Of Dreams, Illusions and Other Such Falsehoods [PMMM RP]

"My nickname is Scarlet Rose. This is because this is the first flower that I made, after all. It's botanokinesis. I can control and manipulate plants around me. Regeneration and pain suppression, too, are a part of my ability set. At least, that is what's unique to me."

"Is the name really necessary? "

This only made sense, considering she had a battle axe. Might as well make as many puns that she wanted to. "What about you, Emi? Keiko? And Aoi, we might as well know your abilities, too."

"Damage reflection, I think? And the more I'm wounded, the stronger I becomes. I'd prefer not demonstrating any of that. Besides that, the same as any Magical Girl. stronger and faster than human. Weapons creation. Change its size and such."
"Damage reflection, I think? And the more I'm wounded, the stronger I becomes. I'd prefer not demonstrating any of that. Besides that, the same as any Magical Girl. stronger and faster than human. Weapons creation. Change its size and such."
"Does it have to reflect back to the one who get you or you just become stronger in general?"

Emi smiled chillingly as her finger ran along the side of the wakizashi's hilt.

"And it's not just limited to the ones inflicted the wound."

"...Man. Remind me to never face you..." Satsuki said with a shudder. "You'd probably be able to reflect all my attacks into submission..." She then had paused. She had forgotten that Emi had asked her if the name was necessary. And she finally shrugged. "Well. It was the first thing I've made with magic. So I thought it was memorable enough for a magical girl nickname."
Sarah took one look at Tsu, nodded, and pulled her into a one armed hug, "No need to be so nervous, we're all friends here right? I judge not for musical tastes considering mine is as... eclectic as it is. Tell ya what, after this is done, we all go to my house, get some pizza, and relax at a job well done, how's that sound?"

Tsubomi stiffened as Sarah wrapped her arm around her. Her hands shifted around awkwardly as she wasn't sure what to do with them. She honestly couldn't remember the last time someone had given her a hug. Eventually though, the tension seemed to slowly melt away from her and she allowed herself to enjoy the contact, even giving Sarah a small squeeze of her own.

"I think I would like that," Tsubomi responded with a genuine smile.
"Well. It was the first thing I've made with magic. So I thought it was memorable enough for a magical girl nickname."

"I'm more concerned why you needed a nickname in the first place, but suit yourself, I guess."

Emi, for a moment, considered if she should make a nickname for herself as well before decided against it. Too silly a thing for her taste.

A massive grin splitted Keiko's face.

"So, if you are healed, does the boost goes away?"

"Possible. Never try it, though."

Emi shrugged.

"Still, 'really strong and really tough'? Just that?"

She raised an eyebrow at the description of Keiko's power. Sounds too much simple. Maybe she deliberately kept it a secret?
"I'm more concerned why you needed a nickname in the first place, but suit yourself, I guess."

Emi, for a moment, considered if she should make a nickname for herself as well before decided against it. Too silly a thing for her taste.

"Possible. Never try it, though."

Emi shrugged.

"Still, 'really strong and really tough'? Just that?"

She raised an eyebrow at the description of Keiko's power. Sounds too much simple. Maybe she deliberately kept it a secret?
Keiko shrugged. She was pretty sure that was the gist of it

"I can benchpress a car."
Sarah blinked, "Any info on the thing we're going to murderize? I want to know how hard I need to smack it to get anywhere. Oh! And does anyone have any music they like? Genre wise?"

Elizabeth pinch the bridge of her nose in slight irritation. "Kyubey. . . being Kyubey, hasn't been forthcoming enough to grant me insight other than a wave of Witches hatching. Hopefully, they're Scrubs, so that they can easily be taken care of by a squad of Scrubs, Scrub."

"Also. . . Why? . . . Don't tell me you're gonna start a leitmotif?"

"Death Metal!" she proclaimed with an innocent smile.
Sarah raised her hand for a high five from the girl before speaking, "Oh, good choice Tsu, you don't strike me as the type to like that. Eh, it's music, the one thing that draws every culture together besides food."
"Y-yeah!" Tsubomi muttered nervously before reaching up to return the high five.

". . ." Elizabeth cringed, and turned to glower at Sarah. ". . . This is your doing, isn't it?"

Sarah took one look at Tsu, nodded, and pulled her into a one armed hug, "No need to be so nervous, we're all friends here right? I judge not for musical tastes considering mine is as... eclectic as it is. Tell ya what, after this is done, we all go to my house, get some pizza, and relax at a job well done, how's that sound?"

"Tastes aside, I'll be contacting Kyubey, shortly. So give me a moment. . ." Elizabeth taking a deep breath, begins focusing at something in the distance.

". . ."

Her eyebrow begins to twitch after a spell, "Welp, of course, he has be at the other end of this damned city! God damn it, you fluffy rat!"

Turning towards Sarah, Tsubomi, and Kaiya, "Looks like we have to wait."

"Since we have time to spare, have any of you eaten yet?"

"We may need a plan first."

Aoi nods at that, "Yup. A plan with daring, dash, and. . . something. Shit, what was the word, I'm lookin' for?"

"Since it isn't just one Witch, we can't just gang up on one and call it a day. Any chance those two Witches may work together in tandem? If it is possible then we may need to just focus on one and retreat after defeating it. Aoi, you are the only veteran here so we can't split up to handle each one either."

"Anythings possible, Emi. Buuuuuuut, since they're new, odds are they're pretty shit in terms of raw power factor. The gang curb stomp sounds legit, enough, I suppose. Through, I'm honestly more nervous 'bout one of y'all gettin' cornered and separated from the main group."

This only made sense, considering she had a battle axe. Might as well make as many puns that she wanted to. "What about you, Emi? Keiko? And Aoi, we might as well know your abilities, too."

". . . Yeah, 'bout that, nah, well, not because I being a bitch or anything like that, buuuuut. . ." Aoi looked a bit lost for words, "Uuh, its kinda difficult to explain, I mean, really. Umm. . . I guess explosions? Yeah, let's just go with explosions. . ."

"Kek, I'm a bit jelly of y'guys, I mean, I don't even have a kickass weapon. If I said I knew any better, Cubers, must have cheated me. . ." She pouts, in a playful manner.
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Elizabeth pinch the bridge of her nose in slight irritation. "Kyubey. . . being Kyubey, hasn't been forthcoming enough to grant me insight other than a wave of Witches hatching. Hopefully, they're Scrubs, so that they can easily be taken care of by a squad of Scrubs, Scrub."

"Also. . . Why? . . . Don't tell me you're gonna start a leitmotif?"

"No! Well... maybe... mostly I just want to make sure my mnemonics won't annoy anyone too bad."

". . ." Elizabeth cringed, and turned to glower at Sarah. ". . . This is your doing, isn't it?"

"Again with the attacks on my character! I'll have you know I only just met this amazing girl!"

"Tastes aside, I'll be contacting Kyubey, shortly. So give me a moment. . ." Elizabeth taking a deep breath, begins focusing at something in the distance.

". . ."

Her eyebrow begins to twitch after a spell, "Welp, of course, he has be at the other end of this damned city! God damn it, you fluffy rat!"

Turning towards Sarah, Tsubomi, and Kaiya, "Looks like we have to wait."

"Since we have time to spare, have any of you eaten yet?"

Sarah, thinking back on the past few hours realized to her horror "I have not! The sustenance demands of my heart, body, and soul have yet to be met! Woe betide us all!"
". . . Yeah, 'bout that, nah, well, not because I being a bitch or anything like that, buuuuut. . ." Aoi looked a bit lost for words, "Uuh, its kinda difficult to explain, I mean, really. Umm. . . I guess explosions? Yeah, let's just go with explosions. . ."

"Kek, I'm a bit jelly of y'guys, I mean, I don't even have a kickass weapon. If I said I knew any better, Cubers, must have cheated me. . ." She pouts, in a playful manner.
Keiko shrugged.

"I'm just strong and hard to kill, not really much more too it. At least you get to make explosions."
Hopefully, they're Scrubs, so that they can easily be taken care of by a squad of Scrubs, Scrub."

There was that word again! Elizabeth really did seem to be fond of it. Tsubomi closed her eyes and tilted her head as she considered this new information and began muttering to herself.

"I see... So a group of Scrubs is called a squad... and witches and magical girls can both be scrubs... but what is a scrub exactly...?"

Meanwhile, on top of her head, Honey-chan had its arms crossed and was looking downwards, nodding sagely along to Tsubomi's musings.

"Tastes aside, I'll be contacting Kyubey, shortly. So give me a moment. . ." Elizabeth taking a deep breath, begins focusing at something in the distance.

". . ."

Her eyebrow begins to twitch after a spell, "Welp, of course, he has be at the other end of this damned city! God damn it, you fluffy rat!"

"Eh? Mr. Kyubey's on the other side of the city? But then how were you talking to him..."

Turning towards Sarah, Tsubomi, and Kaiya, "Looks like we have to wait."

"Since we have time to spare, have any of you eaten yet?"

"Um... Not really, no..." Tsubomi admitted sheepishly, this meeting having sprung up at the same time she usually had her meal.
There was that word again! Elizabeth really did seem to be fond of it. Tsubomi closed her eyes and tilted her head as she considered this new information and began muttering to herself.

"I see... So a group of Scrubs is called a squad... and witches and magical girls can both be scrubs... but what is a scrub exactly...?"

Meanwhile, on top of her head, Honey-chan had its arms crossed and was looking downwards, nodding sagely along to Tsubomi's musings.

"It means newbie, a squad is simply a group of soldiers who work as a team."

"Eh? Mr. Kyubey's on the other side of the city? But then how were you talking to him..."

Sarah smiled widely, projecting her next thoughts to her companion, 'Like this silly!'
"It means newbie, a squad is simply a group of soldiers who work as a team."
"Ohhhhh, I get it," Tsubomi nodded, Honey-chan windmilling its arms to keep its balance on her head.

"And I do know what a squad is! I just thought it might be... You know... One of those fancy words for groups, like a pride of lions. Though now that I think about it, maybe squad would work better for squid..."

Sarah smiled widely, projecting her next thoughts to her companion, 'Like this silly!'

Tsubomi flinched in surprise as Sarah's voice reverberated in her mind the same way Mr. Kyubey's had. This time Honey-chan really was sent tumbling off of her head and Tsubomi had to fight for balance herself.

Once she wasn't in danger of falling she began gesturing wildly and trying to say something, but just couldn't seem to articulate herself properly. Despite that Sarah was still able to hear what she was thinking loud and clear.

'H-how did she do that? And how do I do it...? Wait, am I doing it now!? I think I am! Um, Sarah, can you hear this?'
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"Ohhhhh, I get it," Tsubomi nodded, Honey-chan windmilling its arms to keep its balance on her head.

"And I do know what a squad is! I just thought it might be... You know... One of those fancy words for groups, like a pride of lions. Though now that I think about it, maybe squad would work better for squid..."

Tsubomi flinched in surprise as Sarah's voice reverberated in her mind the same way Mr. Kyube's had. This time Honey-chan really was sent tumbling off of her head and Tsubomi hadto fight for balance herself.

Once she wasn't in danger of falling she began gesturing wildly and trying to say something, but just couldn't seem to articulate herself properly. Despite that Sarah was still able to hear what she was thinking loud and clear.

'H-how did she do that? And how do I do it...? Wait, am I doing it now!? I think I am! Um, Sarah, can you hear this?'

Sarah was unable to speak for laughter, but she could think just fine, 'Maybe~'
". . . Right, it seems we have everyone here? Good. Follow me."

The hooded girl leads them away, but not to far from their original meeting place.

They ended up, somehow, near a theater. Closed for renovations.

Gesturing them further into a nearby alleyway; and when finally ensured that no one might be able to see them accidentally, she transforms, casually breaking into the theater by kicking down the door.

"Get ready." Was her only warning.

Mayu held back a sigh as their mysterious overseer decided that now was the time to go and headed away. She glanced over at the others before following along, making sure to not fall too far behind. She had the feeling that it wouldn't end will if they were forced to wait on her.

At least the walk wasn't too long, sating any concerns that they might be headed to the other side of town. They ended up at a theater, one that she was fairly sure she had seen before. She had only been to a few performances though, and certainly none recently while it was closed for renovations.

Somehow she had a bad feeling about this as she followed the girl into the alleyway with the others until the road was out of sight. She knew she could handle herself, but there was still the lingering fear that their guide might attack her out off the blue. She didn't want to go through that again if she could help it. Her body tensed at the transformation, but her worries were proven temporarily unfounded as she kicked in the door to the theater rather than attacking her.

"Alright," she replied as she was told to ready up, and with a kiss to her ring she was engulfed in the light of her transformation. With that done she followed inside the theater, and prepared herself for whatever would come next. Hopefully it wasn't too bad....
". . . Yeah, 'bout that, nah, well, not because I being a bitch or anything like that, buuuuut. . ." Aoi looked a bit lost for words, "Uuh, its kinda difficult to explain, I mean, really. Umm. . . I guess explosions? Yeah, let's just go with explosions. . ."

"Kek, I'm a bit jelly of y'guys, I mean, I don't even have a kickass weapon. If I said I knew any better, Cubers, must have cheated me. . ." She pouts, in a playful manner.

Keiko shrugged.

"I'm just strong and hard to kill, not really much more too it. At least you get to make explosions."

"Explosions are... interesting." Satsuki remarked. Not that she minded knowing what Aoi could do, but she just would have to remember not to piss her off. And because of this, she would have to keep a mental note on everyone else's power. Better to be safe than sorry.

"Good thing to remember about abilities and whatnot. Say, shouldn't we go and hunt at least one of the witches now? I don't think they are gonna keep on waiting..." Satsuki mentioned. "I want to try out my powers~"

Only because Satsuki was curious about how she would do on the battlefield.

@Murderhobo of Nod @munchkinomatic @Trung-t-rung
@Trung-t-rung @Shiranui @Murderhobo of Nod
Keiko stroke her chin as she pondered on her team composition.

"Alright, I think I have a plan. First, I'll set Emi up for the damage. We go in, Satsuki CC one of the witches so senpai and Emi can gank it and burst it down. I think I'm tanky enough to zone out the other for a few seconds while you guy deal with the pick. Sounnd good?"

She explained, inner geek showing.
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". . . Yeah, 'bout that, nah, well, not because I being a bitch or anything like that, buuuuut. . ." Aoi looked a bit lost for words, "Uuh, its kinda difficult to explain, I mean, really. Umm. . . I guess explosions? Yeah, let's just go with explosions. . ."

"Kek, I'm a bit jelly of y'guys, I mean, I don't even have a kickass weapon. If I said I knew any better, Cubers, must have cheated me. . ." She pouts, in a playful manner.

"Explosions, you say."

Emi said, her eyes leveled down Aoi, studying her. Despite the way she said it, creating explosions is a pretty powerful and versatile ability, almost to the point of unfair. Maybe there's a loophole or limit to it? A limited number in a period of time? Or something like needing a sight of vision?

She silently took note in her head to watch out for her ability in the battles. While she disliked it, there was a possibility that she would have to face her, or heaven forbids all the people here in a fight. She would really need to remember all of their powers, and weaknesses as well.
"Good thing to remember about abilities and whatnot. Say, shouldn't we go and hunt at least one of the witches now? I don't think they are gonna keep on waiting..." Satsuki mentioned. "I want to try out my powers~"

"Alright, I think I have a plan. First, I'll set Emi up for the damage. We go in, Satsuki CC one of the witches so senpai and Emi can burst it down. I think I'm tanky enough to zone out the other for a few seconds while you guy deal with the pick. Sounnd good?"

"Wait, what?"

Emi uttered, dumbfounded at the series of unfamiliar terms coming out of Keiko's mouth. Was that even Japanese?

@munchkinomatic @Shiranui @Murderhobo of Nod
Keiko blinked sheepishly. Right, they probably don't speak LoL.

"Ergh... I mean Satsuki ties one of them down so you two can have your way with her while I made sure her friend doesn't try to help her. Once she stop resisting, we can move on to the next one."

Yeah, that sound about right
Sarah was unable to speak for laughter, but she could think just fine, 'Maybe~'

'I am doing it!' Tsubomi cheered mentally, even as her face broke in to a wide, triumphant grin. 'Amazing... I had no idea becoming a Magical Girl gave us telepathy too! I wonder why Mr. Kyubey never said anything...'

Meanwhile Honey-chan had recovered from its brief fall to the ground. It was now standing at Tsubomi's feet, staring up at her with its paws on its hips, doing its best to look indignant.
"Wait, what?"

Emi uttered, dumbfounded at the series of unfamiliar terms coming out of Keiko's mouth. Was that even Japanese?

Keiko blinked sheepishly. Right, they probably don't speak LoL.

"Ergh... I mean Satsuki ties one of them down so you two can have your way with her while I made sure her friend doesn't try to help her. Once she stop resisting, we can move on to the next one."

Yeah, that sound about right.

"...Right." Satsuki said with a giggle. She thought it amusing that Emi didn't know video game terms. She could understand considering how she played games with her younger sister quite often. "Although we really should get to observe before fighting. If we don't, we'll be a sitting duck if it pulls something we aren't expecting. I got that line of thinking correct, right?"

@munchkinomatic @Trung-t-rung @Murderhobo of Nod
Keiko blinked sheepishly. Right, they probably don't speak LoL.

"Ergh... I mean Satsuki ties one of them down so you two can have your way with her while I made sure her friend doesn't try to help her. Once she stop resisting, we can move on to the next one."

Yeah, that sound about right

"...Right." Satsuki said with a giggle. She thought it amusing that Emi didn't know video game terms. She could understand considering how she played games with her younger sister quite often. "Although we really should get to observe before fighting. If we don't, we'll be a sitting duck if it pulls something we aren't expecting. I got that line of thinking correct, right?"

Emi couldn't help but scowl at that. She felt like the joke or whatever Keiko was talking about just flew right above her head and she seemed to be the only one who didn't get it here. Still, she proposed a good plan. Satsuki's opinion was sound, too.

Keiko nodded.

"Sure, I want to know what we're up against." She turned to the other girl. "So, Emi, are you cool with me punching you so you can build up damage?"

"I have a bad feeling about that but fine. As long as I can punch you back when we're done. Plus, I'm not sure how much of a boost I can get in just a punch to the face, though."

Emi sighed, somehow she was pretty sure she could hear the glee in Keiko's voice there.

"...Anyway, while we generally got an idea on how we can apply our power. Aoi..."

She turned toward the senior Magical Girl, her eyes slightly narrowed with a sharp glare, though not purely out of malice.

"...Unless you have some secret strategy, please tell us the range of your power. That way, at least we can get you at a better position to save our collective asses if necessary."

@Murderhobo of Nod
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