Old World Blues (Fallout nation quest)

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War, War never changes.

Follow a post-apocalyptic nation in the wastelands of the Falloutverse
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Old World Blues


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PACA France
Old World Blues (Fallout nation quest)
War. War never changes.

Humanity spread through bloodshed, tribe against tribe, nation against nation, writing their history in blood. Some would think it ended with the catastrophe of the 23rd October 2077 when China and the U.S.A unloaded their nuclear arsenal on each other. The glorious cities fell into dust and flames, humanity being forced into underground vaults or separating into warring groups clinging to the ruins of what had been their civilization. Nearly two centuries after, humanity has rebuilt, new nations standing on the ruins of what has been America. Some are great as old kingdoms and their names spread through the mouths of traders well in advance of their armies. The New California Republic, Caesar's Legion, New Canaan. Great hordes of raiders still walk the roads of the wastes being as famous and feared as the inheritors of the Old World. Names like the Vipers, the Great Khans, the Eighties strike fear in the heart of those who hear them. And then there are those who are mere rumors, whispered around the campfires. Those who are said to hold the secrets of the Old World, gathered around a piece of technology who seems like magic in this forsaken age.

Vast are the wastelands of America that was, home to a thousand stories. To the west every gaze is turned to Hoover Dam and shining New Vegas yet armies march in other directions too. Where do your story begins?

Choose 1 (Next post will be the faction choice)

West Coast: The Bear and the Bull : The New California Republic remembers the heroes of the new age. They remember the Vault Dweller who came to deliver them from the threat of mutant armies. They remember the Chosen One who traveled from Arroyo and defeated the Enclave. They formed as a new state, one emulating America as it wished to be. They push the banner of the two-headed bear across the wastes, to sin-ridden New Reno and shining Vault City. They push ever eastwards and spy across the Colorado, Caesar's Legion, tribals united in an older faith, seeking older solutions to the problems of tomorrow. At the center stands the desert of the Mojave around New Vegas. Preserved from the bombs, shielded by Hoover Dam and helmed by a remnant of the Old World, the city plays a dangerous game, seeking to drive out the Legion without being absorbed. Across the Mojave everyone knows war will soon comes. The NCR is confident, after all, they defeated the odds time and time again but this time they may not be the winners.
Factions: New California Republic, Mojave Chapter, New Vegas, Caesar's Legion, Great Khans

Utah : And there was no king in Israel:
Utah is a land divided. New Canaan long stood at the center of it, gathering the survivors of one of the Old World's many faiths. They spread their gospel to their neighbors, part of the great tribal confederations of the region. They had their travails but nothing could have prepared them for the coming of the 80's, a raider horde displaced from California demanding tribute. More dangerous are the consequence of the betrayal's of one of their own. For the tribes of Utah who looked to New Canaan are now tempted by the promises of the Legion, Joshuah Graham of New Canaan contributed to create. First among them the White Legs who look upon the state with ambition as they find themselves at a crossroad. Still the land hides much secrets. The strange Timekeepers around their ancient vault, worshipping a clock they swear indispensable to their personal history. Communities having fled from the south after receiving the strange blessing of the Twin Mothers. Even the more mundane pristine wilderness of the Zion's natural park where the Sorrows live since the apocalypse split open the heavens.

Mexico: Tlaloc's Children: In the southern wastes of Mexico, states and cartels must bow to the dictate of a sleeping god. Tlaloc born of numbers and lightning, riding through steeds of metal forbids open war between nations and keep the secrets of the past. Around its guidance old ways are reborn as several tribes have rediscovered the culture of their ancestors long before the war. Adorning themselves with jade and developing new rituals they fight against raiders who remember the halcyon days of the drug trade. The land is bordered by two great guardians as to the north the Republic of the Rio Grande stays vigilant against those who would cross the river. To the south the remnants of Honduras watch over the border, claiming they stand across barbarians and monsters emerging from the jungles and mountains. Still Mexico is standing on the brink of change. Tlaloc is dying even fragmenting into different personalities. Already its foremost son, shadow of the general Santa Anna, is preparing to enforce its own order.

Texas: Butcher Against Mother: Until recently, Texas was defined by the conflict between the Brotherhood of Steel knights who issued from California nearly a century ago and the remnants of the super-mutant army who tried to conquer the state. The situation complicated itself as both groups splintered across ideological lines. The Unity of Austin represents one of the rare places where human, mutant and ghoul can live in harmony. Still other powers are at work there. Around Dog City, once called Denver, the Hangdogs lead their beasts as they eye more territories. Cults range the wastes, calling to the Chained Choir and ranting on blank-eyed soldiers enforcing brutal laws. In the ancient complex of Twin Mothers, something who could be called a goddess seeks to nurture the wastes. And indifferent from all of this, part of Caesar's Legion, helmed by the dread Legate Lanius is on the warpath. Lanius received a clear order on his master, secure Dog City for the Legion and everything between him and his goals is an annoyance to be cleansed, or tools to be claimed.

Great North: Devils and Angels The northern wastes of Oregon and Washington are home to monsters. Mutants chased from California spread through ancient caves now green with the light of the mutative FEV. Tribes given to cannibalism and the worship of the Odious King caper in a twisted landscape born from malfunctioning terraforming technology. Nobody knows for sure what power corrupted the land but even newcomers are not immune. Long ago a chapter of the Brotherhood of Steel fought its way to the ruins of ancient Seattle where they emerged as a warband in black armor, ruling over raiders through terror and torment. Some would think the community of Heaven's Gate who manage to hold the remnants of pre-War facilities are the best hope for the region, but that's ignoring the howling of those they consign to the pyre. Still not all is lost for the north. Darkness may be the deepest here but light still shines through. There are those who renounce the wild cannibalism of their comrades, warriors who look to trade and even part of the Brotherhood who remember their duty is to the protection of mankind and not its torture.

Obligatory Disclaimer: this universe follows, as the title indicate, the Old World Blues mod for Hearts of Iron IV who melds official lore, cancelled game information and addition by the mod team.

The year of beginning is 2275 which means we are seven years before the events of New Vegas.
...So this is a 'old world blues' quest?
Maybe put those words a few other places so no one is confused. :p
[X] Mexico: Tlaloc's Children
i wanna play as an AI God rebuilding the glory of Mexico
Is this Old World Blues (Fallout nation quest)?

You should add another one, for clarity sake.

[X]Great North: Devils and Angels

also gib Washington brotherhood
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[X] Mexico: Tlaloc's Children

Genuinely want to see what's like to play a semi-awake machine intelligence from before the nukes.
[X]Great North: Devils and Angels
Would be interesting to play as lanius cohort, since the paths where he with Diana was interesting, as he make a more actual Rome than the Ceasar Legion, but imo it was rather lacking and did not fully explore its full potentials.
I wonder what of san francisco now here

San Francisco is in the West Coast zone. It was refounded by the descendants of a Chinese submarine crew called the Shi. They are led by the Emperor, once the mainframe of said submarine. They are sharing the city with a cult of Hubbologists, basically alien cultists. They are independant but completely surrounded by the New California Republic.
[X] Utah : And there was no king in Israel:
[X] Mexico: Tlaloc's Children
[X] Texas: Butcher Against Mother:

I would rather not play as one of the New Vegas factions and pick one of the OWB ones in this OWB quest instead.
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