Endlessly Devouring
Flying is good. Really good. But teleportation is almost as good and much easier to learn.
[X] Plan Precisely Blurry Utilitarian PAIN!
[X] Plan Precisely Blurry Utilitarian PAIN!
Please tell me that it is possible to do the spell is such a way that you leave your clothes behind, since I can imagine Erika discovering that by accident while practicing and deciding that being able to do so would be extremely useful during certain....excursions.I see so far virtually everyone has voted for Ember... ok it was meant to be Emberstride but apparently it's Emberstrike now, whatever. But yes, this is good, largely because it enables me to write a scene where Erika is trying to pull off that discorporate-and-reform trick that she saw the Djinn do, in an attempt to convince a sexy fire elemental that she is, in fact, interesting.
(Writing Erika is honestly just legitimately really fun for me)
Wyrmfire sounds like a really good option for when Erika needs to go non-AOE, but also wants the option to hit multiple targets. Ignoring cover is just icing. I don't know what her willpower bonus is, but 58 looks okay, so presumably she could hit quite a few with one use...
Okay, so Wyrmfire can hit up-to five targets in short range (not sure what that is) of each other, ignoring all cover, with little to no collateral damage to anyone or anything around it.Oh, right, system terminology. "[characteristic] bonus" is always the 10s digit of the stat. So Erika has a willpower of 58 and a willpower bonus of 5. Similarly, she has a toughness of 44 and a toughness bonus of 4.
@Maugan Ra how much damage do spells do? I checked that fireblast deals 7 base damage. Is that the same for all other spells?
60 feet is considered shorter ranged?Dragonsong deals TB+WB, so +9 for Erika, and bypasses all armour... but is harder to cast and shorter ranged/imprecise.