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- London, England
Is the next quest with Erika gonna take up right after this one, or will there be a time skip?
I expect there would be a timeskip, though I'm not planning on my next work featuring Erika, as that seems like an excellent way to invite burnout. Which means I have time to consider things like how long a skip and what form any potential sequel should take.
I think this is why the CK2 system is so popular with Quest masters, even when not doing that style of quest. low maintenance once written up.
I can see that, though I do tend to see a lot of CK2-style mechanics wind up in a similar place vis-a-vis the framework creaking somewhat under the character growth. Too many traits warps the system and pushes things increasingly into rocket-tag-esque "you succeed massively or you fail utterly" time events.
Can confirm. All birds are shit factories.
New thread with your more normal "We Stand In Awe" system or taking a break to do something else before coming back to Erika after that?
There's a few different options I'm currently contemplating, but I expect whatever it is I do the mechanics will be much lighter than they were for this quest.