Of Fists and Faith - A 5th Edition D&D Quest

Of Fists and Faith - A 5th Edition D&D Quest
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You are Alice, and thanks to being in the wrong place at the right time, you are now a Monk of Mercy!

Help guide Alice as she deals with being disowned by everyone she ever knew as a heretic, deals with a crisis of faith between Selune and Yahweh, and starting with only 3 Focus Points a Short Rest.

Click here to go straight to the story.
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Character Creation 01

Novus Ordo Mundi

The World Is Yours
The Usual Room
In Northern Alaska, a research station dealing with other universes just blew up.

In places all over the world, microfissures cause changes around the world, either by objects, biologicals, knowledge, and powers. Oh, and sending a lot of people on a one way trip through the Abyss. Might want to be careful about that one.

And in the middle of it all is you, suddenly learning how to punch (or kick) a motherfucker. And a lot of people are about to find out the hard way.


Welcome to Monk Quest (Name Pending), a Novus Ordo Mundi quest!

You are starting this quest as a 5th Edition (2024 Version) Monk, and you will be starting at Level 3. While you cannot Multiclass, that does not mean you cannot find other ways to get the features you want. And where do you go from there? Who knows!

And before I forget, remember to Vote As A Plan

Alright, first off, what is your name and gender (if applicable)?

[] Name/Gender

Secondly, what Subclass are you? While it shapes your class progression, it also gives you other benefits, should you find ways to access them.

[] Warrior of the Open Hand - Really lean into the Unarmed Strikes. More Access to Other Martial Art Benefits
[] Warrior of the Elements - Access to an Elemental State. More Access to Elemental Bonuses
[] Warrior of the Shadows - Gains benefits from Darkness and Dim Light. More Access to Assassin/Ninja Techniques
[] Warrior of Mercy - Heal (and Harm) with your Unarmed Strikes. More Access to Healing/Resurrection Techniques

Thirdly, while you are still mostly human, you may have partially mutated into another species. Did you do so, and which species if so? (Certain Choices will proc a subvote later)

[] You are still fully human (You gain 1 Proficiency to be voted on later, gain Heroic Inspiration every Long Rest, and gain 1 additional Starting Benefit to be voted on later)
[] You are partially a Hill Giant Goliath. (Your Speed is 35 feet, You can knock people prone a number of times per Long Rest, you can carry more, and you can access a Larger form for a limited time)
[] You are partially a Gnome (You can speak with animals, gain access to the Mending and Prestidigitation cantrips, and can make small items)
[] You are partially an Elf. (You don't need sleep, though you do need a 4 hour trance. You gain
access to a cantrip and a couple of spells, based on lineage.)
[] You are partially a Tiefling (You gain a resistance to a certain type of damage. Also, access to a cantrip and a couple of spells, based on lineage.)
[] You are partially an Aasimar (You gain Celestial Revelations, and you choose each time you transform)
[] You are partially a Dwarf (You gain extra health, Tremorsense while on Stone, and Darkvision out to 120 feet)
[] You are partially a Dragonborn. (You get breath weapons, resistances, and spectral wings for limited flight)
[] You are partially a Halfling (You are proficient in stealth, you cannot Critically Fail, and are harder to scare)
[] You are partially an Orc (You gain Temp HP when you use Focus Points, you can resist falling unconscious once a Short Rest, and you gain Darkvision to 120 feet)

And finally, what were you when all this started? (Note: Each Background gets one extra hidden benefit)

[] You are a Sailor in the US Navy. That microfissure ripped a good portion of the ship apart. Thankfully you were one of the few rescued. But the brass wants to see you… (Starting Feat: Tavern Brawler. Starting Proficiencies: Acrobatics and Perception. Tool: Navigator.)
[] You are an Acolyte in a Megachurch. Or, were. You are having a crisis of faith. You see, you just found out Selune's just as powerful as Yahweh! Oh, and that Selune exists somewhere. Also, you're now on the run as a heretic. (Starting Feat: Magic Initiative - Cleric. Starting Proficiencies: Insight and Religion. Tools: Calligrapher's Supplies
[] You are a Wayfarer. Basically, you're homeless in Florida. You do what you have to do to survive. Take odd jobs, steal a bit from some rich asshole, sleep where the cops don't bother you. Now though, the power is in your hands. (Starting Feat: Lucky. Starting Proficiencies: Insight and Stealth. Tools: Thieves' Tools.)
[] You are a Farmer in Oklahoma. You live the simple life. You farm the land, milk the cows, feed the animals, and live an honest life. But the microfissures means life isn't going to be simple for much longer. (Starting Feat: Tough. Starting Proficiencies: Animal Handling and Nature. Starting Tools, Carpenter Tools)
[] You are a Sage in California. Basically, you run a little shop for pagan and occult needs. Which makes you actually cast spells! Well, a couple of spells. Does hitting people count as witchcraft? Well, you say it does! (Starting Feat: Magic Initiative - Wizard. Starting Proficiencies: Arcana and History. Starting Tools: Calligrapher's Supplies)
[] You are an Entertainer in Las Vegas. Stripping counts as entertainment, right? Well, it doesn't really matter. The whole damn place has become unglued thanks to Vegas having the most microfissures per square inch, and you need to get back home to your kid. (Starting Feat: Musician. Starting Proficiencies: Acrobatics and Performance. Starting Tool: Special (Hidden))

One last thing, this quest is heavily influenced by a certain Youtube series. If anyone can tell me what it is, they may get a surprise!
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Character Sheet

Alice, Monk Of Mercy

Name: Alice Wilkerson
Gender: Female
Age: 19

Class: Monk (Warrior of Mercy)
Level: 3rd (965/2700)
Species: Human
Background: Acolyte

Strength: 8
Dexterity: 17
Constitution: 12
Intelligence: 12
Wisdom: 16
Charisma: 9


Current HP/Maximum HP: 21 / 21
Current Hit Dice/Maximum Hit Dice: 2D8 / 3D8
Focus Points/Maximum Focus Points: 3/3
AC: 16 (10 + Dex + Wis)
Speed: 40 ft. (30ft Human + 10 ft. Unarmored Movement)


Problem Solving: Direct - You do not put off for tomorrow what you could do today. If there is an issue, you are more likely then not to face it head on, rather then let it linger and fester

Decision Making: Well-Informed - You don't like making decisions blind. You prefer trying to get as much information on a situation and options before committing to something. And the bigger the consequences, the more information you want before making that decision

Fighting Style - You prioritize your allies' wellbeing in fights. You prefer to employ defensive actions when needed. You do your best not to kill your enemies.


Proficiency Bonus: +2

Weapons: Unarmed Strikes, Simple Weapons, Martial Weapons that have the Light property
Armor: None
Saves: Strength and Dexterity
Skills: Insight (Expertise), Persuasion (Expertise), Medicine, Religion, Stealth, History
Tools: Herbalism Kit, Calligrapher's Supplies, Cook's Utensils, Hurdy Gurdy
Languages: English, Spanish, Latin


Insight (Wis) +7
Persuasion (Cha) +3


Stealth (Dex) +5
History (Int) +3
Religion (Int) +3
Medicine (Wis) +5
Perception (Wis) +5


Athletics (Str) -1
Sleight of Hand (Dex) +3
Arcana (Int) +1
Investigation (Int) +1
Nature (Int) +1
Animal Handling (Wis) +3
Survival (Wis) +3
Deception (Cha) -1
Intimidation (Cha) -1
Performance (Cha) -1


Origin: Magic Initiate (Cleric) - You gain 2 Cleric Cantrips and 1 Level 1 Cleric Cantrip. You can cast the Level 1 spell once without a spell slot, though you may also cast it with any spell slots available to you. Wisdom is your Spellcasting Modifier for these spells

Origin/Abyss: Otherworldly Touched - You can sense items that have made a trip through the Abyss. Passive Perception is doubled on sensing them. ???

Origin: By The Light of Her Moon - As long as you are on decent terms with Selune, you gain the following benefits

You regain 1D3 Focus Point and Monk Level worth of HP at the start of your turn, as long as the moon is in the night sky.
You gain Resistance to Lightning and Radiance Damage
You gain Truesight and Blindsight up to 30 feet.

Origin: By The Blood of His Son - As long as you maintain the belief that Jesus dies on the cross to save you from your sins, and resurrected on the third day, you gain the following benefits:

You cannot be Charmed or Frightened.
You gain Resistance to Psychic and Fire Damage.
You gain Proficiency and Expertise in Persuasion.


Money: 6,500 USD (In Bank), 152 USD (On Person)


Simple Clothing
Cross Necklace
Raven Mask (Implement of Mercy) (???)

Magical Attunement: 3/3 Remaining

The Otherworld Bible - Wonderous Item - Unique/Abyss/Attunement

The Otherworld Bible has a golden cover with red lettering on the front. To anyone who is not Otherworldly Touched, or fails a DC 25 Arcana Check, they only see the words Holy Bible and New King James Version. Anyone who meets the criteria sees it for what it truly is.

Anyone who reads the Bible and knows what this book truly is sees that it is filled with both canon and non-Canon books of the Bible. Every so often, a new book will replace a random one.

Anyone who doesn't know what this book truly is only sees the canonical books of the Bible, and nothing else.

??? (There is still more to discover)

The Otherworld Bible does not count against your Attunement slots. If the Bible is lost or stolen from you from more then 1 minute, it returns itself to someplace safe within 30 feet of you.



Swiss Army Knife
Baseball Bat

Hurdy Gurdy

5 Changes of Clothes
Toiletry Supplies
Driver's Licenses (5)
Keys (Unidentified)





Your practice of martial arts gives you mastery
of combat styles that use your Unarmed Strike
and Monk Weapons, which are Simple Melee
Weapons and Martial Weapons with the Light

You gain the following benefits while you are
unarmed or wielding only Monk Weapons and
you aren't wearing armor or wielding a Shield:

Bonus Unarmed Strike. You can make one
Unarmed Strike as a Bonus Action.

Dexterous Attacks. You can use Dexterity
instead of Strength for the attack and damage
rolls of your Unarmed Strikes and Monk
Weapons. In addition, when you choose the
Grapple or Shove option, you can use your
Dexterity modifier instead of Strength to
determine the saving throw DC.

Martial Arts Die. You can roll a d6 in place of
the normal damage of your Unarmed Strike or
Monk Weapons. This die changes as you gain
Monk levels, as shown in the Martial Arts
column of the Monk table.

While you aren't wearing any armor or wielding
a Shield, your base Armor Class equals 10 plus
your Dexterity and Wisdom modifiers.


Your self-discipline and martial training allow
you to harness a well of extraordinary energy
within yourself. Your access to this energy is
represented by a number of Discipline Points.
Your Monk level determines the number of
points you have, as shown in the Discipline
Points column of the Monk table.

You can spend these points to fuel certain
Monk features. You start knowing three such
features: Flurry of Blows, Patient Defense, and
Step of the Wind, each of which is detailed
below. When you spend a Discipline Point, it is
unavailable until you finish a Short Rest or Long
Rest, at the end of which you regain all your
expended points.

Some features that use Discipline Points
require your target to make a saving throw. The
saving throw DC equals 8 plus your Proficiency
Bonus plus your Wisdom modifier.

Flurry of Blows. You can spend 1 Discipline
Point to make two Unarmed Strikes as a Bonus

Patient Defense. You can take the Disengage
action as a Bonus Action. Alternatively, you can
spend 1 Discipline Point to take both the
Disengage and the Dodge actions as a Bonus

Step of the Wind. You can take the Dash action
as a Bonus Action. Alternatively, you can spend 1
Discipline Point to take both the Disengage and
Dash actions as a Bonus Action, and your jump
distance is doubled for the turn.


When you roll Initiative, you can regain all
expended Discipline Points. When you do so, roll
your Martial Arts die, and regain a number of Hit
Points equal to your Monk level plus the number

Once you use this feature, you can't use it again
until you finish a Long Rest.


Your speed increases by 10 feet while you aren't
wearing armor or wielding a Shield. This bonus
increases when you reach certain Monk levels, as
shown on the Monk table.


You can use your Reaction to deflect melee and
ranged attacks against you that deal
Bludgeoning, Piercing, or Slashing damage.
When you do so, the total damage you take from
the attack is reduced by 1d10 plus your
Dexterity modifier plus your Monk level.

If you reduce the damage to 0, you can spend 1
Discipline Point to redirect some of the attack's
force. If you do so, choose a creature within 5
feet of you if the attack was a melee attack or 60
feet of yourself that isn't behind Total Cover if
the attack was a ranged attack. That creature
must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or
take damage equal to two rolls of your Martial
Arts die plus your Dexterity modifier. The
damage is the same type dealt by the attack.


You gain a Monk subclass of your choice:
Warrior of Mercy, Warrior of Shadow, Warrior of
the Four Elements, or Warrior of the Hand. The
Warrior of the Hand subclass is detailed after
this class's description.

A subclass is a specialization that grants you
special abilities at certain Monk levels. For the
rest of your career, you gain each of your
subclass's features that are of your Monk level
and lower


When you choose this tradition at 3rd level, you gain proficiency in the Insight and Medicine skills, and you gain proficiency with the herbalism kit.

You also gain a special mask, which you often wear when using the features of this subclass.


At 3rd level, your mystical touch can mend wounds. As an action, you can spend 1 ki point to touch a creature and restore a number of hit points equal to a roll of your Martial Arts die + your Wisdom modifier.

When you use your Flurry of Blows, you can replace one of the unarmed strikes with a use of this feature without spending a ki point for the healing.


At 3rd level, you use your ki to inflict wounds. When you hit a creature with an unarmed strike, you can spend 1 ki point to deal extra necrotic damage equal to one roll of your Martial Arts die + your Wisdom modifier. You can use this feature only once per turn.


Divination cantrip

Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch
Components: V, S
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

You touch one willing creature and choose a skill. Until the spell ends, the target adds a D4 to any ability check involving that skill

Spare The Dying
Necromancy cantrip

Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 15 Feet
Components: V, S
Duration: Instantaneous

Choose a Creature within range with 0 HP that isn't Dead. They become Stable.
Cantrip Upgrade: The range doubles at Level 5 (30 Feet), Level 11 (60 Feet), and Level 17 (120 Feet)

You touch a living creature that has 0 hit points. The creature becomes stable. This spell has no effect on undead or constructs.

Transmutation cantrip

Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 30 feet
Components: V None
Duration: Up to 1 minute

You manifest a minor wonder, a sign of supernatural power, within range. You create one of the following magical effects within range:

Your voice booms up to three times as loud as normal for 1 minute.
You cause flames to flicker, brighten, dim, or change color for 1 minute.
You cause harmless tremors in the ground for 1 minute.
You create an instantaneous sound that originates from a point of your choice within range, such as a rumble of thunder, the cry of a raven, or ominous whispers.
You instantaneously cause an unlocked door or window to fly open or slam shut.
You alter the appearance of your eyes for 1 minute.
If you cast this spell multiple times, you can have up to three of its 1-minute effects active at a time, and you can dismiss such an effect as an action.

Guiding Bolt
1st-level evocation

Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 120 feet
Components: V, S
Duration: 1 round

A flash of light streaks toward a creature of your choice within range. Make a ranged spell attack against the target. On a hit, the target takes 4d6 radiant damage, and the next attack roll made against this target before the end of your next turn has advantage, thanks to the mystical dim light glittering on the target until then.

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the damage increases by 1d6 for each slot level above 1st.
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❦ - Roads - ❦

❦ - Roads -

What Are Roads?

Roads are paths you choose to walk, forming the very fundamentals of your Journey. They are core parts of you, beyond personality traits and learned behaviors. They are what will guide you, from life's beginning, to even beyond death.

As you walk down Roads, options change. Certain choices become no longer offered, while others may be more prominent and change how a vote is framed. The Roads do not give you mechanical benefits, though you may gain a boon from the QM separate from the Roads

How Do You Find Roads?

Generally speaking, you don't find Roads. As you continue behaving in certain ways, and accepting certain choices, and finding out more about yourself, you will find yourself already walking that Road.

Can Alice Leave a Road?

Yes, through repeatedly choosing major decisions and behaving in major ways contrary to the roads you walk. Generally, you will have to do this through Write-Ins, though major shifts in your worldview or soul-shaking revelations can also offer the choice. But be warned, leaving a Road can be traumatizing.

You can only leave a Road by choice. Things such as Mind Control can suppress the Road's influence, but not force you off the Road.

What are Alice's Roads?

Alice is currently walking down two Roads.

The Gods Exist
Discovered: Start Of Quest

I Desire Mercy, Not Sacrifice
Discovered: The Crisis of Alice, Chapter 2, Verse 2

What Is a Destination?

You are unable to access your Destination at this time.

I will tell you this: Your Destination also acts as your Bastion, and are very effected by the Roads you walk.

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Codex, The Otherworld Library
Codex, The Otherworld Library

(Picture Here)

(Being Constructed)

Who/What Is Codex?

Codex is an Entity of the Abyss

Codex is also a Library, currently consisting of 2 Books. Each Book has a different name, appearance, and purpose, but they are all Codex. They can rewrite portions of itself to either take in new information, remove false information, or communicate. While they could eventually fill all of their pages, it will be a long time before that happens.

Stats and Features


Codex Biblia Sacra - The Otherworld Bible
Codex Gygax - The Dungeons And Dragons Handbook (Abyss Edition)


This section is still under construction. Please stand by









Grace and Love International (City-Wide, Religious)

The Reverend Charles Goodfellow
Medium Humanoid, Lawful Evil


Skills: Persuasion: +15, Deception: +12, Intimidation +12, Performance: +12, Sleight of Hand: +9
Languages: English, Spanish, Hebrew, Greek, Aramaic, Celestial


Trustworthy Charm - Those affected by the Reverend spells that inflict the Charmed condition do not realize they have been Charmed

Legendary Reaction (2 / Day) If the Reverend would fail a Save, it can choose to instead succeed.

Otherworldly Touched - (Resisted)


Multiattack: The Reverend may make two Smiting Fist attacks. He may replace one of your Smiting Fists with one of your Spells (at-will only)

Smiting Fist: Melee Attack Roll: +2. Hit: 1D8 - 1 Bludgeoning Damage, plus 1D8 Radiant Damage

Spellcasting: The Reverend casts one of the following spells requires no material components, using Charisma as their Spellcasting Ability (DC 17)

At Will: Charm Person (3rd Level), Create Food And Water (3rd), Command (2nd Level), Detect Magic (1st Level), Detect Otherworld (1st Level), , Thaumaturgy (Cantrip), Prestidigitation (Cantrip), Acid Spray (Cantrip, Level 5)
3 * Day - Banishment (4th Level), Guiding Bolt (3rd Level), Cure Wounds (3rd Level)
1 * Day - Modify Memory (5th Level)

Legendary Reactions - (Resisted)


The Divine

Selune (Faerun)

Yahweh (Earth)

Jesus Christ (Earth)


The Multiverse
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Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by Novus Ordo Mundi on Aug 27, 2024 at 9:49 AM, finished with 11 posts and 9 votes.

  • [X] Plan: Percussive Therapy
    -[X] Alice/Female
    -[X] Warrior of Mercy - Heal (and Harm) with your Unarmed Strikes. More Access to Healing/Resurrection Techniques
    -[X] You are still fully human (You gain 1 Proficiency to be voted on later, gain Heroic Inspiration every Long Rest, and gain 1 additional Starting Benefit to be voted on later)
    -[X] You are an Acolyte in a Megachurch. Or, were. You are having a crisis of faith. You see, you just found out Selune's just as powerful as Yahweh! Oh, and that Selune exists somewhere. Also, you're now on the run as a heretic. (Starting Feat: Magic Initiative - Cleric. Starting Proficiencies: Insight and Religion. Tools: Calligrapher's Supplies)
    [X] Plan: No Sleep, Only Chaos w/ Lady Bits
    -[X] Name/Gender: Laura Petty (She/Her)
    -[X] Warrior of Mercy - Heal (and Harm) with your Unarmed Strikes. More Access to Healing/Resurrection Techniques
    -[X] You are partially an Elf. (You don't need sleep, though you do need a 4 hour trance. You gain
    -[X] You are a Wayfarer. Basically, you're homeless in Florida. You do what you have to do to survive. Take odd jobs, steal a bit from some rich asshole, sleep where the cops don't bother you. Now though, the power is in your hands. (Starting Feat: Lucky. Starting Proficiencies: Insight and Stealth. Tools: Thieves' Tools.)
    [X] Plan Average Farmer In A Not So Average Situation
    -[X] Jacob/Male
    -[X] Warrior of Mercy
    -[X] You are partially a Gnome
    -[X] You are a Farmer in Oklahoma. You live the simple life. You farm the land, milk the cows, feed the animals, and live an honest life. But the microfissures means life isn't going to be simple for much longer.
    [X] Plan: No Sleep, Only Chaos
    -[X] Name/Gender: Liam Petty (He/Him)
    -[X] Warrior of Mercy - Heal (and Harm) with your Unarmed Strikes. More Access to Healing/Resurrection Techniques
    -[X] You are partially an Elf. (You don't need sleep, though you do need a 4 hour trance. You gain
    -[X] You are a Wayfarer. Basically, you're homeless in Florida. You do what you have to do to survive. Take odd jobs, steal a bit from some rich asshole, sleep where the cops don't bother you. Now though, the power is in your hands. (Starting Feat: Lucky. Starting Proficiencies: Insight and Stealth. Tools: Thieves' Tools.)
    [X] The Fiend bie Stripper!
    -[X] Alice/Female
    -[X] Warrior of the Open Hand - Really lean into the Unarmed Strikes. More Access to Other Martial Art Benefits
    -[X] You are partially a Tiefling (You gain a resistance to a certain type of damage. Also, access to a cantrip and a couple of spells, based on lineage.)
    -[X] You are an Entertainer in Las Vegas. Stripping counts as entertainment, right? Well, it doesn't really matter. The whole damn place has become unglued thanks to Vegas having the most microfissures per square inch, and you need to get back home to your kid. (Starting Feat: Musician. Starting Proficiencies: Acrobatics and Performance. Starting Tool: Special (Hidden))
Character Creation 02
Let all on whom my light falls be welcome if they desire to be so. As the silver moon waxes and wanes, so too does all life. Trust in my radiance, and know that all love alive under my light shall know my blessing. Turn to the moon, and I will be your true guide.

— The words of Selûne, which all novices were charged with. (Faiths and Avatars)

Thou shalt have no other gods before Me.

— Yahweh, through Moses. (Exodus 20:3)

You are Alice, a 3rd Level Warrior of Mercy Monk. You are an Acolyte. You are Otherworldly Touched.

Starting Skills: Insight (Expertise), Religion, Medicine

Monk Skills: Acrobatics, Athletics, History, Stealth
Other Skills: Sleight of Hand, Arcana, History, Investigation, Nature, Animal Handling, Perception, Survival, Deception, Intimidation, Performance, Persuasion

[] Choose Two Monk Skills, and One of Any Non-Starting Skill, to be Proficient in

Also, you gain an Implement of Mercy. Means you get a cool mask! What kind is it?

[] Raven
[] Blank and White
[] Crying Visage
[] Laughing Visage
[] Skull
[] Butterfly
[] Plague Doctor

You gain access to two Cleric Cantrips! You may cast these at any time, with no limit. Remember, they will use the 2024 Version if applicable. You can find ways to improve these. Do you want to..

[] Give someone (including yourself) a +D4 to all Skill Test? (You get Guidance)
[] Never need a light bulb again? (You get Light)
[] Fix small tears in things? (You gain Mending)
[] Slightly take less damage from an element of your choice? (You get Resistance)
[] Burn things with holy radiance? (You get Sacred Flame)
[] Keep people from having to make Death Saves? (You get Spare the Dying)
[] Make spooky noises and candles flicker? (You gain Thaumaturgy)
[] Point at people, and they take Necrotic Damage? (You gain Toll the Dead)
[] Make everyone next to you burn in holiness with a word? (You gain Word of Radiance)

You gain one 1st Level Cleric Spell. You may cast it once without a spell slot. However, if the spell is a Ritual, you may cast it without a spell slot any number of times, for an additional 10 minute casting time. Remember, they will use the 2024 Version if applicable. You can find ways to improve these. Do you want to…

[] Make three people take D4 less on attacks and saving throws? (You gain Bane)
[] Give three people a +D4 bonus on attacks and saving throws? (You gain Bless)
[] Give bonuses when you perform an important ceremony? (You gain Ceremony. Ritual)
[] Make people obey one word commands? (You gain Command)
[] Create or destroy 10 gallons of water at a time? (You gain Create or Destroy Water)
[] Heal people? (You gain Cure Wounds)
[] Detect unusual creatures, or if a place is holy or unholy? (You gain Detect Good and Evil)
[] Detect magic? (You gain Detect Magic. Ritual)
[] Detect poison and disease in a person, as well as poisonous creatures? (You gain Detect Poison and Disease. Ritual)
[] Nail someone for 4D6 Radiant from 120 feet away? (You gain Guiding Bolt)
[] Gain some protections from unusual creatures? (You gain Protection from Good and Evil)
[] Purify any food and drink? (You gain Purify Food and Drink. Ritual)
[] Protect a noncombatant? (You gain Sanctuary)
[] Gain +2AC thanks to a floating shield? (You gain Shield of Faith)

Author's Note: I did not include Inflict Wounds in the Level 1 Spell options, because you can pretty much do that anyway with Hand of Harm. Also, you got Insight from Acolyte and Implements of Mercy. Normally, you don't get expertise from this. But I'm giving it to you because I think it's cool.

Also, the next vote is the Starting Blessings. As a full human, you get two. And these can have massive implications for how the story goes. Keep that in mind.
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Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by Novus Ordo Mundi on Aug 27, 2024 at 7:28 PM, finished with 11 posts and 5 votes.
Character Creation 03
So, now it's time for your Starting Benefits. As a Full Human, you gain two benefits. These Benefits can and will affect you, and can possibly change the story in various ways. Vote as a plan, and remember to choose wisely.

A Mind of Mercury - If you have already used your Reaction, and you wish to use a Reaction, you may spend 1 Ki Point to do so.

Against Dark Dungeons - You gain Resistance against any damage Undead or Fiends deal to you. You roll with Advantage against any D20 Tests caused by a trap.

An Insight Beyond Insight - You roll all Insight Checks with Advantage, and can never be given Disadvantage on them.

Ascetic Priestess - You gain 2 more Level 1 spells, and a level 2 spell. You may cast them once for free, and may use Spell Slots to cast them normally.

By The Light of Her Moon - As long as you are on decent terms with Selune, you gain the following benefits
  • You regain 1D3 Focus Point and Monk Level worth of HP at the start of your turn, as long as the moon is in the night sky.
  • You gain Resistance to Lightning and Radiance Damage
  • You gain Truesight and Blindsight up to 30 feet.

By The Blood of His Son - As long as you maintain the belief that Jesus dies on the cross to save you from your sins, and resurrected on the third day, you gain the following benefits:
  • You cannot be Charmed or Frightened.
  • You gain Resistance to Psychic and Fire Damage.
  • You gain Proficiency and Expertise in Persuasion.

Coexistence Through The Abyss - You are one of the very few who've gotten sucked through the Abyss, and made it back. Or more specifically, sent back. Your crisis of faith has been resolved, and now turned into a new resolve and mission. You gain 4 Starting Blessings of the DM's choice, as well as a couple of Feats. But for many people in many places, they will do everything in their power to kill you.

Do No Harm - Your Hand of Healing now does two rolls of your Martial Die plus Wisdom, instead of one.

Do All Harm - Your Hand of Harm is no longer once per turn. The first use of it requires no Focus Points

Fast Learner - You gain your Level 6 Warrior of Mercy ability now, the Level 11 ability at level 6, and the level 17 ability at level 11.

Gifts From Faerun - You gain a Ring of Defense, A Cloak of Defense, and Bracers of Defense.

Holy Reservoir - If you could cast a Cleric Spell with a Spell Slot, you may use Focus Point instead, equal to twice the Spell Level of the Spell being cast.

Ioun Saint - You gain 4 random Ioun Stones. Ioun Stones count together as one Attunement

Like the Wind - You may use Step of the Wind as part of any other Bonus Action you perform

Like the Elements - Your Unarmed Strikes may deal damage to a certain element. That element is determined at Random when this Benefit is chosen. Your Unarmed Strikes gain +10 Range

Like the Shadows - You can teleport through Dim Light or Darkness, up to 60 feet, as a Bonus Action

Sheer Wind Strikes - Your Unarmed Strikes gain the Graze property.

Tattooed Monk - You gain 3 Tattoos now, and 1 more every even Level. This Tattoos provide benefits. (A Subvote will commence)

[] Choose Two, as a Plan
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by Novus Ordo Mundi on Aug 28, 2024 at 8:48 AM, finished with 10 posts and 7 votes.

  • [X] Plan: Syncretism
    -[X] By The Light of Her Moon
    -[X] By The Blood of His Son
    [X] Plan: Monk Cleric Quest
    -[X] Ascetic Priestess - You gain 2 more Level 1 spells, and a level 2 spell. You may cast them once for free, and may use Spell Slots to cast them normally.
    -[X] Holy Reservoir - If you could cast a Cleric Spell with a Spell Slot, you may use Focus Point instead, equal to twice the Spell Level of the Spell being cast.
    [X] Plan: I shall punish you!
    -[X] By The Light of Her Moon
    -[X] Ascetic Priestess