Of Dreams, Illusions and Other Such Falsehoods [PMMM RP]

Murderhobo of Nod

The Antisocial Alpaca
The scene, surrounding the three, could've been aptly named, without a shred of a doubt, a dungeon.

There were curious and very well-used instruments dotting the room.

Some of them were simple.

Others were very elaborate.

Each an unspeakably cruel thing, that one time or the other, has experienced some use on another.

Despite serious effort to keep them all clean. Some, a few, perhaps were a certain someone's favorite set of 'toys'. Held within these devices, certain bits of viscera and dried blood were present.

Lining the room with an acidic stench of blood and decay.

As for the three present, they were having a meeting of sorts. . .

. . . One that involved the hazing of one of their own.

One who was to be tortured for some wrongdoing; a girl with dead eyes that hid within them, a fierce resolve, of sorts.

The torturer, all smiles and jokes, who, lovingly takes her time with each and every tool.

And the third girl, one who had much better things to do. But ended up becoming an eyewitness to something, she cared not for.

With her back exposed pitifully.

She had to await proper punishment from her compatriot, who, above all else. Delighted and loved things, such as this.

Happily, as ever. She began dumping hot coal on her back, again. With her favorite set of iron prongs.

One, Two, Three, Four, Five. . .

As this is very excruciating, the girl being hazed wanted to scream and cry out. But she couldn't, nor would she. As that would mean she would have to start all over again. Something that smiling sadist wanted her to do desperately.

Smiling brightly at the hell she inflicted, the artist of pain chirps up merrily.

"My my, you're getting much better at this! Third time is always the charm, huh?"

And the other girl, who sat impassively watching it all, finally spoke up too. "But its not over yet. She also has to endure the removal too."

"Yeah, there's that. But we have all night, don't we?"

And of course, there couldn't be speckle of mercy. Without shedding a tear or crying out, she pitifully endured the coals being pulled off her skin, one by one, until they finally left the last.

"Hmn, wonder how badly ol' blank eyes goof'd off. I mean normally, I don't get to do this at all. . ."

"I wonder that, myself. But since this was a direct order. . ."

"Its pretty frightening, how super-serious she is about small stuff, huh?" The torturer had the nerve, the gall, to look lost for a second, only to remove the last coal then.

"Hm, She finally did it."

"Something-something, no pain no gain?" The torturer laughed heartily.

"Now, put on your clothes and go home. Try not to screw up next time. . ."

As those two left, she waited, and waited, and waited. Until she was sure, they were long gone. Only then, did she grab her shirt to muffle a very long scream.

She will kill those two. . .

August 17th

Team Staying Alive


Despite a near disastrous run-in with another Magical Girl, at your very first night too. Things have steadied themselves into a half-decent tempo. While you have yet to uncover the true cause to your family's downfall, besides the most obvious elements. Which have been easily taken care of. . . but nevertheless, perhaps if you look deeply enough, the true culprit will reveal themselves at long last?

Even through you tried to keep your distance; Aoi still continues to bother you at times. What's her deal, anyway? She also wants you to tag along, something about adventure!


Its kinda funny how you went from dying like a fucking cockroach; to a shitty sailor moon knock-off, but hey!

You're alive, and that's all that matters in the end. Aoi seems pretty nice. A bit too nice. But she's pretty much willing to help you whenever, also she wants you for an adventure! What could it be?!


Something's clearly not right at home. Despite everyone's memories being changed, your mother's mood remains dark and sometimes bitter. But never at you or your younger sister. . . perhaps Kyubey, made a mistake?

Other than that, Aoi pops up. Here and there, to see how're you are doing. Today, she's hoping you would go an adventure with her, somewhere, but you aren't sure where. Nor is she particularly forthcoming about it.

Team Scrublords


Your parents thought you were joking, then they saw magic. Your explanation didn't make them any less worried, and you were quickly met by exorcists and priests. Failing that, self-defense courses.

Elizabeth visits you sparingly, but when she does, she's bitchy as ever. Under her 'tutelage', you feel vastly more confident in your own abilities. Today, she demanding your presence for a pet project. This outta be good. . .

Oh, don't forget about your promise tomorrow.

+1 Whistle get!


You been practicing your magic more and more; with some results to *bear* fruits no less! You think you have a long way to improve, but Honey-chan is getting only stronger! Elizabeth also seems to want you over for something, and she isn't accepting 'no' for an answer. What could it be?


You watch the news feed over and over, eating a bit too much popcorn and candy. Your feelings of smugness and self-satisfaction, is so utterly exhilarating. A Magical Girl, huh?

Well Elizabeth is a bit bitchy bossy, to say the least. But she doesn't really mean you any wrong by it. Oh, and she wants you over for something. . . a project? As she dubs 'it'.

Team Sempaiisliterallytryingtokillme

And now you're a Magical Girl. Hardly a boring day, considering your sempai the other night was actively trying to kill you. But hey, she said she was impressed! So that counts for something, right?

Oh. She also wants you over for something, if you don't show, she threatens to crush your eyes. She also seems pretty dedicated.

You just contracted and someone is already trying to kill you. Good thing, you figured out your power, right, there and then, and convinced her your something uniquely special.

Special enough, to warrant having your insides torn out, if you fail to be prompt at a certain location. She seems pretty charming.


@Nervos Belli
You had almost gotten killed in the barrier. Then you met sempai, who you thought was trying to save you. Instead, she attempted to murder you. When you fought back, hard enough. She let you go as a potential prospect.

Now, she wants you to be at a certain place. . . or she'll rip your skull from your body. She seems pretty friendly, however.

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After informing her parents of things, she quickly left and arrived where Liz wanted her, having cheated a bit by flying around some obstacles via creating a shield underneath her feat and moving it(and was she happy that she figured that one out).

Landing carefully, she looked around for her nominal tutor.
Grabbing her things, Satsuki had pondered why despite the wish she made and the changes that she had made to cover up such dark memories tormented her mother. She was outright confused at the thought of it. She did the best that she could. She didn't really had time to worry about it right now. She would do whatever she could, regardless of what happened, to make her wish worthwhile.

Today she was going to see her senpai, Aoi. She wasn't sure why in particular she had been summoned. All that she knew was that there was some big sort of adventure and she was to tag along. She barely had grasped her abilities with an axe and yet now as the days had passed, she was getting better, little by little. Being a magical girl was a lot harder than she had initially thought. She arrived to the meeting spot, hoping that whatever they were meeting for, it would be something fun to do. She didn't really want to think what was going on at home...
With her father still busy at work and her sisters thankfully busy pretending she didn't exist Tsubomi was easily able to sneak out of her home. Once she was sure she was out of sight of her house Tsubomi began excitedly skipping along the street, her face set in a contented smile. Elizabeth had invited her to go somewhere! That was definitely a thing friends did. As Tsubomi hurried to the destination Elizabeth had specified, Honey-chan could be seen bobbing up and down behind her, its head poking out from the top of her backpack. Anyone who looked hard enough might have even sworn they saw the little bear rubbing its temples as though the motion were giving it a headache.
Seeing the time on her phone, Emi couldn't help but let out a sigh. Turning off her mother's laptop, she stretched a bit before looking over all the work she had done for the last few hours. Trying to find a clue within her mother's emails and files had been a pretty fruitless endeavor so far, consider she barely knew enough about banking and economic jargons to even understand half of the contents and had to look up the net every 5 minutes.

Still, she felt like she was going the right way. Some of the things she found had been particularly interesting so far.

Oh, wait. No time for musing. Have to meet Aoi.

Damn that annoying woman. She meant well though and Emi couldn't exactly hate her for that. But what the hell had she meant by "adventure" anyway?

Now transformed into her Magical Girl form, she hopped from the window of her apartment to the nearby rooftop and to another one. Through the week, she had had some experiment with her power, the test subject being some criminal families within the Commercial Ward where she lived. A pretty safe method, in her opinion considering the gap of a human's ability and a Magical Girl's. She didn't really have a chance to actually feel how devastating her power could be though as the most she had reflected were a cut or two. Theoretically, she could do much worse than that.

Well, whatever, let's focus on the task at hand.

Shrugging to herself, Emi continued moving in the air like a phantom with the rendezvous place in mind.
Its kinda funny how you went from dying like a fucking cockroach; to a shitty sailor moon knock-off, but hey!

You're alive, and that's all that matters in the end. Aoi seems pretty nice. A bit too nice. But she's pretty much willing to help you whenever, also she wants you for an adventure! What could it be?!

Keiko took a second to correct that thought. Dying like a cockroach would be pretty fucking amazing, given how fucking disproportionately tough those bastards are. Honestly, being a cockroach sound pretty fun, being able to withstand 900 time their own weight in compression, live without a head and all that.

Maybe she should try to be like them. Magical Girl Cockroach-chan. Not the dumbest sounding one out there.

Also, fun fact, life suddenly got very confusing for Cockroach-chan, mostly from the fact that life had apparently decided to do a timeskip without informing her in advance. Her last clear memory was bleeding out in alleyway and then saved by a bunnycat who made her into a magical girl. And then it was a big, hazy mess. She apparently had gotten herself a magical senpai who are way too nice to be real and will probably shank her at sometime in the future. Keiko still had no idea how that actually happened.

The three empty scotch bottles and one very annoyed roommate probably explained how she forgot though.

But hey! Adventure! Who was she to turn down a call adventure from Miss Totallynotstabbingyoulater? She just hope that the sword and shield training she did was sufficient.

If not, tough shit.
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Ryou made her way to the meeting place, checking the time on her watch. She was about ten minutes early, which was a comfortable margin in her opinion. She wasn't going to risk upsetting the much more powerful girl whose name she still didn't know. If at all possible, staying on the good side of the girl with the lots and lots of knives was the best strategy. Presuming of course that she had a good side.

Still, for all their first encounter hadn't been exactly cordial, Ryou wasn't fully sure what to think of the girl. She had almost certainly saved Ryou's life, although immediately afterwards endangering it kind of canceled that out. Still, she could have killed Ryou at any time, but didn't. That had to count for something. And if nothing else, Ryou just had to keep being useful. That she could do.

Ryou arrived at the spot a few minutes early, looking around. "Hello," she said. "Is there anyone here?"
In the few days since she had contracted, Mayu wasn't sure about what she had gotten herself into.

Oh, she enjoyed being a magical girl, that was for sure. Superior physical reflexes, strength, even magic, those were all things that she had been stunned by. In the time since she had made her wish she had experimented with those quite a bit, and it felt like she was a natural at it. She'd even managed to adjust her schedule to fit with her activities, even if she hadn't done that much so far.

There was a good reason for that, and that was the downside to this whole thing. There was still that sociopath hanging around this part of town, and Mayu was nervous to actually do anything besides practice when she knew that Miss Amoral Scientist with her billion knives might come calling at any second. She didn't enjoy being someone's guinea pig, especially when her life was on the line.

But she was working on that. She'd done some research on the internet and learned that her weapon was called a glaive, and she had been practicing how to fight with it. She wouldn't be taken down so easily next time, she was sure of it.

Still, though she might not have exactly fond feelings for the other girl, a summon was something she couldn't ignore. Especially since she had the feeling that she would be all too willing to go through on that particular threat. So on that day she finished up her immediately pressing issues before taking her leave. "I'm heading out to meet with some friends," she called to her mother as she left, a falsehood that was only false in the description of her relationship. They were definitely not friends.

The walk was nerve wracking, with Mayu preparing herself for anything that might happen, and trying to not think of all the ways she could be horribly killed. Would this be productive, or was it some kind of test? Cause she was getting tired of staying home and dreaming about that slasher smile and roses.

She arrived at her destination a bit early, figuring that it was better to be safe than sorry when it came to this girl. Dressed in her school uniform she caught the sound of someone elses voice, and angled towards them to see what was up. It obviously wasn't her, and if it was someone uninvolved then she wouldn't want them to be caught in the crossfire.

Ryou arrived at the spot a few minutes early, looking around. "Hello," she said. "Is there anyone here?"

Catching sight of the redhead, Mayu wore a friendly smile as she waved. "Hello, I'm here. Do you need some help?" It might not be a coincidence that both of them were here now, but better to be careful and check just in case.
Ryou arrived at the spot a few minutes early, looking around. "Hello," she said. "Is there anyone here?"
Catching sight of the redhead, Mayu wore a friendly smile as she waved. "Hello, I'm here. Do you need some help?" It might not be a coincidence that both of them were here now, but better to be careful and check just in case.

Sarah started, "Oh! People! Hi!"

Jogging over, she waved, "I assume you guys are here for the same reason I am? Because an older magical girl asked us to be? I'm Sarah, though the papers have been calling me Melodious Cacophony... probably because of the several noise complaints, but still! Your names?"

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As it turns out; the meeting took place within a more secluded area of the City's park.

Aoi, somehow, arrived late to her own meet-up, by a good five minutes or so, as if she did nothing wrong, she casually walks up to talk to everyone.


Unmistakably, Aoi cried out towards the girls. Cheerfully stepping up, and waiving her good hand in a lively greeting. "Welp. I hope I didn't inconvenience y'all, with my 'great ideas'!"

Sheepishly shrugging to herself, she prattled on. "Right, so. . . Hmn, well, 'bout that adventure, I was talkin' 'bout, y'see, I take it, none of y'all have ever went on a Witch hunt, before, riiiiight?"

"In any case, that's the adventure in a nutshell."

Taking the moment to scratch the back of her head, Aoi smirked playfully. "Of course, I'm not forcing any of y'all to go do something, y'don't want anything part of."

"So, any takers?"
@Murderhobo of Nod @munchkinomatic @Trung-t-rung

A surprise indeed awaited Satsuki. apparently she wasn't the only one who had gotten into contact with Aoi.

There were two other magical girls who had made their debut as well.

"Ah, hello! I'm Satsuki. It is a pleasure to meet you guys. Kind of surprising we all ended up being found by Aoi..." Satsuki said with a sweet grin. "Anyways! I am glad that I am not the only magical girl in this adventure."

Seeing Aoi, too, was comforting. Maybe she should ask her senpai what to do in regards about Kyubey and the memories? she really didn't want to lose her parents in any manner, so...

Hearing the fact that they were going on a witch hunt made her nervous. Satsuki had tried to train. But she wasn't sure if she would be good enough in battle.

Although it would have to happen, sooner or later.

"I'll opt in." Satsuki made up her mind quickly. It was best to get experience in battle while she could.
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"Heeeeeeeya~ Scrubs!"

Elizabeth gave her heartfelt greetings, with a sly combination of a smirk and wink.

"Mmn. Wait. Where's that other, Scrub?"

Folding her arms in annoyance and making a grimace. ". . . That asshat, better not be late." Unleashing her sigh, she turns to focus on Sarah and Tsubomi. Her only two scrubs, that were actively present.

"Alright. Well it seems we're a Scrub short, a pity, concerning how timely everyone is. Anyways, how're you guys doing today?"


@Murderhobo of Nod @vyor

Without really thinking about it Tsubomi edged along to the side, placing Elizabeth between her and the new girl, Sarah.

"I'm okay, but, um... Wh-who is she?" Tsubomi asked with concern, her head timidly peeking out from behind Elizabeth's shoulder. Honey-chan pulled itself slightly out of Tsubomi's back pack and peeked over the top of her head, also staring at Sarah.
@Nervos Belli

"Good Afternoon."

A familar, yet distantly cold voice echoed from behind the two.

". . ."

Looking around, as if trying to find someone or something before finally giving up.

She sighs, and focuses her attention at the two present.

. . . That girl seemed to favor baggy, dark clothing, as her features were barely visible. Save for her face, that is.

"It seems we're missing one."

"But that doesn't matter much. Today, we're getting to the bread and butter, the crux of being a Magical Girl: hunting Witches."

"I hope you're ready. . ."

"Heeeeeeeya~ Scrubs!"

Elizabeth gave her heartfelt greetings, with a sly combination of a smirk and wink.

"Mmn. Wait. Where's that other, Scrub?"

Folding her arms in annoyance and making a grimace. ". . . That asshat, better not be late." Unleashing her sigh, she turns to focus on Sarah and Tsubomi. Her only two scrubs, that were actively present.

"Alright. Well it seems we're a Scrub short, a pity, concerning how timely everyone is. Anyways, how're you guys doing today?"


@Murderhobo of Nod @vyor

Without really thinking about it Tsubomi edged along to the side, placing Elizabeth between her and the new girl, Sarah.

"I'm okay, but, um... Wh-who is she?" Tsubomi asked with concern, her head timidly peeking out from behind Elizabeth's shoulder. Honey-chan pulled itself slightly out of Tsubomi's back pack and peeked over the top of her head, also staring at Sarah.

"I am the illustrious Melodious Cacophony!" Sarah began, "At least, that's what the press calls me, really, I'm just Sarah. Friend of Liz there. Speaking of! I'm doing great! My parents freaked out about things at first, but calmed down soon after. Now, who are you adorable one?"

"I-I'm Tsubomi. Tsubomi Kisaragi," she responded, taking a few faltering steps out from behind Elizabeth so as to face Sarah properly. Her hands were clutched tightly together in front of her as she resisted the urge to bow, Elizabeth had been very insistent that she not be so formal with other magical girls.

"Elizabeth has been helping Mr. Kyubey to train me to use my magic. I'm pretty new to this Magical Girl thing..." Tsubomi trailed off for a moment until the feeling of tiny, squishy fist bopping her on the head caught her attention.

"Oh! I almost forgot to introduce you. This is Honey-chan," Tsubomi explained, an enthusiastic grin replacing her previously uncomfortable expression as she lifted the little bear up from behind her and held him out to Sarah. Honey-chan gave her a little wave.
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Sarah smiled widely, "Nice to meet ya, Elizabeth's been doing about the same for me, she's great isn't she? Anyway, I assume Honey-chan is related to your wish? Neat."

Swiftly moving over to her, Sarah put her hand on Tsubomi's shoulder and looked into her face questioningly before speaking, "You look like good people. Mind if I call you 'Tsu'?"
"Ah, hello! I'm Satsuki. It is a pleasure to meet you guys. Kind of surprising we all ended up being found by Aoi..." Satsuki said with a sweet grin. "Anyways! I am glad that I am not the only magical girl in this adventure."
"Hello! Glad to meet you" Keiko gave a beaming smile and offered a hand. "I'm Keiko, or Cockroach-chan."

"Sure!" Keiko answered, a hand raising in the air. "I don't even know what a witch is but I think it's be fine as long as I hit it."

"Eh!?" was the most articulate response Tsubomi could form as she was overwhelmed by Sarah's sudden request and entering of her personal space.

"W-well, I... that is, I mean..." she blubbered on for several seconds, an intense blush on her face and steam practically shooting out of her ears. Honey-chan looked down and shook its head in what was most likely exasperation before delivering a squishy elbow into Tsubomi's chest. Immediately Tsubomi jerked in reaction to the surprise touch, a wave practically seeming to travel all the way up her body and briefly make her twintails stand on end as she finally forced out, "Yes, that would be nice!"
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Aoi gives both Satsuki and Keiko a thumbs up. "Yup! That's the fightin' spirit, I'm talkin' 'bout! Hell yeah!" Nodding her head very vigorously and energetically, at the two.


"Mmn, whaaaaat 'bout ya, Emi?" Aoi leans in a bit forward, towards her, "Y'been awfully quiet, something a matter, Ms. Cranky-And-Severe-All-The-Time~?" She teases, wagging her index finger at the nominally sullen girl.

"Well, besides that, it seems we're rearin' off to go~!"

". . . Jeeze, we might need that bun-bun cat."


"Good to see you two getting along nicely."

Elizabeth chuckles, "Well, we should have another Scrub, coming by sooner or later. Hmn, I guess in the meantime, Kyubey?" The last bit was aimed more at herself.

"Which reminds me. . ."

She turns dramatically to face Sarah, "Don't you dare forget about tomorrow!"
"Mmn, whaaaaat 'bout ya, Emi?" Aoi leans in a bit forward, towards her, "Y'been awfully quiet, something a matter, Ms. Cranky-And-Severe-All-The-Time~?" She teases, wagging her index finger at the nominally sullen girl.

"Emi. Nice to meet you." She replied curtly with the two other new girls. Mostly out of necessity rather than an effort to appear friendly.

"Aoi. You say this Witch Hunt is an adventure? Care elaborate more? I'm not going to stick my head in something just because you said so, you know."
"Aoi. You say this Witch Hunt is an adventure? Care elaborate more? I'm not going to stick my head in something just because you said so, you know."

"Well, it is, when y'think 'bout it."

"A barrier, after all, is sorta-kinda, a dungeon crawl give or take." She shrugs, "Point being, this is more of an exercise, on how to defeat a Witch, safely, mindya."

"Soooooo no, yes, maybe?"

". . . Pretty please~?" Aoi begged.
Elizabeth chuckles, "Well, we should have another Scrub, coming by sooner or later. Hmn, I guess in the meantime, Kyubey?" The last bit was aimed more at herself.

"Which reminds me. . ."

She turns dramatically to face Sarah, "Don't you dare forget about tomorrow!"

Tsubomi tilted her head briefly as she wondered what it was these two had planned for tomorrow, but it perked back up when she fully processed what Elizabeth had just said. "Huh? Is Mr. Kyubey going to be here?"

"Eh!?" was the most articulate response Tsubomi could form as she was overwhelmed by Sarah's sudden request and entering of her personal space.

"W-well, I... that is, I mean..." she blubbered on for several seconds, an intense blush on her face and steam practically shooting out of her ears. Honey-chan looked down and shook its head in what was most likely exasperation before delivering a squishy elbow into Tsubomi's chest. Immediately Tsubomi jerked in reaction to the surprise touch, a wave practically seeming to travel all the way up her body and briefly make her twintails stand on end as she finally forced out, "Yes, that would be nice!"

Stifling a giggle, Sarah responded with a little "Yay!" before hugging the adorable girl and her teddy bear.


"Good to see you two getting along nicely."

Elizabeth chuckles, "Well, we should have another Scrub, coming by sooner or later. Hmn, I guess in the meantime, Kyubey?" The last bit was aimed more at herself.

"Which reminds me. . ."

She turns dramatically to face Sarah, "Don't you dare forget about tomorrow!"

Stepping back away from Tsu to give her a bit of space, she turned to the commandy one and clutching her chest in mock betrayal, "How could you cast aspersions on my honor!? I would never forget such an important outing! What slight have I given you that would bring such shame upon me!?" Letting her arm drop she grinned, "Seriously though, you're going to need to choose the place, not familiar with anywhere that sells the particular treet you want."
"Well, it is, when y'think 'bout it."

"A barrier, after all, is sorta-kinda, a dungeon crawl give or take." She shrugs, "Point being, this is more of an exercise, on how to defeat a Witch, safely, mindya."

"Soooooo no, yes, maybe?"

". . . Pretty please~?" Aoi begged.


Emi looked away, avoiding Aoi's begging eyes.

"What are you, a kid begging for toys from her parents?"