fields and mountains and has somewhat lax restrictions on
entrance, hence the locals tend to send their children here. The famous Magister Library can also be found here, leading to it also being center of
academic mage studies.

(Advantages: Mostly local or mixed-blood staff and students, easier time of developing intelligence and endurance, easier access to magical books)
(Disadvantages: Little or no European presence, harder time of developing agility and perception, slight chance of being discovered as magicless)

[ ] Calcutta. Former capital of British India before it was moved to Delhi. Business is booming here with magical reagents and familiars being sold almost everywhere. Commerce is the name of the game here, and there are as equal number of Europeans as locals here. But the recent independence
movement has its claws here first.

(Advantages: No particular racial makeup, easier time of developing perception and agility, easier access to reagents and familiars, easier access to

(Disadvantages: Harder time of developing strength and inteligence, hotbed of political activity, factions will try to actively recruit you if you're found

[ ] Hyderabad. Capital of the Kingdom of Hyderabad, the Nizam graciously allowed for Staunton to be built in his city, a neutral ground. The city's ancient
ruins are open to all to study and mages from all walks of life come here to spar annually in the Nizam's Mage Tournament. But people say the Nizam
has a hidden agenda to allow the academy there....

(Advantages: No particular racial makeup, easier time of developing strength and endurance, easier access to magical artifacts, easier access to magical

(Disadvantages: Harder time of developing charisma and intelligence, harder access to factions, harder access to mundane tutors, ????? agenda)

GM Note: That's right, I'll be using Fallout System for this quest. Cause you guys are SPECIAL! Vote away!
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[X] Path of the Soldier. You learned to use most of the magical weapons you saw on the ship. You'll become a the first First Rank Magister that only used
(+Strength, ++Agility, ++Intelligence, +Endurance)
[X] Hyderabad. Capital of the Kingdom of Hyderabad, the Nizam graciously allowed for Staunton to be built in his city, a neutral ground. The city's ancient
ruins are open to all to study and mages from all walks of life come here to spar annually in the Nizam's Mage Tournament. But people say the Nizam
has a hidden agenda to allow the academy there....

[X] Path of the Soldier. You learned to use most of the magical weapons you saw on the ship. You'll become a the first First Rank Magister that only used
(+Strength, ++Agility, ++Intelligence, +Endurance)
[X] Hyderabad. Capital of the Kingdom of Hyderabad, the Nizam graciously allowed for Staunton to be built in his city, a neutral ground. The city's ancient
ruins are open to all to study and mages from all walks of life come here to spar annually in the Nizam's Mage Tournament. But people say the Nizam
has a hidden agenda to allow the academy there....
[X] Path of the Sage. You can't use internal magic, but what about external? All those magical artifacts are just waiting to be used!
(+Intelligence, ++Luck, ++Perception, +Charisma)

[X] Hyderabad. Capital of the Kingdom of Hyderabad, the Nizam graciously allowed for Staunton to be built in his city, a neutral ground. The city's ancient
ruins are open to all to study and mages from all walks of life come here to spar annually in the Nizam's Mage Tournament. But people say the Nizam
has a hidden agenda to allow the academy there....
[X] Path of the Sage. You can't use internal magic, but what about external? All those magical artifacts are just waiting to be used!
[X] Hyderabad. Capital of the Kingdom of Hyderabad, the Nizam graciously allowed for Staunton to be built in his city, a neutral ground. The city's ancient
[X] Path of the Sage. You can't use internal magic, but what about external? All those magical artifacts are just waiting to be used!
(+Intelligence, ++Luck, ++Perception, +Charisma)

[X] Hyderabad. Capital of the Kingdom of Hyderabad, the Nizam graciously allowed for Staunton to be built in his city, a neutral ground. The city's ancient
ruins are open to all to study and mages from all walks of life come here to spar annually in the Nizam's Mage Tournament. But people say the Nizam
has a hidden agenda to allow the academy there....
[X] Path of the Sage. You can't use internal magic, but what about external? All those magical artifacts are just waiting to be used!
(+Intelligence, ++Luck, ++Perception, +Charisma)
[X] Path of the Sage. You can't use internal magic, but what about external? All those magical artifacts are just waiting to be used!
[X] Hyderabad. Capital of the Kingdom of Hyderabad, the Nizam graciously allowed for Staunton to be built in his city, a neutral ground. The city's ancient
[X] Path of the Sage. You can't use internal magic, but what about external? All those magical artifacts are just waiting to be used!
[X] Hyderabad. Capital of the Kingdom of Hyderabad, the Nizam graciously allowed for Staunton to be built in his city, a neutral ground. The city's ancient
[X] Path of the Sage. You can't use internal magic, but what about external? All those magical artifacts are just waiting to be used!
(+Intelligence, ++Luck, ++Perception, +Charisma)

[X] Hyderabad. Capital of the Kingdom of Hyderabad, the Nizam graciously allowed for Staunton to be built in his city, a neutral ground. The city's ancient
ruins are open to all to study and mages from all walks of life come here to spar annually in the Nizam's Mage Tournament. But people say the Nizam
has a hidden agenda to allow the academy there....
Alright. Vote's closing tomorrow or the day after, depends on muh writing mood!

Question for you guys, before I close it, it's come to my attention that some of you might not get what's the entire setting in this alternate universe. Do you guys want a lore/background post detailing bits and pieces of the timeline for this universe?

And another question, do you guys want any crossovers introduced into this series? Lemme know!
[X] Path of the Sage. You can't use internal magic, but what about external? All those magical artifacts are just waiting to be used!
(+Intelligence, ++Luck, ++Perception, +Charisma)

[X] Hyderabad. Capital of the Kingdom of Hyderabad, the Nizam graciously allowed for Staunton to be built in his city, a neutral ground. The city's ancient
ruins are open to all to study and mages from all walks of life come here to spar annually in the Nizam's Mage Tournament. But people say the Nizam
has a hidden agenda to allow the academy there....
Votes are closed!

Like Joker would say, "And Here.We.Go!"

Adhoc vote count started by VileScurvy on Dec 15, 2017 at 8:51 AM, finished with 16 posts and 12 votes.
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Meeting New Faces
That's right. The school you were headed off to was in Hyderabad. The ruler of the kingdom is called the Nizam, and he's allowed the Academy to be built in his city even though, as a practising Muslim himself, he isn't a sorcerer nor a mage. You kind of wonder, what was his actual reasons to build it? Maybe he has some other motives that you don't know about.....

The sound of a throat clearing brings you back from your pondering. Oh right, you were dealing with a Portuguese official. "I see everything is in order. No need to hold you up even further. Now, head along and don't cause any trouble!" the officer states, whilst giving you a stern look.

"Okay sir. You can count on me! But I'm curious though. Where do I go to get to the train station?" you asked, genuinely curious. You weren't familiar with the layout of the city after all.

"Hmm.I do believe there is one right in the middle of the city. Go through the straight road that leads to that park," the officer points to a green section you could make out, "and then turn left a bit to Vasco Da Gama. It's an old European building with a clock on it, you can't miss it." he explains.

"Thank you sir! See ya!" The policeman waves you off as you get on your way.

As you finally parted ways with the police officer, you made your way into the town proper with your bags in tow. You could see many buildings in the city itself, some of it based clearly on European architecture whilst some others are little more than wooden houses arranged side by side in a row. As you walked on forth, your thoughts filled with wonder and trepidation. Wonder how's the school going to be. Is it really big as they say?? Aileen, if only you're here with me. You'll sure your sister will love the city.

You remembered that fine summer day in Dublin when you were just 9 years old.You went with your mom to the city with Aileen along, and she was just so happy that time. You remembered playing in Phoenix Park with her, and having cold icy drinks to beat the heat. Ah, those were the good old days!

Your thoughts were interrupted abruptly when you collided with what seemed to be a black-coloured school uniform. Similar to yours, but a female version?

"Oof! Ow....who hit me from the back? Dangit, you- huh??"

Both of you stared at each other, as you take in the face of the unfortunate victim of your musings.

Oh, right!You have to apologize!

"Sorry! I didn't see you there, honest!" you said, as you hold one hand to help her out, which she took gingerly.

"Oh, oh my. You must be Finn O'Sullivan, right?" the girl asks.

"Aye, that'd be me. How'd you know my name? I didn't even catch yours, I literally just bumped into you!" you exclaimed, shock written over your features. Who was this girl, and how does she know you? Is she-

"Yeah....about that. I'm really sorry! I was supposed to pick you up at the docks and show you around to the train station, but...."

"...she slept in and forgot to wake up in time! Honestly, when will you learn, Mary?" another voice bumped in.

You turned around to see another guy wearing the same school uniform as yours, from the looks of him you'd recognize him as a Sikh teenager of similar age to you.

"Aw, lay off me Harry! You're the one who insisted we try out the new Portuguese coffee thing! It was sooo delicious, but I did drink too much of that though...." the girl retorted.

"And I did warn you it's strong, but you didn't listen." The guy sighs, while shaking his head. He turns to you. "Pleasure to meet you, Finn! My name's Hari Singh, but most just call me Harry. And this-" he points to the brunette, "is Mary Dunne."

"Well, nice to meet you guys too," you said. "You guys going to Staunton as well? I'm fresh off the boat, are you guys first-timers too?"

"Well,I'm the girl assigned to show you around by the school. We're already in our second year, so that makes us kinda your seniors. " Mary responded. She then shows off a blue patch in her uniform. "See this? It says here that I'm a Sixth Class Warlock!"

" And if you look over mine you can see I'm wearing a green one. That says I'm a Sixth Class Enchanter!" Harry says, showing off his as well. "These are some of the schools of study you'll be grouped into in Staunton." he explains.

"That's right," she concludes. She then takes a look at the nearby clock tower, and her eyes go wide. "For now, further explanations can wait. Let's get off the street and head in to the train station- we don't want to be late!" Mary states, in a rush, and then takes your hand in hers (which caused you to turn red momentarily) and forcibly drags you whilst running over to the direction of the train station.

"Wa-wa-waiiit! I still have my bags-"

"I'll take care of it!" she waves a hand, not even looking backwards. All of a sudden the two small suitcases you've been carrying lifted up and started floating in the air. Harry follows suit,running alongside whilst explaining to you in a low voice, "Just a simple cantrip. The suitcases'll follow us no matter where we go."

This wasn't what you were expecting at all.....

Soon you reached the train station. "Made it! And...on...time too!" Mary said, whilst taking her hand off you. She waves her hand, and all the floating luggage simply ceased to float in the air.

"That was a bit....forceful... of you. You do know you could've just told me to hurry, right?" you glared at her,. You didn't appreciate one bit being dragged by some girl who you just met!

"Ahah, yeah, come to think of it, wasn't my best idea dragging you around.." she rub the back of her head sheepishly. "But I did make us reach here faster though!" she states with a smile.

"Waheguruji...this girl is going to be the death of me...." Harry simply plops down for a seat at the nearest bench. "Okay. Okay. So now that we're here...might as well take a break. Train's not leaving yet, we still have 10 more minutes to relax," he says, wiping sweat off his brow. Clearly the sudden run affected him greatly more than you or Mary.

" Nice. Let's just take a break here. I could use a drink right about now..." you said, while plopping yourself next to Harry.

" Okay. Let's. But first, I do believe we have a visitor!" exclaims Mary, whilst pointing to a figure that was waving frantically at you in the distance.

"Hey! I finally found you!"

You recognize that voice! You turned around just to see.......

[ ] Edmund Wellington. Your old friend from the Isles. The blonde ponce has more money than he knows what to do with, since he comes from a long
lineage of magisters and all. He's also an incorrigible skirt-chaser. You still remember the times you had to bail him out to prevent death by angry female...

(Perk: Screw the Rules, I Have Money! --- Effects:You start your school year with plus 1000 rupees.)
(Perk: Rule Britannia---- Edmund's escapades taught you the value of loyalty to your friends, and in extension, to the Crown. Relations with all pro-Commonwealth factions are boosted at the start. Relations of pro-independence factions decreased.)
(Malus: Ladies, Please Don't Hurt Me--- You had to bail him out countless of times, and in some cases you couldn't help but make yourself enemies. Take a -10 to any interaction roll involving all females when Edmund's around. Relations with certain factions are decreased at the start.)

[ ] Lalitha Bertrand. This Indian girl of French blood's been your friend since you were small. Born in French colony of Pondicherry and studied in the prestigious Lycée Condorcet in Paris before the outbreak of the Great War. Her father Armand Bertrand was a close friend of your dad and fought together just before the Archmage's Peace was enforced. As a result both of you spent time commisserating with each other about absent dads, magic philosophy, and chocolate, food of the Gods! She's a good mage in her own right, but she's not very well accepted in India. You don't know why.

(Perk: Mon Ami, La Sorciere ----- Effects: Lalitha's a great witch of her own right. As such, she has personal access to some of her family's vaunted magical artifacts. Gain an extra artifact at the start of your school year.
(Perk: Pursuit for Knowledge ---- Effects: Throughout your long discussions with her, you've opened your mind to a mage's mindset and slowly begin to understand their thirst for knowledge and magic's effects all around us. Relations with all local mage factions are boosted. Get a +10 to rolls involving magical knowledge checks when Lalitha's around.
(Malus: Xenophobia --- Being of mixed blood, she's not very well received in some circles of the Indian nation. -10 rolls to all interactions involving the average Indian citizen when Lalitha's around. Relations to some pro-nationalist factions are slightly decreased.

[ ] Anwar Hossain. Grandson of a famous Hyderabadi trader, Shahriar Hossain. You met him at a local luncheon in Dublin when meeting officials of the British Raj for the first time. Turns out you guys are both magicless although not sharing the same vision. He aspires to be a famous polymath, like Al-Biruni and Galileo. He also claims to know a lot of people, both key magical people as well as the mundane. You see him as a brother in arms, and you vowed to face the world together. But he's recently been keeping some secrets from you...

(Perk: Bargain Bin ---- Effects: Anwar knows a lot of merchant friends who's willing to sell things for a reduced price. 10% reductions in all the prices of magical items, be it potions or familiars.
(Perk: Fingers In Every Pie---- Effects: Anwar knows a lot of famous people. He writes letters to them, even one Mohandas K. Gandhi. Relations between all key factions in India slightly boosted. Get a +10 to rolls involving interactions with the who's who of the Kingdom of Hyderabad when Anwar's around.
(Malus: Underground Activity ---- Effects: Anwar's dealing in something shady recently, but he won't tell you what. All you know is that it involves an artifact of some sort. Increased DC for obtaining artifacts. Relations with underground elements of the British Raj slightly decreased.

[ ] Rani Gupta. Mary reminds you of her, fiery and with a feisty personality. You met her at a rally in London when the British was still trying to drum up support for the war. Both of you shared visions of a peaceful life where wars will be a thing of the past and the people will be free to be anything they want. She also comes from a long line of mages, but her side's all Indian. Her parents have both served under the British Army for a long period of time, but she says she detests that. She dreams of serving India under its own flag and with its own army. You do know that she's passionate about what she believes in. Her long winded speeches to you, for example. But being very outspoken in a time like this will be sure to ruffle some feathers....

(Perk: Arm Yourself! --- Effects: Rani believes you shouldn't go to Staunton without some additional protection. Get a free Magical Weapon during the start of your school year.
(Perk: Jai Hind --- Effects: Rani's strong words and passionate speeches moved you somewhat. You're now more empathetic to the independence cause in India. Relations between pro-independence factions boosted. Get a +10 rolls involving interactions between the average Indian citizen.
(Malus: For the People! --- Effects: Rani's made enemies , especially with Brits and Loyalists. And who's this Karl Marx character she's raving on about?
Relations decreased with all pro-Commonwealth factions. Relations decreased with all religious factions.

GM Note: I hope it's good. Choose your friends carefully folks, they'll be with you in your four years of schooling! Votes will close when RL isn't being nasty to me. Vote away!
[X] Lalitha Bertrand. This Indian girl of French blood's been your friend since you were small. Born in French colony of Pondicherry and studied in the prestigious Lycée Condorcet in Paris before the outbreak of the Great War. Her father Armand Bertrand was a close friend of your dad and fought together just before the Archmage's Peace was enforced. As a result both of you spent time commisserating with each other about absent dads, magic philosophy, and chocolate, food of the Gods! She's a good mage in her own right, but she's not very well accepted in India. You don't know why.
[X] Lalitha Bertrand. This Indian girl of French blood's been your friend since you were small. Born in French colony of Pondicherry and studied in the prestigious Lycée Condorcet in Paris before the outbreak of the Great War. Her father Armand Bertrand was a close friend of your dad and fought together just before the Archmage's Peace was enforced. As a result both of you spent time commisserating with each other about absent dads, magic philosophy, and chocolate, food of the Gods! She's a good mage in her own right, but she's not very well accepted in India. You don't know why.
[X] Lalitha Bertrand. This Indian girl of French blood's been your friend since you were small. Born in French colony of Pondicherry and studied in the prestigious Lycée Condorcet in Paris before the outbreak of the Great War. Her father Armand Bertrand was a close friend of your dad and fought together just before the Archmage's Peace was enforced. As a result both of you spent time commisserating with each other about absent dads, magic philosophy, and chocolate, food of the Gods! She's a good mage in her own right, but she's not very well accepted in India. You don't know why.
[X] Lalitha Bertrand. This Indian girl of French blood's been your friend since you were small. Born in French colony of Pondicherry and studied in the prestigious Lycée Condorcet in Paris before the outbreak of the Great War. Her father Armand Bertrand was a close friend of your dad and fought together just before the Archmage's Peace was enforced. As a result both of you spent time commisserating with each other about absent dads, magic philosophy, and chocolate, food of the Gods! She's a good mage in her own right, but she's not very well accepted in India. You don't know why.

Sage needs starter set!
If you guys have any music suggestions for this post, I'd be happy to include them in the OST. Cause I am out of ideas....
[X] Anwar Hossain. Grandson of a famous Hyderabadi trader, Shahriar Hossain. You met him at a local luncheon in Dublin when meeting officials of the British Raj for the first time. Turns out you guys are both magicless although not sharing the same vision. He aspires to be a famous polymath, like Al-Biruni and Galileo. He also claims to know a lot of people, both key magical people as well as the mundane. You see him as a brother in arms, and you vowed to face the world together. But he's recently been keeping some secrets from you...
[X] Lalitha Bertrand. This Indian girl of French blood's been your friend since you were small. Born in French colony of Pondicherry and studied in the prestigious Lycée Condorcet in Paris before the outbreak of the Great War. Her father Armand Bertrand was a close friend of your dad and fought together just before the Archmage's Peace was enforced. As a result both of you spent time commisserating with each other about absent dads, magic philosophy, and chocolate, food of the Gods! She's a good mage in her own right, but she's not very well accepted in India. You don't know why.