[X] Rally and Rearm. You know your duty, but engaging something like this unprepared is suicide. Collect your axe, drink the remaining healing draught, and invoke the Flaming Sword once more. The Templar should be able to stall the spectre until you are ready to engage.
On the matter of the Cult of Verena, way back in 2nd edition there was a blurb in one of the White Dwarf magazines that I have somewhere around.
It says that due to Verena being a Deity primarily of Justice, not primarily law, that it matters not to her if you were Tarkin or Luke.
You could be a Lawful Evil genocide maker who slaughters trillions, or a Lawful Good Paladin who never takes a life, both could be the high Priest of Verena, as long as they followed their own personal view of Justice.
As such this Priestess was never going to be on our side, she has meat in the game so to speak. That was plain from the first interaction we had with her. We might be in the right, or we might not. But in the end it matters not what right is made, simply that the objudicator of this duel wants us to lose.
As such I recommend that we Rally and Rearm, use the other Healing Draught, smear some Faxtoryll on our wounds, pick up our Axe and be ready for the final part of our duel.