Of No Consequence (Naruto SI/Time Loop)

First Tries - Sakura: Kakashi Interlude

Kakashi paused before entering the Academy to think about his prospective genin. He had spent much of the day watching them through the crystal ball with the Hokage and reading over their simple Academy profiles.

Hmmm, Sensei's son performed poorly on most skills... but he's determined and looks like he's willing to think the best of everyone.

The boy seemed to have limitless potential, if he survived the harshness of ninja life. Kakashi dismissed the thought. He wouldn't let another of his people die.

Sasuke Uchiha... All of his skills outperformed his class, but he looks like he isn't willing to trust anybody. That could be a problem. If he can't trust them he might be like...

Kakashi cut off that line of thinking with a twinge of guilt. Thinking about his failure to protect Rin and Obito always ended with him in a gloom. He shook his head to clear his thoughts and moved on.

Sakura Haruno. Except for the smarts that carried her into the top kunoichi of the class, she would be an unexceptional ninja. Though... The reports seem to have understated her intelligence and how perceptive she is, after hearing how she discovered Naruto's secret.

Sakura's revelation to Naruto and their subsequent reconciliation as well as Sakura's apparent commitment to change her life and train with her teammate(s) had moved Kakashi. He shook his head and entered the building.

Well, they need to pass my test first.


On the roof, Kakashi leaned against the rail as his prospective genin filed out and sat down. He looked at his targets for a moment and asked them for introductions.

When Naruto demanded he introduce himself first, he refused. He wouldn't be telling them anything unless they passed and were his genin in truth, though that didn't mean he couldn't have a little fun.

The introductions went pretty much as he thought they would. Sasuke was worrying with his fixation on his brother, but hopefully he could curb or help control that obsession. Sakura's was more mature than he would expect from a girl her age, but a person learning that one of their teammates had a giant demon fox sealed into them would probably make anyone think hard about their views on ninja life.

Kakashi screwed with the children for a few minutes, then dismissed them. As he left, he employed his wicked sense of humor and 'advised' them not to eat breakfast or they would risk throwing up during the test.

Half an hour later, he settled in near the training ground to spy on his prospective team. In a smart move, they had decided to go to the field where the exam would take place and train as well as check out the area they would be working in. Sakura took a fair if not exceptional look around the area and began some warm ups.

He continued watching as Naruto showed up and Sakura begged him to teach her the Shadow Clone technique. He shifted, ready to intervene if the girl hurt herself, but she went at it carefully and immediately stopped once the drain caused her to lose her feet.

Sasuke showed up, and the pink-haired girl quickly cut off a conflict before it could gain steam. Her appraisal of the Shadow Clone technique only reinforced Kakashi's rising opinion of the girl, and the threat to steal all of Sasuke's clothing and sell it to his fans if he didn't get along with Naruto was inspired. A minute or so later, and Sasuke seemed to put down some of his pride. If a person were to tilt their head and squint just right, it looked like the beginning of something that might eventually be called... teamwork.

Hmmm, they might be able to pass after all.

As the children settled into a training routine, Kakashi left to enjoy the rest of his day with just a little spring in his step.


Kakashi showed up late to continue his minor test of seeing underneath the underneath, and greeted the youngsters. Naruto and Sakura's reactions brought a smile to his face, and he began to explain his test to them.

Ha! They're cute.

Naruto's muted outrage, Sasuke's small smirk, and Sakura's carefully blank face revealed that they had at least seen through his 'advice'. Naruto's controlled outrage turned into enthusiasm when the girl spoke with her determination to not hold back, and Sasuke also readied himself.

"Heh. I think I'm starting to like you guys. Ready? Begin!"

Sakura's thrown kunai as they leapt towards cover was slow, but fairly accurate. Kakashi lost sight of them for a brief moment as it came towards his face and he approved of the distraction, even though he could easily find them again if he wanted to.

A few minutes later, Naruto showed up, and Kakashi taunted him by pulling out one of his favorite books: Icha Icha Paradise.

[Insert dialogue ripped almost word-for-word from the series]

Enraged, Naruto attacked and Kakashi easily blocked the blows the boy launched at him.

Hm, he's already a grade above where the academy reports place him at.

The silver-haired jonin briefly considered putting away his book, but decided against it. Naruto wasn't quite good enough even with only one hand free. After a short exchange where Naruto got more and more frustrated with each blocked or dodged blow, the boy reared back with a haymaker, and made the mistake of closing his eyes.

Kakashi stepped around him, then crouched and told the boy, "Ninja shouldn't repeatedly let the enemy take them from behind, idiot. Konoha Ultimate Taijutsu Technique! A Thousand Years of Pain!"

Kakashi took a very brief moment to savor the look of raw terror and disbelief on Naruto's face when the boy looked over his shoulder, then launched him into the river. After a moment, the orange-clad wannabe genin clambered out of the water, looking somewhat disheartened. Kakashi taunted him, knowing that the kid, like many younger ninja, would stubbornly react with determination to someone looking down on his dreams. He also noticed a tuft of pink hair just peeking out of one of the bushes to his left and heard a small movement in the trees behind him, which was probably Sasuke preparing to use any openings that Kakashi might leave.

An instant later, a squad of Naruto's shadow clones burst free from the water, and Kakashi turned towards them, preparing for a little more fighting. Just as they got close enough to leap towards him, he heard a footstep and someone jumping towards him from behind.

Oh! Good distraction, Naruto. A point for you.

Kakashi feigned surprise as the clone grappled him from behind, shouting, "Ninja shouldn't let their opponents take them from behind! Right, Kakashi-sensei?" a mere moment before the jonin heard another footstep close behind him that he had missed, masked by Naruto.

What?! My blind spot?

Actually surprised, Kakashi reacted, turning left towards the offending sound and lashing out with more strength and speed than he should have used. He managed to pull the blow as his backhand reached its target, and he was greeted by the sight and feeling of launching the pink-haired and green-eyed girl across the training field. A small spray of blood spattered across Kakashi's uniform from the girl he'd struck.

Damn it! I didn't--

"SAKURA!" the real Naruto roared as he punched towards the jonin, with his clones just reaching and locking down Kakashi's legs. Kakashi burst the clone behind him and braced himself, reflexively blocking the attack. He was greeted by unsettling red slitted eyes. The blow broke through Kakashi's guard and launched him back across the field, leaving small trenches where his feet dug through the ground.

Those eyes. The seal..?

Everything was going horribly, horribly wrong. Kakashi recovered his stance and prepared to use his full strength to put an end to the test as Naruto fought between aggression and protectiveness. Suddenly, a brace of kunai and shuriken whizzed out of the trees, and Kakashi used a replacement to dodge, which moved him further from Naruto as the pattern of weapons prevented Kakashi from moving forwards without harm.

The new development seemed to decide things for the boy, whose eyes had faded back to blue. He quickly ran to Sakura, creating an enormous group of more than thirty clones on the way, then picked the girl up on his back and dashed into the woods.

Sasuke stepped out from where he'd been hiding in the treeline and fired a Fire Style: Great Fireball at Kakashi, then turned and dashed after Naruto.

This time, the jonin easily dodged the incoming attack, retreating underground with Earth Style: Underground Movement. He rose from the ground a short distance from the small crater the exploding fireball had left and began to chase Sasuke, dispatching the few clones that managed to get in his way in an instant with full-power strikes.

A few minutes after his mistake, he caught up with the boy and stopped to check from just out of sight. Sasuke had just paused in a clearing where Naruto had stopped to put the girl back down. Sakura appeared awake, though she was laying on the ground, clearly dazed and nauseous. The copy-ninja breathed a sigh of relief and started to move again towards the genin. He quickly paused before he made any distance, as he realized an important fact he'd missed in the fear that he may have seriously hurt one of his students and the shock of seeing the jinchuriki's red eyes.

The bells?

A moment later Sakura raised her left fist towards the sky, opening them just enough to let the light shine off of the items in her hand.

Kakashi rocked back on his feet and his eyebrow involuntarily raised for a moment, then he had to hold in a laugh.

You pass! I'll wait for a while... If she recovers, I'll have to test their teamwork further. If she doesn't, I'll stay hidden until the alarm rings. It's a good sign that she's awake.

Kakashi settled down to wait, and the boys hauled the girl to her feet slowly. She looked horrible and was swaying, but she said something to the boys he couldn't make out because she had been facing away from the bush Kakashi was hiding in.

The boys gave her a confused look for a second, then understanding. Naruto created a dozen clones who quickly created a perimeter around the clearing and Sasuke threw several smoke pellets around the trio.

The smoke only lasted for a few moments and when it finally dispersed, the genin showed that they had quickly agreed on a defensive plan to protect the bells. In a classic defensive manji formation with a pair of clones, every angle was covered, at least for the moment. Kakashi waited because the clones would not last long, having been created by people who had not known the technique for more than a day.

His patience was rewarded when the outer guard of Naruto clones dispersed. A short wait later, and the last two clones also dispelled. The genin shifted as holes appeared in the formation, and Kakashi used another Earth Style: Underground Movement to crawl under their position. It was slow going, as the technique was mostly used for escape instead of travel.

When he was directly underneath his pink-haired genin's feet, he moved towards the surface, and began reaching towards her. Twitchy, she immediately reacted and jumped away as Kakashi pulled himself free of the ground. She stumbled as she landed, and the boys steadied her though she didn't appear to notice the aid, as she was fighting to keep her focus directly on Kakashi. The boys moved closer to each other to put themselves between Kakashi and Sakura, then waited for Kakashi to attack.

Kakashi studied them for a moment with a, "Hmmm..." before he leaned forward and dashed towards his opponents without any chakra-enhancement.

The girl managed to grab a shuriken even though she looked like she was having some trouble concentrating and threw it at Kakashi as he closed the distance. The throw was weak and angle was wide, but it was close enough that he had to lean to the side to keep it from embedding itself in one of his shoulderpads. Sasuke quickly followed up with a ferocious series of blows before Kakashi grabbed a leg and threw him to the side, then Naruto further stalled his approach with a squad of clones.

Going easy on them, Kakashi slowly cleared the clones and saw that Sakura and Sasuke had managed to put the boy between them again. He knocked Naruto away and continued the assault. Sasuke again fought hard and was repelled once more, then Sakura threw another weapon at Kakashi as the line of fire cleared again. She continued to retreat, Naruto attacked with more clones, and the pattern repeated until the alarm eventually went off.

Kakashi disengaged, elated at the performance of the three genin, and looked forward to talking with them about the test.

These are my genin. There are many like them, but these ones are mine.


A/N: My brother, beta, and editor, @Lumarin, is a cruel and ruthless taskmaster. Also, he's an excellent beta and has easily made for much of the more subtle quality parts of my writing.(Edit: Not awake right now. Deal with it)

P.S. Let me know if you like the interlude - I was trying something different here, and I'd like to know if you guys enjoyed it or not.
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@Ashali I enjoyed it quite a bit, and you've surpassed the bar marked "Kakashi as a sympatheitc character," breaking him out of the lazy-pervert cipher mold a large fraction of fanfic casts him in. Hopefully the kids will continue to keep it together so he'll be willing to actually teach something rather than endless D-for-demeaning-Rank missions as teamwork exercises.
@Ashali I enjoyed it quite a bit, and you've surpassed the bar marked "Kakashi as a sympatheitc character," breaking him out of the lazy-pervert cipher mold a large fraction of fanfic casts him in. Hopefully the kids will continue to keep it together so he'll be willing to actually teach something rather than endless D-for-demeaning-Rank missions as teamwork exercises.

I spent some time watching canon actually trying to get Kakashi's character down. Many fanfiction flanderize him instead of looking for the differences in timeframe in canon and what really happens.

For the most part, the laziness is an affectation he does to screw with his team and to honor Obito & Rin's memory(Seriously, he does things like wear a mask under his mask to make his team flip out) and despite being a pervert, he's actually embarrassed about being such a huge fan of Jiraiya's works(As seen regarding Jiraiya's coded message back to Konoha using passages from Icha Icha). IIRC later in the series Kakashi looks back on the time between graduation and the chunin exams as some of the happiest times in his life.

I like to think he's a pretty rational and reasonable jonin, despite having a lot of hangups and being really overprotective because he doesn't want to lose any more of the people he cares for.

If you want an actual naturally lazy teacher, Asuma fits the bill better than Kakashi. Asuma actually spends much of his time playing shogi with Shikamaru and goofing off with his genin rather than training hard before the chunin exams. Part of that is probably because the entire team isn't really focused on becoming exceptional ninja, though(Asuma's lazy, Ino's being a stereotypical girly girl, Choji just wants to eat and laze around with his team, and Shikamaru's laziness incarnate).

On further thought, being a jonin-sensei is probably viewed as taking a vacation by most of the jonin in general(There are approximately ~50-100ish(?) jonin in a village with ~10,000ish(?) ninja. They're always "on duty").

(The less said about Kishimoto's poor math and ability to write a timeline, the better.)

Regarding training them, if you watch closely for the differences between the graduation exam and Wave, Naruto shows significantly marked improvement in his taijutsu and the accuracy of his thrown weapons, as well as some simple tactics(And occasionally outright sneaky tricks like hengeing into a fuma shuriken), which he doesn't show at all during the graduation test. Since the Chunin exam is late in the year around a month after the return from Wave(There's a lot of leeway in the timing), and the graduation exam is near the beginning of the year(Jan/March? ~3 to 4 months from graduation to wave, then the chunin exams begin almost immediately after in July/Aug - Exam ends in late August/early September or so and in Sep fits the Search for Tsunade and Sasuke Retrieval arcs, then the end of Part 1 is in late Dec), it actually looks like they do a D-rank every second week or so, and have training the rest of the time(Sasuke's official D-rank count is 7 - He never does another D-rank after Wave/the exams because he defects to Orochimaru).

Edit: Assuming the longest possible interval of the entire year being "on duty", fitting in much of the filler episodes and movies from the anime is... if not easy, at least kinda plausible, if you squint right. Also, some of the filler has decent enough ideas and plot to rip out and use.

Most likely that training is working as a team, fixing Naruto and Sakura's basic skills, simple ninjutsu(Naruto does underground movement in the chunin exams), and probably some survival/stealth/tracking stuff not taught in the Academy.

Given the extreme improvement Sasuke shows during the 1-month break between the second and third part of the chunin exam, the most likely thing would be that Kakashi does in fact train them some amount, and the huge improvement Sasuke shows then is partly because of the Sharingan and partly because it's Kakashi focusing on training only Sasuke for something like 8-10hours a day instead of the 4-5 he probably puts in to the whole team every day normally.

In my story, you should see slightly better skills than in canon because the team will be trying to work together(Though Naruto and Sasuke will still have trouble getting along in general - More of a rivalry. Sasuke is hung up on Itachi and Naruto basically has [Sense Negative Emotions: Rank Zero]) on their "off time" as he shows up late, which is basically Kakashi wanting them to train together without him outright telling them to. Because they work on their basic skills together, they'll learn tree/water-walking from him before Wave.

Choji, Choji everywhere(ha. ha. ha. Get it? Choji's butterfly chakra? :p).

Edit: I like overthinking things. This got rather long quick. :oops:
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First Tries - Sakura: Chapter 6

In what felt like a mix of not nearly enough time to learn what I needed to learn and the days passing entirely too slowly because I had to deal with my teammates while not blurting out everything I knew, three months passed. During that time, Kakashi had focused on teaching us formations, teamwork in and out of combat, stealth and tracking, and general non-combat chakra techniques for camping and survival, such as creating light, breathing fire, moving earth, and most importantly, gathering or in a pinch creating water when there are no water sources. Needless to say, ninja had very little to worry about simple survival in the wilderness.

I still wasn't sure whether the technique created water or if it drew from moisture in the air, but Kakashi had pointed out that the more powerful water techniques tended to be constructs that had more water than would be possible to simply draw from the surroundings when I had asked about it.

I tried to reconcile the ability to create an in-land sea like Kisame was able to do with what I knew of the laws of physics, but ended up shrugging it off and putting it in my 'test later for SCIENCE?" list while I cracked a joke about the village hidden in the mist raising the ocean's water levels until there's no land left to live on.

Additionally, the three of us had advanced in our basic combat abilities significantly due to our abuse of shadow clones, which now lasted upwards of half an hour if they didn't use jutsu and weren't dispelled. On a good day I might be able to consider myself just barely as decent in taijutsu as Sasuke had been in the graduation exam, and it came with only a little surprise that Kakashi had given us the lessons on tree walking and water walking a week before the daimyo's visit.

Not that I needed to learn them from him, having taught myself to do them on my off time. That said, the continued practice he put us through was helpful, and I had recently been finding myself walking on walls by reflex to get through the morning crowds of downtown Konoha.

I had thoroughly considered going to someone with what I knew about the 'future', but I put it off because my claims couldn't be verified at least until the mission to Wave, which was supposed to be assigned to Team Kakashi on the day of the D-Rank 'find and return Tora' mission.

The daimyo was currently visiting Konoha with his wife, and I was just a little distracted and jumpy. I expected to be confronted about my nervousness, but I didn't expect the source it had come from: Sasuke.

In the early afternoon atop the small pond in the Uchiha clan's training grounds, Sasuke knocked me from my feet into the water for what seemed like the hundredth time. I swam to the edge and crawled out of the water before sprawling out on the ground to rest and watch Sasuke unsteadily walk his way back to shore. It was the second day of our weekend and I had managed to convince the boy to train with me. I would have asked Naruto to join us, but he was spending his time with Iruka instead of spending it on extra training for once. Which was good, because as Naruto almost never actually sat down to talk with people.

I wasn't the only person soaked today. Sasuke often lost control of his chakra during our training and ended up falling right into the refreshingly cool water. Panting, he sat down next to where I lay and after a moment he asked, "You're usually better than this."

I winced and made a face, "I know."

Should I tell him? Give him the option? It could ruin everything horribly... but he kinda deserves to know and despite his obsession with Itachi, he isn't on the path to capital E evil yet.

In the end there wasn't really a contest because my personal view was that fate's a concept for chumps.

"Do you want the complete truth, some of it, or for me to tell you there's nothing wrong?"

He shook his head at me, "...You've really changed."

Well, if that isn't an invitation, I don't know what is.

I adopted a solemn look and sat up, "So you want the truth?"


"Well, would you believe me if I told you that before I was Sakura Haruno, I was a civilian in another world without chakra that had knowledge of most of the important events in the history of the Elemental Nations and Konoha, including things in the future?"

That got me a snort from Sasuke, "No."

I gave him my most predatory grin, "Then ask me again after our C-ranked mission that we should get later this week to escort and protect a bridge builder from the Land of Waves named Tazuna goes pear shaped and escalates to a B-rank, then A-rank."

"Hmph, sure."

How cute, he thinks I'm just messing with him.

We rested for a short while, then continued our training. I felt significantly better about making progress to telling someone about what would most likely be happening in the near future, which showed in our light sparring and training for the rest of the day.


That very next day at the beginning of our work-week, we received the D-ranked mission to capture Tora and return it to Madame Shijimi. Just after we returned the damned fast and surprisingly cunning cat in the late afternoon, Naruto exploded about how we should at least have the chance to do something more challenging than chores and public works.

After a short interaction and explanation about the ranking system for missions and ninja, the Hokage gave the boy's back a small grin with more than a little pride, "Okay, fine! If you insist... I'll have you do a Rank C mission... You'll be bodyguards for someone."

I shot Sasuke a grin, and he responded with a glower.

"Eh? Really?! Who? Who? A Feudal Lord? Or--" Naruto burst out.

I cut him off, "Probably more like a bridge builder," I shot off another look at Sasuke, "or some not-too-rich merchant, right?"


The hokage gave me a raised eyebrow and a small smile, "Oh ho, don't be so hasty, Naruto. Your teammate has a good idea of how this goes," I gave him my best over-the-top abashed cute girl act, which widened his smile before he continued, "I'll introduce you now... Could you please come in?"

Tazuna entered the office from what appeared to be a waiting room to the side, then insulted Naruto's height and face. Watching Kakashi hold the boy back by the scruff of his neck was surprisingly amusing with all of the interesting ways Naruto twisted and turned to try to get closer to the drunkard. The man introduced himself a moment later, "I'm Tazuna, veteran bridge builder." Sasuke gave a sharp inhalation of breath and snapped his head towards me at that revelation as the architect continued, "You'll be risking life and limb in guarding me to the max until I return to my land and complete my bridge!"

It was too late to begin traveling and the man was so drunk I could smell it halfway across the room, so Kakashi ordered us to prepare to leave in the morning. Tazuna bumbled away to head back to his inn and the rest of us filed out.

I poked the Uchiha in the side as we were leaving the administrative office, "Told you so."


Naruto looked between the two of us, "What?"

I gave them the grin of someone who had won a bet, "I told him that we were due for a C-rank and who it would probably be for, hehe."

Kakashi, who had pulled out his Icha Icha as soon as we had left the office, looked up for a moment, "Oh? How did you manage that, Sakura-chan?"

I took a deep breath before I began, "Well, I guessed that we would get a C-rank soon. If we did, it would most likely be out of Konoha for the sake of showing us things we haven't seen before. So I joined Kotetsu-san and Izumo-san at the gates with a shadow clone in the late afternoon in the hours when civilians are most likely to show up and watched for anyone that looked troubled but didn't look richly dressed enough to be able to afford a higher ranked mission. In the last week, there were only three people that looked like they would fit, and the other two have already left Konoha."

The funny thing is, I'm not lying at all. I've been bugging those two gate guards all last week, not that they'll admit they enjoyed seeing a younger ninja making their day less boring by asking them for stories of their missions.

Kakashi smiled at me and ruffled my hair, "Well done then, Sakura-chan. Gathering information is a key skill of being a ninja. Now go home, you three. Be at the gates an hour after sunrise."

"Yes, sir!"


A/N: @Lumarin has been sick all week, so waiting on him to beta took a while because he didn't have the energy to put in the effort to properly betaing it. Also, I'm sick now with what he had, and even though it's just a cough and general lack of energy.... yeah.
Yeah, so I was extraordinarily sick, and I passed it to @Ashali there. Don't expect much for a week, maybe an omake.

Note: This chapter was actually practically finished LAST week but for the fact that I didn't beta it. You can all blame me.
Okay... I read this stuff... and basically the original Sakura story is best. While the others are kinda funny they're basically standard time loop fare.
Okay... I read this stuff... and basically the original Sakura story is best. While the others are kinda funny they're basically standard time loop fare.

That's actually what I've been intending for it all to be. :D

People have to start somewhere and not taking things 100% serious when starting something new helps me keep my interest and focus(This story is my first time doing creative writing for anything whatsoever, so I've only been hoping to make something decently not-bad rather than reach for the skies).

Someone asked for a bit more focus on the main story running in here a couple weeks ago, so that's what I've been working on recently. When I get tired of moving that story forward, you'll probably see more shorts/omake-level work(Or a pause in updates) until my motivation returns.

My goal is to complete one significant story of at least decent quality like First Tries - Sakura, and be able to say I've completed a creative writing story. Maybe after that I could try doing a Quest or something. :oops:

That said, the next chapter of First Tries - Sakura should have the story start to pick up into Wave(Hope for wave to be 2 or 3 chapters long? I'm really bad at estimating the length of what I want to write).

First Tries - Sakura will end sometime during the chunin exam, though I haven't yet set a specific time where it's going to happen in the exams. All of the likely points are 2nd exam, 3rd exam, and during the Sand/Sound invasion.

Most likely it would be death by Gaara, though Orochimaru or Baki could be contenders for the kill-the-SI slot.
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