Of Dreams, Illusions and Other Such Falsehoods [PMMM RP]

"No! Well... maybe... mostly I just want to make sure my mnemonics won't annoy anyone too bad."

"Why do I always get the weirdos?" Elizabeth makes an exasperated sigh as if it couldn't be helped.

". . . Why not the Toccata and Fugue in D Minor?"

At this, she unleashed the full glory of her shit eating grin.

Sarah, thinking back on the past few hours realized to her horror "I have not! The sustenance demands of my heart, body, and soul have yet to be met! Woe betide us all!"

"Well, that's one."

Elizabeth turns to face Tsubomi, "What about you, Scrub?"

"Um... Not really, no..." Tsubomi admitted sheepishly, this meeting having sprung up at the same time she usually had her meal.

"Alrighty~, I know this burger place. . . Its pretty good. . . and. . ." Elizabeth, herself, didn't even know she is drooling at the moment. "Let's just get there. . ."

There was that word again! Elizabeth really did seem to be fond of it. Tsubomi closed her eyes and tilted her head as she considered this new information and began muttering to herself.

"I see... So a group of Scrubs is called a squad... and witches and magical girls can both be scrubs... but what is a scrub exactly...?"

Meanwhile, on top of her head, Honey-chan had its arms crossed and was looking downwards, nodding sagely along to Tsubomi's musings.

Elizabeth was about to give the moeblob a very thorough explanation when Sarah intervened. Her expression was one of wry amusement, at a certain someone's thoughts.

"It means newbie, a squad is simply a group of soldiers who work as a team."
"And I do know what a squad is! I just thought it might be... You know... One of those fancy words for groups, like a pride of lions. Though now that I think about it, maybe squad would work better for squid..."

"Well, yeah, basically a bottom-feeder that works in groups, that is a how a Scrub's thrive. But worry not my lil' Kohais', I'll make so OCP, you'll spit lightning and piss liquid fire."

"On second thought, that sounded pretty god damn awful. Let's just go with OCP, then."

Sarah smiled widely, projecting her next thoughts to her companion.
Tsubomi flinched in surprise as Sarah's voice reverberated in her mind the same way Mr. Kyubey's had. This time Honey-chan really was sent tumbling off of her head and Tsubomi had to fight for balance herself.

Elizabeth tilted her head at the two queerly, "Tsubomi, if she's doing anything weird to you, then sucker punch Sarah, for me, and especially you and once more for me too. . ."

Sarah was unable to speak for laughter, but she could think just fine.

"Really, what's so funny? Are you two talking shit, is that what is?"
"Well, yeah, basically a bottom-feeder that works in groups, that is a how a Scrub's thrive. But worry not my lil' Kohais', I'll make so OCP, you'll spit lightning and piss liquid fire."

"On second thought, that sounded pretty god damn awful. Let's just go with OCP, then."

Tsubomi had to agree with Elizabeth on that one, visibly wincing at her rather colorful description. There was one thing that was tripping her up though. "What does OCP mean?"

"Really, what's so funny? Are you two talking shit, is that what is?"

"Wha-? Oh! No, no, that's not what we're doing at all! That would be mean... Sarah just helped me learn how to use telepathy," Tsubomi hastened to explain, afraid she'd somehow offended Elizabeth.
"Explosions are... interesting."

"No, its pretty frickkin' lame. Too close? Boom yourself, too far away? Better pray you're behind good cover, cuz shrapnel and pokey bits are a bitch-in-a-half when embedded in your goddamn thigh area. Ugh."

"Good thing to remember about abilities and whatnot. Say, shouldn't we go and hunt at least one of the witches now? I don't think they are gonna keep on waiting..." Satsuki mentioned. "I want to try out my powers~"

"I'm always ready freddy~," Aoi turns to Keiko and Emi. "What about you Ms. Toughstuff and Ms. Grumpypants?"

"[URL='http://i.imgur.com/DBkNrwU.jpg']You lost me.[/URL]"

Aoi speaks with a strange conviction of not understanding at all.

[QUOTE="Trung-t-rung, post: 7489826, member: 8217"]"Explosions, you say."[/QUOTE]

Aoi makes a series of noises reminiscent of explosions and explosive gestures, "Yup, Emi-tan. Explooooosions~! Not as fun or as great as it sounds, though."

[quote]"Wait, what?"[/quote]

"That's what I wanna know, y'know? Keiko is using those big kanji, that I'm hopelessly and grossly unfamiliar with."

[QUOTE="Shiranui, post: 7495020, member: 15187"]"...Right." Satsuki said with a giggle.[/QUOTE]
"What. Y'got it?"

Aoi clutches her head with her good hand in frustration. "I don't follow this at all?!"

[quote]"Although we really should get to observe before fighting. If we don't, we'll be a sitting duck if it pulls something we aren't expecting. I got that line of thinking correct, right?"[/quote]

Glancing back at Satsuki, "Likely yeah and likely no, so at best a maybe? But surveillance and stalking are always sound strategies, Eno-chan."

[QUOTE="Trung-t-rung, post: 7495454, member: 8217"]"...Anyway, while we generally got an idea on how we can apply our power. Aoi..."

She turned toward the senior Magical Girl, her eyes slightly narrowed with a sharp glare, though not purely out of malice.

"...Unless you have some secret strategy, please tell us the range of your power. That way, at least we can get you at a better position to save our collective asses if necessary."[/QUOTE]

"Dontcha' worry, Aoi ain't gunna leave y'hanging dry." She nods, "I could cover everyone's butts miles away, anyhow, just stay where can see y'all. Kay?"
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Tsubomi had to agree with Elizabeth on that one, visibly wincing at her rather colorful description. There was one thing that was tripping her up though. "What does OCP mean?"

"Out of Control Power-level! basically, a tier, Scrubs can't feasibly hope to accomplish within their meager and dismal lifetimes, under my advance tutelage, you, Scrubs, will inevitably skyrocket there, one day! Even if it means that I'll have to light napalm under your collective behinds!"

Elizabeth begins Hohohoho'ing, again, like a Disney princess villain.

"Wha-? Oh! No, no, that's not what we're doing at all! That would be mean... Sarah just helped me learn how to use telepathy," Tsubomi hastened to explain, afraid she'd somehow offended Elizabeth.

She stops laughing and squints her eyes. ". . . Y'sure?"

"Alrighty then, you two were looking awfully shifty there." Elizabeth sighs and shrugs, "Are you up for burgers by any chance, Tsubomi?"

". . . And what about you, quiet Scrub?"

Out of Control Power-level! basically, a tier, Scrubs can't feasibly hope to accomplish within their meager and dismal lifetimes, under my advance tutelage, you, Scrubs, will inevitably skyrocket there, one day! Even if it means that I'll have to light napalm under your collective behinds!"

Sarah blinked, "I thought it meant Outside of Context Problem?"

She stops laughing and squints her eyes. ". . . Y'sure?"

"Alrighty then, you two were looking awfully shifty there."

Eyes widening, she projects the next thoughts to everyone, 'Quickly, she's onto us, hide!' And promptly hiding behind Tsu.

Elizabeth sighs and shrugs, "Are you up for burgers by any chance, Tsubomi?"

"Wait, burgers? Hiding is no longer necessary!"
Eyes widening, she projects the next thoughts to everyone, 'Quickly, she's onto us, hide!' And promptly hiding behind Tsu.

'Huh!? N-no she's not! There's nothing to be on to!' Tsubomi telepathied in paniced confusion as Sarah began attempting to hide behind her. The fact that Tsubomi was a good deal shorter than her wasn't helping.

She stops laughing and squints her eyes. ". . . Y'sure?"

"Alrighty then, you two were looking awfully shifty there." Elizabeth sighs and shrugs, "Are you up for burgers by any chance, Tsubomi?

"Oh, sure!" Tsubomi replied with delight, returning to actually speaking rather than telepathy.

"Um, by the way Elizabeth... Do you really like burgers a lot? You're kind of... drooling a little..."
Mayu held back a sigh as their mysterious overseer decided that now was the time to go and headed away. She glanced over at the others before following along, making sure to not fall too far behind. She had the feeling that it wouldn't end will if they were forced to wait on her.

At least the walk wasn't too long, sating any concerns that they might be headed to the other side of town. They ended up at a theater, one that she was fairly sure she had seen before. She had only been to a few performances though, and certainly none recently while it was closed for renovations.

Somehow she had a bad feeling about this as she followed the girl into the alleyway with the others until the road was out of sight. She knew she could handle herself, but there was still the lingering fear that their guide might attack her out off the blue. She didn't want to go through that again if she could help it. Her body tensed at the transformation, but her worries were proven temporarily unfounded as she kicked in the door to the theater rather than attacking her.

"Alright," she replied as she was told to ready up, and with a kiss to her ring she was engulfed in the light of her transformation. With that done she followed inside the theater, and prepared herself for whatever would come next. Hopefully it wasn't too bad....

"Right," Ryou said. "Three girls enter the set of a horror movie to fight a monster, without any idea what they're looking for or what to do when they find it. Sounds like a plan."

Ryou concentrated on her ring, watching as it transformed to its gem form and her costume settled. She drew her two daggers and sent a line of flame down the edges. Concentrating, the flame turned from red, to yellow, to blue. "Okay, does someone else want to go first? I'd rather not fight until we get sucked into that weird pocket world the witches have, given my powers are likely to burn the whole building down.

@Azecreth @Kensai
"Of course I got it. I play video games with my sister all the time. I'm used to terms like this by now." Satsuki teased, giving a soft grin. "So surveillance and stalking are good strategies. I'll keep those in mind." And that was only because she didn't want to be a burden to the rest of them. And because of that, she would do her best to what she could do for the others.

She had concentrated her ring into gem form, as she was looking around slightly. Her Soul Gem was glowing. "Hey, guys, I think the witch is closing in. We should probably get going before it's too late."

It seemed clear the witch decided that it would probably go and try and snack on people. She didn't want that to happen, so she had hoped that her mentor would agree for them to go after the witch or witches...? God. Satsuki really needed her memory checked if this kept on happening, and that's what Satsuki would do if people kept on bothering her.

@Murderhobo of Nod @munchkinomatic @Trung-t-rung
"I have a bad feeling about that but fine. As long as I can punch you back when we're done. Plus, I'm not sure how much of a boost I can get in just a punch to the face, though."

Emi sighed, somehow she was pretty sure she could hear the glee in Keiko's voice there.

"...Anyway, while we generally got an idea on how we can apply our power. Aoi..."

She turned toward the senior Magical Girl, her eyes slightly narrowed with a sharp glare, though not purely out of malice.

"...Unless you have some secret strategy, please tell us the range of your power. That way, at least we can get you at a better position to save our collective asses if necessary."

Keiko shruged and cracked her knuckles.

"Punchest are my thing. I'm really strong, remember?"

Without wasting time; everyone quickly transforms.

Making their way towards the complex, with Aoi leading the pack from the front. Fortunately, the girls find a back door unsecured; and with that, an entryway into the great unknown. . .

. . .

What greeted them, inside, wasn't a moldy building slowly-but-surely crumbling in upon itself; but somekind of labyrinth, stretching on, endlessly.

Made of shifting, corroded bronze. . .

To make matters worse, the barrier was rather dark.

As in pitch black.

Unless you were painfully and ridiculously close; you wouldn't be able to see anything or anyone.

Among other unpleasant things, was that sickly dampness about everything.

The floor was wet, flooded. With somekind of fetid looking liquid sprawling throughout. The shifting walls of bronze were also slick, and wherever the hell the roof was. . . it, too, was dripping with whatever kind of foul slime that flooded the very floor was.

With a heat and smell not to unlike a reptile house in a zoo. . .

. . .

Aoi was the first to break the silence, "I can't say I was expectin' this kinda set up, but hey, Witches are weirdos with bad tastes. Anyways. . ." With a decisive 'click', a light source beamed suddenly within the gloom.


Handing Emi, Satsuki and Keiko, one, for good measure. "Mmn, tight, tight spaces, that's no good." She scans around with her flashlight, the area was rather spacious, in a sense, but, in a fight? Ha. . .

"Everyone a-okay? No vertigo, or burning need to puke out y'guts?"
Well, this is something.

Thought Emi as she walked through the Labyrinth. For a Witch lair, she expected something different. Like a castle filled with death traps or a house make of candy or at least some flying monkeys or something...

This, however, made her expected to find some kind of alien monsters making a nest in here.


Handing Emi, Satsuki and Keiko, one, for good measure. "Mmn, tight, tight spaces, that's no good." She scans around with her flashlight, the area was rather spacious, in a sense, but, in a fight? Ha. . .

"Everyone a-okay? No vertigo, or burning need to puke out y'guts?"

Grasping a flashlight from Aoi, Emi switched it on and off to check the function before pointing at her feet and then above her head. If this is like those monster movie then something may like to grab people from either above or under.

"Right, Emi, this is probably where I should punch you."

"No vital organ. Not in the head or neck. And try your best to not leave a mark."

Emi said, still on a look out, though she slightly steeled her body, prepared for the incoming blow. Her hand drew the katana. While she didn't think Keiko meant any harm, it was better than nothing. If she came with killing intent...Well, let's just hope it wouldn't come to that.
Keiko shrugged and sheathed her sword and shield. Her gauntleted hands curling into fists.

"You know, that's very hard, given how there's no non-vital organs. Also, I can bust through walls, so it may sting a little. Just remember your safe word, and everything should be fine. Kidney Punch!"

A fist shot forward and smashed into her abdomen. The force behind it enough to do damage, but without being too much.

"Gut Punch!" the other fist joined in. "Gut Punch! Gut Punch! And... Kidney Punch!"
Keiko shrugged and sheathed her sword and shield. Her gauntleted hands curling into fists.

"You know, that's very hard, given how there's no non-vital organs. Also, I can bust through walls, so it may sting a little. Just remember your safe word, and everything should be fine. Kidney Punch!"

A fist shot forward and smashed into her abdomen. The force behind it enough to do damage, but without being too much.

The force of that staggered Emi. Quite a punch she packed there, Emi thought as she rubbed the spot.

"Yeah, I think that's okay for....Wait! Wait!"

"Gut Punch!" the other fist joined in. "Gut Punch! Gut Punch! And... Kidney Punch!"

Before Emi knew it, a flurry of punches was sent toward her abdomen. One, two, three,...Enraged, she grabbed the last fist with her hand.


Roaring at Keiko's face, Emi took a moment to realize she's just screamed loudly. Very loudly. In what essentially the enemy's home.

Oh, shit.
Aoi was the first to break the silence, "I can't say I was expectin' this kinda set up, but hey, Witches are weirdos with bad tastes. Anyways. . ." With a decisive 'click', a light source beamed suddenly within the gloom.


Handing Emi, Satsuki and Keiko, one, for good measure. "Mmn, tight, tight spaces, that's no good." She scans around with her flashlight, the area was rather spacious, in a sense, but, in a fight? Ha. . .

"Everyone a-okay? No vertigo, or burning need to puke out y'guts?"

"Thanks for the flashlight." Satsuki took hold of the flashlight, naturally, of course, considering the fact that this place was absolutely dark. She had made some observations. Considering the space they were in, it was surprising that Keiko had decided to strike Emi, although she sighed. "Keiko, Emi... we really need to... oh, never mind... Aoi, can we do something about getting further into the labyrinth? Or at least to somehow progress? We can't just stay here forever..."

It was creepy was what this witch's barrier was. She almost had expected something to yank them into the darkness and kill them. Hence why Satsuki kept up her guard, regardless. She didn't want to have the dark creatures of the night steal her away, either.

To be honest, it would be unnerving to any normal girl venturing in such a place. Even though she was a magical girl, Satsuki had her insecurities.

Before Emi knew it, a flurry of punches was sent toward her abdomen. One, two, three,...Enraged, she grabbed the last fist with her hand.


Roaring at Keiko's face, Emi took a moment to realize she's just screamed loudly. Very loudly. In what essentially the enemy's home.

Oh, shit.

And then Emi's shriek had pierced the calm. Satsuki stared at Emi and Keiko. "You idiots! Now the witch will definitely know we're here!" She hissed at the pair of them. This was only logical, considering despite how nice Satsuki was, she couldn't stand for stupidity. "You really want to get us killed on our first outing?! Sheesh..." Summoning her axe just in case, she had grasped it much more carefully now. "We might as well be busting into the place rather than staying quiet. If any enemies come our way, it's your faults for being reckless in enemy territory."
The force of that staggered Emi. Quite a punch she packed there, Emi thought as she rubbed the spot.

"Yeah, I think that's okay for....Wait! Wait!"

Before Emi knew it, a flurry of punches was sent toward her abdomen. One, two, three,...Enraged, she grabbed the last fist with her hand.


Roaring at Keiko's face, Emi took a moment to realize she's just screamed loudly. Very loudly. In what essentially the enemy's home.

Oh, shit.

"Woah! Hey, sorry!" Keiko stumbled back, hand in the air. "You should have use your safe woooor... We didn't agree on a safe word, didn't we? We shouldn't have done that. Remember kids, don't play rough, unless you play safe!"

With a grin, she brought her sword and shield to bear and scanned for any enemy.

"I'll let you do me latter. I'm fine with taking turn."

Emi clicked her tongue in annoyance. Losing her cool like that was not good. She poured magic in her blade and shortened its length to fit fighting in a closed space and could easily be thrown as a projectile.

Her eyes scanned the wall, the ceiling and the floor. Calm her breathing, Emi focused on her senses, discerning each sound, each smell, even the vibration on the ground and the surrounding.

@Murderhobo of Nod

The quartet make their merry way to a local restaurant, 'Happy Burger'. Elizabeth, has that a look of kid, getting a free pass to a candy store; by the way she's so shamelessly drooling.

When everyone finally makes and get their respective order. The girls find a nice cushy booth to sit at; and eat their greasy fast food.

Elizabeth seems to be in heaven. Literally, crying when she sinks her teeth into the burger.

"This must be what heaven tastes like. . ."

And then a sudden guest appears to interrupt their meals. "Elizabeth, you called?" Hopping into her lap; and making her cry out a cute, "Eek!?" Now suddenly, so very conscientious, about herself. She bops Kyubey in the head harshly.

"Don't you do that!?" Elizabeth hissed aloud.

Kyubey only looked confused at that.
Sarah, not reacting too much differently from Elizabeth, looked up from her food to lightly chastise the fluffy menace, "Don't surprise people, it's considered rude as all hell."

Quickly finishing her food, and requesting a check from a passing waiter, she spoke quietly to Kyubey, "The reason your presence is required is that we need information on the witches we are going after, mostly so we don't get our gems, or anything else vital to our continued existence on this planet, smashed, crushed, burned, or exploded as soon as we go in after the things. Kinda need to know information that."

Stretching, she munched on a fry before continuing, "You know, that reminds me, why didn't you tell Liz before now anyway?"
The quartet make their merry way to a local restaurant, 'Happy Burger'. Elizabeth, has that a look of kid, getting a free pass to a candy store; by the way she's so shamelessly drooling.

When everyone finally makes and get their respective order. The girls find a nice cushy booth to sit at; and eat their greasy fast food.

Elizabeth seems to be in heaven. Literally, crying when she sinks her teeth into the burger.

Tsubomi could only look on in utter fascination at Elizabeth's blissful expression. How could one person love burgers this much!? After realizing her mouth was hanging open a little she quickly scarfed a bite of her sandwich to cover her staring.

And then a sudden guest appears to interrupt their meals. "Elizabeth, you called?" Hopping into her lap; and making her cry out a cute, "Eek!?" Now suddenly, so very conscientious, about herself. She bops Kyubey in the head harshly.

"Don't you do that!?" Elizabeth hissed aloud.

Kyubey only looked confused at that.

After getting over her initial shock at Kyubey's appearance (mainly by not choking on the food she'd been busy swallowing) Tsubomi's face brightened up and she gave the bunny-cat a little wave. "Hi, Mr. Kyubey!"

'I can use telepathy now,' she informed him proudly.

Meanwhile, inside Tsubomi's backpack, Honey-chan had its arms crossed and was bobbing it's head up and down, clearly grumbling to itself at being forced to stay inside so people in the restaurant wouldn't see it.
@Nervos Belli

The trio follow after their mysterious Magical Girl mentor.

What they found wasn't a regular interior of a theater; they had discovered what appeared to be a distorted forest clearing. Crooked trees and tall grass; jutting out at unnaturally angles with keen and sharp ends.

Their environment was rather open; and the sweetly pungent smell of flowery meadows filled their nostrils too.

Even through it was still day out in Mifune, here, it seems, the sun was at its twilight, slowly descending into dusk and the darkness of night. For a barrier of a supposedly fearsome Witch; this place was remarkably peaceful, at the very least.

As for their Mentor. . .

She was no where to be seen.
The trio follow after their mysterious Magical Girl mentor.

What they found wasn't a regular interior of a theater; they had discovered what appeared to be a distorted forest clearing. Crooked trees and tall grass; jutting out at unnaturally angles with keen and sharp ends.

Their environment was rather open; and the sweetly pungent smell of flowery meadows filled their nostrils too.

Even through it was still day out in Mifune, here, it seems, the sun was at its twilight, slowly descending into dusk and the darkness of night. For a barrier of a supposedly fearsome Witch; this place was remarkably peaceful, at the very least.

As for their Mentor. . .

She was no where to be seen.

Mayu was taken aback when she entered the theater to find a forest clearing instead of an actual theater. And not a pleasant one either. There was something off about it, with the sun at twilight and some of the plants themselves looking like they had jagged edges and the like.

"So this is a barrier," she muttered aloud as she looked around. That was what Kyubey had told her, though obviously it was her first time ever being inside of one. Well, at least it was peaceful, though she had the feeling that it wouldn't last. It would be too easy to just stroll up to the Witch and lop its head off, right?

After a moment, a sigh escaped as she noticed the absence of their psycho mentor. Somehow she wasn't surprised, having been shown the girls apparent skills of invisibility before. She was probably stalking them from the shadows or something right now.

Her weapon appeared in her grip then, held carefully as she prepared to do this. "Guess we should get moving," she noted. Here was hoping her first time wasn't too difficult.