[x] Buster Sword
[x] Tell Sieglinde.
[x] Tell Aphelia.
[x] Tell Stephanie

How long until we do Monster Hunter moves with the Buster Sword @Kei ?

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Is there a character sheet somewhere? I am a fan of this quest but it has been quite some time since I started reading it an am uncertain of the capabilities possessed by our character.

Not at the moment, no. I actually don't really have plans to introduce a character sheet until the end of Arc Three, after Neianne graduates from Faulkren Academy, thereby giving us a much better picture of who Neianne actually is. I may end up writing up a character sheet earlier than expected if convinced it's a good idea, though.

Would this current vote for weapon choice be her primary weapon or does our protagonist have other options?

As explained in Chapter 1.5, all Caldran mercenaries are expected to achieve a high level of proficiency in at least two types of weapons, and will not graduate until they do so. So there's no real "primary weapon" choice insomuch as "weapons you're good at". Two, obviously, is the minimum; you can easily choose to train in more. This is dependent, however, on how you choose to allot your time starting from year two any onwards, and you will need to figure out how much time and effort you want to divide between weapons training, more specialized skillsets (like stealth or first aid or whatever), and socializing.

How long until we do Monster Hunter moves with the Buster Sword @Kei ?

Funny thing: Generally speaking, in terms of fantasy RPG/game archetypes, I identify far more with rogue/assassin/ranger archetypes (although a smattering of magecraft is also good), with their fast-in-fast-out techniques, over heavier-hitting archetypes like berserkers or knights. So writing a protagonist using some variation of the greatsword is proving to be an interesting, unique experience. ^_^;

(Possibly to no one's surprise, I'm more of a sniper archetype in shooters. =P )
[X] Buster Sword

[X] Tell Stephanie.
[X] Tell Sieglinde.
[X] Tell Elizabeth.
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As the update is now complete, just as a note for here and in the future if I ever help out again: if there is any part of the update you didn't like or that is full of typos, feel free to assume it was me who wrote it and assume Kei wrote all the good parts : p
That was my first thought about the buster sword. It's probably as big as Elizabeth is. Various characters reacting to it would honestly be the best part of buster sword, it's the most ridiculous one.
One could say the same about dual greatswords, if they make a bigger mass together than Neianne.

And the swordstaff will probably incite height jokes.
[x] Greatsword

Considering people are already using attrition against us in training, and none of them seem to be actually straight up better, I say lets stick with the basic model. I'd like to keep our weapon classy and simple, and each of the upgrades come with some downsides and the upsides normally seem to be 'is really intimidating looking, and is less flexible then a normal greatsword'. The great sword being a jack-of-many trades is why I like it, and I don't want to give up ability in one area to make another stronger.

[x] Tell Stephanie.
[x] Tell Sieglinde.

A bit of a compromise, but I really don't think that elizabeth will be interested anyways. She may be showing fondness to her, but we're still a bit awkward about this. But Sieglinde is our go-to girl for this sort of stuff, and of course we trust our roomate. And if Sieglinde decides to tell Elizabeth later, well I'm not going to doubt it. But lets tell Stephanie because she's our roomate, and lets tell Sieglinde because she actually knows enough stuff to give context to this information (And I can't think of a single reason not to have as many Sieglinde interactions as we can)
[x] Dual Greatswords

We've got a set of absurd options, and this honestly seems like the most absurd to me, so let's do it!

[x] Keep it a secret.
I'll wait to provide artsu for the quest until then, @Kei. If I had of done so before, I would have missed including the new weapon choice. D:

It's all just her compensating for her height. She should really just buy stilts.
Stand on her sword, as she stares down at her unworthy opponents.

They are beneath her.
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[X] Buster Sword

Buster Sword seems like a good idea for when we need to take down some big tough targets. We're supposed to be good in multiple fields.

[x] Tell Stephanie.
[x] Tell Sieglinde.
Look, if anyone asks why we choose the Buster Sword just tell them it's for Wyverns.
it's cute and you like it quite a bit, but having a giant stuffed wyvern somehow doesn't seem like something that really fits the image of a Caldran mercenary.
Well, for certain types of mercenary work...

You can barely see past it, necessitating a lot of twisting around and awkward shuffling to turn to face whoever you're being addressed by without colliding with someone in the crowd.
Darn it Neianne, just tie the thing behind you like it was a backpack already.

What do you mean you aren't carrying rope, what kind of adventurer-mercenary are you?

"Ooh," smiles the brunette, and although it seems innocent enough, the smile is growing almost forebodingly. "Is she as adorable as you?"
No one is as adorable as Neianne!

After several false starts and realizing you really don't have a good answer to a trap question, you exasperatedly change the subject: "D-Don't you have a sister?"

"Only child." Vesna smile almost seems wistful. "It'd be nice to have a sister, I think. My father isn't..." she pauses, seems to think better of whatever she was going to say, then amends, "...It may be a bit too late for me to have a sister."
Well, if you're interested in a sister-in-law, Neianne's right here...

(I can't believe I was the only one who voted for Vesna last I looked at the poll. Thread, you've let me down.)

But when the confederacy's at war, there's an expectation that we're supposed to do our part, so while the jobs are large enough to help cover things, they aren't exactly what we'd call market price.
The downside of being patriotic rooted-in-place citizens instead of war profiteering merchants.

And there's no guarantee that other mines won't gobble up all the supply.
Hm. Did you mean smiths, here?

"Elizabeth Irivich Zabanya gave you coin and told you to spend it on food and souvenirs."
Never underestimate Neianne's adorableness.

"Yes, a collar," Nikki confirms. "One that reads 'private property'."
*cackles* Yes, I suppose that's the eventual result of the Elizabeth route.

"I wouldn't mind some more flavoring on my meat," Nikki grins, holding four cups in both hands. "Midwinter's Feast is going to spoil me for the rest of the year. Now here," she declares, passing a cup to each of you. Unsurprisingly, it's full of grape juice.
Shhhhh, forest spice isn't the kind you put on food. ;D

"Because," you hiccup, "I'd have to g-give orders to Lady Sieglinde and Lady E-Elizabeth." And they aren't the kind of people to be given orders, you want to say, but you can't quite think of a way that doesn't sound entirely silly to you.

"Some people would probably kill for that," grins Nikki in a way similar to how she was grinning when you reacted to her comment about looking for a collar on you.
...that's an interesting picture...

you are much more ready for this new cup
This might end in tears.

"But I wanted to be more...I think I should do more. Things."
"You should do things too!"

That feeling of weightlessness seems to follow you for the rest of the night, and your memory seems to smear into a vague sense of light, color, and happy warmth.
You're going to pay for this one later.

"Sleeping," Elizabeth said simply. She seems remarkably unbothered by the mewling dryad clutching her head in pain in the corner. "It was cute at first. But you snore."

"I d-do?" you gasp, head spinning and vaguely horrified.

"You don't," Sieglinde informs you.

"You're no fun," Elizabeth tells her, without rancor.

"Congratulations on your engagement, though."

Your reaction is so dramatic that she laughs out loud, the tinkly, merry sound making your face burn more than anything else.
Someone struck while the iron is hot!

"We weren't using that corner for anything anyway," Sieglinde tells you. Which almost sounds like an absurd thing to say, but it's been a pretty absurd morning.
It shall be newly dubbed as the Neianne corner!

"But, yes, dual-wielding greatswords. Strike an enemy from two directions. Fight two enemies at once. Swing both blades at once if you want that extra impact. Become a flying whirlwind of bloody death. Whatever advantages you can associate with dual-wielding longswords, you get with dual-wielding greatswords, with the added benefit of the fact that they are...well, you know, greatswords. This is a very energy-intensive style, though, even for a dryad like you. No battles of attrition for you if you pick this."
And when you finish mastering this, it'll be time to move onto dual-wielding greatsword-chucks.

"So they're assassins," Cornelia mutters, and suddenly you awkwardly, nervously realize that the conversation you're listening in on - entirely by accident - may actually be quite serious. And that, technically, someone may be able to describe your current predicament as "eavesdropping". Without even thinking much about it, you try to remain as silent and unmoving as possible, hoping that you won't be caught in the awkward position of being accused of eavesdropping if found...which only allows you - inadvertently - to listen into the conversation with greater clarity.
Y'know, someone who's really good at gathering information from being quiet could also work their way into being an assassin~

(Backstab with a greatsword!)

[x] Great Swordstaff

Dual wielding greatswords is just silly and the buster sword doesn't seem like the best idea when Neianne is already having problems. The great swordstaff gets back better control of space and its downside shouldn't matter as much because they're all supposed to be picking secondary weapons -anyway-. If she has to go into close quarters, pull the arming sword, dagger, or bare fists/iron knuckles or whatever.

[x] Tell Sieglinde.
[x] Tell Aphelia
[x] Tell Elizabeth

Noble party first stop, methinks.
[x] Great Swordstaff

"Not quite," corrects the instructor. "They're...technically soldiers, although fighting is allegedly not necessarily a strength of theirs. This being said, they're certainly not conscripts. They are good at what they do, and most of them are educated or at least speak several languages to better blend in. Of greater interest to us, Ornthalian spies say that their signature methods involve using beasts as weapons. Sometimes they have trained animals to do their work, other times they wind up a dangerous, feral monster and set them loose near a village or town."

"Exactly. They usually try to hide out in out-of-the-way areas to conceal their operations, but more often than not, they hide in plain sight by masquerading as a circus. No need to hide a chained, caged wyvern if it's there to woo a crowd. And since most people don't actually recognize that brand - like, say, us - it's easy for people to assume that it was just a freak accident involving wildlife. There's a certain degree of deniability involved."
I feel like this is something we will end up tangle in soon.
The reason why I think we should choose Vesna is due to her merchant connections so festival and markets are her thing, Mia's her social connection and friendliness with people so both would be well aware of suspicious behaviour if we give the info they would knew where something felt out of place.
Azalea's a another noble perspective.

[x] Tell Sieglinde
[x] Tell Azalea
[x] Tell Vesna.
[x] Tell Mia
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