of miners and mages

golem nutcracker
winning vote: [X] option 1: command the golems to attack they don't seem like nice people; I mean who does... whatever they are doing to a tree.

(also: due to the contents of this chapter I'm trying to put a mature tag just in case, unfortunately it keeps saying I can't, I tried every bar every way to spell it inside the tag editor, but the same pop up keeps coming up "The following tags cannot be used: mature" (the site's words not mine), so if someone can tell me why this isn't working that would be great. But if you don't mind then keep on reading.

making up your mind looking over all the evidence they seem to be this world's version of bandits, so you order the two wood golems beside you quietly to fire, the two wood golems nod (well more like shake their heads up and down) angled their noses down and fire off two arrows at the two people, while one arrow goes into his un-protected head killing him instantly the other was wearing a helmet so the wood golem aimed for a section between his head and body, once it landed he started to make a gurgling sound and soon some strange red substance starts leaking from the arrow and soon after a few seconds he falls down as well, the wood golems then starting hopping up and down in celebration of victory making clanking sounds with the stone golem doing the equivalent of pouting behind you, so pulling out your crossbow you and your buddies begin to move towards the two men, on further examination and getting your shoes wet by both red and yellow stuff they seem to be dead, with further confirmation by one of your wood golems moving the bandit's foot with his nose. Huh, with most mobs take at least 2 or 3 to kill them, heck even bats have more durability than these bandits, this will be easy. so, loading your crossbow, you gesture to the stone golem to move in front and give the command to advance.


you are a bandit leader and while it has been a great day it hasn't been a great month, most of your gang moved towards empire lands, some because it's not as profitable, while others were "guided by emroy" to seek great battle up north, leaving just you and a few others left, you were about to murder the ones who left because of "divine will" but your right-hand man dissuaded you because at best it will leave a sour taste in the remaining men, at worse it may be an insult to emroy and he might send his reaper to take out what is left, but as all things seemed lost luck turned around, from the most reliable sources of intel (aka random drunken soldiers) the "great empire of Sadera." attacked some country from the other side of a gate on alnus hill, and thus lost at least 40 to 70% of their army, and with the current crap going on around here banditry is making a killing both up north and in the "boonies", heck 2 days ago you raided a caravan and made mad Suwani selling off most of the occupants and with this haul you may be able to buy more hands to help out, once we get back to the hideout your right hand man could count it up. But that doesn't mean it wasn't without issues, for starters it seemed like those "men in green" as the survivors have been calling them are building up a base around alnus, that could prove problematic if they decided to turn their eyes down here. Not only that, recently there have been the sound of... popping? towards where two of your men are taking a piss, you shouted over for an answer, but they responded with the usual crap of "we aren't doing crap", but as you and your men are loading up the cart the Kobolds after sniffing two or three times pipes up a response.

"I smell blood."

you turned around to face him and say "oh you have been smelling crap since the gate opened."

"no this isn't the burning smell from before, this is blood." he then whipps out his sword and says "i'm going to go check out."

"that is rich coming from the puppy who hesitated getting a map." but regaurdless of your taunt the kobald moved forward, and when he was past the camp fire and a few steps away from the bushes something leaped out of it in front of the bewildered kobald, the thing then swung one of it's long arms... upwards, the kobald then yelled out in pain as a crunch is heard, and as we were feeling phantom pain two arrows exited from the brush and entered into his legs, one in his left thigh and one in his right knee, he fell onto his back and this opened up the grey thing to continue bashing his chest area repeatedly one comically long arm at a time, he did have armor on his chest but it was visible getting dent by this thing, the Kobald tried to claw at this foe but it only yielded sparks, the thing then raises his arms up and slammed at once.

first there was a loud metal clang with the Kobald exhaling air.

the second shattering his chest plate into multiple pieces some sticking into him.

and finally in one last duel slam the Kobald's middle section erupted in a hail of gore, blood and bone and thanks to this annihilation and through the area of what was once the Kobald's torso, I finally see his attacker.

It was a small grey chiseled cube, with stubby legs and comically long arms, other than the ornately chiseled body it had a face of two eyes and a long nose going downward.

ok first thoughts as I was looking into his empty looking eyes, what the heck was that thing? And second of how is stone alive? is this some magical experiment from some kingdom or something, or some god's ploy? But I was broken from my pondering when a similarly blocky arrow hit the side of the cart missing one of my men, he fired back with his bow and my eyes followed the arrow until it hit the solid metal armor of our attacker.

Our attacker in question is... a warrior bunny? No warrior bunnies aren't that furry, and it looks like a dude due to how flat he looks, aren't those rarer than an friendly neighbor to sadera? The rabbit man is decked out in pure metal armor, there doesn't seem to be any visible separation between the segments minus the helmet, despite the fact he is wielding what seems to be a crossbow in his hands, beside him are a pair two... things similar to the stone thing that killed the Kobald, they seemed to be made out of wood and are cuboid in body, contrary to the stone thing
while they do have similar stubby legs, they didn't have arms, but they made up for it with a tube between the eyes and the insides must be hollow as a few arrows are seen jutting from its hollow head. And it didn't take a wizard to know what they did.

one of my men dodging an arrow yells out "Ey boss what do we do!"

"Grab bows and take out their ranged, and do not engage the living rock."

i turn around to the inside of the cart, there were two guys inside, one was crouching with a crossbow and the other was crouching beside him.

"Give me a shield!" I yelled out nearly dodging an arrow, the unarmed one proceeded to go deeper into the carriage and is holding my shield, I look behind me to see that the living wood ran out of arrows, and the stone one is currently trying to shake the blood off. but this lull came with a price, two of my men not of the pissing idiots or the kobold are dead, arrows stuck in them like hay dummies, leaving 2 other people with me, the two guys from inside the carriage and one idiot rushing with an ax trying to see what was up.

suddenly the two guys from the carriage and one buy to the right of the carriage opened fire but the rabbit man seeing this then whips out what seemed to be small cubes of dirt and proceeds to build a 2 by 3 wall. of now 1-meter dirt cubes. the arrows being stuck into the wall. the unarmored one proceeds to drop his crossbow and tosses my tower shield that was next to him, I do catch it but with a bit of staggering due to its weight and thank the gods I did because one of those living wood things peaked around the corner of the wall the rabbit man made and swinging my shield around the arrow connects to the shield and bounces off falling to the floor harmlessly.

Unfortunately, the stone thing sees this and starts to make a beeline for me, I hold up my shield in defense but thankfully two of my men proceeded to try and attack the stone thing, a guy with a spear taking a stab at it from the top along with the ax guy, however they had just as much success as the Kobald with the spear breaking and the ax just bouncing off, however the living stone thing proceeded to bring his arms out in a t like shape, and slams both his arms into the side of spear and ax guy's knees (right and left respectively) and then swings them upwards into their family jewels (ok what is this thing's problem with balls) behind me a hear a yell an arrow had gotten into both the guy to the right of the cart and the unarmored one, with former in the elbow and the latter in the chest at worse killing him.

The guy shot in the elbow then in a mad dash of Emroy's rage charged at the small wall, only for the rabbit man to break one of the blocks in the center and fires off an arrow killing him, but not until the other guy in the cart fires off an arrow and hits him in the helmet, knocking him down and with... smoke coming out from behind the wall? but I didn't have much time to ponder as the stone thing slams into my shield with visible dents in it, I look behind the stone thing to see both the ax guy and the spear guy's bodies, the spear guy had his arm destroyed along with a small knife with his head on backwards, the ax guy was somewhat unrecognizable as his left leg is a bloody pulp and his head destroyed, I continue to brace as the rock guy keeps coming at my slowly turning my shield into a wreck while I swing at it, my sword doing shit. it was until we get to next to the campfire (witch the rock thing blew through to get to me sending blacken wood flying). I see that the other guy in the cart was a pin cushion as well, but that would mean-

then I feel a pain my back.
then another down lower to the right.
and then when I slumped down forward one of those dumb chunks of wood shot me in the ass with an arrow and I fall down on my face, I hear what seems to be chuckling, but it sounds more like someone is rubbing two blocks of wood together, as I look up, I see the stone thing beside me, it raises its arms and then blackness takes you.


you are traveler and you are currently laying on the ground, after one of their archers hit you in the head it knocked your helmet off and you are having some leakage of fluff from a scratch on your head, after it stopped you pick up your helmet and put it on, peering over the wall you see the remains of your enemies all in piles of red, some you don't even recognize.

Part of you wonders if this is the type of damage some stone and wood golems can do what about to more powerful ones like clay or iron golems, heck one of restonia's creations could do this in a heartbeat, but then again these are just some random goons in the middle of (what seems like) the woods, what would professional armies look like, assuming there is some form of government here, most of the dimensions seem to be only uncontrolled wilderness sans a few like the nether, most of the twilight forest and maybe the Aether. But regardless there is still one question... where the heck are we?

as I come around the dirt wall I seen the golems looking down sad, but as soon as I call out they immediately sprung with new vigor and rush as was as their little legs can get them, as they were swarming around my legs I then say "alright calm down, I'm alive." they look at me and though you can't read golems as much as an expert you can tell they were worried.

but after reading the area you have a few options; you can start looting the boxes though you may have to dump some of the random blocks to carry it all, you can loot the people as they might have some useful stuff, or take a look at that piece of paper that by some miracle of notch is not damaged, though it is resting on the ground beneath the big wooden thing.

[] option 1: loot the bodies, they might have some interesting stuff on them.
[] option 2: take the chests, though you may have to dump some blocks.
----- {} write in
[] option 3: take a look at that piece of paper, what seemed to be the head bandit seemed to like it a lot.
[] write in:

also, you can vote for names for the three new golems
wood golem 1's name: [] write in:
wood golem 2's name: [] write in:
stone golem 1's name: [] write in:

crossbow: normal
120 arrows.
half a stack of emeralds
enchanted iron armor: all protection level 1
a stack of Redstone torches plus one regular torch for visibility.
assortment of themed stuff: (1 dispenser one pressure plate, 2 tnt, half a stack of lapis lazuli, half a stack of Redstone, 4 potions of healing.)
16 emu burgers
6 bottles of honey.
random assortment of blocks like sand, Redstone and cobblestone.
flint and steel
a map of creeper country.

also closing vote for lore:
3 votes for: builders
1 vote for: villagers

how this will work for now on is that when a vote report is made it will come with the lore, and then by the end of that quest Threadmark new options for lore will pop up. And don't worry unlike Mojang you can vote on previous topics again.
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[X] option 3: take a look at that piece of paper, what seemed to be the head bandit seemed to like it a lot.
wood golem 1's name: [X] write in: Chipper (The one that was jumping)
wood golem 2's name: [X] write in: Woody (I couldn't think of anything better)
stone golem 1's name: [X] write in: Bob (cause why not lol)
[X] write in: Loot the bodies and store the loot in the boxes, and have the golems carry the boxes.
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[X] option 3: take a look at that piece of paper, what seemed to be the head bandit seemed to like it a lot.
wood golem 1's name: [X] write in: Chipper (The one that was jumping)
wood golem 2's name: [X] write in: Woody (I couldn't think of anything better)
stone golem 1's name: [X] write in: Bob (cause why not lol)
[X] write in: Loot the bodies and store the loot in the boxes and leave them here in a hidden area so we can decide to loot all of them later if we need to.
technically both wood golems were hopping but good names.
Wait, can the golems strong enough to carry heavy things, carry the boxes filled with loot? Cause then we can carry everything and then some
time extension
due to slow votes I extended it to saturday this week to give people time to vote, it may change is nothing still happens.

also, to the question above yeah but not much, I mean the wood golems don't even have arms let alone hands. so, you have to get creative or try to experiment.
vote count and first lore bit.
current votes:
1: [X] option 3: take a look at that piece of paper, what seemed to be the head bandit seemed to like it a lot.
wood golem 1's name: [X] write in: Chipper (The one that was jumping)
wood golem 2's name: [X] write in: Woody (I couldn't think of anything better)
stone golem 1's name: [X] write in: Bob (cause why not lol)
[X] write in: Loot the bodies and store the loot in the boxes and leave them here in a hidden area so we can decide to loot all of them later if we need to.
1: [X] option 3: take a look at that piece of paper, what seemed to be the head bandit seemed to like it a lot.

now for the lore entry:

the builders are the main race populating the overworld and in some respects the nether.

The biology of builders is close to that of human life, a skeleton with two arm bones, leg bones, a ribcage and skull, they also have stuff like a brain, heart, lungs, etc. However outside of most of the bare basics that is where the builder and human biology splits off, one of the most visible is the lack of joints in the builder outside of the shoulder and hip joints, some organs are moved around like the heart being at the center of the builder body and some are just flat out missing, for example the entire process of waste removal is gone as a builder's body is both powerful enough and resourceful enough to use everything, but the biggest difference is both the fluid in both species bodies and the outside look, for the former instead of red blood, builders have a white gaseous material called fluff running though their veins when exposed to fresh air it turns into a white gas commonly mistaken as smoke or clouds, and if the builder has fluff leakage the fluff leakage would stop depending on how severe the wound is, a scratch will take a couple of seconds while a missing limb may take to a day to self-close. And fluff isn't solely to the builders all creatures of the overworld, nether, twilight forest, betweenlands, etc, all have fluff instead of some form of blood. But to get back on topic is that builders can look wildly different from each other, someone could look like a normal human (well normal in Minecraft terms) but other might look like an animal, a robot, or even a mob. however, despite all this these physical appearances just go skin deep. and it's not based on genetics either, a male builder who looks like a creep could make with a female builder who looks like a robot and the child could come out looking human. Scholars and those of knowledge-based fields are still baffled by how this works, but what is known is that the environment can influence the skin, live in the jungle and you get certain skins inclined for that region (monkeys, banana people, etc.) while those in more artic areas get more artic themed skins (seals, dogs, etc.), now besides a slight bias and fear to those who have a mob skin there is very little in the way of racism, sure there can be nationalistic tendances but there is no "dog people are better than cat people." mentality.

Builder civilizations and customs can range from brutalist and as those from earth would say darwinistic, to those who are pacifist and more technology driven. But in large builders are never... complacent, they always try to innovate and discover the next great thing, now this does have a habit of biting them in an ass and more long-lived builders can shrug it off, but other than that the itch will only go away until they themselves achived something great. A good example is when explosives were discovered, dozens of builders tried all sorts of ways to see if they could create a new thing, this created by the TNT launcher and cannon, however not only did the failures die they also left a lot of devastation, in fact when Redstone was discovered the death toll was so high that a common slang was created to ask "how many builders did it take to create that.", however there are few that ever loose that tick, the famous explorer and archeologist Steffen Hawk is always on the hunt for new discoveries. however, despite the losses this mentality catapulted the builder species high in terms of technical and military power, well above that of the other native species sans a few. but other than that, it is as diverse as real life.

there are few in the way of religion as most builders tend to be atheists, but a few exceptions are made, some red stoners pray to mumbo jumbo (the inventor of Redstone engineering) and the sons of Mowzie are zealous followers of the legendary hunter and freedom fighter Mazu Mowzie. But the biggest (and the closest thing that resembles it) religion is one of Notchism, it is said that when the universe was young the creator God notch sprung forth from the void creating the overworld, but after some time (in God terms) he felt lonely so in order to have equals he split his power into a number of minor beings and from them they created a number of being, including the intelligent races, then an event known as the schism happened, little is known of this event but it created the divide between the both the builder and overlords, villager and illager, and the hostility of most mobs, however the events transcribed, the reason this is most popular as archologists found murals and paintings describing these events in some level of detail and so people started to form their own religion around it. Today Notchism is worshiped primarily in the city states while the other nations like Restonia and the sons of Mowzie practice their own or just don't care.
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Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by sansoo949 on Aug 28, 2023 at 9:54 AM, finished with 10 posts and 4 votes.

  • [X] option 3: take a look at that piece of paper, what seemed to be the head bandit seemed to like it a lot.
    [X] write in: Loot the bodies and store the loot in the boxes, and have the golems carry the boxes.
    [X] write in: Loot the bodies and store the loot in the boxes and leave them here in a hidden area so we can decide to loot all of them later if we need to.
    [X] option 1: loot the bodies, they might have some interesting stuff on them.
the return! and current surroundings.
quest master's note: sorry for how long the update took, the day after the voting it was my first day of college, and stupid me took multiple short time span classes, and so it was either continuing this and possibly failing or unannounced haiatus. But now that... most of my college classes are done for now I can resume work since I have the freetime to freely work on this without the nagging sense of "will I fail x class".


wining answer: [X] option 3: take a look at that piece of paper, what seemed to be the head bandit seemed to like it a lot.
wood golem 1's name: [X] write in: Chipper (The one that was jumping)

After thinking back, you decided to find that piece of paper the bandit leader had been looking at, as you recall the bandit leader put it on top of the pile of chests, to walk over to see in stuck in-between the chests, you decided to punch one in order to break it... yet it does nothing, after punching for a while with only moving the box, you decided to try and pick it up, and it worked.

Putting aside that another concrete rule of what is normal has been broken, you find the paper in-between a bigger box in front of you and some boxes behind it, after reaching down and grabbing it you find to see it is some sort of map, though the locations have words that are in some weird stick language. But you do have enough knowhow (and doing some educated guesses) to know what these symbols mean, it seems to be a map of the nearby area you can see a squiggly black line that must be a road as it leads to some house shaped marker on the map. to the north and south seems to be sprawling forests with two open areas, one you can guess is the archway you came from and the other is where you might be, and the last thing of note is a big red X in the forest where you can guess the box wooden box thing is pointing towards.

However due to you being deep in thought you become startled when you felt something nudge on your leg, you whisk around and look down to see one of the wood golems you made hop backwards and started making happy noises.

yeah, it's going to get confusing so... let's call him chipper, unfortunately you accidently knocked over the box and its contents spilled onto the other wood golem with the chest fall onto it, after shaking the box off you see that there was a number of... metal nuggets? inside the wood golem with him sneezing out a few round nuggets and some red gems. I sidestep to the right after hearing some noises to find the stone golem flopping about after having been covered in a dress of some kind like some single emerald store ghost.

So as chipper is looking up at you, you have a few choices.

[] leave everything here: most of this stuff you have no idea what the value is, or it's use, you're a Redstone engineer not an economist.

[] hide the bodies: they don't smell so good and even though you're not a gravedigger they may attract some sort of mob.

[] find out what this wooden thing is: I mean it seems like they didn't build it here as seen with the tracks.

[] keep looting: there might be some interesting stuff in here?

[] leave it all here and go to one of the other places:
--[] go to the archway: if things are day over here then it must still be night over there, but if i wait a while i may be able.
--[] go to the house: it might be a village of some kind.
--[] go to the X place: it might be these bandit's home base and they might not be happy if they discover.
--[] go the opposite way of the road: there are more places on the map, they might have something interesting.
--[] write in:

[] write in:

You can still name the other wood golem and the stone golem.

and for the lore vote.

[] race: villagers.
[] natural phenomenon: crafting.
[] geography: creeper country.

thought I might mix it up and add other categories.

current inventory:
crossbow: normal
120 arrows.
half a stack of emeralds
enchanted iron armor: all protection level 1
a stack of Redstone torches plus one regular torch for visibility.
assortment of themed stuff: (1 dispenser one pressure plate, 2 tnt, half a stack of lapis lazuli, half a stack of Redstone, 4 potions of healing.)
16 emu burgers
6 bottles of honey.
random assortment of blocks like sand, Redstone and cobblestone.
flint and steel
a map of creeper country.
a map of... somewhere?

as for what the golems have.
chipper: nothing but the metaphorical clothing on his happy back.
wood golem 2: a bunch of coins ranging in value.
stone golem: suck in white blanket
brick grindstone golem: worry.
[X] hide the bodies: they don't smell so good and even though you're not a gravedigger they may attract some sort of mob.
Is it possible to do this after hiding the bodies:
[X] find out what this wooden thing is: I mean it seems like they didn't build it here as seen with the tracks.
[X] hide the bodies: they don't smell so good and even though you're not a gravedigger they may attract some sort of mob.
Is it possible to do this after hiding the bodies:
[X] find out what this wooden thing is: I mean it seems like they didn't build it here as seen with the tracks
[X] hide the bodies: they don't smell so good and even though you're not a gravedigger they may attract some sort of mob.
[X] find out what this wooden thing is: I mean it seems like they didn't build it here as seen with the tracks.
[X] natural phenomenon: crafting.

Also real life comes first. So I hope you did well in all your classes.
[X] hide the bodies: they don't smell so good and even though you're not a gravedigger they may attract some sort of mob.
Is it possible to do this after hiding the bodies:
[X] find out what this wooden thing is: I mean it seems like they didn't build it here as seen with the tracks.
ok I will allow it due to me being gone so long, plus you can vote for the lore topic.
The lore vote will stay open until tomorrow while the vote itself until Friday.