Trail of Blood and Silver
30 April 867 A.D.
"There are richer lands southwards, more perilous without a doubt, but for a ship like ours and a cargo such as we bear tis best I think to seek the deepest pockets. Besides..." You feel your lips twist into a smile likely as cold as the wind through the pine woods. "We are more likely to lose ourselves in the crowds in a great trading port than here in the northlands. Commonplace enough in all lands to hate and fear the stranger and seek to rob him knowing none shall rise to their defense, how much brighter would that flame burn knowing that stranger has is blessed with health and vigor beyond yours, possessing arts that you do not?"
"Shouldn't that be all the truer here?" Ular asks shrewdly, as he always seems to be in matters that speak more to the heart than the mind. "And yet I have seen none of that black resentment among these people, only the open hand, poor as the offering in it might be by the measure of Numenor."
"They have need of us," you sweep the matter aside, for all it seems a touch glib to do it.
So it is with renewed interest that you question the villagers, not in greater possession of the words with which to do so. Perhaps unsurprisingly it is Liv who hands you the key: "The men are at war under the banners of Rurik sea-king in Alode-joki against the Vyacheslav whom some call the Giant and some call the Redhand of Sarskoe."
She looks you up and down, in a manner more bold than any other of the children of Novozem dared, save for the very youngest, but where their courage is born of their youth hers seems to spin from some darker place lurking just under the surface of her eyes.
"He's not really that big you know, shorter than you, though he might be broader in the shoulder," she mimes the proportions as she speaks, teaching you the word for 'shoulder' in the process, though you are more interested in how she ha seen this 'Vyacheslav'.
When you ask that she suddenly draws back, shoulders hunched as if against a blow, eyes dropping to the ground, but then she forces herself to look at you again. "Is dangerous to say, or maybe was dangerous, I'm not sure, it's been three winters now. Vyacheslav is my father-brother..?"
"Half brother?" you try, though you are not sure her language works like that,
none of the elven languages do , but is is clear to your ear now that this is very much a tongue of men you are speaking, for all the marks of faint marks of the Firstborn.
Liv nods slowly, a little uncertainly. "Same father, different mothers, father-Woyhmistit had many women, many wives, he loved Bidigostil's mother most, loved Bidigostil."
She goes quiet then looking out over the sea as the waves lap the stony shore in a veil of foam, a cloak of musty green seaweed all that is left in their wake.
"What happened to him, your brother?" There is no need to specify which one.
"He went south to Miklagard far-traveling far-trading, fought in the wars of the Great King of the Greeks, came back with many wonderful stories, many strange-wonderful stories and with fine cloth and pottery and silver and gold too, many honors. He was a champion of the Great King."
To be honest you rather doubt that last part, a warrior's boasting at homecoming is as expected as the tears of leave taking and if these southern lands are truly filed with great cities then what might be a mildly successful sellsword's pay to them would be great wealth in these poor northern lands.
"Bidigostil came back with a wise man, holy man from Miklagard, Acoemeti, means Sleepless Ones, though he slept sometimes but only a little since his water god was a harsh god who asks much of his people in the building of temples and the raising of great armies at least from the stories he told. He was the one to teach me trade tongue since not many of the others would listen to him and many of the men mocked him because he did not have a weapon save his eating knife, he said he was strong in the love of his god and it gave him strong magic, but none would believe him until..."
"Yes?" You prompt, not that it sounds like the girl needs
much prompting.
"Father-Woyhmisti laughed at the south-man and his water god at feast-time and then he got sick in the bowels and could not be put right. When... when he died Vyacheslav said Bidigostil asked the south-man to poison him with his magic. Bidigostil tried to argue with him but the
vojin the warriors were with Vyacheslav, there was a fight..."
You don't have to be a sorcerer to hear just how desperately Liv does not want to talk about that fight, but you can well guess what must have happened to make Vyacheslav's hands red. "What happened afterwards?"
"Gostislav, he was one of Bidigostil's friends took me away in the night, said we would go to Rurik sea-king, but he was sick too, only made it as far as here. They buried him in the cairn out by Black Pine hill and left me. But he has all sorts of arm bands and bracelets and some silver from the south with him, I said it was mine now 'cause who else would it belong to. Fálki said he'd take me in if I gave it to him so I did..."
What other choice did I have, some words don't need to be spoken aloud to be heard.
What the girl says next, voice dropping to a whisper, you did not expect: "Didn't give all of it up, hid some in the cairn and none of Gostislav's ghost, but I figure what's his ghost have to do with my brother's silver? I'll tell you where it is if you take me south with you. I wanna see Miklagard with its tall walls and great gardens and temples not just stay here and wed whoever willing to pay Fálki two whole sheep. If I had killed the horse maybe I'd even be worth a
cow. "
She says the last with more venom than you had thought a slip of a girl would be capable of. Then again as a down on his luck alchemist once told you between his sixth wine cup and his seventh it's the smallest snakes that have the most venom because they have the most need of it.
What do you reply?
[] Agree to take Liv with you
-[] Talk to Falki first, he did offer you honorable guesting
-[] Just take her with you, and check for that silver while you are at it
[] Refuse to take Liv with you
OOC: Again, no rolls this time. Between saving her from serious injury and the general mystique Eriol and company have right now it did not take much for Liv to open up.