Novus Anima Evangelion (NGE)

Interesting reaction on Shinji's part. Some of his prior life's experiences leaking through? Also, Misato being aparently more open regarding the circumstances of 2nd Impact. Also, Shinji is older...15>13
Catching up on the last two parts now.

"Unit-01, retreat to rail-port 3A immediately," The Commander states coolly, either not noticing or caring for the science head's outburst. "Local sonic-cannons will provide cover."

Misplaced capitalization.

"Y...yes, sir." The pilotweakly responds. Through the view-screen Unit-01 sluggishly backs away from its target, bleeding from multiple points. The Angel, sensing weakness, lunges forward only to be pushed back by a dozen streams of hyper-sonic waves fired from hidden turrets throughout the city. Zaazenach screeches, tendrils waving wildly as it attempts to extend itself past the waves to strike the turrets.

"sir," the pilot weakly

Misato awakens to the feeling of rain on her skin, goosebumps raised where the water had soaked through her dress and jacket. The sky had turned dark and cloud-swept, raining cool drops down on the city. Her head pounded dizzyingly and there was a foul taste in her mouth, but she managed to look around. I'm being carried, she realizes, testing the ropes binding her. Someone had tied her to the hood of her own car and was dragging her down the streets.

So, what, he took the hood off her car, and is using it like a sled? Where did he get rope?

Interesting choice to have Misato explain everything so readily. It gets some of the groundwork we already know about out of the way and lets you go explore new things, so that's a plus, but I have to wonder what's so different this time that she's willing to explain it now. Though, I spose the same is true of Rebuild, come to think of it.

It's interesting to me, also, that Shinji's role in this has not yet been explained to him--though perhaps, in the way Misato says it's "our" responsibility to protect the world, this is implied.

I don't know, though: this exposition is purely functional--it might cast Shinji as a little more angry about things instead of passive, but that's all I can see. Beyond that, I'm not sure how necessary it is. That Shinji has the ingenuity and forethought to tie Misato to something to get her to safety--that in itself speaks volumes about his character now.
So, what, he took the hood off her car, and is using it like a sled? Where did he get rope?

Interesting choice to have Misato explain everything so readily. It gets some of the groundwork we already know about out of the way and lets you go explore new things, so that's a plus, but I have to wonder what's so different this time that she's willing to explain it now. Though, I spose the same is true of Rebuild, come to think of it.

It's interesting to me, also, that Shinji's role in this has not yet been explained to him--though perhaps, in the way Misato says it's "our" responsibility to protect the world, this is implied.

I don't know, though: this exposition is purely functional--it might cast Shinji as a little more angry about things instead of passive, but that's all I can see. Beyond that, I'm not sure how necessary it is. That Shinji has the ingenuity and forethought to tie Misato to something to get her to safety--that in itself speaks volumes about his character now.
You are rapidly becoming my favorite reader. (Sorry, Stryp. :p)

Indeed, this last bit was a means of showing off some of Shinji's new character as well as glossing over bits of exposition the readers already know about, while still showing how Shinji reacts. I'm working on making future scenes more organic in that respect, so hopefully you'll notice improvement. Notice that while Misato explained part of the nature of the Angels, she didn't actually state their connection to Second Impact outright, and as you'll see in the coming chapter...Gendo didn't actually call Shinji to Tokyo. He came of his own accord.

As for the rope, he probably took a leaf from canon! Misato and broke into a store. That's what happens to boys without a father's guiding hand! For shame. I edited in a couple of lines explaining where he found the stuff. The car hood was busted and came off easily after the shockwave hit it.
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Could have been in the trunk. I know I keep 100 ft of rope there for emergencies.
It's espeially true if you live out in the countryside well away from most towns. Heck I wouldn't put it past it that Misato has some in her car, just incase, she was once part of the UN Military so that kind preparedness is to be expected.
You are rapidly becoming my favorite reader. (Sorry, Stryp. :p)

Nah, it's cool. I'd be the first to admit I'm not the greatest at literary analysis. Now, if you want a tactical analysis of your fic, that's more my field. :)

Shinji being less withdrawn and a little older is going to have fun effects later on, come to think of it. He was mostly immune to Misato walking around the apartment wearing tight cutoff shorts and a lose tank-top in canon because he was so withdrawn. Being older and a little more outgoing... he's going have a much harder time not staring. And if/when Asuka shows up and does much the same? Oh dear. Their eyes are up here, Shinji!

Nah, it's cool. I'd be the first to admit I'm not the greatest at literary analysis. Now, if you want a tactical analysis of your fic, that's more my field. :)

Shinji being less withdrawn and a little older is going to have fun effects later on, come to think of it. He was mostly immune to Misato walking around the apartment wearing tight cutoff shorts and a lose tank-top in canon because he was so withdrawn. Being older and a little more outgoing... he's going have a much harder time not staring. And if/when Asuka shows up and does much the same? Oh dear. Their eyes are up here, Shinji!
Let's be honest here, for Asuka, Shinji staring at her is probably just what she wants him to do. Heck if he shows some interest in her, she's probably be a bit nicer to him, girl's an attention hog at the best of time. (This is counting on her being more Soryu, rather Shikinami, who is a different character.)
Let's be honest here, for Asuka, Shinji staring at her is probably just what she wants him to do. Heck if he shows some interest in her, she's probably be a bit nicer to him, girl's an attention hog at the best of time. (This is counting on her being more Soryu, rather Shikinami, who is a different character.)
...Heh. :V
I... I really don't really know how worried I should be...
Shinji's different. Rei, Misato, and Gendo seem to be too. What makes you think Asuka won't be as well? She might now find Shinji staring rapturously at her figure to be frightening, insulting, or worse.

Or maybe this time she's into Rei. :V
Shinji's different. Rei, Misato, and Gendo seem to be too. What makes you think Asuka won't be as well? She might now find Shinji staring rapturously at her figure to be frightening, insulting, or worse.

Or maybe this time she's into Rei. :V
Hm, good point. Have to remember that've changed not in considerably. for all we know Asuka's completely focused on fighting the Angels and ensuring that everyone isn't reduced to tang. (again)
Wow. How the hell have I not noticed this story until now? Quite the interesting take on writing a Peggy-Sue, to say the least.

I'm liking the small changes in the characters so far, and the designs of those Archangels are pretty awesome; Kinda curious as to how Galgagiel was beaten. The way I understand it so far, he was defeated not too long before Zaazenach (damn names) made its appearance. Did Galgy go into hiding or something after its fight with Asuka, or did it take literally two years to kill it? :o

Keep up the good work, this is looking to be pretty great.
I'm liking the small changes in the characters so far, and the designs of those Archangels are pretty awesome; Kinda curious as to how Galgagiel was beaten. The way I understand it so far, he was defeated not too long before Zaazenach (damn names) made its appearance. Did Galgy go into hiding or something after its fight with Asuka, or did it take literally two years to kill it? :o

I find it more likely that they carefully kept Galgy alive, carefully and repeatedly tearing enough bits off of it to keep it from becoming a threat again but trying not to take off so much that it died and let the next Angel through the door. Eventually they either slipped and took off too much, or Galgy managed to pull enough energy together to self-destruct before they could stop him. Or he just broke out like Mari's first fight in Rebuild.
Or like Sachiel, he fought until he thought he was about to lose, and went BOOM. Angels seem to be sore losers. I think Asuka won in the end some way, since that would probably have come up if she'd died or lost. Well, if they'd really lost, Shinji would probably have seen it on the news. Come to think of it, why doesn't he know? A major fleet engagement close enough to shore for people to see it, with we already know thousands of casualties and lots of ships wrecked means lots of family members and other people who know something happened. So even if Shinji's not watching the nightly news, shouldn't he have heard something?
I think Asuka won in the end some way, since that would probably have come up if she'd died or lost.

But shouldn't Zaazy have appeared way before now if Galgy died in that first encounter back in 2013? That's assuming that these Archangels follow the same rule of appearing shortly after one another, of course.

Asuka probably won the day, either by Unit-02 going Protective Mama Mode or by pulling a huge rabbit out of her hat, but I find it unlikely that Galgy died in that clash. As for the lack of worlwide information... SEELE is pretty darn efficient at what they do, I suppose.

I find it more likely that they carefully kept Galgy alive, carefully and repeatedly tearing enough bits off of it to keep it from becoming a threat again but trying not to take off so much that it died and let the next Angel through the door.

And how would they contain that thing? Pulling an X-COM on something like that sounds like something really hard to do. :D
Come to think of it, why doesn't he know? A major fleet engagement close enough to shore for people to see it, with we already know thousands of casualties and lots of ships wrecked means lots of family members and other people who know something happened. So even if Shinji's not watching the nightly news, shouldn't he have heard something?
The short of it is that there was a cover story, any surviving military (of which there was admittedly little) was basically told to keep their mouth shut, and anyone who didn't was just assigned for psychological rehab when they started screaming about giant monsters and robots. Some hazy video footage is floating around the internet, but people being people, don't want to believe it or dismiss it as falsification. Not to mention Seele being pretty good at keeping an eye on anyone with actual ability to leak the truth before they want it leaked.

As for what kind of cover? Well...lemme just wave my hands around. :whistle:

Update should be coming tonight or definitely tomorrow afternoon, depending. Extra-length!
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Chapter 2/2.22: Reunion (Part One)
Author's Note: Fans of @EarthScorpion will spot a shout-out to his work in this bit, and a lot of my Angel descriptions in the text are stylized after his Harbinger and Herald descriptions to help make them seem alien and godly. Credit where it's due: that guy writes some great hard-ish sci-fi and cosmic horror. Now, on to the story!

Novus Anima Evangelion

Chapter 2/2.22: Reunion (Part One)

Frozen in space above the outskirts of Tokyo, the gap through which the Angel reached through grew wider, spreading and curling back in on itself with barbed fingers. A flat space of transparent force stretches forward, tested by the powers lingering in Zaazenach's pulsing heart. A small tear opens in the membrane, the reasserted will of reality being torn asunder once more. Nameless particles and theoretically impossible shifts occur in the dead space around the portal, losing a siren call to all those with ears to hear.

Time had run out.


Gendo watches as the blue-haired child is hoisted from the LCL bath, the viscous contents having mixed with her blood into a dark crimson, almost black syrup. The doctors cut away Rei's plugsuit, peeling back the latex to expose savage, ragged gashes along her chest and arms. The worst of her wounds: two clean punctures directly above her breasts and out her back, and a four-inch slice across her belly. Tubes are forced down her throat, oxygen pumped into a body too weak to pull any in itself.

A single ping in his left ear - a call waiting his approval. There was only three people allowed to contact him at the moment, and only if the situation had vastly declined or improved: Dr. Akagi, the professor, or Lieutenant Ibuki, who has been placed on temporary assignment over the MAGI. Akagi had only just entered the repair bay's healing tank to assist with repair of Unit-01. Kozo was busy entertaining the Japanese government, managing communications between the U.N.'s military and arranging for evacuation in case of mission failure. That left only one likely possibility - unless Seele had been truly rattled by the Angel's display. He raises a finger to the earpiece, clicking the surface twice.

"Speak," he intones coldly, watching without expression as the surgery begins.

"Commander Ikari," Ibuki's voice is steady, but tinged with fear. "The target's entropy shell has ruptured and pattern blue signal strength is rising. Melchior and Balthazar posit breach of the geo-front within forty minutes. Casper predicts twenty-five."

Twenty-five? How cynical of you, Naoko.

Behind orange lenses, his eyes narrow. Seele ought to have attempted contact by now - with the Scrolls having proven inaccurate a second time, panic should have set in. Perhaps they took the arrival of the Third as a sign their predictions were only misaimed, rather than utterly worthless as they truly were. If so, they are bigger fools than I believed. And we have already failed.

Katsuragi had not reported in since her departure to retrieve his son over an hour ago. Given the proximity that Shinjuku Station had held in relation to the N2 drop, it was likely she never would. Which led to the conclusion that...


"Your report has been noted. Inform me if the situation changes." he ends the call, eyes never leaving the prone girl on the table, being stitched, stapled, and bandaged back together. An unfamiliar sensation pricks in his chest, feelings long buried threatening to resurface. Gendo entertains them for the tiniest fraction of a moment, thinking back to a summer-lit day and warm brown eyes staring into his own, ever so curious and full of life.

With a thought, he banishes the image, cold clarity and focus returning to his mind. Melancholy was the trap of a beaten man, turning his eyes from the present to hide in the past. He would not hide from anything, or anyone. This Angel posed no threat to his scenario, so long as Unit-01 remained functional. Rei would meet his expectations, as she always had, and NERV's authority would swell with the success. From there funding would be secured for the latest array of experimental upgrades to weapons and armor, and Unit-02 would be transferred to the city to supplement the defense. With two Evangelions NERV would command enough power to conquer a nation, if it so chose.

Yet the cold could not disguise the grievous flaw in his projections, dispassion only enhancing awareness of the problem he faced. Yui had not awoken. Gendo had always been certain that if Rei should fall in battle, the spirit in Unit-01 would surface to defend the girl. Rei had not been begotten of her flesh, but she was of the same blood. At the very least, Yui should have asserted control long enough to defend the scenario they had worked towards, delaying the death of humanity until its due time.

But his assumptions meant nothing against the truth he'd seen. The Angel had savaged all threats before it. Rei had been recalled, hemorrhaging and battered, and Unit-01 remained dormant. Something was amiss.

A chime sounded in his ear. "Yes?"

Fuyutsuki voice, sounding relieved. "Ikari, there's good news. Security has informed me of the use of an emergency access in the business district, with elevator access into the geo-front. Cameras show Major Katsuragi and your son are inside, both relatively unharmed. I'm sending an escort to greet them."

"Good. Katsuragi's presence will be invaluable for the reengagement of the Angel. See to it they are brought to the repair bay."

"They, Ikari?"

"I have little patience for coyness, professor. Yui appears to have rejected Rei, and the Angel stands unopposed. We will need to use a substitute. Continue managing the operation in my stead." he pauses. "I will see to it the boy cooperates."

"The boy," Kozo echoes, amused. "Even Seele would see you're trying especially hard to remain distant."

Gendo ends the call with a tap of his finger, gloved hands falling smoothly to his side. His eyes linger on the operating table for a moment longer, before he turns on his heel and strides away. The Sub-Commander's weakness, as always, was sentimentality. He saw this as a fortuitous reunion, a dramatic confrontation bringing father and son together again. It was almost amusing, the thought. And misguided.

Shinji was a tool, little more. He would bend to the role fate had assigned him, or he would break. Either way, the scenario would go on.

The cool air of the elevator makes Shinji shiver, hands rubbing against his exposed arms. The lights above were dim, making the space seem tight and suffocating. In the darkness, he sees Misato's concerned eyes staring back at him, hidden half behind shadow. So cold… The lights grow darker, space in the elevator falling away into darkness until he stands alone, standing on a single platform of light.

The cold grows deeper, cutting through his lungs and carving his throat like shards of glass. He chokes, calls for help bloody and strangled. His platform shrinks, and shrinks...and he falls into the abyss.

Falling, falling, so cold

The air screams with heat. She grits her teeth, bearing the pain. She had to - or the boy would die.

father don't leave me I'll be good

He bit into the doll-faced threat's bleeding, rent torso, tasting the power of its heart and taking it for his own. He rises, feeling himself swell. Crimson burns in his chest.


Light. Sick, gleaming crimson. Bright and harsh and evil. He floats before the gaze of a god and is found wanting-


Shinji blinks, chocolate eyes looking into his own reassuringly, hands warm on his cheeks. "You're not out there anymore," Misato says slowly, comfortingly. "You're safe and sound. Nothing can hurt you here. Right?"

"R-right…" He flushes, the intensity of her stare making him avert his gaze. "...Thanks."

She flashes a smile and retreats, folding her arms and leaning into the wall. "Don't mention it. A.T. Field sickness - what closeness to an Angel causes - is nasty stuff on its own, even without everything else you've been through," she runs her tongue over her teeth wistfully. "Besides, I owe you one."

Owe me? He realized what she means and blanches. "It was nothing," Shinji protests. "Anyone would've done the same."

"An adult, maybe. Most fifteen year old boys wouldn't have," she counters. "Most would've curled up into a ball and cried, or taken advantage. But you didn't. You carried me through the city on your own, with nothing but your wits and your muscles. You were able to think clearly under pressure, tackle a problem, and save a life. That's not any old thing, Shinji. That's strength."

Shinji gapes at her, surprise in his face. But the surprise curdles, and he grimaces. "I'm not strong."

Misato opens her mouth to speak, but then they finally pass the threshold of metal shaft and the dark windows along the elevator are awash with color. They'd finally entered the geo-front, with forest and lakes running for miles in all directions, banishing the darkness with the light of human ingenuity. Shinji turns, curious.


Agape, Shinji rushes to the window and presses his face against the glass, eyes wide with disbelief. Light - precious, wonderful light, so warm on his skin. And beyond....

"There's no way…" he breathes reverently, a hesitant grin splitting his face. "I thought the geo-fronts weren't even being constructed yet!"

"NERV's example was the test-bed to get funding for the rest," Misato beams, bathed in the orange glow of the artificial sunlight. "A fully functional biosphere, capable of supporting animal and human life alike, running the distance of the entire city. If the surface ever became uninhabitable, this geo-front and others like it would be the ark in which humanity would survive."

"...It's beautiful." Shinji whispers, turning his eyes skyward. Arrayed along the roof of the cavern, dozens upon dozens of towers and blocky constructs hang above the forests and lakes, supported by beams and clamps. The bunkers… How many lives were being held in those safe-zones, taking sanctuary beneath the city from the Angel? Were they scared? Did they even know what was really happening up there?

"They've been informed that the city is under attack," Misato answers knowingly, following his gaze. "There's about a hundred thousand people populating the city, a fair bit of them being NERV personnel or family of someone working here. When this is over, the U.N. will release a statement explaining the situation with the Angels to an extent, so no teenage boys will need to be rescued by gorgeous ladies again."

"Their loss!" they both chirp at once. Shinji smiles despite himself and Misato huffs amusedly, glad to see whatever melancholy had overcome him fade. They both watch the sprawling lands slowly be overtaken by the darkness of the elevator shaft, and all is quiet for some time after.

Misato looks to the camera situated in the corner, lenses fixed pointedly on the both of them. Security was certainly aware of their presence by now, which meant that Commander Ikari had been informed his son was alive. Was he relieved? Did he even care? If not, then why had she been sent out to retrieve him? Sure, I'm not as susceptible to A.T. Field sickness as a section two grunt, but I'm also the EVA operations director.

The fact of it was that she wouldn't have been selected if it wasn't imperative that Shinji make it into the geo-front. Boasting aside, she was too valuable to be risked on anything else, especially with the Third Angel right on their doorstep. Commander Ikari didn't strike her as someone given to familial sentiment, though. If he wanted his son, it wasn't for a happy purpose.

Her smile fades, dawning realization closely followed by a small twist of sickness. He can't really intend for him to…

"Misato…" Shinji begins tentatively, brow furrowed contemplatively. "Can I ask you something?"

"Hm? Sure. Ask away."

"My father...he's been working here for a while? Helping prepare for the Angels."

"Yes," she nods, curious. "For many years, from what I know."

"I see…" he's quiet for a moment, something old and hurt flickering across his eyes, vanishing as quick as it came. "This will sound weird, but...does a girl stay with him? Blue eyes, or red contacts? She's probably about my age."

Misato stiffens. How does he know about…?

The elevator dings, and the doors part to reveal two guards, clearly section two by their dark attire, and a familiar blonde-framed face watching expressionlessly. She's covered up that beauty mark of hers. Misato notes sadly. I liked that little thing.

She forces herself to beam, giving a big toothy grin. "Heya, Rits. Here to welcome me back?"

"The commander wants both of you in the repair bay," Dr. Akagi replies curtly, tightening her labcoat around the LCL-slick swimwear clinging to her skin. "I volunteered to come along in case your inability to navigate the base somehow infected the escorts."

You weren't always immune yourself, Rits.

Part of her former friend's words circles back around, hitting her from behind. "Both of us," she repeats, getting a short nod in return. Misato frowns, glancing at a rather distracted Shinji, who appears to be struggling between the options of paying attention to the conversation or trying to subtly peek at the head scientist's chest. So I was right. They want to use him as a substitute.

Her smile melts into a frosty glare, disapproval radiating off her to ineffectually batter against the stone-carved Akagi. "Will he be meeting us there?"

"Yes," Ritsuko confirms, smirking. "I'm sure the both of you can talk things out." she turns to Shinji, who stares back with narrowed eyes. "...Hm. Yes, you'll do."

"Shinji, this is Dr. Ritsuko Akagi," Misato grits out. "She's the head scientist of the Project E division."

"Quite so," Dr. Akagi turns and begins leading them down the halls, closely followed by a storm-faced Misato. Shinji swallows, following behind the older women and glancing back nervously at the armed guard. They were taking him to his father, if he was understanding right. But the way that Misato had reacted, and the way the blonde woman had smirked...he didn't like that look.

His eyes flit between fiery Misato and icy 'Rits', measuring the likelihood of getting a straight answer out of either of them. He bites his lip, chewing away bloody and dead skin, and decides to keep quiet, lowering his head. They walk briskly through winding, seemingly randomly designed halls - he didn't understand the blonde-woman's disdainful attitude towards Misato. You could get lost easily in a place like this!

He said as much and got an approving look for his efforts, but was otherwise ignored. Shinji chews his lip again, finding it hard to stop. When he'd come to this city he'd been...thought he'd been prepared, coming on his own terms, brimming with indignant and just anger. He wouldn't run away this time, he told himself. He'd stand his ground and make his father explain himself, once and for all.

He almost laughed. It didn't matter what Shinji did, or how hard he tried to gain the upper-hand. His father always reduced him to a tired, insignificant brat. Granted, he hadn't expected the way of accomplishing that would involve giant robots and screaming monsters. But I suppose I should've.

"You can go," Akagi waves off the guards dismissively, then switching to her other tag-alongs. "We're taking a lift the rest of the way. Get on."

They obey, and Misato and Shinji look at one another before following suit. The lift begins to rise, the occupants shadowed and outlined only by ominous rays of amethyst to the sides. Shinji blinks, eyes straining to see in the odd mix of light and dark. There was something in that light, he realized, squinting. His eyes could just make out the outline of some outstretched shape, far larger than him.

...Is that a hand?

"We're here."

The lift reaches its destination and they are plunged into darkness. Shinji looks around anxiously, hands reaching out. "Ms. Misato?"

There is a hissing noise, and the world is plunged into white.

The lights were bright, harsh. Shinji raised an arm, trying to block out the glare, as he blinked furiously, through tear-blurred eyes. They were in some kind of chamber, vast in scope and surrounded by dark-tinted windows through which could be seen dozens of moving figures.

A face could now be seen to be staring back at him. A vast, inhuman, monstrous face, mounted on titanic shoulders that protruded from a sea of dark, orange liquid, ripples lazily propagating across the surface. It was wrought in purple and green, with a horn the length of a telephone pole cresting atop its head, the tip gleaming sharp.

Golden eyes staring right at him. Shinji felt his skin crawl, and he knew in this instant that he was being measured - dissected.

It wasn't just staring at him.

It was looking at him.

He let out a yelp, and jumped backwards, back into the reassuringly solid figure of Major Katsuargi. He clung to her, unthinking, as he gasped for breath, shivering and trembling.

"I got ya," Misato says, eyes gleaming with repressed amusement. "Don't worry, it doesn't bite."

Ritsuko glared at Misato, eyes narrowed, and then cleared her throat. "Behold," she said, with more than a little hint of pride. "The zenith of modern engineering and innovation; a Capital-Grade Titan-Class Bipedal Arcanocyberxenobiological War Machine," she took a breath. "Evangelion Unit 01."

The boy could only stare up at the thing.

"This is the prototype model, outfitted with the best technology and defenses the world has to offer. And we believe this is the best hope we have for killing the Third Angel."

Shinji stepped away from Misato, who merely looked a bit amused, and coughed. "So... uh, this is some kind of...giant mecha, then?"

Ritsuko looks at Shinji pityingly, eyes disdainful. "Giant robots are ridiculous fiction and would be worse than useless in combat against an Angel. They lack the Absolute Territory field to penetrate its defenses, rendering any attacks useless. Only the Evangelions are equipped with a field of their own, enabling them to harm the enemy without use of an N2 mine, not to mention providing first-layer protection against A.T. Field sickness and Ego erosion."

"...." Shinji stares uncomprehendingly. "Uh huh."

"It lets you punch Angels in the face without going crazy," Misato sums up helpfully.

"Oh," Shinji swallows, loosening his death-grip on the major and stepping forward. His fear had abated, now that he could more clearly recognize the giant that had saved him back in the city, bearing the scars of its efforts. "So this is what my father has been working on…" he whispers.

"Quite so," a familiar timbre declares from above, the chilled tone passing through Shinji's heart and leaving frozen ruin in its wake. Eyes turn upwards to a suddenly clear window, through which Gendo Ikari stands visible, a confident smirk on his face.

"It's been a long time, Shinji," he says, as if one might note the weather.

Shinji's eyes narrow, meeting his gaze with clenched fists. "...Father."
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Hmm. Looks like Shinji is remembering bits and pieces of a previous timeline. I've been rather confused since I read the start of the fic. There was no explanation for the alteration that resulted in a completely different Angel attacking Germany and Asuka deploying to fight it(and we still don't know how that fight ended since the scene ended with, IIRC, about two & a half minutes left on her battery and having been forced to jettison most of her armor since it wasn't designed for battle on land, and then Shinji's arriving in Tokyo 3 many moths later)
Story Notes: Echoes of the Past
There was no explanation for the alteration that resulted in a completely different Angel attacking Germany and Asuka deploying to fight it(and we still don't know how that fight ended since the scene ended with, IIRC, about two & a half minutes left on her battery and having been forced to jettison most of her armor since it wasn't designed for battle on land, and then Shinji's arriving in Tokyo 3 many moths later)
There is a plan here, and I've already ironed out why what's happening is happening. Explanations will come eventually. Not immediately, but there should be enough clues along the way to tie in to the big reveal. Some have already been placed, and you might spot them if you look back through the last chapter.

Asuka's fate will be revealed down the line.

Edit: Here's a hint that might help you out. If Shinji is unconsciously remembering things that are altering his behavior, who is to say that he's the only one being affected by those 'echoes' of the old timeline? And who's to say if they haven't lived their whole new lives being nudged by those memories?

And if humans can, very very deep down, remember the past? How much do you think the Angels remember? Are they truly different entities, or just old faces with new shapes?
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And if humans can, very very deep down, remember the past? How much do you think the Angels remember? Are they truly different entities, or just old faces with new shapes?

Hmmm. Gaghiel/Galgiel remembers that fighting Unit-02 underwater is a losing proposition so it ran for land to evolve to its land-combat form where it hopes to have a better chance. Leileil got lazy and was ripped apart from the inside as a result, so Zazzy is being a bit more proactive... Oh crap. Ramiel and Aerael's evolutions are gonna be serious problems if they know how they were killed the first time around.
My hat's off to you, sir. You are effectively making this holy-shit scary-awesome while doing it in a manner that is rather subtle.
Behind orange lenses, his eyes narrow. Seele ought to have attempted contact by now - with the Scrolls having proven inaccurate a second time, panic should have set in. Perhaps they took the arrival of the Third as a sign their predictions were only misaimed, rather than utterly worthless as they truly were. If so, they are bigger fools than I believed. And we have already failed.

I have mixed feelings about this: this tells us that folks know something is wrong pretty clearly, but I always have concerns about delivering such vital information in narration. I like narration for ambiance and mood setting, for giving background that can help smooth over perceived inconsistencies, but for us readers to piece together what's going on--this is a big deal.

Misato looks to the camera situated in the corner, lenses fixed pointedly on the both of them. Security was certainly aware of their presence by now, which meant that Commander Ikari had been informed his son was alive. Was he relieved? Did he even care? If not, then why had she been sent out to retrieve him? Sure, I'm not as susceptible to A.T. Field sickness as a section two grunt, but I'm also the EVA operations director.

You flip back and forth between Misato's thoughts and Shinji's in this passage. I've heard some people recommend not doing that--that it can be disorienting--but I personally didn't have a big problem with it here. Just noting it.

"Quite so," A familiar timbre declares from above, the chilled tone passing through Shinji's heart and leaving frozen ruin in its wake. Eyes turn upwards to a suddenly clear window, through which Gendo Ikari stands visible, a confident smirk on his face.

Lowercase "a"

Again, probably the most important thing about this segment was learning that Gendo knows we're way off script. Shinji's comment about Rei is, I think, a good hint that he can remember something vaguely. Gendo's ruminations on how Yui rejected Rei were interesting also, though really, they only serve to give context to his actions.

Indeed, about a third of this installment is about giving context to Gendo and then retreading the leadup to Shinji piloting. I suspect some more of that latter bit could've been glossed over or skipped? You showed Shinji and Misato talking about the Geofront--which I can't see being too important--but snuck in Gendo's thoughts on being off script in narration.
Thanks for the scan, as usual. Most readers will probably find Gendo's segment most engaging, yes, as it holds clues to the new setting and isn't based on anything shown in episode one. That said, I felt it was necessary to give Shinji and Misato their time to interact and bounce off one another to help establish their new dynamic. It could have been skipped over, yes, but I feel the fluff between important plot scenes helps keep the story feeling organic rather than procedural. And it would have been remiss of me to simply have Shinji brush off the experience with Zaazenach so easily.

Like I mentioned earlier, the story isn't so much radically off-script, Angels aside, as taking a step to the left (for now). Coming reveals will show where much of the new developments and characterization stems from, though. While you guys are right in that old memories are coloring the actions and reactions of the characters including the Angels, you may be wrong on when that effect came into play. Some changes are simply old experiences leading to altered attitudes: but those alterations butterfly outwards and lead to different choices, which leads to different scenarios. And so on.

If Gendo in the past made a choice of (1.1) instead of (1), and the subsequent choice added another (1.1) instead of (1), then the final tally will ultimately be far disposed from the original. His choices then affect Shinji's choices, and so on. The same is true of here. I just wish I could write faster so that the context and explanations you all crave could come quicker. :p
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