Not Quite SHODAN (ST SI)

Enohthree said:
Since when has Oculus been able to do this level of augmented reality?!?
This is a serious question, someone tell me.
It's not augmented reality. He's just seeing a virtual room through the Oculus Rift and chose to physically place himself in the same situation he is in the virtual room to make it feel more real.

Though you could do augmented reality with an Oculus Rift - put a gopro or something on your head in addition to the rift, send the input from the gopro to a backpack computer, have the computer add the virtual characters/elements to the landscape and send the completed image to the Oculus Rift.
I have decided that it is as good place to pause this story for now. The first part of Winter the Planeswalker is ready for betaing instead.

I even have a title prepared for this one! :p
Hiver said:
I have decided that it is as good place to pause this story for now. The first part of Winter the Planeswalker is ready for betaing instead.

I even have a title prepared for this one! :p
I can't believe anything on this falsest of days.